Mythical Tyrant

Chapter 933: Blood flower

Chapter 193, Blood Yanghua

Just a few days into the Yanyun Mountains, they did not encounter any danger.

They are located on the outskirts of the Yanyun Mountains, and naturally it is impossible to encounter too strong beasts.

With their strength, there is no problem in dealing with those beasts.

In these few days, Takino used the power of the gods to discover a lot of treasures. He was the treasure he needed. He directly swallowed it. He had no use for him. He used it alone to prepare him to go back. Handed over to the Flying Fox.

His fifty strong men also gained a lot, and the treasures were handed over to him. He registered the harvest and rewarded them later.

He doesn't know when he will leave the Flying Fox gang, at least before he leaves, he has to get along with these people, and they will often come out to complete the task.

A few days later, they began to encounter the fairyland fairy, and the action had to slow down.

Many of the beasts are in groups, and if they are bad luck, they will be very troublesome.

Takuya’s men are still distracting and trying to collect more treasures.

He has to look around the situation, he can know the first time when he encounters the fairy beast, and it is not too late to gather the strong.

On this day, the team of Takino wilderness broke into the territory of a group of blood wolves. These blood wolves totaled more than 200 heads, of which more than 30 were repaired to reach the fairyland, headed by a **** wolf in the sky.

This group of blood wolves, the threat to Takuya's men is still very big.

After he discovered the blood wolf, he immediately gave orders and let his men gather together.

"There are a group of blood wolves in front of them. Among them, there are more than 30 blood wolves in the fairyland. The blood wolf headed by the gods is the peak of the heavenly fairyland. If we can kill these blood wolves, we will be able to exchange a lot of fairy crystals. Therefore, I decided to destroy. These blood wolves, do you have any thoughts," said Takuya.

"Captain, we all obey your orders."

"Please ask the captain to order."

"Okay, the formation, Xuantian mixed Yuan array." Tuo Yuye ordered.

Xuantian mixed elementary array is what he learned from flying foxes. It is a very good method of attack and defense, and the three can be deployed. The more people there are, the better.

Fifty strong men quickly completed the formation, and Takuno did not enter the big battle. He was commanded outside, and there was also a strongman in charge of the command. He was the vice captain of the election.

After the formation was completed, they began to advance and went straight to the wolf's nest.

Those blood wolves were very sensitive and soon discovered Takuya wilderness.

"Oh." The blood wolf roared and then mobilized together and threw them at Takino.

"Kill, kill these blood wolves." Takuya said in the wild.

He is not interested in the fairyland of the fairyland.

Moreover, so many people under his presence are present, and if he accepts the fairy, he will cause unnecessary trouble.

He stood idly by and let his hands go against the blood wolves.

He believes that fifty heavenly strongmen can deal with more than two hundred blood wolves with the help of the Xuantian mixed elementary array. If this can't be dealt with, it means that the Xuantian mixed elementary array is too bad.

Takuya has confidence in the Xuantian mixed elementary array, and then he looks at the performance of the strongman.

Fifty strong men took a few days to work together, with a more tacit understanding, coupled with the power of Xuan Tian mixed Yuan Zhen, they rushed up, those blood wolves fell badly.

Just contacted, the blood wolf suffered heavy casualties, and a large number of blood wolves fell into a pool of blood.

In the early days of the fifty natural wonders, the strong men were fighting against the enemy, even if the blood wolf in the peak of the fairyland could not resist.

After a while, there were ten **** wolves in the first fairyland. These blood wolves were scared and began to escape.

It’s hard to meet so many blood wolves, of course I can’t let go.

Takino wildly shot and stopped the whereabouts of the blood wolves.

He delayed the time and immediately rushed to the side and launched a siege.

"Human, I want to eat you." The **** wolf headed out.

However, his roar is useless and surrounded by the formation. He can't do it if he wants to escape.

It took some time and all the blood wolves were killed.

"Clean the battlefield."

Those who are strong in the heavens have collected the bodies of the blood wolves and put them all into the ring.

The bodies of these blood wolves can be exchanged for a lot of fairy crystals, which is also their harvest.

"Everyone took a look around and said that the blood wolf guards what kind of fairy medicine." Takuya said.

In fact, he has discovered the fairy medicine guarded by the blood wolf, which is a **** flower, which is the main medicine for refining the five-character Xiandan blood Yangdan.

Xueyang Dan is an elixir that supplements qi and blood and restores yang. It is considered to be an elixir of healing, and the effect is excellent.

The blood flower was on a cliff in the distance. He rushed alone and transplanted the blood flower to the medicine house.

Blood Yanghua is a relatively rare fairy medicine, of course he will not be turned over to Feihu.

He is now able to refine the blood Yang Dan, and with the **** flower, he can refine it.

After the blood Yang Dan, even if it was hit hard, it can recover quickly.

There are some other fairy medicines and fairy materials nearby, and his harvest is not bad.

They collected the fairy medicine and the fairy material and continued on their way.

