Mythical Tyrant

Chapter 859: Jieshi Fengyun

The 805th chapter

When the meteorites were placed in the Netherland, the Takuya ambitions were settled.

Whether it is a huge meteorite containing the nine-day gods and irons, or a meteorite containing the essence of the five elements, it is a treasure that he must gain.

Such a treasure, did not get the hand, it is estimated that he has no way to cultivate with peace of mind.

He returned to the underground treasure house, and the five sons and Linglong are still picking the meteorite. It is estimated that the short time will not end.

Takuya has resisted and has not continued to pick the meteorite.

These unselected meteorites contain a lot of high-quality treasures.

"After a while, I will still choose more."

Time passed, I don't know how long it has been.

The five sons and the exquisite six people are still unfinished, ending the selection of meteorites.

Yang Gongzi said with excitement: "Everyone has chosen the rock, it is time to solve the stone."

Zhang Gongzi smiled and said: "Well, see who picks the rock, or else, the loser treats."

Nie Gongzi said indifferently: "I have no problem."

"I agree." The people agreed that no one objected.

There are places to solve the stone on each floor of the Yunkongge gambling stone market, and there are also special stone relief places.

Nie Gongzi said: "We went to the place where the stone was specially solved. Each person took out two pieces of meteorites, and the stone that came out of the treasure had a higher value to win."

"Who is afraid of who." Du Hailing said.

The five sons are full of strength, to be able to perform in front of Linglong.

Linglong stared at Takuno, and wanted to know the idea of ​​Takuno.

As a result, she found that Takino was closed to the eyes and did not pay attention to the problem of the stone.

The more you like Takino, the more you want to know what he thinks and what he has.

Since he dared to buy the Rock, he must be a good player in identifying the meteorite. Why is it so low-key?

All of this has become a mystery in the exquisite heart, she wants to unravel as soon as possible.

Soon they went to the place where they knew the stone, and there were many people who were solving the stone.

However, it doesn't matter. There are more than one platform for Jieshi. The five sons came forward and soon occupied a platform for the stone, ready to solve the problem.

The seven sons, Linglong, Longyun and other seven people gathered together, causing a lot of sensation. Many people around the table where they are, ready to see them.

The five sons want to show their limelight, and Bar does not have much to watch.

Yang Gongzi said: "Several people, who will come first."

"Long Yun brother, you have the highest score, or you should come first." Linglong said.

She paused and continued: "I have a proposal. We all know how to solve the problem."

Her purpose is very simple, is to want to see the skills of the extension of the wild stone.

Zhang Gongzi excitedly said: "Of course no problem, we are all veterans."

"I personally know the stone, this suggestion is good." Nie Gongzi laughed.

"I agree with my hands." Yang Gongzi said.

Du Gongzi and Zigongzi are no exception, and they accepted it with pleasure.

Only Takuno was left, he had to agree.

The first solution to the wilderness of Takino, his technique of solving the stone, is absolutely unparalleled.

What's more, when he showed his power, he knew where the treasure was, and he was able to open the treasure accurately and without hurting the treasure.

However, in front of Linglong, he deliberately hid, twice solved the stone, looks very skilled, but there have been a few mistakes.

Don't look at such small mistakes, it is fatal to some treasures.

He concealed very well, and did not make people see that he was deliberate.

The two meteorites were specially selected by him. One piece contained a four-piece fairy material of the size of a fist. A piece of meteorite contained a three-piece fairy piece of the size of the head.

Two meteorites are not too bad. If you sell the treasures, you can earn more than ten times the profits.

Such a meteorite is already a big earner in the eyes of ordinary people.

This kind of meteorite is nothing in the eyes of Takuya. He basically didn't want it in the past. The meteorite he chose can at least earn dozens of profits.

Zhang Gongzi falsely said: "Lord Long Yun, luck is good, both meteorites have made a lot of money."

"Today's luck is really good, haha..." Takuya wilderness showed a smile.

Yang Gongzi said coldly: "When you open four items of fairy wood, you will be like this, or look at our rock."

Linglong did not speak, did not know what was thinking.

Tuo’s performance was very good, and she couldn’t see any problems. She was even more confused.

The two meteorites selected by Takuno are easy to see the meteorites containing treasures, which is the kind of meteorite that is easier to distinguish.

Such meteorites are rare, and once placed on the shelves, they will soon be bought.

However, his method of solving the stone is very skilled, but there has been a small mistake. No one can tell whether it is a real mistake or a intention.

Next is the five major sons, who use their own methods to determine the order.

Nie Gongzi first started, and his stone was the most skilled among the five sons.

The two meteorites he took out were the most sure of the meteorites he purchased.

The stone begins, so be very careful and the movement is slow.

He cut down, not long after, there was Baoguang.

Baoguang appeared so quickly that the treasures contained in the meteorites are likely to be relatively large.

Nie Gongzi was very excited and said with a smile: "It seems that my luck is also good. The first meteorite has the hope to open a large piece of fairy wood."

Seeing his smug look, the other four of the five sons are very upset.

The top of the field is expressionless, and no one knows his thoughts.

Linglong has been paying attention to the extension of the wilderness and found that he rarely has expressions and people can't see through.

