Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms

Text Chapter 1624: An Empire that cannot be underestimated

Of course, the premise is that the Xiliang iron cavalry's opponents should not be the same level as Guo Bang, or even a higher level commander. As for other people, as long as Guo Bang makes a move, all the iron cavalry will make a move, so it doesn't matter whether you notify or not.

"This is indeed possible." Guo Si rubbed his chin and said, he was in a panic, single-bolt crossbow, give one shot first, within ten steps, not to mention fatal, I am afraid that even ordinary internal qi will be seriously injured if you are not paying attention , Afterwards, the whole army will be crushed by Kaiyun Qi, and they will be absolutely hacked to death.

"But for a feeling, I'm going to hurt my brother..." Fan Chou said hesitantly.

"No, do you still remember where we sent Daqin's envoys?" Li Jue looked at Fan Chou speechlessly and said, relatively speaking, he was the smartest of the three of them.

"..." Fan Chou understood immediately after thinking about it. Even if they didn't say that the Daqin envoys went to the Han Empire, Guishuang probably knew it himself, and this group of bastards is completely different from the Daqin group. They can understand Chinese .

In this way, as long as the group of Guishuang asked the emperor where the Daqin envoys were, it would become a pit in an instant, and it is estimated that Liu Bei would be able to verify it soon.

In that case, how to let Liu Bei deal with himself, envoys from foreign countries do not worship the emperor, but the princes, who will believe you if you say you have no rebellion? This is a matter of common sense.

"Not one." Fan Chou's eyes flashed coldly, and he gestured to kill.

"Absolutely no problem." Guo Bang said with a sneer, and Li Jue nodded, because his identity issue must not be sent to Guishuang envoys, so Guo Bang can only rely on Guo Bang to solve it.

Yi Dai quickly gave Li Jue ten pieces of props that could be used to communicate. This kind of thing, which looks like a relic, can understand most languages ​​as long as it is absorbed with internal energy.

Of course, since he didn't use it himself, there is a possibility of mistakes, but it is generally regarded as a very good prop, and the Guishuang Empire can produce a thousand or eight hundred a year.

Afterwards, it looked like the host and guest had a good time, Li Jue was always majestic and domineering, and the Guishuang envoys got used to it after a while, but when Yi Dai and others left, Guo Si took a thousand people to escort him without saying anything this group of people.

No one in the Guishuang envoys had any doubts, and after sending it for thirty miles, Guo Bang made a decisive move. The unique super elastic force requires a master of force like Guo Bang to go all out to wind the super strong single-bolt crossbow. A head of guard of the mission passed through the back.

The unsuspecting head of the guard of the Guishuang Mission was shot from the back to the chest by such a powerful single-shot crossbow at almost zero distance, and a hole the size of a bowl was blown out directly, and the heart was also there. Disappeared immediately under one blow.

The chief guard of the envoy suddenly suffered a fatal blow, looked at Guo Bang with a cruel smile in disbelief, and shot towards Guo Bang with all his strength, and the fierce force swept Guo Bang into two pieces. paragraph meaning.

"Hey!" Guo Bang sneered, holding the gun in both hands, and threw it at the opponent in reverse.

The huge power of a single crossbow, after penetrating the body of a person with internal energy separated from the body, the remaining force of the crossbow directly shot and killed the three envoys in front.

With the sound of the crossbow, and the loud explosion of Guo Bang and the guards of the envoy's long guns, the soldiers of the Xiliang Iron Cavalry seemed to have a conditioned reflex. The crossbow, fired towards the front, killed one-fifth of the envoys in just one wave.

"Destroy them!" After one blow, Guo Bang, who rolled off his horse, completely ignored the chest tightness and numb hands, and immediately rushed out of the center of the Guishuang Mission to join the Xiliang Iron Cavalry, and then began to kill Guishuang wantonly Frost Mission.

The soldiers of the Xiliang Iron Cavalry also roared, like a tiger, they rushed into the Guishuang Mission without hesitation, and just as the chief guard of Guishuang expected, the elite of the Xiliang Iron Cavalry only needs one sprint. crush them.

After losing the commander-in-chief of the guards, the Guishuang guards who were originally not strong enough to deal with the Xiliang iron cavalry began to collapse within a few breaths after Guo Bang led the Xiliang iron cavalry to charge.

The civil servants who were envoys in the Guishuang envoys did not understand what happened at all, and the spears of the Xiliang cavalry pierced their bodies from the back.

