Mythical Tyrant

Chapter 846: Internal contradiction

Chapter VIII Internal Conflicts

"Lord Long Yun, if you think that Tiandan City can't shoot high prices, I can be the master, take the Star Gold to the Tiancheng City for auction, how." The landlord of Yanyu Building did not give up easily.

Zhang Gongzi said quickly: "Lord Long Yun, we are Xiandan Division. It is not useful to have Star Gold. It is better to change it to the top grade."

Takino considered it carefully and said with a smile: "I am sorry, I really don't intend to sell it."

"Well, if you have the idea of ​​selling Star Gold, you can always look for me, we will not charge any fees for the Yanyu Building, but also help you publicize."

"Well, once I plan to sell the stars, I will find you in the first place." Takino nodded.

The landlord of the Yanyu Building sighed, and they left with Longyun.

Zhang Gongzi and other six people also walked out of the Yanyu Building.

Zigongzi sighed: "Hallow Dragon, it is a pity. If Star Gold is auctioned, it is definitely a high price. It is definitely higher than the price of Jiuzhong."

"When the top grade fairy crystal is precious, it can still be obtained. If the fairy material such as the star gold is missed, it will be extremely difficult to get it later. Unless I lack the fairy crystal, I will not sell it for the star gold." Wild smiles.

The six people quickly parted ways, and Yang Gongzi was very upset and rushed back to the city government.

Takuya was not in a hurry to go back. He went around, went to several shops, and scoured dozens of meteorites.

For him, Xianjing was placed inside the Xianjing vein and had no other use.

He now has two celestial veins, one of which is still the Zhongpin Xianjing vein, and is not lacking in Xianjing.

When he encounters a meteorite containing high-grade fairy wood, he certainly buys it.

Before, he did not know that there is still a rock in the world of cultivation, and he can also gamble on stone. If he knows, with his character, he must have begun collecting meteorites.

Of course, he collects meteorites, not for the sake of earning the fairy crystals, but for the rare fairy materials inside.

"There have been more than a hundred meteorites. It is time to go back to the city government."

He has been following the followers, and Nie Feng must have told him that he had received the gold. He has to guard against it.

Nie Yuan has never had any movement since he ate a big loss, which made him even more uneasy.

Therefore, he is going to go back to the city government and avoid it first.

With such a large piece of gold on the body, the danger is greatly increased.

He went back and saw that others would not think that he would carry the gold of the stars with him, and there would be no danger in this regard in the future.

Not long after, he returned to the city government.

Just back, he was taken to the rostrum hall, and Dan Fengyang sat in the discussion hall with a few disciples, as if discussing something.

"Well, your little teacher is back, what do you say in person?"

When Takuno heard it, these people came to him. He immediately thought of Yang Gongzi. He got the gold of the stars. Yang Gongzi must tell these brothers, but they didn't know what they wanted to do.

"Long Yun, younger brother, I heard that you are gambling on the stone, and there is a huge star gold. Can you give us some points?" The master of Yang Gongzi is also the second brother of Takuya, "The second brother, you." I want to star gold, of course, it’s not a problem. It’s just like calling me like this. It seems that something is wrong. You are going to interrogate me or what.”

"Long Yun, younger brother, can you take out hundreds of thousands of crystals to buy the meteorite, isn't it the fairy crystal that the master gave you?" Duan Hu said: "Since it is the fairy crystal that the master gave you, it is the wealth shared by the city government. Star Gold should also be owned by the city government."

Single wind and face cold, loud voice: "Duan Hu, you are noisy, I did give Longyun some Xianjing, but the number of 100,000 last time, let him see the favorite medicine to buy it, As a result, he has not used the fairy crystal I gave, even the last auction of the nine heavy scorpions, are also Long Yun's own fairy crystal."

"Two brothers, the fairy crystals that the master gave me are in the Qiankun ring. You can see that I have no use for a piece of fairy crystal. You have to say that the stars are common, and I am not happy." **** off.

He paused and continued: "Master, the fairy crystal you gave me is here, please take it back, lest anyone think you are biased."

"Impossible, how can you have so many crystals, you are a strong master." Duan Hu loud.

"How many of my fairy crystals, how come, I need to tell you." Takuya wild cold channel.

"Well, Duan Hu, are you having enough trouble? You didn't even believe that my master didn't believe it. I don't have any respect for it. Moreover, the fairy crystals of our city's capital are counted. You can go and see the fairy crystals. I know how many fairy crystals Long Yun took. When you got started, I will give you 100,000 yuan each of them. I will not be able to get a good look at them. I don’t have the same thickness. The same 100,000 yuan, these are recorded in the book. Man, take the record of the use of Xianjing." Shan Feng Yang is very angry.

The master, Danxiong, said quickly: "The second division, still not apologizing to the master, you dare to doubt the master."

Duan Hu also knows that he is too rash this time.

He hurried down and confessed: "Master, I am wrong, I should not doubt you."

"It’s all gone, I’m going to explain it now, Star Gold, and Jiu Duan, Zi Luo Tian, ​​are all Long Yun’s items. If you need it, you must make it clear with Long Yun. If there is something similar in the future, , never lightly." Single wind and anger.

