Mythical Tyrant

Chapter 812: Dragon eagle in the late stage of Xuan Xianjing

The 810th chapter of the dragon eagle in the late Ming Xuantian

The black bear is not as serious as the descendants of the gods. There is a tree of life to help, I believe that it will take a long time to heal.

Nowadays, the evolution of the sacred tree of life, I believe that the black scorpion and gold are greatly encouraged.

Takino asked Black and Kim to go to the pharmacy to practice, but they could not see the sacred tree of life.

They simply believe that the drugstores are full of fairy medicines, and the life is full of flavor, which is conducive to their treatment of injuries.

Once the black scorpion can recover the injury, Kim can regain his training. They will be the strongest two players in the field. They are all good at refining the body and the body is amazing.

If they can be a little tacit understanding, and the strength of the joint efforts, it is estimated that Takuno can not resist.

I saw that Takino was the black scorpion in the late stage of the mysterious fairyland, and the twelve Xuan Xianjing strong people admire him and convinced him.

"Xuan Yu Gongzi, you are so powerful, even if we are together, it is estimated that it is not your opponent."

Takuya is very modest: "In fact, I am not so powerful, just just restraining the black scorpion, I can take him down."

"Xuanyu son, if we can conquer a few beasts like black cockroaches, then it is absolutely fatal blow to Zhao Ding's pulse."

"Let's take a break, I will take a break and continue searching."

Tuo Yeye let 12 Xuan Xianjing strong people enter the Netherland Xianfu, but he did not go in.

From the black sputum, he knows that there is a cave house nearby, which is where the black scorpion has lived. There is a **** vine inside, which has great benefits for the practitioners of the refining body.

Such treasures, of course, cannot be missed.

Shentan grows slowly, but it is not difficult for Takuno.

After the evolution of the sacred tree of life, it can promote the rapid growth of various elixir and fairy medicines. I believe that Shenneng will not be an exception.

He entered the black hole of the cave house and soon saw the **** vine.

Shenshen is only sixty meters long, and the bowl is thick and thin. It looks a bit like a dragon and is full of power.

Shenteng is definitely a treasure belonging to the gods. It just grows too slowly and can't be called a god.

If the **** vine can go up to a kilometer, it is definitely a fetish, and it is a very powerful god. It may be able to evolve with a strong fighting power like the warm jade holy ganoderma lucidum and the heavenly demon vine.

However, whether it is the Thousand Years of Thunder Wood or the Seng, the speed of evolution is slow to the extreme.

The **** vine in front of you is still in its infancy and does not have much effect.

Takino wilderness carefully transplanted the **** vine into the medicine house and planted it near the holy tree of life.

Nowadays, around the sacred tree of life, they are the **** of the heavens, the warm jade, the ganoderma lucidum, the thunder wood, the **** vine, and other top-level fairy medicines on the periphery.

During this time, Raytheon grew rapidly, only a few hundred years ago, and now seems to have grown for more than 3,000 years.

As long as it can reach the level of 10,000 years, it is the eternal god, and that is the real god.

With the current growth rate of Raytheon Wood, I believe that it will take a long time, and Raytheon Wood will be available to the world.

Wannian Leishen Wood not only has great advantages for the cultivators and fairy beasts of the ritual body, but also can attack spontaneously and have the power of self-protection.

The real gods are very combative and not so easy to obtain.

With the evolution of the sacred tree of life, I believe that the growth rate of these medicinal herbs and artifacts will increase.

However, the growth speed of Tongtian Demon vine and warm jade Ganoderma lucidum is relatively small. They are the same level of treasure as the life sacred tree. It is much more difficult to grow quickly.

Takuya knows this well and is not too anxious.

After setting up Shenshen, he began to cultivate and restore strength.

When his repair is restored, he continues to search for the monster with 12 Xuan Xianqiang.

They did not go out, because this area is a relatively powerful range of fairyland activities, they are trying to conquer a number of powerful mysterious beasts.

Twelve Xuan Xianjing strongmen joined forces, coupled with the unfathomable extension of the wilderness, enough to deal with most of the mysterious fairyland.

What's more, the black scorpion's injury will soon be able to recover, and Kim Kwang will almost resume all repairs.

These two fairy beasts join hands, even if they encounter the mysterious beasts of the mysterious fairyland, they can also deal with them.

The more powerful the beast, the bigger the occupied territory.

Takuya was walking far away, collecting a lot of fairy and fairy medicine, that is, no powerful fairy was found.

"Xuan Yu Gongzi, only one or two days, can meet a fairy, this speed is a bit slow."

"No way, we have to collect Xiancai and Xianju, which has delayed a lot of time. If we are on the road at full speed, it will still be very fast." Takuya sighed: "I just have some concerns about Zhao Ding's pulse ahead of time, to the city owner. The government is not good, but since we have reached the depths of the endless mountains, not to accept a few powerful beasts, it is a white one."

"Xuanyu Gongzi, in fact, you don't have to worry too much. The strength of the city's capital is absolutely beyond your imagination. Otherwise, Zhao Ding has already started, and you don't have to wait until now. Zhao Ding has suffered heavy losses, and their strength is even worse than the city government."

"Well, we continue to search for fairy beasts, try to conquer a few fairy beasts as soon as possible, and then go back to the heavenly city." Takuno said, thinking.

