Mythical Tyrant

Chapter 830: Identity

Chapter VIII Chapter Identity

Time passed, and five years passed.

Tuobaye and his party have grown stronger. They have already reached the depths of the endless mountains, and they have conquered many of the late Ming Dynasty and the peak fairy.

In five years, they have experienced numerous kills, injuries, and dangers.

However, he has a lot of cards, even if he is in danger, he can always get out of trouble. In five years, their harvest is huge.

In today's Netherland, there are also large mountain forests with a large number of fairy beasts.

He is ready to go out, so he has counted the harvest for five years.

In total, they conquered three mysterious beasts of the mysterious fairyland, fifteen fairy beasts of the mysterious fairyland, eighty-seven fairy beasts of the mysterious fairyland, and two hundred and thirty-two fairy beasts of the mysterious fairyland.

In addition to the formerly conquered Xuan Xianjing strong, there are some Xuan Xianjing strongmen who have made breakthroughs in the past five years. There are a total of 547 Xuan Xianjing strong people in the Netherland Xianfu, among which the newly-opened Xuanxiangjingqiang 2 Twelve.

So many strong and powerful people, in addition to no strong gold fairy, the strength has exceeded the pulse of Zhao Ding.

In the past five years, they have made great progress in Takino.

Let me first talk about Takino himself, and his divine power is finally broken into the sixth gravity. After the battle with the Black Skull, there was a sign of a breakthrough. First, the ** power exceeded 10 million jins, and then often fought against the powerful fairy, and finally broke the bottleneck. Shenli repaired to the sixth gravity and rushed to the nine, the divine power to repair as a breakthrough, the strength of the ** directly reached 13 million jin.

The cultivation of divine power is only one aspect. His cultivation in the practice of airflow is also advancing by leaps and bounds, raising two small realms and reaching the beginning of the fairyland.

In order to reach the heavenly fairyland, there is a huge breakthrough in the power of God. The extension of the wilderness is the power of the mind, and there is also a huge breakthrough.

He has a feeling that with the power of the mind, he can easily kill the strong man in the late stage of the mysterious fairyland. If you use the soul-killing horn, the soul of the scorpion, and the strong man below the golden fairyland, it is difficult to block his god. attack.

With the improvement of the power of the mind, the refining, alchemy and other aspects have also improved, and he has been able to refine the five-character fairy and the five-character fairy.

He has greatly improved in all aspects and is a happy thing.

In addition, the earliest followers of his beasts and strong, have also made great progress.

The seven top beasts, the progress is a little slower, and nowadays the repairs are also at the peak of the heavenly wonderland.

The warm jade holy ganoderma lucidum, the heavenly demon soul vine, repaired to the middle of the mysterious fairyland, the life sacred tree is not idle, swallowing a lot of life, repaired to the beginning of the mysterious fairyland.

However, their cultivation does not show their strength, and their combat effectiveness is far beyond repair.

The **** demon is progressing rapidly, and it has been repaired in the late period of the mysterious fairyland.

Jin Dali also recovered to the peak state, and Xuan Wonderland was repaired in the middle.

The repair of Zidian was promoted to the middle of Xuanxiangjing, and he also had two Ziyu lightning bolts in the early days of Xuanxiangjing.

The black scorpion plus one, one, two, two tigers and three leopards, with the help of Takino, they made rapid progress, and they also broke through the bottleneck and became the peak fairy of the mysterious fairyland.

The cultivation of fairy beasts was very slow. However, Takuya had not spent a lot of resources to train them, and with continuous fighting, they finally broke through.

As for the large number of human practitioners who have received the service, there have been many breakthroughs.

It can be said that the top Xuan Xianjing who is now mastered by Takino is estimated to surpass the existing top-ranking fairyland in Tiangong City.

In addition to not having a strong gold fairyland, they can't compete with the strong gold fairy, and the strength is good.

It is estimated that in addition to the five major forces, the Holy Land, the Heavenly City, and the Tiandan City, I am afraid that the rare forces can compare with those of the great wilderness.

He has been in the holy world for some time, knowing the strongest forces in the Holy Immortal.

In the end of the sacred world, in the end, the Shengzong family is the only one. The other five major forces, together with the Tiancheng City and the Tiandan City, cannot be compared with the Shengzong.

This is what he learned when he controlled a lot of saints. The saints have a great ambition and unite the Holy Land.

He secretly cultivated a large number of strong people. These strong people are deeply hidden. Even if they are holy, they have only heard of it, but they have never seen it.

Moreover, the light on the surface of the Holy See is no longer comparable to the five forces.

Takino has not blindly conquered the fairy, and the top fairy in the endless mountains is also limited.

He decided to step out of the endless mountains and develop forces outside.

Now that he has a large number of strong people, Xuan Yu Building can be greatly developed.

Moreover, the Tiancheng City must also be developed, and the power of the Tiancheng City should be used to deal with the Holy Family.

In addition, he is also curious about the relationship between Tiancheng City and Tiandan City. Last time Zhong Rong sent a strong person to Tiandan City, and he did not know what happened.

In these cases, he must understand clearly and have a bottom in mind.

For the time being, he has not decided whether he wants to show up and fight against the saints.