"Why are you attacking us!" Yi Dai looked at Guo Bang, who had been chatting happily before, and roared with his eyes wide open, completely unable to understand why this happened.

"You'll know if you die!" Guo Bang shot Yi Dai in the head, and the high-speed carbine turned Yi Dai into a rotten watermelon that lost its head in an instant.

After a charge, the entire mission group was almost wiped out, leaving only a dozen lucky ones in the field. The Guishuang envoy standing in the battlefield trembled and looked at the scene in front of him, completely unaware of what happened.

"Don't leave anyone alive. No matter who is dead or not, shoot again, and then gather the corpses together." Guo Bang turned his horse's head, flicked his spear and gave a new order.

Guo Bang's skill as a horse thief back then is not unfamiliar at all, and because he has more battlefield experience, it is even more ruthless to return to his old job.

Added a shot to each corpse, then dragged them together, counted to make sure there was nothing missing, and searched carefully to ensure that any valuables were in hand, Guo Bang took the lead to put the water bag The tung oil inside was poured up.

Poured the tung oil contained in the water bag on these corpses, Guo Si casually blew on the fire folds stored in the bamboo tube, and quickly ignited the tung oil with the dry grass gathered by the soldiers, and then everything was gone. All burned up.

After half an hour, after burning this place to white ground, Guo Bang took the lead and started galloping on it, and then the soldiers of the Xiliang Iron Cavalry also galloped on it. The soldiers behind.

Except for the only two unlucky ones who were killed by arrows, the others were slightly injured at most. Guo Bang roared, "Everyone takes his personal spoils. Starting tomorrow, we will suppress bandits in the thirty-six countries of the Western Regions. See a Kill one!"

As for the Guishuang Mission, who knows, it might have been blown away by a storm in the desert, or it might have been hacked to death by horse bandits. It took thirty miles to return.

From that day on, Wuji Xiaowei Li Jue led 3,000 Xiliang iron cavalry to suppress bandits in the thirty-six countries of the Western Regions. The horse bandits were ambushed and lost two of them.

As for the facts, the nobles of the thirty-six countries in the Western Regions are not very clear. Anyway, this rumor is not far away. In short, after that time, the bandits without backers were basically wiped out by Li Jue. The Chengguan army was also wiped out.

As for reasoning? Even Dawan and Wusun didn't have the courage to reason with Li Jue. Although their two countries have 50,000 soldiers and horses, and there are one or two internal qi separated from their bodies, if they really want to confront the Han Dynasty head-on, just look at Li Jue. The elite cavalry, they knew they couldn't afford to provoke them.

Of course, Li Jue did not think that many of the bandits in the Western Regions that he wiped out were official bandits from the 36 countries. After all, silk is something that the 36 countries in the Western Regions are also drooling over. Buying and selling without money, if there is no danger, they don't mind at all.

After all, in this era, silk is basically a hard currency that can be used anywhere in the world. From the Han Dynasty to the Ming and Qing Dynasties, it was a hard currency, but it was more valuable in the Western Regions. As for the Mediterranean, it is really stronger than gold. Hard currency.

However, due to the fact that the Han Dynasty that produced silk was too strong, the thirty-six countries in the Western Regions couldn't afford to offend them, but they watched silk that was gold gold pass by all day long. With the so-called official bandits.

But this time the group of bandits were all in trouble, so Li Jue opened up the legion talent, the way of creating an eggshell defense that absorbs attacks, and the three thousand Xiliang iron cavalry who have already touched the army soul legion offline, as long as they are not so black that they appear frequently Unexpectedly, the bandit army did not die at all.

So Li Jue crushed all the thieves and bandits from the thirty-six countries like a steamroller. King Wusun watched Li Jue easily overthrow the horse bandits twice as many as them without any casualties. There is no idea of ​​a showdown at all.

Different from other legion talents, although Li Jue's legion talent consumes a lot, because it is a miracle created by Li Jue breaking the invisible barrier, it is also Li Jue's extravagant will to reduce the casualties of Xiliang iron cavalry on the battlefield A miracle born.

Therefore, this guy's legion talent directly exempts attacks below a certain strength, and attacks higher than the lower limit of the immunity will be offset after breaking the eggshell defense, but these are all at the expense of Li Jue's legion talent. Time.

To put it simply, Li Jue's legion talent has not been exhausted, and his legion casualties will be reduced to a very unscientific level, and if the opponent is a miscellaneous soldier, there will be a very terrible situation. casualties.

