Mythical Tyrant

Chapter 856: Relative

The 865th chapter

Everyone soon arrived at the Herb House, and the people who lived in Baicao certainly knew Long Yun and the five sons, and they also recognized the exquisite.

They invited the big management of the Herb House.

Hundreds of grasses and big faces smiled and greeted each other: "Welcome to Long Yun, welcome Miss Linglong, welcome the five sons, and a few VIPs come together. Our hundred grass houses are really beautiful."

"Big management, we are mainly to accompany Miss Linglong to pick the fairy medicine, what good herbs do the herbs, let us introduce." Nie Gongzi said.

"No problem, we have just arrived in a new batch of fairy medicine, there are many middle-class fairy medicine, please come with me." The big manager said with a smile.

He took everyone into the real hundred grass house, which is his fairy house.

Herbs have their own characteristics, because they use Xianfu as a trading place, where a lot of fairy medicine is planted.

General shops, there is really no such luxury, using Xianfu as a place of trading.

Entering Xianfu, Takino can judge that this Xianfu is just a Chinese product.

He used to get a lot of Xianfu, the next product to the small world, he has, naturally familiar.

The scent of the herb is still quite rich, suitable for the growth of fairy medicine.

Entering Xianfu, the big manager took the seven of them in Tuobao, and they appeared directly in the area where Xianyin was located.

Looking at the wilderness, I found a lot of new medicines.

However, these fairy medicines have him, there is no idea of ​​buying.

"Lord Long Yun, Miss Linglong, the five sons, you can see at random, you need to tell me directly about the fairy medicine, I will transplant it directly to you. As for the price of the fairy medicine, you can directly ask." The big manager said.

"Well, you are going to be busy," said Linglong.

The big manager left, and the five sons rushed to introduce the fairy medicine to Linglong.

As a master of the four-pronged immortals, Linglong still doesn't know the fairy medicine. They are simply doing more.

Takino wilderness, watching the five sons how to please Linglong.

He looked at the fairy medicine carefully to see if he had the fairy medicine he needed.

Linglong did intend to buy the fairy medicine, and picked up a lot of fairy medicines in a short time.

Her selection of the fairy medicine is mostly Sanpinxian medicine and Sipinxian medicine, and the price is not low.

Seeing her big choice, she didn't care about the price, she knew that her family was very rich.

The city of Tiandan is a regular, new disciple, before he can make a contribution, he can only get 100,000 yuan.

There are a lot of 100,000 fine crystals, not too much.

Purchasing fairy medicine like Linglong is definitely not enough.

Obviously, Linglong has the same family as Tuoye.

The five sons are very dedicated, and they can realize that they can't get many fairy crystals.

"Long Yun brother, why don't you pick the fairy medicine, so many fairy medicines, don't you see it." Linglong asked.

Takino wilderness shook his head: "The fairy medicine is good, but I have spent too much recently, and there are not many fairy crystals to buy the fairy medicine, or forget it."

It’s not his style to pretend to be poor.

However, in front of Linglong, he did not want to expose his oldest.

"There is no fairy crystal, then what are you doing?" Yang Gongzi said coldly.

Nie Gongzi said: "I heard that you bought a large number of meteorites some time ago, and you are losing money."

"Wu Shi, are you good at gambling stones, just right, I also like to gamble, we will go see later." Linglong is very high.

"Well, our five sons are experts in gambling, and you will be able to make a lot of money when you follow us." Yang Gongzi said.

Takino wildly said: "My eyesight is not good. I recently lost a lot of fairy crystals in gambling. I used to be at the bottom of my family and I was almost defeated. I will not go out with you to join in the fun."

Listen to him saying that the five sons are all happy.

Without him to go, the five sons have a chance to get in touch with Linglong.

They all can see that Linglong is obviously more concerned about Longyun.

No way, although their five sons are famous, they can't compare with Longyun.

The gap is there, there are dragons in the clouds, and they don’t dare to brag.

"Long Yun brother, are you too modest, I think you must not want to accompany us, deliberately find an excuse." Linglong said.

She mainly wants to know Longyun, not the five sons, so I want Longyun to follow.

She also knows that Long Yun has recently acquired the news of the meteorite. As for the gambling stone, it is a profit. I am afraid that only Long Yun knows it.

"I really don't mean that. I don't have too many fairy crystals to buy the meteorites. It doesn't mean to follow them." Takuya Kan shook his head.

He is retreating and testing the exquisiteness.

"Long Yun brother, you said to be a guide to me, is it not counted." Ling Yan squinted.

"Miss Linglong, we are more familiar with Tiandan City. We are the same for you as a guide." Yang Gongzi said.

Takino nodded and said: "Yes, the five sons are most familiar with the city of Tiandan. I just came to Tiandan City, or they took me familiar with the city of Tiandan."

"Then I don't care, if you don't go, I will go back. It's really disappointing." Linglong cold face.

The five sons looked at Tuo's eyes very badly. He had hardships and said with a bitter smile: "Well, I will accompany you all the time. Anyway, I will be a guest."