"Forget it, go out of the endless mountains first, discuss with the master, and then make plans." Takuya thinks and says.

Now that he is strong and strong, he is ambitious and ready to do a big job.

Through the transmission array, Tuo Ye did not take long to return to Tiancheng City.

Of course, his return to the heavenly city is top secret. He only contacted Longchen.

Long Chen got the news and met with Takuya in the Xuan Yu Building.

"Xuanyu, I have no news for you in five years. I am worried that it will be broken. If it is not for me, I will enter the endless mountains to find you." Longchen said.

"Master, let you worry, it is really unfilial." Takuya is grateful.

He can see that Long Chen is very sincere to him, without any falsehood.

"Xuan Yu, you can come back safely, better than anything. This time to go to the endless mountains, how to harvest?" Long Chen said with a smile.

Takuya wild laughed: "Master, the harvest decision is beyond your imagination. I just want to ask your opinion, I continue to borrow and lurk, secretly develop power. Or stand up directly and fight against the Holy Spirit."

"Xuanyu, Shengzong is too strong, and Zhao Ding hates you. I suggest that you don't show up for a while, hide in the dark development. Xuanyu Building is developing well, you can control it behind, and quickly develop and expand Xuanyu Building. What support do you need, I can provide it to you." Long Chen thought about it and said.

"Good! I listen to the master." Takuya is actually thinking this way.

Long Chen said: "Xuan Yu, I will give you a period of time to develop my own power, I will sit in the heavenly city, let Tiancheng City slowly restore the strength of the heyday. When you grow up, I may leave the Tiancheng City. Leave the holy world and go to other worlds."

"Master, I will not live up to your expectations." Takuno agreed.

Long Chen thought for a moment and said: "Xuan Yu, I heard that you are also an immortal teacher?"

"Yes, the level of my alchemy is similar to that of the refiner." Takuno is not concealed.

Longchen nodded: "Very good! You change your identity. I introduce you to the city of Tiandan City. You can worship him as a teacher and learn about the alchemy. The city of Tiandan City has nothing to do with me, and we have no What power **, just want to pursue the heavens. If you can get his approval, you may be able to control the Tiancheng City and the Tiandan City at the same time."

He paused and continued: "The situation in Tiandan City is similar to that of the Umbrella City five years ago. There is also a struggle inside. Moreover, the saints also have signs of intervention. Five years ago, Zhong Wei sent a strong person to remind The main city of Tiandan City, but they did not pay attention. I hope that after you have passed, can help Tiandan City to resolve the crisis."

"Master, please rest assured, as long as it can weaken the strength of the Holy Family, I will do my best." Takino said immediately.

"Xuan Yu, listen to what you mean in your words, do you have hatred with the saints?" Long Chen is very smart.

Takino asked what he thought, and did not conceal: "Master. It does not contradict each other. Once Shengzong knows my true identity, I will definitely kill me. St. Zong hates my original identity and even surpasses Xuanyu's identity."

"I know, Xuan Yu is your fake identity. And your original identity can not be known, so can not be exposed." Long Chen said.

"Yes, my real name is Takino, from St. Dragon Star. I destroyed the holy sacred sect of the Holy Land and destroyed many good things about the sacred patriarchs. The sages have been secretly looking for me, just I have hidden my identity and I have not been found by them. For my own safety, I must also constantly weaken the strength of the Holy Spirit. It is best to destroy the Holy Family and be able to sit back and relax." Takuya said.

"Xuanyu! This matter, you will not mention it in the future. For the time being, Xuanyu’s identity is best not to be used. You change your name and go to Tiandan City as an immortal teacher to win the approval of Tiandan City. In your real situation, only the owner of the city of Tiantan knows that he is a life and death with me, and will do his best to help you." Long Chen said seriously.

"Thank you, Master!"

Long Chen was very thoughtful about Takino, and he was very touched.

Long Chen said: "I have a collection of treasures here, all of which are the treasures that have been destroyed by Zhao Ding. I have taken out a part of it, which is what you deserve. You take these treasures and develop the Xuan Yu Building."

"Thank you Master!" Takuya was grateful.

"Xuan Yu, what help do you need, even tell me."

"Master, how is Wang Hao doing now?" Tuo Yanye asked.

"Wang Hao returned to the Emperor's family, you can rest assured. He grew up very fast, and it will take a long time to help you. And, I asked him to take away a group of spiritual masters and fairy sects. Your people are there," Long Chen said.

"Master, you think too thoughtful." Takuya said.

"Xuan Yu, is there anything else?" Long Chen asked.

Takino shook his head: "Master, you have helped me a lot, nothing else."

"Good! You remember what I said next, you will call Long Yun in the future. Long Yun is a very talented young Xiandan division. This person does exist, but he died unfortunately. His death, No one knows that you should have no problem with his identity. Moreover, Long Yun is self-taught and has always been alone. There are not many people who know him. You can't easily reveal his identity," Long Chen said.

"Master, do you know what he looks like?" asked Takuno.

Have a proper identity to make it easier for him to do things. Otherwise, it would be suspicious to suddenly come up with a talented Xiandan division.

Long Chen considered it very clearly, and all the preparations for him helped him think about it.

Now, Takino only needs to become a dragon cloud, and then you can walk the world with the identity of Long Yun.

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