Mythical Tyrant

Chapter 1066: Comprehensive breakthrough

The first thousand and sixty-six chapters comprehensive breakthrough


"Tear him."

Hundreds of monsters, shot together, a huge momentum.

In the face of the onslaught of those monsters, Takuya is not at all concerned.

He is very calm, waiting for the magic to shoot, he is looking for opportunities to enter the magic group.

In this way, the attack of the monster will inadvertently attack other monsters, and the extension of the wild is very slippery. It is not so easy to hit him.

He didn't want to leave, otherwise he would have used his space to teleport and escape. The space teleportation is not good. He still has space to shuttle, and it is not a problem to escape.

The reason why he stayed is to hunt some magical creatures.

As long as he can collect the bodies of some of the mysterious monsters, it is absolutely not difficult for him to seize the top ten in the protection of the law.

In order to **** the devil fruit, more than a dozen monsters died.

At the same time as Takino’s dodge to attack the monsters, the body of the monster was taken into the ring.

Those monsters are also mad, and each has taken out the housekeeping skills.

Some of the magic of trees, the vines are long and long, and then wrap around the wilderness.

The vines are tough and extremely poisonous.

However, no matter whether it is poisonous or tough vines, it has no effect on him.

With a little bit of divine power, he broke the vine, and the poison was the nourishment of the poisonous baby. He did not refuse.

Those magic flowers, which are getting bigger, need to wrap the Takino wilderness directly.

As a result, Takuya took a shot and shattered the magic flower directly.

There are also some monsters like mud, who want to go to the upper body, and the extension of the wilderness ignites the fire and burns them directly.

The monster is the most afraid of fire, let alone the purple fire, which is very lethal to them.

In the end, Takuya was urging the fire and burning a lot of monsters.

Those monsters are also afraid, and regardless of the devil's fruit tree, they have fled.

Takuno did not pursue, and collected the bodies of more than 20 monsters left on the ground.

He took the body of the monster and left quickly.

He didn't want people to know that he had won the devil and the fruit tree, which would be very troublesome. If Wang Ming let him turn in, he really didn't know what to do.

Therefore, he stayed away from the place where the fruit tree appeared, and cultivated it.

He is afraid that if someone asks about the devil's fruit, he is ready to take the devil fruit first.

At that time, even if someone asks, he has no magic fruit, and he does not have to hand over the magic fruit.

You must know that the demon fruit is effective for the strong king of the fairy king level, and it is definitely a good thing.

He took out the magic fruit, and took out some of the elixir that he was suitable for, and prepared to break through the bottleneck in one fell swoop and become a strong fairy.

In order to be cautious, he left a fairy squad, leaving a glimpse of the power of God.

If people in the small world have to go out, he can also know.

After everything was ready, he took the elixir and the devil fruit directly and began to hit the bottleneck.

A large number of entrances to the Essence, plus the devil's fruit, Tuoye wild body overwhelming.

He suffocated and urged the power of the mind to begin to transform the power of the gods in the demon soul and enhance the power of the mind.

At the same time, he ran the law and began to absorb the energy inside the elixir, while at the same time impacting the bottleneck.

He has been at the bottleneck for a long time, and this breakthrough can be described as a matter of course.

What's more, there is the power of the devil's soul, and the breakthrough is even easier.

After a while, his cultivation was broken and became the strongest in the early days of Xuan Xianjing.

The practice of practicing airflow is a breakthrough, and his power of divine thought is greatly improved. Together with the power of the gods in the spirit and soul, the power of his mind has a qualitative leap.

"It's so good, the power of God's thought is so strong. It seems that I can refine the seven-character Xiandan and the seven-character fairy." Takino is very happy.

He has stabilized the realm and can't wait to try it. It really makes it possible to refine the seven-piece fairy and the seven-character fairy.

He originally wanted to refine the seven-paste fairy and the seven-character fairy, but he was able to change his body and everyone began to leave the small world.

Takino wildly walked out of the Netherland, returned to the small world, took the stand up, and then shredded the transfer, and directly sent it out.

The transmission symbols are specially made by Ming Wangzong and are only suitable for use in this small world.

Once the small world is completely shut down, there is no way to transmit the transfer.

Out of the small world, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

If he had left the substitute and knew the situation outside, he might be trapped in a small world.

If the small world has other channels, such as space cracks, he can still leave with strength and space. If the small world has no other channels, then he has no way to leave.

The strong players who entered the small world have come out one after another, but the number is obviously much less. It seems that they are dead in the small world.

Takuya saw the heart and quickly went over.

"Mindful son."

"It’s good to come out." Mingxin said with a smile.

"Thank you for your concern." Takuya is grateful.

He was still indulged in the joy of being a breakthrough, and his heart was not calm at all.

This breakthrough, even the refining, alchemy and other aspects have broken through, it is a breakthrough in all aspects, the increase in his strength is very large.

