Mythical Tyrant

Chapter 837: Smoke rain floor

Chapter VIII Chapter Yan Yu Lou

"Want to kill me, you are still far away." Takuya wild voice.

He put out the 18 guards, and the 18 Xuan Xianqiang strongmen appeared together, and suddenly the four strong people were scared.

"You robbery in the broad day, it is simply looking for death."

"I don't have the right, hurry and withdraw."

This group of people followed Zhang Gongzi every day, seeing the wind makes the rudder's ability very strong, and the eyesight is not bad.

They knew that they were not good enough and quickly returned to Zhang Gongzi.

"Zhang Gongzi, not good, we kicked the iron plate this time."

Dressed in a colorful Zhang Gongzi angered: "Kicking the iron plate, in the city of Tiandan, there are people I dare not provoke, even if there is, this kid is not in it."

"Zhang Gongzi, the other party has 18 big Xuan Xianjing strong protectors, if I have not guessed wrong, he should be the newly-received disciple of the city owner Long Yun, Long Yun is a peerless genius, very important to the city owner, we can not be an enemy. "The man of the mysterious fairyland is very anxious.

"Dragon cloud." Zhang Gongzi's face changed greatly.

He is the grandson of Zhang Guobin who is extremely loved. He is very talented, but he does not think about cultivation. He is swaying all day in Tiandan City, and it is a tyrant of Tiandan City.

In Tiandan City, few people dare to provoke him.

He is also used to it, but it does not mean that he is stupid.

Of course, he knows the existence of Long Yun. He also knows that even Zhang Guobin had waited for five days and five nights, which is a good example of Long Yun.

Moreover, now that Long Yun’s identity is different, it is the disciple of the city’s master.

If you get to Longyun, I am afraid that Zhang Guobin has no way to save him.

At this time, Takino was surrounded by eighteen Xuan Xianjing strongmen and stopped Zhang Gongzi’s way.

"You are going to **** my treasure." Takuya wild voice.

"Lord Long Yun, I don't know who is not guilty. I haven't recognized you before, and I have been offended. Please don't blame." Zhang Gongzi said quickly.

He swayed all day, and his mouth was still very eloquent.

There are also some speculations in Tuoba’s ambitions, knowing the origin of this person, and not leaving ten.

"Yeah, I can't blame you, but I want to know what you are doing to buy jade."

The person in front of me has no meaning in packing him up.

If they can know what they are doing for the jade, he will certainly be happy to let them go.

"Lord Long Yun, our five sons of Tiandan City will try this time to see who is buying the most jade." Zhang Gongzi said: "I already knew that there is a huge jade here, so the gambling begins, I will come right away. I bought the jade and I didn't expect to be one step ahead of you."

"Oh, this kind of thing is quite interesting, who made it." Takino is very excited.

When Zhang Gongzi saw nothing, he smiled and said: "Lord Long Yun, this time the gambling was proposed by Nie Feng. He is the grandson of Nie Yuan."

"What do you use as a bet?" Takuya knows who proposed it, or does not move.

"It is to use jade as a bet. Whoever has the most jade will get the jade of the other four." Zhang Gongzi said: "If I can take your jade, I will definitely win."

"Can you take me to see, as long as you promise to take me, I can offer you a bigger piece of jade, but I will split the winning bet," said Takuya.

"Really." Zhang Gongzi could not believe it.

Takino immediately took out a piece of jade, the size of the hill.

This piece of jade is obtained from the endless mountains, huge, but worthless, not as good as the jade he just acquired.

Because of this huge jade, there is no sign of chalcedony.

Seeing the huge jade in front of him, Zhang Gongzi excitedly said: "Lord Long Yun, let's go together, jade will give me the custody first, lest those people lie, as long as we win, jade you divided into two, but if we lose I can pay you no jade."

"Reassure, you just said, the jade of this shop can basically win, I took out this piece of jade, which is much bigger than the one in the store. Is it still not winning?" Takuya smiled.

"Of course no problem." Zhang Gongzi suddenly got excited.

"Leading the way ahead." Takuya said.

He took the 18 Xuan Xianjing strong people into the Netherland, and he didn't want to make a big noise.

The five sons of Tiandan City, Tuoye Ye also heard about it.

In fact, these five sons are representatives of the second generation of young people under the five major cities.

The five sons, the talents are not bad, but unfortunately it is a bit of a bad business, like the wind and snow, all kinds of gambling.

He mainly wants to meet Nie Feng and see what kind of person he is.

Of course, if he can win the jade, he does not want to miss it.

Anyway, the jade in his hand has no cultivation value, even if he loses, he will not feel sad.

Zhang Gongzi has a huge jade, and he is in a very good mood. He personally stays with Longyun and quickly rushes to the place where he fights.

Anyway, it’s not long before they gamble, and it’s just right for them to rush.

"Lord Long Yun, I really can't think of it, you are also interested in such a gambling." Zhang Gongzi said.

"I like the gambling the most. If you have a similar event in the future, let me know." Takuya said with a smile.

If Nie Yuan knows his hobby, he may use it later.

Takuya intends to say this, that is, to make the enemy have a chance.

Otherwise, the enemy will not be able to wait, and he will not be able to wait.

"Well, if you like Long Yun, I will call you later." Zhang Gongzi is very excited.