Duan Hu, they left, especially Duan Hu, seeing Takino's eyes are very bad.

"Master, you said that the celestial crystals that bought the nine heavy scorpions are mine. They certainly don't believe it, even I don't believe it." Takuya sighed: "In this way, the contradiction between me and the two brothers is afraid. It’s hard to resolve, and I’m afraid that he will do some extreme things because of me, which will cause huge losses to the city’s government.”

"Long Yun, I have not said anything, it is indeed your purchase of Xianjing." Shan Fengyang said: "If the tiger is dare to chaos, I personally killed him."

He paused and asked: "No, how does Duan Hu know that you have a star gold?"

"Today I went to the gambling stone with the five sons. The second brother knows it." Takuya said: "I originally wanted to ease the relationship with Yang Gongzi. As a result, the relationship is getting stiffer and I have no way. ”

"Dragon Cloud, you don't need to have any scruples, whether it is Duan Hu, or Yang Gongzi looking for you trouble, although you tell me, I will teach them." Shan Feng Yang is very good at maintaining Longyun.

“Thank you for the master.” Takuya was grateful.

"You go back to practice." Single Feng Yang sent the extension of the wilderness to leave, still not at ease.

He thought twice and summoned the elders of the city government and his disciples.

He decided to explain things clearly so that there was no internal problem and it was more terrible than the external enemy.

"Elders, please come today, just to say something clearly." Shan Fengyang said.

"The city owner please say."

"Everyone knows that the crystals and treasures of the city's capital are placed in the treasure house. There are special people to manage. Even if I want to use treasures and fairy crystals, I must register them. I also have some fairy crystals on my body, but the number is not Many, this must be known to everyone. Before the Yanyulou auction, Longyun bought Zi Luotian and Jiuzhongyu with his own fairy crystal, but some people think that it is the fairy crystal I gave him. You can look at the record. I only took 100,000 yuan of the fine crystals to Longyun, and now he has returned the 100,000 yuan of the finest crystals to me." The single wind is very calm.

Several elders in charge of managing the treasure house stood up and proved to the single wind.

"The city owner did take out 100,000 yuan of Xianjing recently, saying that it was a meeting for Longyun. Everyone knows that the city owner is very caring for the disciples. The face-to-face ceremony is 100,000 yuan." An elder said.

Another elder said: "As for the use of Xianjing before the Long Yun auction, it is really not the fairy crystal of the city's capital."

Single wind and sinking voice: "I can also swear, I really do not have the thickest, privately give Longyun a fairy crystal, if you have any doubts in the future, it is best to understand clearly, do not make any contradictions, my disciples do not Many, I don't want to see you making troubles. Everyone knows that Nie Yuan is a tiger, and the Shengzong strong is likely to intervene. Our city government must be united in order to protect the city."

Duan Hu quickly slammed down: "Master, it is my fault, I should not doubt the master."

"Duan Hu, I don't want to blame you. I am afraid that there are other people who have the same ideas. You must explain them clearly today, so as to avoid problems inside us. To be honest, before the auction of Yan Yulou, the auction of Jiuzhongyu It was a conspiracy. I didn't want to take Xianjing to buy Jiuzhong. The result was that Long Yun decided to take the nine-fold scorpion. He knew that I was collecting the medicinal herbs of Jiujiu Jindan. So I bought the Nine Dragons and gave it to me."

Shan Fengyang said: "He is also a good heart. Once the collection of the fairy tales of Jiujiu Jindan is complete, everyone is good. You should thank Long Yun. If he did not come up with his own savings, Jiuzhong will definitely not fall into it. In the hands of our city government."

"The city owner, Long Yun Dagong is selfless and should be rewarded." An elder proposed.

"The rewards don't have to be, the dragon crystals owned by Longyun are more than me, and we don't need our rewards." Shan Fengyang said: "I only hope that in the future everyone can unite and deal with foreign enemies together. Longyun is worth it. Trusted people, don’t contradict him."

"Master, I will remember your words." Duan Hu said.

"Duan Hu, Yang Gongzi under your door, I have to restrain more in the future, don't let him make anything, don't know what's going on, he is very dissatisfied with Long Yun." Shan Fengyang said.

"Master, I will teach him well and keep an eye on him." Duan Hu said.

"Okay, let's go down." Single wind sighed.

When everyone left, he felt very tired.

In fact, he still believes in Duan Hu’s. Duan Hu has been in his door for thousands of years and is unlikely to betray him.

He was a little worried about Yang Gongzi, Yang Gongzi is still young, and he remembers to hate Longyun, and he may not be able to withstand the temptation.

"I have tried my best, I hope he will not do anything to be sorry for the city government, otherwise..."

The reason why he made a move this time was because of Long Yun.

Longyun is too important for Tiandan City. He definitely does not allow Longyun to do something.

There is a problem inside, and the threat to Longyun is too great.

He explained this clearly, and I believe that these people will not talk nonsense in the future, and will not target Longyun.

But he did not know that once someone determined that Long Yun was his enemy, he would never figure it out.

Yang Gongzi’s mind is very narrow, and it is even more impossible to release.

Duan Hu went back to teach him. He not only did not reflect, but even hated Long Yun.

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