Mythical Tyrant

Chapter 1085: Proactively seeking

The first thousand and eighty-five chapters actively seek to see

The man obviously did not want to offend the seven girls and turned to the front of Takino.

"Kid, who are you." His tone was cold and he wanted to kill.

The seven girls did not care to protect the wilderness in the wilderness. She knew the strength and the bottom of the wilderness, and she was not afraid of his loss.

Takuya is not a good bully, no matter who the other person is, he is fearless.

Seeing that he dares to pursue the Seven Girls, his status is definitely not low, and he has a profound background.

Takuya knows this, but he still doesn't give the other person a good look.

"I don't care about your business, good dogs don't block, give me away."

"Haha... Duanmu Yu, I heard it, good dogs don't block." The seven girls laughed.

Duanmu Yu’s face was blue and green, and he couldn’t wait to eat Takino, but he did not break out. He was very a city government. He didn’t know what to do before he understood the bottom of Takino’s bottom.

Takuya Satomu Muyu did not get angry, could not help but look at him a few points.

"This city is very deep, and it seems that you should be careful about this person in the future."

Business Cloth, and the sacral squad quickly lifted away.

"Where is the girl of the Seven Girls, even Duanmu Yu dare to provoke, this Du Mu Yu is the most beloved son of Du Mupeng, the devil's first big man. Everyone knows that he is pursuing the Seven Girls."

"The man around the seven girls is going to be unlucky. Duanmu Yu is not a good idea."

"Duanmu Yu did not have a seizure on the spot. It was really strange. Some people pursued the Seven Girls in the future. They were taught very miserablely."


Seven girls reminded Takuya: "Too Takino, you must be careful about Duanmu Yu, this person is a tyrant in Tianqu City, his father is the first general of my grandfather, even my father must give his father a few faces This person is narrow-minded and must report, you must never meet him alone."

"Seven girls, why don't you remind me early, I know that I will give way to him." Takuya said with a smile.

"Too Takino, are you such a person, with my understanding of you, even if you know his identity, I will not be afraid of him." Seven girls said.

"That's not necessarily, here is the Tianmo City, it is also the site of Duanmu Yu, I don't like to offend the other side in the people's territory." Takuya wild flat.

To be honest, he really does not want to offend anyone. His only thought is to find the entrance to the world of the world.

However, he is not a person who is afraid of things. If the other side is looking for trouble, he will not be afraid.

Even if no one supports him, he still has the confidence to entangle with each other.

The father Duan Mu Peng, who did not have it, could not be personally involved in a small incident, so other people may not be able to do so.

What's more, the demon king will not let Duanmu Yu's mischief, he will definitely intervene, he has nothing to worry about.

"Unfortunately, Duanmu Yu did not shoot, if he shot, you will teach him well, seeing him dare not arrogant." Seven girls laughed.

"His identity is terrible, I can't just take a chance to teach him." Takuya wildly shook his head.

It is not a last resort, he really does not want to provoke people like Duan Muyu, there is no benefit.

Seven girls are not losing their enthusiasm, and continue to go shopping with Tuoyan to buy treasures.

Takino’s mood relaxed and he began to leak.

The Devil City is one of the largest cities in the Devil World. There are all kinds of treasures. As long as your eyesight is good, it will not be a problem.

Takino has a good harvest and bought a lot of treasures.

The seven girls made a lot of money and bought more treasures, but most of the treasures she bought did not have any practical value.

Time passed quickly, and late at night, they reluctantly returned to the Devil's House to rest.


"Is it the identity of the kid?" Duanmu Yu asked his men.

"The son, the people we sent all returned the news, but no one knows his way. I only know that he is called Takuno, the savior of the seven girls. If he escorted the seven girls back, the seven girls are dead. I'm back."

Duanmu Yu Shen said: "Tuo Tengye, his repair is not enough, why save seven girls, is he deliberately approaching the seven girls to plot misconduct."

"There is such a possibility. When we were inquiring about the news, we found that there were other people who were in the process of exploring the wilderness. It should be the strong one sent by the demon king."

"The devils of the heavens are all skeptical of Takino, and it is God who helped me. If he is a traitor, I will first remove him and let the seven girls look at me." Duanmu Yu excited.

"Don't, we still don't want to continue to inquire about the news."

"Continue to explore the origins of the extension of the wilderness, the more detailed the better, I would like to see who is so open-minded, dare to the idea of ​​the seven girls." Duan Muyu's tone is cold and indifferent to the extreme.


The Tuoyan did not practice for a long time, and the seven girls came to him.

They said it yesterday, and continue to visit Tianqu City today.

The Devil City is very big, not a short time to go shopping.

For several days in a row, Takuya was accompanying the Seven Girls to go shopping, and he had already left Duanmu Yu behind.

Duanmu Yu sent a large number of strong men to explore the situation of Takino, and the results were not harvested. In the end, he determined that there was no background in Takino, so he was ready to start with him.

However, Takino has always been with the Seven Girls, and he is afraid of hurting the Seven Girls, which has not caused a Thunder strike.

