Mythical Tyrant

Chapter 807: Irritated fairy

Chapter 807 angered fairy

"If you are so powerful, why didn't you open it before, this time blame us Zhao Long adults, what is the meaning." Zhao Long's men can not stand.

"We have something to say, you are ordered along the way, we are just serving."

"Don't forget, it's the people above you who let you listen to the orders of Zhao Long."

Zhao Long said coldly: "I don't want to say it. We must be eager to come up with a solution. If we can force Xuan Yu out, it is best."

"If Xuan Yu can't make it out, I'm afraid I can't force him out."

"Xuanyu must know our situation, he will not come out to die, things are a little difficult."

"We are now evacuating, Xuan Yu does not know the situation, maybe it will come out." Someone proposed.

Zhao Long surprised: "Yes, as long as we leave, Xuan Yu will definitely take the opportunity to escape."

Thinking of the way, they immediately evacuated.

However, they are also prepared to guard against it. They are not too far apart. As long as Xuanyu appears, they will complete the encirclement as quickly as possible.

Zhao Long, they left, Xuan Yu knew it for the first time, but did not pay attention to it. He continued to practice retreat.

He wants to grind the patience of the enemy and make them irritated.

These people come from two forces, and the relationship is not very good.

Once they get bored, they are likely to be guilty. This is what Takuno wants to see.

Time has passed for five days, and Xuan Yu still has no movement.

Zhao Long’s people couldn’t sit still: “Zhao Long’s adult, Xuan Yu still didn’t appear, he probably didn’t have it in that area.”

"No, there is still a possibility, he is very cautious, so he can't hide," Zhao Long said.

"We are waiting for this, and it is not the way." The strong man of the Holy Family said.

"Do you have any good ideas?" Zhao Long asked.

"We have two choices. One is to withdraw the Tiancheng City. I can't think of it in the Tiancheng City. I don't want Xuanyu to go back. The second way is to continue to wait and see, and I don't know when to wait."

Zhao Long’s eyes lit up and suddenly had an idea.

"I have a solution."

He brewed it, and returned to Xuanyu. They hid the area and yelled out: "Xuan Yu, I know that you can hear me, I just want to tell you something, we will leave the endless mountains and return. Going to the Tiancheng City, the city government has no plans for you to see how he is an enemy of us."

After that, he took his men and rushed outside the endless mountains at the fastest speed.

When Takuya heard Zhao Gang’s words, he was not sure if they really left.

But he had no choice but to come out and contain Zhao Long.

If they really go back to the Tiancheng City, let Zhao Ding go to war with the city government.

There is no one in the city government that can take the idea, and will definitely suffer big losses.

Tuobao also needs some time to control some of the beasts and enhance their strength.

"We must go out and hold Zhao Long to hold them." Takuya said the words of Zhao Long.

"Xuanyu son, Zhao Long is likely to scare us, let us go out."

"Yes, this possibility is very big, but we have to go out. If we really don't go out, they are likely to go back to the Tiancheng City, which is not good for the city's main government."

He has no way at the moment.

With their current strength, it is definitely not going to work with Zhao Long and his team.

He also has no good way. He only has to go out and say, anyway, he can always come up with a solution.

"Xuan Yu Gongzi, let's go out together, those people may not be able to catch up with us."

"Yes, we don't have to be afraid of them. We go directly to the depths of the endless mountains. At that time, we may gradually weaken their strength by the power of the fairy beasts." A strong man proposed.

"Well, since everyone does not object, then we will go out immediately, and then go straight to the depths of the endless mountains." Takino immediately made a decision.

After that, Takuya wild with 12 Xuan Xianjing strong, together with the Netherland Xianfu.

They went out of the Netherland and flew directly to the depths of the endless mountains.

"Zhao Long adults, you are really brilliant, Xuan Yu they appeared."

"Give me chase, I must not let them run." Zhao Long excited.

Their mission is to kill Xuan Yu, of course, not to return empty-handed.

Seventy-two Xuan Xianqiang strong, the speed is almost to the extreme, the whole body pursues.

This time, they are not afraid to be exposed, so they are not afraid of Takino. They found that the speed does not know how much faster.

Just they are fast, Xuanyu they are faster.

"Zhao Long adults, we must let the fastest strongman hurry, everyone else is resting in Xianfu, everyone is taking a break, so that they can always kill Xuanyu at the fastest speed." Some people suggested.

"Three people rotate and chase Xuanyu them, one person controls the soul wave detector, and the two protect the left and right." Zhao Long made arrangements immediately.

Xuan Yu and his party also began to take a break.

Even Xuan Yu, the physical strength is amazing, it is impossible to fly all the way.

It is too expensive. Once you encounter a fairy, things will be troublesome.

Xuan Yu divided the 12 Xuan Xianjing strong people into six groups. He was a separate group. There were seven groups of people, and the rotation was enough.

And in order to hurry, he took out eight products flying fairy to wear Yunzhou, the speed suddenly improved a lot.

Zhao Long also has a flying fairy, but it is a seven-class fairy level, or Zhao Gang used him to chase Xuan Yu.

