Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms

Text Chapter 1313: Lu Qiling's Purpose

Lu Qiling, who regards her father as an admirer, has great fantasies about the battlefield. However, Lu Bu, as a model of caring for his wife and daughter, naturally would not give Lu Qiling a chance at all. barbarian...

The problem is that this is far from Lu Qiling's dream of being a general. After Lu Qiling found out about the appointment of the military department, she thought that Chen Gong wanted her to relax, and Lu Qiling, who could do whatever she wanted, naturally joined the military department.

As for the more than thirty guards that Gao Shun prepared for Lu Qiling, they didn't care what she did, they only protected her personal safety.

Li Tiao held the spear tightly and rushed towards the opposite side, and this time Lu Qiling didn't dare to push her too much. She might not be able to do anything else, but she still had very good eyesight. Lu Bu had many experts, so she Don't dare to fool with a long gun.

Wielding Fang Tian's painted halberd, Lu Qiling picked up Li Tiao with a halberd, and Li Tiao pulled away from the spear smoothly to avoid being caught by the twigs of Fang Tian's painted halberd. Fang Tian's painted halberd is difficult to learn and master, and it can only be used top-heavy It's a hassle to get up.

But the advantage is that Fang Tian's painted halberd can restrain almost all weapons, except for weapons like the big hammer that can't be hung, almost all of them are restrained by Fang Tian's painted halberd.

Li Tiao's big spear focuses on strength and fierceness, while Lu Qiling is a lightweight halberd method tailored by Lu Bu. Although it is not considered restraint, it is difficult for Li Tiao to take advantage of it.

"Ding!" Another blow staggered past, Li Tiao adjusted the spear to his left hand, pouring all his inner energy into the gun, although it was because of boredom and some inexplicable psychology that he didn't want to fight anymore, but the battlefield instinct accumulated over the years remained the same. Existence, his instinct will still be awakened by fighting.

Lu Qiling gasped for a few low breaths. Contrary to what Chen Xi had guessed, Lu Qiling did not have her inner qi separated from her body, at least not now.

At first in Yan's. The Wei family died because of the curse of the immortals from outside the territory, and Diao Chan and Lu Qiling were severely injured. After Lu Bu killed all the immortals he could meet, he did not hesitate to raise Diao Chan and Lu Qiling to the inner qi when he came back.

The disadvantages of Lu Bu's method of lifting the inner qi out of the body are very obvious, but the strong inner qi is only to improve the survivability of the two, and with Lu Bu's protection, there is no need for fighting or anything. Of course, Lu Qiling would not like this approach.

However, it has become an established fact. Although it cannot improve, and the internal qi is still at the bottom, it is all internal qi. Her father's painstaking efforts must be understood, so Lu Qiling can only admit it.

Wait until Lu Bu ascends. At that time, Lu Qiling did not listen to Lu Bu's words and waited in the boudoir, so Lu Bu did not catch Lu Qiling when he ascended, so he could only ascend with Diaochan alone.

Not long after Lu Bu was promoted, Gao Shun came to inquire. After all, Lu Bu entrusted her to Gao Shun. When Gao Shun asked her what she needed, Lu Qiling asked if she could improve.

Gao Shun's strength at that time had completely stabilized to the same height as Zhang Liao. It is basically the pinnacle of the inner qi and the most refined part of the military soul and the eternal belief, which is basically the same as Lu Bu's ability to dispel the eternal belief.

Of course, Gao Shun will definitely lose in a fight, and his domineering and fighting style will also have a great impact on his combat effectiveness. Even with the same fighting power of 1,000, Lu Bu can show a fighting power of 3,000 by relying on his mind, which is totally unreasonable.

You can't beat it, but you can still do it by doing something else, and thanks to Lu Qiling's internal energy separation forcefully pulled up, otherwise, even if Lu Bu came personally, it would be impossible to knock down the level of internal energy separation. Take this grade.

Gao Shun and Zhang Liao teamed up to knock Lu Qiling down to the peak of refining qi and becoming gangsters. The inner qi injected by Lu Bu was suppressed into Lu Qiling's body, and then sealed tightly with the army spirit and eternal belief.

"When you break through to the point where your inner qi separates from your body, your own will will be enough to inspire the army soul and eternal belief. At that time, you will have enough power to absorb the power from your father." Gao Shun was doing After finishing all this, he said with a pale face.

Of course, Gao Shun and Zhang Liao teamed up to seal Lv Bu's internal energy with the army soul, and it was impossible to stop the leakage. However, this level of internal energy will not assimilate Lu Qiling's will, so she let it go.

If Lu Qiling's own will is not to break the power of the military soul and the power of eternal belief, but to cooperate with Lu Bu's internal energy from the inside and the outside, she can also instantly become the internal energy separated from the body.

Of course, that kind of internal qi separation body is just a parallel import, and there is a huge gap between the internal qi separation body that he absorbs this strength after breaking through.

The key to this door is held in Lu Qiling's hands. Gao Shun and Zhang Liao made it very clear that if Lu Qiling wants to break through by herself, she must work hard on her own. The inner air should be combined with the outer.

However, Gao Shun clearly told Lu Qiling that he and Zhang Liao would only do this kind of thing for Lu Qiling once, and would never do it a second time.

Lu Qiling is also considered to be a person with a firm heart. After Gao Shunming said that she would never mobilize that power unless she made a breakthrough. It can be said that most of Lu Qiling's current strength comes from her own efforts, not much from external forces !

"Drink!" Lu Qiling tried her best to block Li Tiao's attack. Unlike before, it was difficult for her to remain silent when fighting with Li Tiao.

"Uh..." Li Tiao missed a single shot, and after confirming that Lu Qiling made such a sound, he crossed the horse and immediately distanced himself from Lu Qiling, "Are you a woman?"

Li Tiao felt his eyebrows twitching, he didn't notice this after beating for so long, of course he didn't notice this, he didn't expect a woman to be so good at beating.

Lu Qiling felt tightness in her chest. She was dressed in black, covered in black gauze so that she couldn't even see her face. The two exposed eyes were deliberately modified with make-up, but because the battle was too fierce, she was seen through with a roar.

"What nonsense!" Lu Qiling didn't want to hide it at this time, holding Fang Tian's painted halberd with both hands, imitating her father, pouring all her inner energy and mind into it to prepare for a quick battle.

Li Tiao was quite embarrassed, but when he saw that Lu Qiling's Fang Tian's painting halberd started to circulate internal air, he immediately looked dignified. He knew the power of this move very well, because his unique move was also to mix the mind into the internal energy and inject it into himself. A powerful weapon, a strike that unites spirit, energy and spirit!

"Okay, one move will determine the winner!" Li Tiao's face straightened, and he didn't say much anymore, knowing that the other party is not easy to deal with. At this time of dormancy, it's better to do it! (To be continued.)

ps: I don't know what to say anymore, just add more on Saturday or Sunday...

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