Mythical Tyrant

Chapter 1058: Time cane

The first thousand and fifty-eight chapters of time cane

The value of 500 million contributions is definitely not a small amount. It can be exchanged for many treasures and secrets, and countless people will be jealous.

Even those who have been trained to be taller than Takuno, because there is no power to read, the ability to collect treasures is far less than that of Takino, so it is very difficult to accumulate 500 million contributions.

Among the guardianships of Ming Wangzong, it is rare for people with contributions worth more than 500 million.

What's more, Takino has only paid two missions, and the contribution value has broken 500 million. This is also amazing.

"Xuanyu's law is too powerful, I am afraid he will soon be valued by the top of the Ming Dynasty."

"No one would have thought that he was only trained in the fairyland, but he had such skills. He accumulated 500 million contributions in a short period of time. This created a record. No one is faster than he has accumulated contributions. ""

"The Mingxin son recruited Xuanyu, and it seems that he has become a heir in the future."


Mingxin also heard the argument, and he was in a very good mood.

Xuan Yu performed so well and gave him a long face.

What's more, if Xuan Yu can be valued by the top, he can also make meritorious deeds.

"Xuanyu brothers, you are really good, go, let's celebrate." Mingxin said with a smile.

"Thank you for your kindness." Takuno did not refuse.

He must have a good relationship with the heart because they are a person on board.

Next, I am afraid that the other four core disciples will find a way to deal with him, because his dazzling performance poses a threat to the four core disciples.

This is a very normal thing. The five core disciples will compete, and the number of dead will not be small. In particular, the outsiders such as Takino are even cannon fodder.

Takino is more valued and the danger will be even greater.

He stood with Ming Xin and will protect him with heart, so he doesn't have to expose too much strength.

Next, he has to wait for an opportunity to build new merits so that he can qualify for the Tianwang Mountain.

To collect treasures, he does not want to continue to do it.

So many treasures were handed over to Ming Wangzong. He was very sad. If he could get Jiuyin Water and Jiuyang Flower, it doesn't matter. If he didn't get Jiuyin Water and Jiuyang Flower, he would lose money.

He thought about it, find a time, and convert all the contributions into treasures and secrets, so that you can lose less.

His performance has been known to the people of Ming Wangzong, and it is of no use to retain the value of contribution.

Originally, those contributions can be exchanged for cultivation resources, such as a good cultivation place, but he does not need it. He did not join Ming Wangzong for cultivation.

"Go, let's go."

In the evening, they celebrated in the heart of the house, which was extremely lively, and Tuoyuan became the protagonist and envied.

For these, Takuya has no concern.

Early the next morning, he went to exchange treasures.

He glanced at it. The treasures that can be exchanged were actually limited. There were no high-quality treasures and secrets of Buddhism. He had to retreat to the next and exchanged his contribution value with his secret of no Buddha.

In contrast, the secrets of those Buddhist monks are still higher. If he takes back the holy world, the secret of the Buddha can sell high prices.

The secrets of Buddhism are unique. Many immortals want to learn, and Buddhism and Taoism are double-educated.

It’s just that there is no Buddha in the holy world, so it is too difficult to get the secret of Buddhism.

The extension of the wilderness to a large number of Buddhist secrets, seems to be for himself, in fact, in order to get back to the holy fairyland for sale.

‘Unless it’s a high-grade Buddha’s secret, other people can’t look at it.

The number of Buddha gates obtained from the Ice Palace is so large that it is beyond his imagination. He only selected the secrets of high-grade Buddhas for enlightenment.

Other Buddhist secrets, he just scanned it again and knew the name.

Of course, he will not repeat the secrets of the Buddha. He will exchange the secrets of the Buddha that he does not have. There are still many contributions left, and he is converted into a fairy medicine and a fairy.

As for Fobao and Xiandan, there is too much value to be contributed. He is too lazy to exchange, and he can refine it himself.

The value of 500 million contributions has been spent by him in a very short period of time, and there is nothing left.

For him, the contribution value is of no use and he may leave at any time.

It is better to redeem the treasures that he needs first. When he gets the nine yin water and the nine yang flowers, he can leave at any time without worrying about the value of the contribution.

He was somewhat worried that if he was discovered, he would have no trouble and could escape directly.

After the redemption was completed, he hurried back.

"Look, he is Xuan Yu, and he has joined the Ming Dynasty Wang Zongcai for more than a month. There are actually 500 million contributions."

"He is Xuan Yu, and he can't see anything strange."

"It turned out to be a strong man of heaven, how did his treasures come from?"


Being pointed at by others, Tuoye has always been somewhat unaccustomed.

He stepped up and hoped to return to the house of Mingxin earlier.

Suddenly, a strong man stopped his way.

"You are Xuan Yu."

Takino looked up and saw a man with a hooked nose in front of him. His eyes were very sacred and his body was murderous and he was not good at it.

"I am Xuan Yu, do you have anything to do with me?" Takuya wilderness.

