Mythical Tyrant

Chapter 991: Yang Meijun's choice

The ninth ninety-one chapter of Yang Meijun's choice

Three days passed, and Yang Meijun had to make a decision.

"Hey, who are you ultimately choosing?"

"Grandpa, I choose Hu Yunfeng, you should be satisfied with this." Yang Mei's voice is a bit lonely and helpless.

Choosing Hu Yunfeng, when she wants to come, at least has the opportunity to meet with Takino.

She doesn't want too much, first get along with Hu Yunfeng, and she still has room for remorse.

The object that Tianyang faction most wants to marry is the disciple of Feihu, which is the most beneficial to Tianyang.

"Hey, grievances, I will announce the results right away." Yang Mei's grandfather Yang Batian is very excited.

"Grandpa, I will announce the results myself, and I only promised to get along with Hu Yunfeng, not to marry him immediately. If I am not satisfied later, I will leave him." Yang Meiyu said.

Yangba Tiandao: "No, this is not it, you can't mess."

"Grandpa, if you win the championship, then I will not choose anyone. I will do it. Even if you force me to marry me, I will be chaotic. When you marry, you will have one more enemy. I will do it. To." Yang Mei's tone is very firm and unquestionable.

Yang Batian knows Yang Mei's temper and sighs: "Okay, it's up to you, I don't care, hehe."

Yang Meijun personally went to Hu Yunfeng where they stayed. Hu Yunfeng, Shenglin, and the leopard in the cloud all heard the news.

"Three sons, I have already made a decision. I will follow Hu Yunfeng. However, I am not married to Hu Yunfeng Hu Gongzi, but I will get along with you. If it is not suitable, I will leave." Said.

She paused and continued: "Hu Gongzi, I remember you said, willing to cultivate feelings first, you will not regret it."

Hu Yunfeng was very excited and said: "Of course, I will speak and never regret."

The leopard and the sacred Lin are very upset, their faces are cold and some can't be hanged.

St. Lin snorted: "Oh, such a strange test is really an eye-opener, just like a child."

After that, he turned and left, without any thoughts.

The leopard in the cloud looked at Yang Mei, and he was very sad: "Miss Yang Mei, you will regret it sooner or later."

After he finished, he also left, no face to continue to stay there.

Yang Meijun said: "Hu Gongzi, when will you leave, let me know, I will go with you."

"Miss Yang Mei, you definitely need time to explain, I am waiting for you, when do you say when we leave, when will we leave." Hu Yunfeng smiled.

The high-level fans of the Flying Fox also hope that Hu Yunfeng will be able to bring Yang Meiqi back. When the Flying Fox helps the Tianyang faction, it is good for the Flying Fox.

Hu Yunfeng completed the task, and his position in the Flying Fox will become stable in the future. He is of course happy.

What's more, Tianyang City has rumors that Yang Meizhen is the most beautiful woman in Tianyang, and the most talented woman. She can get such a woman, and men will be happy.

Yang Meiyu thought for a moment and said, "When I am three days, I will leave with you after three days."

After that, she turned and left.

"Good." Hu Yunfeng was very excited and his voice was a lot higher.

Back to the single court, he still has a hard time calming down.

"I really didn't think that Miss Yang Meijun would choose me."

Zhu Minghui said: "Hu Gongzi, you are already the heir to our Flying Fox gang, and it is normal for Miss Yang Meijun to choose you."

Takuya has no openings, he feels a bit strange.

He could see that Yang Meijun had no idea about Hu Yunfeng, and she left the retreat and did not know what to expect.

Takuya wild secret: "This woman is entangled, it is best not to have a relationship with her, maybe it will break my big thing."

With such an idea, he could not help but have a guarded heart.

Three days later, it was over, and Takuno took the initiative to open the road and left in the morning.

In this way, he can avoid meeting with Yang Mei, so as not to give birth.

Hu Yunfeng did not think much, and promised to expand the wilderness, let him be responsible for the road.

It didn't take long for Tuo Ye to leave. Yang Mei came to her. She didn't see Tuo Ye, and she felt a bit strange, but she was very smart and didn't ask much.

"Miss Yang Mei, let's go on the road." Hu Yunfeng smiled on his face.

"Okay." Yang Meiyi seemed to speak very well, and they left with Hu Yunfeng.

Hu Yunfeng became more cautious because of his peers.

He sent them out under his hands, guarding them back and forth.

He is personally accompanying Yang Mei, and if he is in danger, he will be in front of Yang Mei.

Their marriage, foretelling the Flying Fox and Tianyang faction alliance, certainly some people do not want to see, maybe they will be on the road, destroying their marriage.

When Hu Yunfeng met the killer on the way back, he was even more afraid to care.

"Miss Yang Mei, I must be careful, I am worried that someone will start with us." Hu Yunfeng reminded.

Yang Mei’s cold voice: “With our status, who dares to start with us is simply looking for death.”

"In any case, some people don't want us to combine, be careful. I have sent my men to open the road ahead. If there is any danger, he will show the police." Hu Yunfeng said.

Yang Meiyu knows the whereabouts of Takino, and she has a lot of heart.

