Mythical Tyrant

Chapter 869: The situation changed again

The VIIIth chapter of the situation changes again

Seeing that a large number of strong people came, the three parties could not help but stop the attack.

They don’t see the people coming, they can’t fight with peace of mind.

Soon, they saw clearly that Zhang Guobin was headed, and he arrived with his men.

"Three teachers, you finally came, your two brothers betrayed the city of Tiandan, colluding with the saints of the saints, want to seize the Dandian, you quickly shot, surrounded Nie Yuan from the outside, do not let them escape." Yang is very excited.

The reinforcements finally arrived, and of course he was very happy.

He seemed to see the hope of winning, and he was very happy.

The face of the Holy Emperor changed greatly. Zhang Guobin brought a lot of strong people. If they attacked Nie Yuan outside, Nie Yuan will definitely not last long.

Only Nie Yuanfu did not change color, and there was a sneer in his eyes.

Takuya has always paid attention to the look of Nie Yuan, and he feels something is wrong.

He passed the sound to the single wind: "Master, be careful, Nie Yuan not only has no fear of color, but a cold smile, I am afraid that Zhang Guobin is already his person."

"What." Single wind screamed out.

"Master, sinking, we have not lost." Takuya said quickly.

The single wind took a deep breath and calmed down.

He let his men lay a big array and waited for it. He said, "The three teachers, you came too soon, and attacked Nie Yuan."

Zhang Guobin glanced at the situation, his eyes condensed and he made up his mind.

He launched an attack with his men, but their target of attack was not Nie Yuan, but the strong man of the city.

"Zhang Guobin, you even betrayed Tiandan City."

"Haha..." The Holy Emperor laughed: "I really can't think of it. You are alone and today, facing the situation of rebellion."

Nie Yuan sneered: "Master brother, the three divisions have long promised to join me, but you don't know it. Now, you should also win the game. Everyone listens to the order and kills me."

With Zhang Guobin bringing those strong people to join, Nie Yuan has occupied an absolute advantage, and the strong casualties of the city's main government have increased greatly, and it will not last long.

The reality is so cruel, even if Takino is mentally prepared, his mood is still very bad.

The saints also launched a storm again. He did not have time to be angry and commanded his men to defend, hoping to persist until the end.

Du Hailing and Ziyu smoke have not yet appeared. What the war situation looks like at the end is hard to say.

Anyway, the current situation is too bad for the city government.

The other side has already had three Jin Xianjing strong, and the city government has only one single person.

Even if Takino asked the elders to come out, they would not have an advantage.

Fortunately, the battle between the gold fairy powers has not yet started, otherwise the situation is even more unfavorable.


The screams linger in one piece, and the city’s main government continues to have strong men falling.

Seeing this situation, the eyes of the single wind are red.

"Nie Yuan, Zhang Guobin, you remember me, as long as I don't die, I will not die with you."

"Master, still that sentence, let Long Yun hand over Dan Dian, we can spare you not to die." Nie Yuan was proud.

"Dream." Single wind and anger: "Long Yun listens, once the situation is unfavorable, you ruin Dan Dian, and don't let them get."

"Yes, Master, I must be buried with me." Takuya wild voice.

Nie Yuan angered: "Since I can't get Dan Dian, I will kill you."

Zhang Guobin said: "It’s good to kill. After killing us, we can practice hard."

"You... confuse."

However, his anger is useless, and the enemy has taken the upper hand. Now the strong man of the city's government is more difficult to defend against Nie Yuan and Zhang Guobin. There is no way to help Takino to share the pressure.

The saints are strong enough to attack the Takino wilderness, but still want to capture Dan Dian.

Dan Dian is crucial, otherwise it can't lead the enemy to get ahead of time.

Takino can be sure that there are other conspirators in the Shengzong strong, I am afraid that there is no time to implement it.

If they wait for them to arrange everything, the situation is even worse for the city government.

Up to now, Takuno has not been in a hurry. He still has no cards to show up, but he can turn defeat into victory.

He now hopes that the other two deputy city owners will appear and see their attitudes.

Once the other two deputy city owners are together with Nie Yuan, then he must act decisively and escape with Dan Dian.

If Du Hailing and Ziyuyan did not unite with Nie Yuan, then there would be a chance to turn over.

Takino is waiting, waiting for the purple rain smoke, Du Hailing to appear, and so on.

Anyway, he can still hold on, but the strong loss of the city's main government is relatively large.

No way, he must see the attitude of Ziyuyan and Du Hailing and make a decision. He hastily made a decision, and it may hurt everyone.

Time passed, and in a short time, another strong group appeared.

Soon, they arrived at the battlefield, and the headed person was Du Hailing.

When Du Hailing arrived, Shan Fengyang was not happy. He was most afraid that Du Hailing was the helper of Nie Yuan, then they were completely finished.

"Four younger brothers, you have seen the situation today. Are you helping me to keep the city of Tiandan, or let everything in Tiandan City be taken away by the Holy Family."

Du Hailing glanced at the battlefield and saw the situation at a glance.

Nie Yuan said: "Four teachers, I advise you to think clearly, once you make a wrong decision, it is likely to ruin yourself."

