Mythical Tyrant

Chapter 817: Join hands to collect veins

Chapter 187 combines to collect veins

Magic Road is the best at practicing body flow, followed by Buddhism.

Buddhism's refining method is more orthodox, and cultivation is a step-by-step process, which is different from the refining of the magic path.

The magical way of refining the body is determined to be self-harming, not only to the enemy, but also to yourself.

This is the way to practice different streams of refining, and it is hard to say who is more powerful.

King Kong is not a bad body, and it is said that it is not so easy to cultivate successfully.

King Kong is not a bad body, but it is very popular. However, there are very few successful cultivations, but it is easier to cultivate than the body of the gods.

I didn’t think of Takino’s two golden tigers, but they were able to successfully cultivate King Kong’s non-bad bodies. Looking at the situation, their repairs in this area were not bad, even on the body of Takino’s demon.

Otherwise, it is impossible for the Golden Tiger to harden the bricks, and it is impossible to resist the many attacks on the wilderness.

"Human, since I know that I have cultivated King Kong and not bad, I should know that you can't beat me, or go back early," said the Golden Tiger.

He didn't dare to look down on Takino and Black Skull, and didn't want to continue to entangle with them.

Once the two lose, they are very unfavorable to them.

Although they have a tacit understanding with the Dragon Eagle and the Flying Snow Leopard, they can let the Dragon Eagle know that they are injured, and maybe they will kill them and rob them of their territory.

The world of fairy beasts is so cruel.

"King Kong is not bad, I just heard about it, but I have no chance to see it for myself. Since I have encountered a strong person who will not be a bad person, I must of course be a fierce battle."

He continued to storm, and his fist fell on the golden tiger like a raindrop.

Even if you can't hurt the gold tiger, you must let the gold tiger fear and weaken the strength of the gold tiger.

Takino will be the body of the demon, knowing that such a refining method is very expensive and cannot last.

As long as the Golden Tiger's King Kong is not too expensive and can't continue to display, the Golden Tiger will lose.

He continued to storm, and the golden tiger's King Kong did not break the body.

The fist fell firmly on the golden tiger, and the golden tiger screamed.


Takino stopped his hand and smiled and said: "Golden tiger, how it tastes, or surrender, return to me, otherwise it is looking for bitterness."

He didn't want to continue fighting. Just after a round of onslaughts, he really went all out. The laws of God and the power of God were all used up. It was hard to break the body of King Kong, and his own power was exhausted.

"I am a noble gold tiger family, and definitely not surrender to humans." The gold tiger is still very proud.

There is no way to expand the wilderness, only the dragon eagle and the flying snow leopard are released.

"You should persuade the Golden Tiger so that he will not suffer more." Takuya is flat.

Seeing the appearance of the Dragon Eagle and the Flying Snow Leopard, the Golden Tiger knew what was going on. He was so horrified that he could not believe that the Dragon Eagle and the Snow Leopard were conquered by the human beings.

"Golden two, still surrender, the son is too powerful, there are powerful means not displayed, you are not an opponent, why continue to hard support." Long Ying said.

"Golden two, look at Jinda, you are also suppressed, unable to turn over, your best way out is to surrender." Xueda said.

"Dragon eagle, snow big, you are too unconcerned." Jin Er disdain.

Dragon Eagle angered: "Golden two, are you not angry, then we will help the son, take care of you. I used to want to pack you up, but you have a golden turtle shell, I can't move. Now, your King Kong is not broken, I see how you can resist my attack."

"Dragon Eagle, you can't enjoy the good things of Jinjin II alone, and we count them too. They are too stinky, and I have long wanted to slap them." Xueda was excited.

Seeing the dragon eagle and the flying snow leopard eager to try, Jin Er’s eyes showed the color of fear.

In the past, they took advantage of the defensive power, not bullying the Dragon Eagle and the Flying Snow Leopard, and now they have been retribution.

Look at the situation, if they do not surrender, they will certainly be miserable.

"Dragon eagle, snow big, I count three numbers, he still does not surrender, you will lay down your hands, as long as you don't kill, it doesn't matter if he doesn't surrender. I set up a soul ban directly. They will have to listen later. My, now surrender, I can not set a soul ban." Takino wild channel.

"Son, you count faster, I wanted to hit Huang Jinhu meal." Lung Ying said.

When the gold was heard, some were faint.

The soul is forbidden, everyone knows, but the general soul is forbidden, and it is impossible to control the strong person who is above himself.

The difference between the extension of the wilderness, he cultivated the power of the mind, able to control the strong.

"Kid, you scare me." Jin Er said.

"Golden two, the son did not scare you, I was set a soul ban," said Long Ying.

Listening to the dragon eagle, Jin Biao suddenly panicked.


Takino began counting.


"Slow, I surrender." Jin Er finally succumbed.

Instead of being controlled by the soul, it is better to take the initiative to return to the people in front of you.

"Very good, very good, by the way, ask Jin Da, whether he is willing to surrender." Takuya said with a smile.