She smiled: "Do you say that your men are following you around that day."

"Yes, he is Du Xian. I heard that Miss Yang Meijun knew him before." Hu Yunfeng said.

Yang Meijun nodded: "I did know a dugong before, he helped me a little, so I took him around Tianyang City."

"Du Xian captain is best at opening the road. After following me, I solved a lot of trouble for me. He is my most trusted man." Hu Yunfeng said.

"Yes." Yang Mei is indifferent.

She seems to be not interested in Takino, and her attitude is very cold.

Hu Yunfeng wished that she was such an attitude and did not mention Takuya.

Along the way, he introduced the situation of the flying fox gang, and also said some of the customs of the fairy fox city.

Yang Meiyu is more interested and listens to the interest.

Both of them did not mention the extension of the wilderness, as if the extension of the wilderness became their taboo.

They get along well and feel very good.

However, some people did not want them to come together. They just left the Tianyang faction site. Takuya found the killer and immediately told Hu Yunfeng.

"Du Xian found the killer, it seems that we have to be careful." Hu Yunfeng said.

Yang Meijun said: "How many killers, how strong, I have a thousand followers, the strength is good, if possible, the killers are all solved."

As the most loved granddaughter of the Tianyang faction, she has a lot of followers and strong strength.

Because it is not the heir, the mysterious fairyland around her is not as good as Hu Yunfeng, but the heavenly fairy is stronger.

However, the strongest of the Tianyang faction is not good at arranging against the enemy, and it is easy to suffer if it encounters a powerful opponent.

Hu Yunfeng also thought about this problem. After careful thinking, he decided: "We will stop first, Miss Yang Mei, I will teach you those simple followers, let them train, can fight against the enemy, reduce casualties. ""

"Thank you Hu Gongzi." Yang Meiyi is very grateful.

Yang Ba Tian let Yang Meijun and Hu Yunfeng marry, but also hope to get some tips for flying foxes.

All the factions of the various factions also have a method of arrangement, but it is far less than the Flying Fox.

If you can steal some of the flying fox gangs, it will be good for the Tianyang faction.

Hu Yunfeng did not care so much. He personally taught Yang Meijun the way to follow the law and let them train.

And he sent a message to Du Xian, let Du Xian monitor the killer, don't alarm them for the time being.

At that time, so many killers had suffered big losses, and there was no return. This time, there were more killers and stronger strengths.

If they don't rely on Yang Mei's entourage, Hu Yunfeng can hardly go back alive.

He didn't know the strength of Takino, and of course he only had the help of Yang Meizhen.

Hu Yunfeng, they are training, and Takino is staring at the killers alone.

He has already found out that there are more than 500 killers in total, and the number of killers in Xuan Xianjing is seventy.

The killers came to the forefront and didn't know if they had anything to do with the killers.

Looking at the situation, they should be directed at Hu Yunfeng and Yang Meiyu.

Before, Takuno guessed that the killers were invited by Hu Yunyi, in order to kill Hu Yunfeng, he had the opportunity to become an heir, or even a helper.

The killer this time is probably not that simple.

The marriage of Hu Yunfeng and Yang Meiyu poses a threat to the saints, making the high-level of the saints very uneasy, and the saints may also want to destroy their combination by killing one of them.

It is impossible for the Holy See to control so many sects without using some despicable means.

Takuya estimates that these killers are likely to have some relationship with the saints, but they are not sure.

A few days later, another group of killers went to Hu Yunfeng to ambush them on the road they must pass.

The number of killers is smaller and the strength is worse.

Seeing the two killers, Takino is more certain that more than one person wants to break the combination of Hu Yunfeng and Yang Meiyu.

So many powerful killers, Hu Yunfeng they threatened a lot, the second batch of killers he did not dare to report up, he is ready to secretly start, to solve those killers.

The hidden places of the two killers are far apart, and even if they fight, they will not alarm another killer.

Tuoba has lurked around Hu Yunfeng and has done so many things. He hasn't got what he wants, and he can't give up halfway.

Therefore, he must continue to help Hu Yunfeng to deal with the trouble, so that he can return to the flying fox to help the old nest, and find a way to get what he wants.

After carefully considering Takino, he decided to start with the second batch of killers.

He went to the vicinity of the killer's lurking, first released a large number of men, and laid a large array around, to isolate all the movements.

After everything was ready, he took his hand and took it with him.

Among the killers, there are 63 Xuan Xianjing strongmen, and there are 600 strong heavenly powers. The strength is not weak. He must ensure that he is safe and can't let the killer escape one person.

Moreover, killer training is not easy, and Takino is ready to suppress all, not killing one person, which makes the difficulty even greater.

He decided to use the poison and see the power of the poison.

Anyway, as long as the killer is stunned and immediately rescued in the Immortal, there will be no killer death.

The poison of the poisonous baby has become more powerful, and it can weaken the strength of the strong man of the mysterious fairyland. Even then, there will be no accidents.

After thinking about it, Takuno began to arrange a poisonous array, and the poisonous scorpion helped to lay down his hands. Soon, a large range of poisonous arrays were arranged.

All this is done well, the killers still know nothing, and they are destined not to be good.

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