Hearing that Nie Yuan said this, Takuya was glad to be happy, at least he was able to fight for Du Hailing, indicating that Du Hailing did not join hands with Nie Yuan.

Du Hailing said coldly: "Three brothers, I really can't think of it. You and the two brothers are in the same league. They collude with outsiders and intend to destroy the city of Tiandan. The city of Tiandan is the hard work of the ancestors. I absolutely cannot allow you to destroy it."

After that, he commanded the strong man, formed an encirclement in the periphery, and launched an attack.

Seeing Du Hailing is to help himself, Shan Fengyang saw hope. He said loudly: "Du Hailing deputy city owner came to reinforce us. Everyone went all out to destroy the enemy and also a stable environment in Tiandan City."

"Kill, kill, kill,..."

Seeing the strong power of the city's main government, the fighting power soared and began to fight back. The Holy Emperor suddenly had some scalp tingling.

"What is the situation, the situation has changed again."

These amnesties are dazzling, and those people are even more inexplicable.

Such a war, they are estimated to be the first experience, which also shows that the complex situation of the city of Tiandan is really rare.

In short, Du Hailing arrived with a large number of strong people, making the situation a new change, the city's main government, not to say that the defeat to win, at least stabilized the situation, and began a counterattack.

Today, the five major city owners of Tiandan City, as well as the purple rain smoke did not show up, do not know what the situation.

The situation has improved and the extension of the wilderness has become more suffocating.

They are fully defended, no matter what the outside world is.

Anyway, there is a magical sky in the ground, whether it is a seriously injured person, or a strong person who has died, he has been charged a lot.

Seriously injured can be conquered, a lot of dead treasures, but also a windfall.

With these, Takuya is not in a hurry, he is slowly waiting.

In fact, both sides are killing time, as if they are waiting for the purple rain.

However, the purple rain smoke has not appeared, they have been fighting for more than an hour, the casualties have gradually increased, and gradually unable to close their hands.

After killing so many companions, they all killed their eyes.

Such a war is cheaper than the magical day. He has shot from time to time. Up to now, he has collected more than 500 seriously injured and received hundreds of bodies. These bodies have a lot of treasures, which is definitely a huge one. wealth.

Others have been struggling, and they are afraid to distract the treasures of the deceased. The magical day has taken away most of the bodies.

Everyone feels very strange, I don't know who collected the bodies.

However, at this time, no one is going to delve into this issue.

What's more, the speed of the magical sky is too fast, and those who are fighting are unable to find him.

Several Jin Xianjing strong people discovered the existence of Magic Heaven, but it was disguised as Magic Heaven, and it looked like ordinary magic vines, but it was more powerful.

Several of the great Golden Wonders have discovered that the magic vines are fishing in the muddy waters, and they have no time to take care of them.

When the war broke out, they couldn’t take care of it.

"Long Yun, it seems that the younger sister will not appear, we want to decide the outcome." Dan Fengyang asked.

Takuya sighed: "Master, I feel that the situation is not good. The purple rain smoker will not attack the city government."

They are passing, others don't know what they are saying.

Takino has always suspected that Linglong has entered the purple rain door. He suspects that Linglong has already said that the purple rain will be used to capture the city of Tiandan.

As for Nie Yuan, I am afraid it is being used, but now Nie Yuan still does not know the situation.

If he knows that he is someone else's piece, it doesn't necessarily happen.

"Long Yun, you can rest assured that even if the purple rain smoke wants to win the city seat, it is not so easy." Single wind and confidence.

"Since the master is so confident, then we can make a decisive battle." Takuya said, thinking.

The purple rain smoke did not appear, which made him somewhat uneasy.

However, the war situation cannot always be so deadlocked and must be acted upon.

In fact, he is more anxious than anyone else, because he wants to suppress some strong people.

The single wind screamed: "Everyone is going all out and killing them."

"Yes." The strong men of the city's main government are all coming out.

"Give me kill, kill them." Du Hailing also ordered, in the periphery to kill Nie Yuan's strong and Zhang Guobin's strong.

The saints were forced to be restrained by Takino, and Nie Yuan and Zhang Guobin were equivalent to being attacked by the men and women of Du Hailing and Du Hailing. The situation was not very good.

Originally, the strongest of Nie Yuan's pulse and Zhang Guobin's strongest add up, the strength is not as strong as the city's main house and Du Hailing's pulse, and it was attacked. The situation is extremely bad.

When they rushed to attack, Nie Yuan’s casualties suddenly increased.

The task of Takino is very simple, that is, to contain the Shengzong strong, so that they can not support Nie Yuan.

If the saints did not lose a large number of strong people before, they would not be completely restrained by the extension of the wilderness.

But now it’s useless to say that the saints are not too big for the top of the wilderness. Once they take the strong to reinforce Nie Yuan, then they will fight back, and when they are strong, they will fight back. Can you stand up, it is still difficult to say.

The main thing is that the saints can't give up the encirclement of the Takino wilderness, and prevent Takino to join the strong man of the city government.

If Takino meets with a single wind, it is even more difficult to win Dan.

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