Mythical Tyrant

Chapter 834: Jiujiu Jindan

Eighty-three hundred thirty-four chapter ninety-nine Jindan

The saints have long been in place, and most of them are hidden in the endless mountains. The city of Tiandan also has the saints and is responsible for contact.

Nie Yuan got in touch with the saints and told the people of Longsheng to let them know how to deal with Longyun.

Anyway, they are one and must go all out to make a single wind.

In fact, the Shengzongqiang has heard the news and has the idea of ​​eradicating Longyun.

Nie Yuan asked, they immediately agreed to come down.

When he saw that the saints had promised, he finally breathed a sigh of relief: "With the support of the saints, it is certainly not difficult to kill Longyun."

After more than ten years of preparation, Shengzong’s preparations were very full, and the strong sentmen far exceeded the strongmen who dealt with the Tiancheng City.

Moreover, they are more cautious and more careful this time.

In addition to some eyeliners left in the city of Tiandan, the other people are hidden outside and have not been exposed.

In the past few years, the Shengzong strongman has repeatedly shot, killing a single strong and strong, and weakening the strength of a single style.

They are very secretive, and no one can find their identity.

The saints are hidden in the dark, posing a greater threat to the city of Tiandan.

Because of this, the single wind will come up with Long Chen to come up with such a plan, to lead the snake out of the hole.

After three days of blinking, the Long Yun apprentice ceremony officially began.

The apprentice ceremony was very grand, and everyone with a face and face in Tiandan City participated.

Nie Yuan also came to observe the ceremony, but their faces are still not very good-looking.

Before, they were the five major city owners, waiting for five days and five nights, just for Longyun.

As a result, Long Yun went under the single wind and let them wait, and they naturally didn't have a good face.

The purple rain smoke came to the ceremony and brought the newly recruited female disciple to dance.

Long Yun met with the dance city, and they pretended not to know.

Seeing that the dance city can break into the purple rain smoke, the extension of the wilderness is more assured.

Originally, he was opposed to the dance city and personally entered the city of Tiandan. It is best to say that he might have let her go.

The teacher ceremony was very smooth, and Long Yun also took the opportunity to meet many important figures in Tiandan City.

These characters, he is in mind, maybe you have to deal with them later.

The addition of Longyun makes the strong people of the city's main government very excited.

The joining of a powerful strong man has great benefits for the city government.

In recent years, the reputation of Nie Yuanyi is getting higher and higher, and some of them are above the city government.

The city government wants to turn things around and recruit geniuses and famous people.

The addition of Long Yun has at least greatly increased the momentum of the city government and temporarily reversed the situation.

Next, it is necessary to look at Long Yun's ability, is it really possible to reverse the situation?

Anyway, his joining has brought benefits to the city government.

With Long Yun’s single-handedness, many strong, Xiandan and Lingdan teachers took the initiative to vote for the city’s main government.

In the past, some people went to the city government, but the number was much smaller.

Longyun joined to bring benefits, and the number of strong people who have gone to the city's main government has increased. There are still many talents who are all named after the name, and they must go under the Longyunmen and become followers of Longyun.

Such a good thing, Long Yun will certainly not refuse.

After he joined the city of Tiandan, he began to recruit followers and recruit disciples.

As a master of his four-class Xiandan, it is easy to recruit disciples, and it is not difficult to recruit followers.

Those strong are not stupid, naturally know that Longyun's potential is amazing, and now follow Longyun, and when Longyun grows up, they can also get benefits.

If you want to join the Longyun Gate, you can't wait for it, or else Longyun's voice will be higher, and you must raise the threshold for recruiting the strong.

Long Yun is not to deal with Nie Yuancai to recruit talents, he is for Tianyu League.

Under the Tianyu League, there are quite a few fairy wares and spiritual masters, and Xiandan and Ling Dan are far behind.

The opportunity is hard to come by now. Of course, he must recruit more Xiandan divisions and spiritual masters to prepare for the future of Tianyu League and lay a solid foundation.

There are a large number of Xiandan divisions and Lingdan divisions. Afterwards, Tianyu League can be self-sufficient, and it is not necessary to acquire Xiandan and Lingdan from outside. It is extremely beneficial to the development of Tianyu League.

Really others, Long Yun’s reputation is very high. He recruits his disciples very smoothly, and it is very easy to recruit strong people.

In less than a month, Long Yun enrolled eleven Yipin Xiandan, three second-class Xiandan divisions, and a three-product Xiandan division. There are more than 100 masters, and they are all good talents. .

In addition, Long Yun also recruited a group of followers, including forty-eight strong people in Tianxian, and six strong in the early days of Xuanxianjing.

This is just a talent recruited in a month. With so many talents, Tuoqian is very excited.

Shan Feng Yang saw Long Yun recruited so many strong people, and he was very happy for him: "Long Yun, you have done very well, maybe it will take a long time, you can build your own power."

"Thanks to the master, many people look at your face and decide to worship me as a teacher and follow me." Takino is very modest.

"Long Yun, you just joined the city government, the performance is too dazzling, I believe Nie Yuan will not be able to resist, then you must be careful." Single Feng Yang reminded.

Takuya said with a smile: "I don't think I can continue to hide in the city government. I should go out and get familiar with the situation in Tiandan City."