Both sides took the flying fairy and rushed to the depths of the endless mountains as quickly as possible.

I don't know how long it has been, they have already entered the area of ​​the fairyland activities.

Zhao Long and his party always clung to hold, but they could not catch up with Xuan Yu.

This is Xuan Yu's intention to let Zhao Long see a little hope before they can lead them to the depths of the endless mountains.

"Hey..." In the Yunzhou, flying over a site of a fairyland fairy, the fairyland fairy roared, very angry.

"Xuan Xianjing Fairy Beast." The strong man who drives the Yunzhou is excited.

They told the news to Xuan Yu, Xuan Yu appeared on the cloud boat.

"At the end of the area to reach the fairyland of the fairyland, we must look for a group of powerful Xuanxian strong, and then let those behind them suffer." Takuno said with pleasure.

"Xuanyu son, we must also be careful, some of the mysterious fairy beasts are extremely powerful, and they can be attacked by wearing a cloud boat."

"I personally came to drive through the Yunzhou. You should go to rest first and change another group to help me with Yunzhou."

Takuya is very cautious, he has no big bag.

Instead of slowing down, they are accelerating.

Soon, Zhao Long also passed through the site of the fairyland of the fairyland, and the fairyland was even more angry and launched even more.

However, the speed of the flying fairy is too fast, and the attack of the fairyland of the mysterious fairyland is lost.

The three strong men who drove the flying fairy were shocked and quickly told Zhao Long.

"Xuanyu is doing this. Is it that he wants to find death? The area of ​​the fairyland is very dangerous. If you encounter a group of fairyland fairy beasts, or extremely powerful fairyland fairy beasts, we will lose a lot." Zhao Long's face changed slightly.

"Zhao Long adults, do we have to give up and chase Xuan Yu."

"No, absolutely not, we can't return empty-handed, so we have a face." Zhao Long shook his head.

He paused and continued: "The fairyland is threatening us, and they are equally threatening to Xuanyu. Maybe they will be stopped by the fairyland, and they will be cheaper."

People like to think about the good side, not the worst plan.

Up to now, Zhao Long and his entourage have chased Xuan Yu and they have fled the wind. They have lost nothing, so they seem to have forgotten the danger.

Zhao Long and the strongman of the Holy Family knew a sigh, and then continued to pursue.

And Xuan Yu, they know that Zhao Long and others are still following, not only not afraid, but very excited.

"Xuanyu Gongzi, Xuan Xianjing Fairy Owl occupies a larger territory. We want to find a fairy that can deal with those enemies behind, I am afraid it is not so easy."

"We are not in a hurry, just go deep into the endless mountains."

He doesn't worry at all on the surface, he is actually very cautious.

He personally stayed on the cloud boat, is to exert the power of the mind, to see the situation around.

If there is danger, he can know ahead of time and be able to prepare early.

In the current situation, they are most afraid of encountering sudden attacks and are most prone to losses.

Especially flying in the sky is even more dangerous, and it will become the target of those who attack the fairyland.

I don't know how long it took to fly. I found the fairyland fairy in front.

Takuya Yushen said: "There are beasts in front, lowering the height and speed, and angering the fairy."

"Well." Those who are strong in the mysterious fairyland did not ask more and strictly enforced his orders.

The fairyland of the mysterious fairyland, the control of the site is more strict, seeing the flying fairy in the past, suddenly roared out and launched an attack.

They have been prepared for the Takino wilderness, and they have manipulated the cloud boat to avoid the attack of the fairy beast.

"Xuan Yu Gongzi, we are so irritated by the immortals, it is estimated that after the strong ones come over, the beast will be mad." A mysterious fairy strong smiled.

"They are crazy, there is a good show. This alone fairyland fairy can not hurt the people behind, it is no problem to cause them some trouble." Takuya wild laughed.

"Xuan Yu Gongzi, follow you, every day is really colorful."

"That is natural. I started fighting at the age of three, and I have been fighting until now. There is no interruption." Takino said: "You will not be bored when you follow me."

"Xuanyu son, wait for the city owner to go out, you personally mention to him, maybe we can really follow you."

"No problem, I will definitely mention it." Tuoyeye can't ask for it, of course he will not refuse.

The mysterious fairyland is already the top powerhouse in the holy world.

Being able to have twelve top powerhouses, he will be excited to sleep for days and nights.

"Xuan Yu is really crazy, specifically to anger those fairy beasts, we are with the past, the result is attacked by the fairy." Zhao Long is extremely depressed.

Just now, they were almost hit by the fairyland fairy, scared them into a cold sweat.

Zhao Long said coldly: "I know Xuan Yu's thoughts. He wants to use the power of the fairy gods to deal with us. He thinks too naive. No matter whether it is a fairy or fairy beast, or we are not able to controlling."

"Zhao Long adults, we are still careful, the depths of the endless mountains are too dangerous, continue to do this, even if we kill Xuan Yu, we are likely to stay in the endless mountains forever.

"Let everyone prepare for the battle, can't relax." Zhao Long ordered.

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