"Well, I will settle the fairy medicine first, then go directly to the gambling stone. You must know which places are better. Take me to the place." Linglong said.

Takuya is the clearest. He has recently swept all the gambling stone markets. Some of the better meteorites on the market have been bought by him. The rest of the meteorites, even if they can earn the fairy crystal, will not make big profits. The situation is up to several times.

For gambling stones, turning a few times of profits can only be a small profit.

No matter where they go, it is estimated that it is unlikely to earn Xianjing.

In this case, he certainly will not say it.

If people know that he can see the treasures in the meteorite, it is estimated that he will become a toon, and all parties want to kidnap him.

Linglong quickly picked the medicinal herbs and then settled them.

"Miss Linglong, you have purchased more fairy medicines. In total, you need 360,000 yuan of Xianjing and 12,000 yuan of fine crystals. Originally, I can give Miss Linglong a gold card, just the only one in the store. Zhang Jinka gave Mr. Long Yun, and it is still necessary to apply for a gold card again. It will take a while, Miss Linglong, I am sorry, otherwise, you will use the gold card of Long Yun’s gold card to settle the account first. When the gold card arrives, I will send someone. Send it to you," said the big manager.

When I heard the big things, the five sons were red-faced.

Before they had a silver card, they couldn’t do it, and they laughed at Longyun.

As a result, they did not expect that Longyun had a gold card, but there was no sound.

If it were not for the big things to say, they could not know.

Long Yun is too low-key, they finally saw it.

Exquisite eyes and flashes, watching Longyun, Shen Yu for a moment, said: "No problem."

Long Yun has no choice but to take out the gold card and let Linglong check out.

Compared with the silver card, the gold card has a discount of one more discount. This is not a small amount.

In particular, there are more fairy medicines purchased by Linglong, and it is quite amazing when they are folded.

"Long Yun brother, thank you very much, you let me save so many fairy crystals, you will pick three meteorites at a later time, I pay the bill." Ling Xiao said with a smile.

Long Yun shook his head: "Even if I don't take out the gold card, the herb will give you a discount, you don't have to thank me."

The five sons are too angry, one eye seems to be murderous, staring at Tuoye.

Takuya has not seen it, nor did he care too much.

The reason why he is not willing to go with Linglong, even if he is worried about Linglong's intentional or unintentional provocation, let the five sons fight against him.

He is not afraid of the five sons, but he has some scruples.

The five sons are young and energetic, and they will not be afraid of the identity of the wilderness.

Once it makes a lot of trouble, it will affect the overall situation of the city.

Looking at the exquisite work, Takuya is more certain, she is plotting.

"Long Yun brother, I still know the rules of the herb, there is no gold card, it is impossible to give gold card discount, if you do not take out the gold card, I can enjoy the silver card discount." Linglong said.

"I really don't want to thank me." Tuo Yeye intends to open the distance, not too close to Linglong.

Even if he does this, the five sons will secretly conceal his hypocrisy.

No way, worrying, even the intelligence has dropped.

"Long Yun brother, whether you accept it or not, I have to thank you. If you don't pick a rock, I will help you pick three meteorites, thank you." Linglong said.

Takuya has nothing to say, and going on, it will only make him more hypocritical.

"Whatever, oh." Takuya sighed.

Yang Gongzi whispered: "It is hypocritical. I have never seen such a hypocritical person."

Nie Gongzi is also jealous: "I really can't think of it, he is so hypocritical."

Their voices were small and they were heard by Takino.

He didn't want to argue with the five sons, so he seemed to be unpretentious.

No way, he only pretended not to hear.

Linglong looked at everything and was in a very good mood: "Where are we going?"

"Smoke rain floor, the gambling stone market in Yanyu Building is good." Zhang Gongzi proposed.

Nie Gongzi said quickly: "The smoke and rain floor is not very good. I think it is better to go to other stores than the Yanyu Building."

Zhang Gongzi reacted and said quickly: "It is true that the smoke and rain floor gambling stone can only be considered good. The best gambling stone market is Yunkong Pavilion."

"In this case, let's go to the Yunkong Pavilion and go to the Yanyu Building." Linglong made a decision.

She suddenly asked Takuya: "Long Yun brother, have you recently acquired a lot of scorpions? You should know which rock is the best."

"The Yunkong Pavilion is a gambling stone, so there are more meteorites, and the Yanyu Building is a windy field. The various entertainment facilities are relatively complete. After you find the five sons, it is right to go to the Yanyu Building."

He didn't talk much, but he sold the five sons.

The five sons glared at him, and he pretended not to see it.

Anyway, this is the case, and there is nothing wrong with exposing the old man of the five sons.

In fact, he is very clear, even if he does not say, Linglong must have known the place where the five sons often meet.

Linglong has been under the purple rain smoke for a while, and I don’t know if these conditions can be said.

He does not believe that this exquisite is really retreating every day, not asking the world.

Linglong is very clever, did not entangle this problem, smiled and said: "Take me to Yunkongge."

The people speeded up and went straight to Yunkongge.

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