He was waiting for the opportunity, and when he was on the list, he started to attack him.

Later, Takuno found that no matter where he went, there were people behind him, and he was alert.

"It looks like that the end of the wood feathers is ready to start with me, but there is no suitable opportunity." Takino wild road.

He did not tell the seven girls because he did not want to rely on women to protect themselves.

As long as he is still in the Devil's City for a day, he must face an enemy like Duanmu. He does not want to rely on anyone, even if he is in the devil world.

He also has a lot of understanding of the end wood feather through the control of the eyeliner.

Duanmu Yu's own talent is very high, is the leader of the younger generation, his father is even more powerful, the strength is very high, the devil's men, his strength is second only to the demon king.

However, Duan Mupeng has been fighting in the field, and the name is so great, whoever wants to give him a few points.

Duan Mupeng is very fond of Duanmu Yu, as long as he does not kill Duanmu Yu, it should not completely irritate Du Mupeng.

However, if Duanmu Yu died, I am afraid that even the Devil King can't protect him.

Such an enemy is really a headache.

Takuya Noguchi did not think of offending him. It was because of the relationship of the seven girls that there was no more powerful enemy for the sake of no reason, or a strong enemy that could not be provoked.

"Duanmu Yu must be well handled, otherwise it is really troublesome."

However, he did not care too much, and he was too big to leave the Devil City.

The strength of the demon **** is indeed the strongest in the devil world, but after all, there is no unity of the devil world, the devil world has many powerful forces, has been fighting against the devil.

If Takuno killed the Duanmu feather, he could escape to the hostile forces of the demon god. It should be no problem to temporarily save his life.

What's more, in the devil's world, he wants to hide, and it is estimated that the devil will launch all his men and he will not be able to find him.

He is a bit scrupulous, but he is not really afraid of Duanmu Peng.

After careful consideration, he decided to take a moment to see if he could solve this problem.

During the day, the seven girls followed him. He was inconvenient to meet with Duanmu, and the seven girls were on the side. Duanmuyu would not have any action.

In the middle of the night, Takino went quietly out of the Devil's House, and he found a spy who was watching him.

"Tell Duanmu Yu, I said I want to see him." Takino's tone was dull, without any expression.

The man didn't want to admit his identity. The result was stared at Takino, and he was so scared that he quickly said: "Yes, I will report the son immediately."

Shortly after he left, Duanmu Yu arrived with a group of strong people.

"Haha... I really can't think of it, you dare to come out and see me alone." Duan Muyu was a little surprised.

"Duanmu Yu, I know that you have been sending people to follow me, and I really want to kill me, I am right." Takino wilderness.

"Yes, you dare to play the idea of ​​the seven girls, that is, the act of looking for death, don't you know?" Duanmu Yu cold channel.

Takuya said: "I know because of the relationship of the seven girls, but I am strange. I have nothing to do with the seven girls. I only have friends at most. You don't need to kill me because you can't kill me."

"Take wilderness, don't take me as a fool, seven girls like you, can't I still see it?" Duanmu Yu sneered.

"I know, but I didn't plan to stay in Tianqu City for a long time. I will leave soon. As for the feelings of the Seven Girls, I can't control it." Takuya said.

"In this case, you will get out of the Sky Magic City earlier, I can spare you a life." Duan Muyu said.

Takuya said: "Duanmu Yu, I told you this, I am not asking for mercy, but I don't want to get into trouble. I will stay in Tianqu City for a while. When I arrive, I will naturally leave. I hope that you will not find it during this period. Trouble, otherwise I will do something, I don’t know it myself."

"Kid, you dare to threaten me." Duan Muyu was furious.

In this place of the Devil City, only he threatens others, who dares to threaten him.

"The son, kill him."

"Yes, son, give him to me, I must make him die hard to see."


Duanmu Yu’s strong men have been fighting and want to kill Takino’s meritorious deeds.

Takuya wildly sneered: "You are not enough to see, I advise you not to take the shot, otherwise it will be late, Duanmu Yu, you think I am a threat, it is to discuss with you, I really do not want to be against you, But if anyone provokes me, I will not be polite."

Duanmu Yu cold channel: "Tuo Yuye, I really don't know where you come from."

"You don't need to know, otherwise you will regret it." Takuya wild is very flat.

"The son, as soon as you make a order, I will kill him immediately."

"The son, I have to play, I can definitely kill him."

Duanmu Yu did not lose his calmness, nor did he let his men take the shot.

His city is very deep, and he does not have full control. He will not shoot.

He couldn't see through the wilderness and he was hesitant.

"What is the origin of Takino, facing me, and so many strong men, he can still be alone, he is a fool, or he has full confidence, I am afraid that the latter is mostly, or be careful ""

It was because he was careful that he did not immediately shoot.

"Tuo Yuye, how can I believe that you have no meaning for the Seven Girls." Duanmu Yu asked.

After all, it is because of the seven girls, otherwise they will not know at all, and it is even more impossible to become an enemy.

Takuya shook his head: "I don't believe in love, I have no way."

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