Of course, he is happy to be able to make the most popular character in the city of Tiandan, Longyun, which is something to be proud of.

He listened to Zhang Guobin and said that he could not provoke Longyun anyway.

From the tone of Zhang Guobin, he can hear that Long Yun is not an ordinary person.

What's more, the object of Tiandan City's recent discussion is Long Yun, who doesn't know that he is powerful.

Not long ago, some people wanted to kill Longyun, and lost more than 20 Xuan Xianjing strong.

This thing is generally unknown to people, Zhang Gongzi still knows.

"Zhang Gongzi, where do you usually meet?" Takuya asked.

"Yanyu Building, one of the largest stores in Tiandan City, not only has a variety of treasures for sale, but also a one-stop service. If you like Longyun, I can take you a good circle and enjoy it." Zhang Gongzi said.

"Smoke rain floor, I just want to see it." Takino did not refuse.

Regardless of the location of the Yanyu Building, since it is one of the largest stores in the city of Tiantan, it is definitely not simple.

It is even more powerful to be able to make the five major sons rush.

In fact, he also guessed that this smoke and rain building is likely to provide some double repair services.

In the world of cultivation, the most obsessed with these young people is definitely a double repair.

If the smoke and rain building has a stunning female repair, it will definitely have great appeal for the practitioners to double repair.

Combined with Takino's observation of Zhang Gongzi, he can basically confirm that Yanyulou has such a service.

They are very fast, and they arrive at the Yanyu Building in a short time.

The smoke and rain building is huge, and there is a tall building outside, trading all kinds of treasures.

There are still many courtyards behind, which should be the one-stop service that Zhang Gongzi said.

"Zhang Gongzi, come and visit, welcome." The welcoming people know Zhang Gongzi, very enthusiastic.

"Is the other four sons coming?" asked Zhang Gongzi.

"When I returned to Zhang Gongzi, Du Gongzi and Yang Gongzi arrived, and Nie Gongzi and Zigongzi did not arrive."

"Take me in the past." Zhang Gongzi nodded.

"Yes, Zhang Gongzi please come with me."

They entered the backyard, the backyard was large, all kinds of flowers, spirits, and the scenery was pleasant.

Through a lot of corridors, they went to a large single house.

Zhang Gongzi said: "This is the Lanxiang Courtyard. We often meet here."

"Lanxiang is a hospital, the name is quite charming." Takuya said with a smile.

"Lord Long Yun, you know that I don't know, the female repair of Lanxiang's other hospital is the most charming." Zhang Gongzi reveals the color of sin.

Long Yun is more sure of his own guess, he did not say much, followed Zhang Gongzi.

Entering Lanxiang's hospital, Zhang Gongzi's guards stayed in the front yard of Lanxiang's hospital.

Moreover, Takino also saw that there are many strong people in the front yard of Lanxiang Bieyuan. It seems that they are the guards of Du Gongzi and Yang Gongzi.

Du Gongzi is the grandson of Du Hailing, and Yang Gongzi is the disciple of Dan Fengyang.

I haven't entered the main courtyard of Lanxiang's hospital, I heard the woman's delicate laughter, and the voice is very tempting.

"Du Gongzi and Yang Gongzi are also true, I don't know if I am waiting." Zhang Gongzi is anxious.

He took Tuobaye and walked quickly into the main courtyard.

Just entering the main courtyard, I saw a group of glamorous women, these women are well-prepared, the worst is the real fairyland cultivation, one by one, very few, revealing a lot of white skin.

They are surrounded by two young men, making fun of teasing and playing.

"Du Gongzi, Yang Gongzi, you are too kind." Zhang Gongzi is very upset.

"Zhang Gongzi, you have come late, this is not to blame us. In the past, when you came early, you have not waited for us."

"Zhang Gongzi, you brought people, who is he." The other person saw Tuoye.

Zhang Gongzi smiled and said: "I don't care about you. I will tell you about this. This is Long Yun, the most powerful person in the Tiandan City."

Yang Gongzi saw Longyun and his face changed slightly.

Speaking of it, Long Yun is still the uncle of Yang Gongzi. It is always awkward to meet in this place.

What's more, Yang Gongzi did not have a good impression on Long Yun, and even had some hatred.

Before Longyun didn't go under the single wind, Yang Gongzi was very popular because of his talent.

The appearance of Long Yun, Yang Gongzi's situation is not as good as before.

Du Gongzi said with a smile: "It turns out that you are Long Yun, really young, younger than rumors."

"I heard that you have a gambling, so come and see, I am more interested in gambling, and other things are not very interesting, please feel free to ignore me." Takuya said with a smile.

"Lord Long Yun, the female practitioner of Lanxiang's hospital is really top, you don't try." Zhang Gongzi reveals the look that men understand.

Takino shook his head: "I said it, I am not interested in double repairs. You can do it at will, don't worry about me."

"Well, the gambling is still a little while, you can find a room to rest, what you need, even though you are told," said Zhang Gongzi.

From the beginning to the end, Yang Gongzi did not stand up and say hello.

Until Takino left, he was very dissatisfied: "Zhang Gongzi, why did you bring Longyun?"

"It just happened, so I came together. Is there a problem?" Zhang Gongzi certainly knows why, but he doesn't care so much.

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