They only need to collect as much as possible of fairy materials and fairy medicines, and only charge the top, or rare, fairy and fairy medicines.

As a result, they saved a lot of time.

On the third day, they finally met the second fairy, the dragon eagle in the late Ming Xuantian.

The Dragon Eagle, Takino has once received a lot of clothes, and they are the towns and beasts of the Holy Land of the Holy Land.

However, the batch of dragon eagle is far from being comparable to this dragon eagle.

The dragon eagle talent is slightly better than the black bear, but it is extremely difficult to cultivate to the late stage of the mysterious fairyland.

The dragon eagle is fast and powerful, and it is also a very good fairy.

Seeing the dragon eagle, Takino will certainly not let go.

In order not to let the dragon eagle escape, Takuya wildly attacked with the strongest gods and stunned the dragon eagle.

Otherwise, the speed of the dragon eagle is really open, it is difficult to catch him.

Not to mention, the dragon eagle's power is really not good at it, and it is the best way to deal with the dragon eagle with the power of God.

The fierce gods attacked and sent out, and the soul-stricken horns and the souls of the gods were used. The power was so great that the dragon eagle was dizzy.

In the blink of an eye, twelve Xuan Xianqiang strong in place, blocked the space around, so that the dragon eagle has nowhere to escape.

Then, Takino mobilized all the powerful people who are good at the power of God to take the shot and attack him with the dragon eagle.

Although the dragon eagle is not good at the power of the gods, it can be repaired there, and the power of the gods is naturally not weak.

It is necessary to weaken the dragon eagle's power of consciousness a little bit in order to surrender him.

The dragon eagle did not want to sit still, and several times the impact, did not rush out.

The dragon eagle is very savvy, and some are afraid of death. For fear that the soul power will be destroyed, there is no way to be born again.

In the face of this situation, he seems to have no choice.

"Human, don't kill me, I can give you a lot of treasures, all of which I collected." Longying even begged for mercy.

"Continue to attack." Takuno said loudly: "Unless you surrender, return to me, otherwise I would rather kill you, your treasure is mine."

The Dragon Eagle suddenly panicked. He didn't want to be restrained, and naturally he would not surrender easily.

"Human, my treasures have been collected by me, you can't find them." Longying thinks that Takino is coming to the endless mountains for the fairy medicine and the fairy.

Like the dragon strong, the dragon eagle likes to collect all kinds of treasures. He collects a lot of treasures.

He is willing to take out those treasures, it is already bleeding.

No matter how many Takuno is, he continues to attack with the power of God, and his men also use the power of God to attack.

The dragon eagle couldn't rush out, and the attack was blocked by the 12 Xuan Xianjing strongmen. He really had no choice.

It’s hard to support, it’s the current Dragon Eagle.

The power of the gods weakened a little, and the dragon eagle became more and more scared.

Once the power of God cannot protect itself, the gods are likely to be destroyed.

Without the god, it is completely dead.

"Human, stop, everything is good to discuss." Long Ying said.

"I haven't had to discuss it, except to return to me, I don't think you have anything worthy of my mercy." Takino wilderness.

The Dragon Eagle hesitated for a moment and said: "I am willing to surrender."

He finally lowered his proud head and chose to surrender.

In the face of the threat of death, he is still very scared.

Twelve Xuan Xianjing strongmen are very cautious and have no movements. The dragon eagle wants to escape and must break their joint blockade.

The Dragon Eagle originally wanted to surrender, and then took the opportunity to escape.

As a result, his good wishes were lost, because the twelve Xuan Xianqiang strong people did not relax at all.

"Dragon Eagle, I am going to enter Xianfu with me, I will treat you with injuries." Takuya said with a smile.

He can see that the dragon eagle is very embarrassing, far from being able to compare black cockroaches.

In order to prevent accidents, it is necessary to set a soul ban for him, which is more secure.

The Dragon Eagle had no choice but to enter the Netherland.

Takuya wilderness healed the dragon eagle and quietly set the soul to a ban.

If the Dragon Eagle plays something in the future, it will definitely suffer.

Get the Dragon Eagle, Takino is in a good mood, and there is a powerful fairy beast under his hand, which is worth celebrating.

"Xuanyu son, you are so powerful, so easily able to conquer the dragon eagle."

"If you have blocked the space, the dragon eagle has already escaped. I can't accept the dragon eagle. So, thank you, you can help me, I can win the dragon eagle."

"Xuanyu son, this is what we should do."

"Yes, following Xuan Yu, it is not only exciting, but also a lot of treasures. It is just too good."

"Go, let's collect the treasures of the Dragon Eagle. Everyone has a share."

The Dragon Eagle does have a treasure. On the cliff not far away, there is a huge cave filled with various kinds of fairy materials, and some other treasures, which are left by some dead human powerhouses.

Those treasures piled up like mountains, and the dragon eagle likes to sleep on the treasures, which is a pleasure for him.

Now the Dragon Eagle has returned to the Takino and has to tell the location of the treasure.

No matter how many treasures, Takuno will not let go.

They quickly found the cave, flew in and saw it, and suddenly they were shocked.

"Xuanyu son, we are developed, a lot of treasures, I am seeing so many treasures for the first time." A strong man cheered.

"Yeah, there are too many treasures. It is hard to imagine how long it took for the dragon eagle to collect so many treasures." Another strong man exclaimed.

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