Mythical Tyrant

Chapter 1076: Breakthrough

The first thousand and seventy-six chapters broke through

"Puzzle, success or failure is here."

Takuya is also a simple person, and immediately began to refine Dan.

The way of the gods is displayed, all the fairy materials are flying together, and the impurities are removed.

The magic of the way of the gods is extraordinary.

The fairy wood has no impurities and begins to fuse.

This process is very important. If there is no problem with the integration, then the next step is to condense.

Condensation is of paramount importance. Once Condensation is successful, there is not much problem with receiving Dan.

Takuya has gone all out to put all his skills into play, so that the fairy materials are evenly integrated and there is no conflict.

Seeing that the integration is very smooth, Takuno has just wanted to relax, and the result is that the warm jade holy ganoderma and the life tree are still noisy.

These two are sacred objects, instead of fairy tales, the effect is so strong that the integration is difficult to continue.

In the face of this situation, Takuno is very calm, he exerts the power of the gods, using the way of the gods, constantly exerting pressure on the warm jade holy ganoderma lucidum, the sacred tree of life, let them be honest.

The power of the gods is very expensive, and Takuno has taken the holy **** Dan and restored the power of the mind.

If he was not prepared, the fusion of the liquid would fail.

It’s hard to let the warm jade holy ganoderma lucidum and the sacred liquid of the life tree blend into other liquid medicines. He has already sweated and almost collapsed.

However, he did not have time to rest, and the next step was to condense Dan, and he could not care.

The process of condensing Dan also absorbs the scent of the surrounding.

He is alchemy in the Netherland, and he is rich in scent, and he has a lot of top grades in the surrounding area, which can also come in handy.

Seeing the golden glittering elixir gradually formed, Takuno wilderness excitedly jumped out.

He forced himself to calm down and continue to practice alchemy.

I don't know how long it took, nine nine-nine Jin Dan dandan success, the following is the acceptance of Dan.

He played the decision to seal the Dan, and used the method to seal the energy of Jiujiu Jindan, and then began to accept Dan.

In the final step, he did not dare to care.

A ninety-nine golden dan was put into a jade bottle, and he was already ready.

When the nine ninety-nine Jindan were all included in the jade bottle, the extension of the wilderness directly fainted to the ground, his power of divine thought has been exhausted, and he is highly nervous, making him unsustainable.

If it wasn't his willpower, it wouldn't be so long.

Tuoyu took a nap and slept for five days and five nights before he woke up.

After he woke up, he first checked the Jiujiu Jindan.

When I saw that Jiujiu Jindan was successful in refining, he was very happy to shout: "Ha ha... finally succeeded, succeeded,..."

He is not in a hurry to refine the second furnace, Jiujiu Jindan. Since the Jiujiu Jindan refining, he is ready to let his men take Jiujiu Jindan to see how it works.

The first thing he thought of was Magic Heaven, and Magic Heaven helped him very much. He certainly hoped that Magic Heaven would be the first to become a Golden Wonder.

"Magic Sky is a sacred object of the devil, will it conflict with the Jiujiu Jindan." Takuya suddenly thought of this, and suddenly did not dare to let the magic of the day to take 99 Jindan.

After careful consideration, he secretly said: "I will wait for the killing of the Golden Wonderland in the future, so that the magical power of the magical power of the Golden Wonderland will break through the bottleneck, which is more secure."

Subsequently, he decided to let the warm jade holy Ganoderma lucidum take the first ninety-nine Jindan. Anyway, there are warm jade holy ganoderma lucidum in the fairy tales of Jiujiu Jindan. He should not have any problems with taking it.

So he found the warm jade holy ganoderma lucidum and handed the ninety-nine Jin Dan to the warm jade holy ganoderma lucidum.

It is rare to take the sacred thing to take an elixir.

However, the warm jade Shengzhizhi did not hesitate, but was very excited, because he could feel that Jiujiu Jindan is a good thing, and it is helpful for him to improve.

He did not hesitate to start refining the power of the Jiujiu Jindan.

Jiujiu Jindan's potency is amazing, and it is all-round improvement.

Warm jade holy Ganoderma lucidum refining the power of Jiujiu Jindan, began to retreat.

Whether he can break through the bottleneck is still unknown.

Takuno has not gone out, waiting quietly to see how the effect of warm jade Ganoderma lucidum after taking 99 Jindan.

Waiting for twelve days, Wenyu Shengling Ganoderma lucides a super strong momentum.

Takino is very happy: "Is it a success in the warm jade holy ganoderma lucidum."

He did not disturb the warm jade holy ganoderma lucidum, waiting for the warm jade holy ganoderma to go out.

After a few more days, the warm jade Sheng Lingzhi finally cleared the customs.

“Is the breakthrough successful?” Takino went forward and couldn’t wait to ask.

"Thank you for the son, I broke through." Warm jade Shengzhizhi is very grateful.

Being able to break through to the Golden Fairy, no matter what, is very important.

What's more, the holy things like warm jade holy ganoderma, their breakthrough is extremely difficult.

"Okay, great." Takuno was very excited and jumped up with joy.

A 99-year-old Jin Dan, warm jade Sheng Lingzhi has succeeded in breaking through, of course, it is something to be happy.

Originally, he thought that it would take two or three ninety-nine Jindan. After all, warm jade holy ganoderma is a holy thing, and it is much harder to break through.

He does not know why, the warm jade Shengzhizhi breakthrough will be so smooth.

Next, he let the **** demon, Jin Dali, Zidian, Hei, Huofeng, and Ghost Buddha take Jiujiu Jindan at the same time, let them begin to break through the bottleneck.