There are a lot of exclaimers around the audience: "Big earning is definitely a big profit."

"It’s amazing, I’ve heard that the five big sons are gambling, and I’ve seen it with my eyes today.”

Hearing those comments, Nie Gongzi was more proud, and he continued to solve the problem.

When he opened the fairy wood completely, it was a little disappointing.

The fairy wood is quite big, that is, as long as it is a very thin layer, and the grade of the fairy material is also five grades of fairy wood, it is not a high-grade fairy.

The value of this piece of fairy material is above the two pieces of fairy wood in the wilderness, but it is not much higher.

Nie Gongzi was slightly disappointed and immediately excited again because he compared Tuobaye.

He looked at Tuo's wild eyes provocatively. As a result, he saw that Takino was closing his eyes and didn't pay attention to him. He made his name in the air.

Zhang Gongzi smiled and said: "Nie Gongzi, it seems that your luck is only halfway. If this piece of fairy material is a large piece, then it will be earned. Now, it can only be a big profit."

Zigongzi said: "Nie Gongzi, I really congratulate you."

When they heard them, Nie Gongzi did not fight one place.

"You are optimistic, then this piece of meteorite, certainly contains high-grade fairy wood." Nie Gongzi grasped full.

He is ready to start the stone.

This time, he was more cautious, for fear of damaging the fairywood inside the meteorite.

Suddenly, Baoguang skyrocketed, and Baoguang knew that the stone contained in the meteorite was definitely a high-grade fairy.

"Big earned, I really want to make a big profit."

"It must be a good treasure. It is really not to be missed."

The people watching were exclaimed, and Zhang Gongzi and others also widened their eyes and refused to miss it.

Takuya is still closing his eyes to raise his spirits. In fact, he knows what treasures are in the meteorite.

Not long after, Nie Gongzi solved the fairy material, turned out to be a piece of Xuangang fine, seven pieces of fairy wood, and this piece of Xuan Steel is not small, full of a big size, half a person high.

This meteorite is definitely a special profit, and the profit is hundreds of times.

Seeing Xuan Gang Jing, the people present were shocked.

"Nie Gongzi, I really congratulate you." Ling Xiao said with a smile.

"Thank you." Nie Gongzi is very proud: "If Miss Linglong needs Xuangang Fine, I can cut love."

His intention to please the exquisite is obvious, and anyone can see it.

The other four of the five sons were immediately unhappy, and they joined forces to target Nie Gongzi.

As for Takino, because the meteorites are too general, they have been ignored.

"Nie Gongzi, you have finished the stone, hurry down, it is my turn." Du Hailing said.

Nie Gongzi looked at Linglong and reluctantly walked down to Jieshitai.

After he came down, he went to Linglong and asked if Linglong needed Xuan Steel.

Linglong said with a smile: "Xuansteel is a seven-piece fairy, I certainly need it, but this is what you have to come, I can't wait for it. You see it is good, I buy some at the market price."

"Miss Linglong, don't be polite to me, I will give you all the questions." Nie Gongzi said.

In order to win the heart, he is really willing to give up the blood.

Such a large piece of Xuanshan Iron, even if it is Takino, it is estimated that it is reluctant to send.

Linglong shook his head and said: "This can't be done. I can buy some Xuangang fine."

"Well, how much Miss Linglong wants, I will let the person cut it when I arrive." Nie Gongzi did not force.

As long as Linglong wants Xuangang Fine, it is also a owe to him.

Zhang Gongzi, Zigongzi, Du Gongzi, and Yang Gongzi saw the performance of Nie Gongzi, and they were all angry. They also wanted to open a high-grade fairywood, and then sold a delicate person.

Du Gongzi Jieshi began, he appeared a little nervous, Nie Gongzi opened a high-grade fairy, making his pressure doubled.

As a result, in the process of solving the stone, he made mistakes twice, causing damage to the fairy wood.

His two meteorites were also chosen well. They opened a four-piece fairywood, a piece of six-piece fairywood, much better than the extension of the wilderness, but far worse than Nie Gongzi.

Six items of fairy wood, he can not take out, and dare not give it to Linglong.

Du Gongzi Jieshi Jieshi, the turn of Zhang Gongzi.

Zhang Gongzi was very embarrassed and looked very excited: "Everyone is optimistic, I must open a high-grade fairy."

His character is not easy to be nervous.

The process of solving the stone was very smooth. The first piece of meteorite opened a piece of five-piece fairy, and the value was not low.

This made him more emboldened, and then he solved the stone, he let go of his hands and feet.

After a while, the dazzling Baoguang appeared, and Zhang Gongzi was excited.

"When you see Baoguang, you must make a big profit."

"Congratulations to Zhang Gongzi, it seems that there is a high-grade fairywood."

"Zhang Gongzi is amazing."

Hearing those cheers, Nie Gongzi's face is not very good, Du Gongzi's face is even worse.

Delicate and charming, with a charming look.

And Takuno is still the same, keeping his eyes closed and keeping his eyes on things.

After Zhang Gongzi drove the atmosphere of everyone, he continued to solve the problem. He couldn’t wait to know what treasures were contained in the meteorite.

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