To be honest, the fairy medicine and fairy wood in the Yanyun Mountains are not as good as the endless mountains, but there are some fairy medicines and fairy woods that are not found in the endless mountains. These are the interests of Tuoye.

Ordinary fairy medicine, fairy wood, it is difficult to attract the attention of Takino, and he collected it and handed it over to the Flying Fox, which is a task.

While managing his own team, he is also very concerned about other teams. They are not too far apart, and the power of the gods of Takino can see their situation.

In addition, those teams did not have separate actions and were afraid of casualties.

In the event of casualties, their tasks are well done and they are subject to punishment.

Moreover, the team lost the manpower, and if it encountered a powerful fairy, it would be very unfavorable.

You must know that if they learn the fairy tales, one less person, the power will be weakened by one point.

Knowing the situation of other teams, Takuno is very easy.

This time, he certainly hopes that his team can win the first place, causing the attention of the Flying Fox to help the top, so that he can get close to the core secrets, and even later contact with the Holy Family.

At this time, he can't act low-key.

After a break, everyone recovered almost.

"Everyone splits the action and strives for more gains." Tuo Ye has made an order.

Still five teams, they are searching for treasures.

Once the fairy beast is found, if it is a separate fairy, Takuno will solve it himself. If the beasts are in groups, let the men temper them.

The growth of these 50 strong men is good for him, and maybe it will come in handy in the future.

Now, he can't use his own men, he can only rely on these fifty strong men.

If he is not afraid of causing suspicion, he can't wait to provide them with an elixir for them to improve.

In the far-reaching area, they did not encounter fairy beasts. Obviously, large areas were the sites of blood wolves.

Blood wolves are very ferocious, and other fairy beasts are looking for death if they enter their territory.

No fairy, everyone is happy to relax.

There is no shortage of fairy beasts in the Yanyun Mountains. If you encounter monsters constantly, I am afraid no one can afford them.

On this day, Takino had just killed a group of fairy beasts and prepared to rest for a while, and they received information on asking for help.

"The third team encountered danger, we immediately rushed over." Takino did not hesitate.

Although they are competitors, if he can't help but die, I am afraid that Flying Fox can't help him.

As long as you are not stupid, you will go to the rescue.

They are the tenth squad, the farthest from the third squad.

But he flew with his hand and turned out to be the third team to arrive.

"Xuantian mixed elementary array, join the battle." Tuo wild big channel.

When they arrived, they saw that the third team had encountered a group of blood wolves, and there were thousands of blood wolves in total.

They are also unlucky. The blood wolves of this size are rare in the Yanyun Mountains, and they have been met.

The situation of the third team was very bad. Seven people were dead, and the rest were injured.

If the second team and the fourth team arrived, they would ease their pressure and the third team would have more casualties.

No one thought that the tenth squad was actually the third to arrive, and the third squad of those strong people all cast their grateful eyes.

"Captain Du, thank you very much."

With the strong participation of the tenth squad, the pressure of the third squad is even smaller, and their captain is very grateful.

If he loses too much, he might cancel his captain's position, which he does not want to see.

At the same time, he was somewhat dissatisfied with other teams, even the farthest team arrived, and the other team's strong players were still late.

This delay in time is very deadly for the third team.

If every team is like this, the third team will probably be wiped out by the whole army.

Of course, the captain of the third team did not say much. He had made up his mind and told the top of the Flying Fox team.

The strongest of the tenth squad had the experience of fighting the blood wolf. After they entered the battle, they caused a great blow to the blood wolf.

A moment later, Ling Yunzhi arrived with the strongest of the first team and joined the battle.

The first squad is the strongest. Whether it is the captain or the member, the repair is far above the tenth squad. The first squad, the lowest one is the mid-season cultivation. After they arrive, they suddenly have blood. The wolf caused a lot of pressure.

In succession, other teams also arrived, and they were late at most, and did not dare not come to the rescue.

Ten teams have arrived, and thousands of blood wolves have been injured more than half.

These blood wolves are extremely ferocious and do not mean to escape. They are still madly attacking and not afraid of death.

"Kill, kill them." Ling Yunzhi yelled out.

In fact, without his command, the strong in the presence of course hopes to kill more blood wolves, knowing that the bodies of these blood wolves, which team killed, will belong to that team.

Ten teams, each occupying an area, constantly killing the blood wolf.

They even divided one or two strong men to clean up the battlefield and collected the bodies of the wounded blood wolves. It can be seen that each team has its own calculations, and it is impossible to really work together.

However, everyone is very hard, everyone wants to kill more blood wolves, such a blood wolf group is difficult to meet.

After a while, the blood wolf was mostly injured, and the remaining blood wolves escaped under the leadership of several **** wolves.

On the side of Tuoye, there are also three Xuan Xianqiang strongmen, the captains of the first, second and third teams, who have not pursued.

Even if they don't want to chase the blood wolf, others will not move any more.

There is no strong fairyland to sit in the town, they catch up, is to die.

A big battle soon ended, everyone was very excited. Except for the strong team of the third team, their casualties were not small. The next task was not going well. It was not good after going back.

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