"Dragon Cloud, are you ready to lead the snake out of the hole so soon?" asked Dan Fengyang.

"Yes, only when I go out, they will shoot, so that I can weaken their strength." Takuya smiled.

"Do you want me to help?" asked Dan Fengyang.

Takino wilderness shook his head: "Master, the city government should not have any action, otherwise Nie Yuan will definitely know."

Single wind is not stupid, of course, knowing that Long Yun said it is not fake.

"Well, then you are careful, if you are in danger, contact me immediately." Single wind nodded.

The city of Tiandan is very large and very prosperous. The most common business is the sale of Xianyin and Xiandan.

Takuya even wants to open the Xuanyu Building to Tiandan City. When Tianyu City and Tiandan City have Xuanyu Building, the supply of Xuanyu Building is easier to solve.

However, it is not the time to open the Xuan Yu Building. It is easy for the saints to be vigilant. There is still not much time left, and they cannot forget the losses caused by Xuan Yu.

Even if Xuan Yu has fallen, once Xuan Yu Building opens, they will inevitably get nervous, and even think that Xuan Yu is not dead.

Tuo Yeye certainly does not want the strong people of the Shengzong to guess that he is not dead, so the Shengzong strong will be prepared, and it is very unfavorable for what he will do next.

He negotiated with Long Chen and Shan Feng Yang. When he stabilized the situation in Tiandan City, he could open his identity.

At that time, behind him there was the support of Tiandan City and Tiancheng City, and the strong men under him were definitely stronger, and he was not so jealous of the Holy Family.

Walking out of the city's main government, Takino is very casual to hang out on the streets, and occasionally buy some interesting medicines and elixir.

He noticed that he had just left the city government and there were many strong people who followed him.

These people who follow him are not weak, and all of them are strong and powerful.

It seems that Nie Yuan attaches great importance to him, and the eyeliner sent is the strong man of the mysterious fairyland.

Someone followed, and Takuno did not care, continued to hang out and became familiar with the situation in Tiandan City.

When he meets a bigger store, he will go in and see.

However, it is very difficult for the fairy medicine and the elixir to leak, unless there is something wrapped around it.

Takino is not a special trip, mainly familiar with the environment, and hopes to lead the snake out of the hole.

Unfortunately, he strolled for a day and night, and no one started to talk to him.

Instead, the people who followed were changed one after another.

The person tracking is very cautious, for fear that he found it, so frequent substitutions are tracked.

In fact, their every move has fallen into his eyes.

The enemy did not start with him. Obviously, he did not understand his details and did not dare to rush.

Don't look at him alone, everyone knows that Shan Feng Yang will definitely send a strong man to protect him.

Because of this, those enemies hidden in the dark have never shot.

"It seems that there is no way to lead them out this time, or go back." Takuya wild road.

So he quickly returned to the city government and did not give the enemy a chance to start.

"Long Yun, how is the situation." Shan Feng Yang is very concerned.

Takino shook his head: "There are a lot of strong followers, but no one is shooting. It seems that they are very cautious."

"Nie Yuan is really cautious and careful, this is his style."

"Master, you should be able to refine the immortality of the top of the mysterious fairyland to become the strongest of the golden fairyland." Takuya asked suddenly.

There are a lot of Xuan Xianjing's peaks under his command. If there is an elixir for them to break through, then he may soon be able to help the Golden Wonderland.

Shan Fengyang showed a bitter smile: "You are talking about Jiujiu Jindan. I can really refine it. It is only rare to refine the medicine of Jiujiu Jindan. Even if the materials are collected, it is not easy to refine. Moreover, as the name suggests, in order to become a strong gold fairy, you must take nine ninety-nine Jindan, and hopefully break through to become a strong gold fairy, because of this, the Shengxianjie Jinxianjing strong will be so rare."

"Master, what kind of fairy medicine is needed for Jiujiu Jindan." Takuya asked.

"The ninety-nine Jindan needs a total of eighty-one kinds of fairy medicines, all of which are relatively rare, especially nine of them are rare, even if we are in Tiandan City, it is difficult to get together, Jiujiu Jindan Dan Fang is here, you can take it down, if you can meet the materials needed by Jiujiu Jindan, you must buy it at any cost." Shan Fengyang said.

Takuya took over the jade and saw it. The Dan Fang of Jiujiu Jindan is recorded in it, and there is a method of refining.

When I saw those fairy medicines, Takuya had a big head.

He has been collecting all kinds of fairy medicines and planting them in the medicine house. However, he has collected more than one-third of the medicines. He collected less than one-third of the rarest nine kinds of medicines. He is not even one.

"Master, the refining of the ninety-nine Jindan's fairy medicine is also very rare, how did you break through to become a strong gold fairyland." Takuya wild curiosity.

Shan Fengyang sighed: "My master, that is, your ancestor is a legendary figure. He spent his life collecting a lot of ninety-nine Jindan's fairy materials, and finally refining a lot of ninety-nine Jindan, the master's top five Disciples, all took Jiujiu Jindan, and the breakthrough became a strong man of Jinxianjing. At that time, the master was still in Tiandan City. We were one of the six great golden fairylanders. It was also a great story of the holy fairyland. Unfortunately, the master left the holy fairyland. After that, the five of us were somewhat alienated, and they were no longer as united as before."

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