Mingxin quickly noticed, laughing: "Xuanyu brothers, I really want to congratulate you, you actually broke through the bottleneck in the small world."

"The battle has been fought, so the repair has broken through naturally." Takuya is modest.

"Yes, that's great." Mingxin is very happy.

"Ming Xingongzi, you found that there is no, the other four core disciples seem to have lost one of the mysterious fairyland peaks." One of Mingxin’s men said.

Ming Xin nodded: "I also saw it. It is said that the small world is not particularly dangerous. The peaks of the mysterious fairyland cannot be killed. If they do not come out, they must have an accident."

"They didn't come out, we have more opportunities, uh..." The typical gloating.

Only Takuya was not moving, and the four peaks of the mysterious fairyland were suppressed by him. He was the clearest.

This matter must not be known to anyone, otherwise it will cause big trouble.

As for the four core disciples, I saw the disappearance of my men and saw that Takuno was alive, and their faces were ugly.

They suspected that they were doing the wilderness, but there was no evidence. They were not right, and they could not find Tuoyuan.

They only looked at Takuno wildly with a bad look, and Takuya did not care about it, pretending not to see it.

Anyway, he is in a good mood, and it is impossible for others to want to destroy his mood.

"Beginning to hand over the body of the monster, we will count the contributions according to the body and strength of the monster. We will also give other rewards to the law, the disciples, the disciples, the top ten disciples, and the top ten disciples. Moreover, the people who protect the law and the top ten disciples can become inner disciples, hoping that everyone will not hide their possessions and take out the bodies of the monsters." A elder.

Takino had long been ready, and he eventually left a part of the body of the mysterious monster, not because the bodies were useful to him, but because of the bodies that made people know that he had the devil fruit tree.

Especially the monsters that have been burned to death by the earth can never be taken out.

There are so many monsters he hunted, and the body of the monster is filled with nearly a hundred bells.

He handed over the Qiang Kun to the elders and registered them.

As for the matter of counting the body of the demon, he will not be in charge of him.

Anyway, he does not worry about this matter, he believes that he can certainly enter the top ten.

He does not have much ambition, as long as he can enter the top ten, he is satisfied.

He is not satisfied with the treasures of rewards. He only wants to be qualified to enter Tianwang Mountain.

The bodies of the monsters were turned over and the people began to leave.

Takuya did not want to face the other four core disciples, and simply greeted Mingxin and left.

He just broke through the repairs, there are still a lot of things to do, just go back and close for a few days, the results come out, and the heart will naturally tell him.

When he returned to his place of residence, he began to adapt to the cultivation that had just been upgraded, especially the power of the mind, which had a large increase and had to adapt to a period of time.

Then, he began to refine the sacred fairy, a variety of fairy.

For each level of the singer, the role will be stronger, and he must refine it as soon as possible.

In addition, his body's fairy symbol needs to be upgraded to a seven-character, which takes a long time.

Since he got out of it, he certainly upgraded some of the symbols.

He is very much looking forward to the completion of the upgrade of the immortality, and I don’t know if the body of the charm will be refined into the realm of Dacheng.

Whether it is a fairy, a fairy, or a fairy, he can easily get it. He has indeed become a master-level figure.

He is still very young, and his young master is absolutely unique.

What's more, he is one of the five great masters, and he has never come before.

If you let outsiders know, you still don't know what it will be like.

Of course, he will not say it out. This is his secret and his card.

Who would have thought that he would break through the practice of airflow and the strength would increase so much.

After the surge in strength, he was full of confidence and confidence.

"It's just a matter of Jiuyin Shui and Jiuyang. If I can get it, I can try to refine the Jiujiu Jindan." Takino's heart could not be calm.

Jiujiu Jindan is too important for Tianyu League.

He has so many Xuanyuanjing peaks and strong men, all of whom need Jiujiu Jindan to break through the bottleneck and accomplish the golden wonderland.

"I don't know if the results are coming out. I still go out and see." Takuya is out.

"Hui Xuanyu, you always figured out, Mingxin son let you go to see him immediately." Someone stayed outside his room.

"Thank you." Takuya wilderness rushed to the Mingxin's residence, and saw the Mingxin and the other two Xuanxiangjing peaks.

Mingxin said with a smile: "Xuanyu brothers, congratulations."

"Xuanyu brothers, you have to treat guests." The other two Xuan Xianjing strong people also said with a smile.

Takino was pleased: "Ming heart, I entered the top ten in the protection of the law."

"Of course, you are more than the top ten in protecting the law. You won the first place. It is the person who kills the most monsters. It is more than the inner disciple and the core disciple."

"No." Some of Takino could not believe it.

He didn't want to perform too well, and the result was beyond his imagination.

He thought of becoming the first in the law, but did not expect to compare the core disciples and the inner disciples.

Nowadays, the limelight is too strong and it is harmful to him.

However, the bodies of the monsters are counted, and his regrets are useless.

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