Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms

Text Chapter 1320 My Fleet Will Arrest Their Dock

"Take them all first, then talk about the questioning, prepare bed crossbows, strong crossbows, kill those leaders first, and then talk about other things." Tai Shici suggested helplessly.

When Gan Ning did not speak, the fleet would do what Tai Shici said. Naturally, hundreds of single-shot crossbows were lifted up. With the current distance, it is guaranteed that another person standing in the center of the internal gas separation body will also be shot. It became a sieve, not to mention the spare bed crossbow was dragged out.

Just when Tai Shici was about to order to shoot arrows to kill the opponent, a leader in blue robes took a step forward and raised the long knife horizontally. Although the two sides could not communicate, it was clear from the movements that the opponent seemed to be surrendering. intention of.

But since then, Tai Shici and Gan Ning have looked at each other in blank dismay, they don't understand what these people are saying now, they are helpless.

"Should we allow the opponent to surrender, or should we kill him?" Gan Ning looked sideways at Tai Shici and asked.

"Let them put down their weapons." Tai Shici looked at the enemy who was still holding the long knife, thought for a while and said to Gan Ning.

"The problem is that they and we don't understand each other's language." Gan Ning said with some headaches.

"Boss, why don't you let me come?" At this time, a sailor from South Vietnam hesitated and said to Gan Ning.

"Call me the leader, do you understand what the other party is saying?" Gan Ning asked after looking at the South Vietnamese man whom he named Gan Bao.

Speaking of which, this guy is still Gan Ning's subordinate from the generation of natives in South Vietnam. There is no way for the other party to see that Gan Ning's group is strong, but he hugged his thigh vigorously. Gan Ning saw that the other party is really determined, so he received his subordinate .

"Okay, boss, I don't understand, but I can catch the sound of some of the words they said, let me try, and the tribes we don't know can communicate with body language, I think the other party should be able to communicate. Gan Bao said after thinking about it, this is an opportunity.

"Okay, you can try it." Gan Ning patted his back and said.

Gan Bao took five or six steps forward and greeted him in a strange tone, but the other party didn't understand at all, so he changed another one, but there was still no response, and then changed to the third one with some stuttering, this time A little reaction.

"Who are you and why are you attacking our army!" Gan Bao spoke the dialect of a certain corner of Nanyue with difficulty, while communicating with the other party by gesturing.

"We are the fleet of the Guishuang Empire, and we are looking for the thief." The other party seemed not very familiar with this kind of idiom, but he could barely convey the meaning by relying on body language and guessing.

"Boss, he said they are the fleet of the Guishuang Empire, and they are catching thieves." Gan Bao thought for a while, organized his words and said.

"I knew that in this era, in the South China Sea, who else would add to the chaos besides our Han Dynasty, it really is this group of bastards." Gan Ning heard nothing else, but the tossing and turning "Guishuang" still heard of.

Chen Xi has taught them the surrounding international environment. They still know about Guishuang. Think about it. The navy that can beat them to half-disabled is definitely not the surrounding garbage. If you think about it with your feet, it must be garbage nation.

Well, in Gan Ning's way of thinking, the country is only divided into two types, one is negligible garbage, and the other is empire. Naturally, those who can fight with them like this must not be garbage, it is definitely an empire , and the international situation is doomed, this guy is likely to be Guishuang.

Even Gan Ning realized shortly after the fight that the opponent was Guishuang, but Gan Ning basically had no fear, let alone that he was Guishuang, and let alone that Gan Ning might not be in the South China Sea now, but in some strange place, But that's not a problem.

If you dare to attack me, then I will kill you, regardless of whether you are a trash or an empire, in short, there is no discussion about messing with you.

"Boss, that guy said they were just a fleet that came to look for the lost property, and there are more ships behind that haven't come yet." Gan Bao felt his mouth dry up.

Although Gan Ning and the others were considered to have won this naval battle, they also lost nearly a thousand navies, and three large ships were also destroyed. After ten more losses of this level, Gan Ning would become a poor commander.

However, Gan Bao learned from the other party that there were more than a dozen search fleets of this size sent by the other party, not to mention that Gan Ning had the upper hand this time, and they all caused so many losses.

"Hmph, no matter how many people come, tell them that this is the territory of our Great Han Dynasty, and they are all captured. If they don't want to die, they should surrender quickly!" Said.

"Ahem, cough, Xingba, the distance from here to Yizhou is no less than the distance from Yecheng to Yizhou." Tai Shici said in a low voice.

"Well, isn't it true that the places my ship sails are all our country's territory?" Gan Ning asked in surprise, "The ship I'm standing on belongs to our country, right? I'm still on the ship. Naturally, it is our country's territory!"

Tai Shici had nothing to say, he suddenly found that Gan Ning's bandit logic was very reasonable.

"Boss, the other party refuses to surrender, saying that they are nobles, and they can only surrender to nobles of the same level." Gan Bao wiped his sweat, and some didn't know what to say. Is this trying to die? Yes, he still wants to die.

"Oh, shoot them!" Gan Ning gave the final order with a smile. After a burst of violent noise, countless crossbow bolts pierced through the enemy on the opposite side, and the huge power of the bed crossbow even pierced several people directly. Then pierce the deck of the opponent's battleship.

"I..." Tai Shici opened his mouth, he just wanted to tell them that we are the princes of the Han Empire, and also the nobles of the empire, but Gan Ning killed most of the opponents.

"There's no need to explain to this group of people. The losers still want honor, and death is their destination." Gan Ning said with a sneer, "Since they dare to attack us, they have to bear the price of attacking us."

"That's the Guishuang Empire, and the other party also said that they have more fleets." Tai Shici looked at Gan Ning speechlessly and said.

"So what?" Gan Ning said with a sneer, "We have already annihilated one of their fleets, and there is no possibility of peace talks. As for the information we need, if we are condescending after hearing what they said , give them relatively good qualifications to surrender, then, hmph, it’s better to kill some of them before talking about others!”

"I don't care what empire they are. I just need to remember that they have launched an attack on me. What my Gan Ning navy has to do is not to compromise, but to tear apart the enemy in front of me. As for Guishuang, one day , my fleet will be against their pier!" Gan Ning said with a sneer.

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