No matter what the other party is, he is not in the heart.

In fact, he already knew that after the fame, there was no trouble, and now it seems that the guess is right.

"Xuan Yu, good boy, I am called Zhang Man, I will challenge you." Zhang sullenly shouted.

Takino looked at Zhang’s madness, and Zhang’s madness turned out to be a mid-term strongman in the mysterious fairyland, and it’s also the guardianship of Ming Wangzong.

He knew that he was so famous that he was alarmed by some powerful law-protection, and now he is challenging him.

Hiding can't hide, and you have to face it sooner or later.

In this case, it is better to face it earlier.

However, if the other party wants to compare, he certainly will not agree.

"You have to challenge me."

"Yes, I will fight with me if I have the ability." Zhang is very arrogant.

Takuno said, "I am not interested. If you can take out the bet I am interested in, you can barely fight with you, otherwise don't bother me."

Since the other party is arrogant, he is not willing to show weakness.

The test can't be compared to a white test, and there are always some benefits. Otherwise, it will be seen as a monkey.

Zhang laughed out loudly: "Haha... I really didn't think that you would have to fight with me. I think you are too much treasure. I heard that you have converted the contribution value into a treasure, then we will bet a little bigger, how to ""

"How do you want to gamble, I will accompany you to the end." Takino's tone is plain, it seems that things are not related to himself.

There are more and more people around, and they are all equipped to watch the fun.

"The powerful characters in the law have been dispatched. Even Zhang Zong has personally gone out. As far as I know, Zhang Fan is definitely a powerful figure. He is considered a top figure in many protection methods. Xuan Yuxiu is too much, definitely It’s not an opponent of madness."

"Xuanyu tree has a big style, and now there is trouble. He is very courageous and wants to fight against Zhang, and it is simply to send treasures to Zhang."


There are many people talking about it, and no one is optimistic about Takino.

However, Takino did not care about it, he wanted to see what madness can come up with gambling.

For him, he is more interested in the treasures that Zhang has come up with.

He was hesitant, and he didn't know what to take out.

He has been in Ming Wangzong for a long time, and he has accumulated some wealth, and he also has many treasures.

However, he wants to play bigger, so he wants to take out the treasures and win all the treasures that Takino exchanged today.

When he thought about it, he decided to come up with a treasure he had earned from his adventure, called the Time Cane.

Time cane, contains the law of time and the law of light, but he did not practice these two rules, time cane has no effect on him, in this case, it is better to take out the gambling.

"Xuanyu, optimistic, I have a cane in my hand, which contains the law of time and the law of light. It is definitely a must, as long as you can beat me, the time cane is owned by you, if you lose Now, I want all the treasures you just exchanged, how."

The power of the Takuya wild gods was swept away, and suddenly shocked: "I really didn't think that Zhang mad is still waiting for this baby."

He is still on the surface and hesitating.

He actually saw what the time of the cane is, and it turned out to be a vine of the holy time.

In fact, the people who used the cane to refine the time were very powerful, did not destroy the structure of the vines, preserved the vines intact, and the time cane can also use the law of light and the law of time to attack.

In his eyes, the time cane is still a living thing. With the power of the sacred tree of life, the time cane can be resurrected and grow into a time.

Time is also one of the nine holy objects, and the life tree is a level of treasure.

Moreover, the time of the holy vine is the only sacred object containing the power of two complete laws, extremely rare.

"You must get the time cane." Takino's heart is crying deep inside.

In any case, this gamble must be carried out.

His time law and the law of light are all he won't. If he can cultivate the time of the sacred vine, he will be able to understand the law of time and the law of light, and then add the law of life, then he will complete the power of the nine laws. At that time, I still don't know how strong it will be.

There are also some rule powers, such as the law of darkness and the law of the wind system, which is optional for him. In particular, he can practice the law of light, and naturally does not need to practice the dark law of conflict with the law of light.

"Zhang mad, your cane is good, but unfortunately I don't have the rules of time and the law of light, it is not very useful to me, and you gamble with the treasures that he exchanged with my 500 million contribution value, it seems that I am suffering." The wilderness said with a smile.

Even if he really wants the time cane, he will not show it.

In fact, this time cane can only be regarded as a general, precious things even contain the law of time and the law of light, falling in the hands of the powerful who understand the law of time and the law of light, can exert a great power.

The law of light and the law of time are the powers of law that are extremely difficult to understand, and the people who cultivate are too rare.

For others, the time cane is not a big use, even if it is a chicken, it is a pity.

"Xuan Yu, you will not be afraid." Zhang chilled.

"It’s ridiculous, I will be afraid of you, unless you can come up with some more treasures, otherwise the gambling will be done." Takuya sneer.

At this opportunity, he still wants to extort some treasures, and at the same time he does not want anyone to know the importance of the cane.

There are life sacred trees, as long as there are some life-like roots, they can be cultivated.

He wants to use the time cane to cultivate a time sacred vine, even if he pays a huge price, he is willing,

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