"I will convince Jin Da." Jin Er quickly said.

Jin Ersheng, the situation with Jin Da explained, Jin Da looked blank and shook his head: "I am willing to return to the son."

So successful in winning the two tigers, Takino wild mood is very good.

He took the two tigers into the fairy house and let them heal them first.

And he went to the pharmacy house to see the cultivation of the celestial vine.

The warm jade holy ganoderma lucidum and the celestial demon vines have all finished their cultivation, and their cultivation has actually broken through the early days of the mysterious fairyland.

"It's really good, magical sky, I just need your help, charge a huge vein." Takuno said with pleasure.

"No problem, I want to show my strength."

Tuo Yanye first put the other strong people into Xianfu, and then released the Tongtian Demon vine.

Heavenly demon vine, still can not be exposed, it is better to hide in the dark as much as possible.

The Heavenly Devil vine entered the ground and soon appeared in front of Tuoyu.

"This fairy crystal vein is too big, I can't collect it alone, or let the life tree come out to help, I will work with him, I should be able to collect the fairy crystal vein." Magic Heaven said.

"To what extent has the life sacred tree evolved."

"The sacred tree of life should now be cultivated in the peak of heaven. The strength is definitely no worse than me. My vines can now control the range of five thousand miles, and the roots of the sacred tree should be able to control the range of three thousand miles. It’s not a problem to win the Xianjing vein.” said Magic Heaven.

"I will immediately go out and bring out the holy tree of life." Takino went to the drug house again.

He explained the situation with the sacred tree of life. The tree of life said: "I can help, but I hope that the Xianjing vein in Xianfu can be placed in the medicine house. The newly received Xianjing vein is placed in Xianfu. in."

He put forward the conditions, but also for the consideration of countless immortals and elixir in the drugstore.

The growth of the fairy medicine is also closely related to the fairy scent.

"No problem, we first moved the Xianjing mine of Xianfu to the drugstore." Takuya was immediately agreed.

The fairy crystal vein in the Netherland Xianfu is the lower grade of the Jingjing vein, which cannot be compared with the newly discovered Xianjing vein.

With a lot of Xianjing veins, he originally planned to move to Yaofu.

Therefore, the magical sky and the life sacred tree together, and soon moved the Xianjing mine of the Netherland Xianfu into the drug house.

"Next look at yours." Takuya has some expectations.

The Tree of Life and the Magic Heaven acted and began to collect the underground crystal veins.

They wrapped the celestial veins with vines and roots, and then pulled them out with force.

It is really not easy to do this.

Generally strong, can only slowly excavate, extract the Xianjing, and then place the fairy crystal in the place where the crystal is needed, and add some arrays to form the crystal.

The entire vein is collected and can only be done by the mighty.

If you can combine the magical sky and the sacred tree of life, you can move the entire vein to the house of Nether.

Their strength can be imagined.

It is very tired to collect the fairy crystal veins. The magical sky and the life sacred tree moved the Xianjing mine to the Netherland, and almost collapsed.

They went directly to the pharmacy to practice, and it is estimated that they will have to retreat for a while.

Takuya has no thoughts on them. He placed the Xianjing veins into the underground of the Netherland, and arranged some arrays to make the fairy scent around the Xianjing veins the strongest. Crystal, and slowly evolved.

In order to accelerate the evolution of the Xianjing vein, he put the fairy marrow into the core area of ​​the Xianjing vein.

The arrangement of the Xianjing vein is well settled, and the degree of scent of the fairy sacred ancestors has directly improved a grade.

So many practitioners in the Netherland, all felt.

Everyone is cheering and very happy.

"Lord, landlord,..."

The Dragon Eagle, the Golden Tiger, and the Flying Snow Leopard knew that Takuya had actually collected the entire Xianjing vein, and they were completely convinced.

They know the most about the Xianjing vein, knowing that the Xianjing vein is huge, and it is not manpower to collect it, unless it is slowly mined.

The extension of the wilderness has been done, it is incredible.

"The son, how did you do it." The Dragon Eagle is very curious.

The Golden Tiger and the Snow Leopard are also very curious and come together.

"This can't tell you, you just need to know that this son can do anything, haha..." Takuya wild laughed.

"Zhang mad, arrogant, ..." Dragon eagle is very upset.

Golden Avenue: "That is, we are more proud than we are."

"I know how the son did it," said Blackbird.

"Oh, you know what." Dragonhawks surrounded them.

"The son's power is amazing, of course, it is by the power of God to collect the Xianjing vein." Hei said.

"The magical power of the son is really good, most of them are equal to us, even worse than us, but the law of the gods is better. We can't collect the crystals of the crystals, and the son can't do it." Jin Da said.

"This way, then I don't know." Black squatting.

"Black, you play us, it is just looking for a fight." Jin Da is very upset about the black scorpion, taking the opportunity to prepare a lesson.

"The lesson is black." Xueda is also very supportive.

Thus, the one dragon, two tigers and three leopards united and began to teach the black.

The black scorpion is powerless and rebellious.

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