As for the four Xuan Xianjing peaks who were conquered, he did not intend to give them 99 Jindan.

He still doesn't know how many pieces of Jiujiu Jindan are needed for the **** demon, Jin Dali, Zidian, Hei, Huofeng and Ghosts. I am afraid that it is not enough to have a ninety-nine Jindan.

When the **** demon gods began to retreat, he also began to refine the second furnace.

Other fairy materials, he has a lot, only Jiuyanghua is only enough to refine two furnaces and ninety-nine Jindan, he has no way.

With the first experience, this refining of the 99 Jindan is much easier. He has successfully refining nine ninety-nine Jindan.

When he went out, the **** demon, Jin Dali, Zidian, Black Skull, Fire Phoenix, and Ghost Buddha also all went out. As a result, they failed to break through, and Takuya was slightly disappointed.

"It doesn't matter if there is no breakthrough bottleneck. You have to retreat for a while, and then you are ready to take the second 99 Jindan. You must break through."

He adjusted his emotions first, and he saw that everyone was somewhat lost.


Even the ghost Buddha is grateful to Tuo Ye.

They have begun to retreat, and Takuno has begun to practice.

He has not repaired enough, and he is still unable to take the Jiujiu Jindan for the time being. It is imperative to improve his training and improve his combat effectiveness.

Cultivation is like sailing against the water. If you don’t advance, you will retreat.

He knows this well, so he doesn't dare to relax for a moment.

In the blink of an eye, Tuoye called out the **** demon, Jin Dali, Zidian, Black Skull, Fire Phoenix and Ghost Buddha, and gave them a ninety-nine golden dan.

"This is the second time you have taken Jiujiu Jindan, and the effect will be discounted. I hope that you will seize the opportunity and break through the success in one fell swoop." Takuya said.

In fact, taking Jiujiu Jindan and taking other elixir, the first effect is the best, and the follow-up effect is waning.

If the first three Jiujiu Jindan have no way to break through the bottleneck, then it is more difficult to break through the bottleneck.


The **** demon, the gold, the purple, the black, the phoenix, the ghost Buddha once again began to retreat, they are actually more nervous than the extension of the wilderness.

When they retreat, Takuya wilderness did not practice, and his heart could not be calmed down.

Time passed by, **** demon, Jin Dali, black scorpion, purple electricity, ghosts and Buddhas succeeded in succession. Only Fengfeng did not break through the bottleneck.

When they went out, the **** demon gods were very happy, and the fire and phoenix sentiment was somewhat low.

"Fire Phoenix, you have nine days of Xuan Huo, the potential is similar to the seven top beasts, I guess you still need a 99 Jin Dan to break through the success." Takuya wild comfort.

"Really." Huo Feng saw hope.

"Of course, you have to retreat for a month, and then take Jiujiu Jindan again after one month." Takuya said.

He refining a total of eighteen ninety-nine Jindan, and now he has used thirteen, leaving five ninety-nine Jindan.

He decided to take out a 99-year-old Jindan for Huofeng to try to make Huofeng break through.

It should be known that the combat effectiveness of Huofeng decided to be black, gold and purple. If he can break through the success, the strength of Tianyu League will be greatly enhanced.

"Thank you for the son." Fire and Phoenix were grateful to zero, and quickly went to retreat.

"Thank you for the cultivation of the son." The **** demon and other powerful people have thanked them.

Takuya said with a smile: "Get up, you will all go to retreat, stabilize the realm, and adapt to the new strength."

Bloody devils and other strong players are breakthroughs, but it will take some time to exert the strength of the Golden Wonderland.

Takuya is in the devil world, and he doesn't know when he will be bloody, they will help them, or let them retreat first.


The **** demon and other strong people have gone to retreat, and Takuya is also the same. He has to wait for the fire and phoenix to break through the bottleneck before he will go out.

Time passed quickly, and after a month of cultivation, the repair of the fire and phoenix was even stronger.

Takuya took out the ninety-nine Jin Dan to him, and did not give up.

How to be precious in the Jiujiu Jindan, but also to take advantage of it to enhance the strength, leaving it there is no effect.

However, after taking the Jiujiu Jindan, Huofeng left four ninety-nine Jindan, and he is not ready to take it for the time being. Maybe it will come in handy later.

Do not say anything else, with Jiujiu Jindan, it is not difficult to use the Jiujiu Jindan to draw up the Xuanxiangjing peak.

Even those big factions, I am afraid that they will not be able to take advantage of the 99-year-old Jindan recruiting powerhouses, because their own sectarian Xuanyuanjing peaks are not enough to take Jiujiu Jindan.

"When the life tree is restored to the original strength, and a large number of Jiuyin water and Jiuyang flowers are cultivated, I can refine some of the ninety-nine Jindan, and use the Jiujiu Jindan to recruit the strong man of the fairyland. I believe that the strength of Tianyu League will be Rapidly growing and growing." He couldn't help but laugh when he thought of his triumph. On the other side of the Holy Immortal World, there are still a lot of mysterious peaks. If there are ninety-nine Jindan, it must be given priority to them.

He thinks so far now, it is still too early.

He is no longer thinking about it and begins to pay attention to the situation of the breakthrough of the fire and the phoenix.

"Fire Phoenix, don't let me down, be sure to break through." He secretly prayed.

Time passed by, he was a little restless, and he did not know if Huo Feng took three ninety-nine Jindans.

If this breakthrough fails, it will be even harder for Huofeng to break through the early stage of Jinxianjing, and it is obviously not realistic to rely on Jiujiu Jindan. It needs to break through with great perseverance.

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