But generally such a terrible situation will not happen. Even miscellaneous soldiers have one or two fierce men who break the eggshell defense. As long as the remaining power can break the strengthened equipment defense and strengthened physical defense that Xiliang cavalry comes with, It can also kill the Xiliang cavalry.

But unfortunately, it was the bow cavalry bandits and the Central Asian scimitar horse bandits who fought with Li Jue this time. They are both famous cavalry with high attack speed and low attack speed. The Wusun aristocrats who watched from Wangcheng couldn't stand their legs steady.

Naturally, all the small thoughts of the thirty-six countries in the Western Regions were put away. The Wuji Xiaowei who came this time not only has the background of the Han Empire, but the headquarters is also so powerful that it makes people tremble.

In this way, Li Jue has completely secured his position as the emperor of the thirty-six countries in the Western Regions, and once again has the power to mobilize the troops of the Thirty-Six Countries in the Western Regions like Ban Chao did back then.

Weisudeva I did not receive any news about the mainland of the Han Empire at this time, but the news of the existence of Captain Wuji had already been passed on.

Therefore, Weisudemi I also put out the idea of ​​continuing to fight eastward along the Congling Ridge. As for fighting westward, Anxi seems to be a bit out of control for a hundred years, but Weisudemi I felt that it was necessary to observe it. It can't be finished in a while.

What's more, playing Anxi means facing the sword of Rome. To be honest, Guishuang is more afraid of Rome from the West than the relatively mild country of the Han Empire.

So if there is no need, Weisudeva I thought it would be better not to die, so he started to attack India steadily. Anyway, the other directions were either impossible or impossible, so Weisudeva I buried his head in silently attacking India.

This is indeed a good choice for Guishuang. It can be said that without the introduction of Zixu before and the desire that Guishuang's empire grew after the growth, I am afraid that Guishuang would not be reduced to that level in the end.

But having said that, the current domestic civil strife has actually broken out, and the Han Dynasty, which has been fighting for more than ten years, is a big piece of fat in the eyes of any empire.

It's a pity that it was not until Guishuang bit the Han Dynasty that some things may not be true, and only the victors and history can verify the rise and fall of the empire.

Of course, there is still a very long distance from these things happening now, especially since Li Jue has killed the first wave of envoys, so that Weisudeva I will not be able to receive any accurate news from the Han Dynasty within a year.

From this point of view, Li Jue has indeed done a good thing, at least it has delayed the success of the Central Plains for nearly three years, otherwise, in the current situation within the Han Empire, it might not be possible to finish fighting India all the way to the east Guishuang can really enter Sichuan and Shu from Myanmar.

At that time, even if Liu Bei could take over the Central Plains within half a year, and there were no traitors in the Central Plains, with the strength of a complete empire, it would be enough to reach Chengdu in half a year. No way, Sichuan and Shu were captured.

But is it possible, not to mention that no one in Sichuan and Shu is a traitor under such a big influence, just an empire to attack with all its strength, not from the northern Hanzhong, but from northern Burma, it is not that Liu Zhang's grade is looked down upon, let alone Xuanyuan was recommended by blood, and it would be an eye opener if he could not run away.

The fighting power of any empire is not what Cao Sun can withstand. Even a super powerful prince of Liu Bei's level cannot defeat Guishuang within ten years. The strength of the entire Han Dynasty is not fully integrated. Guomen is definitely a joke.

For example, the current situation Gan Ning is facing is a very skinny reality. If the Guishuang Empire is rich and willful, if they lose a thousand ships, they will lose a thousand ships!

No matter how high the level of the navy commanded by Gan Ning is, there is a ghost. Although most of the 1,000 warships in Guishuang are four or five generation warships, the 200,000 navy and 100,000 infantry can be smashed!

It's not that the Han Dynasty couldn't produce so many warships and navies, it's just that the country was divided. Liu Bei had high-tech, but didn't have enough foundation to form an industrial scale. Sun Ce had an industrial scale, but no core technology.

If it is still a complete empire and has enough execution power, not to mention five or six hundred ships built in half a year like Guishuang, but to be honest, three to four hundred ships will be built, and the bottom of the ship will be rebuilt by searching for inventory from various places. It is not impossible to get a hundred ships of the Han Dynasty.

As for the navy, ships from the south and horses from the north, and forced conquests, do you really think that the Han Dynasty could not produce a navy of hundreds of thousands in half a year? The potential of a complete empire cannot be underestimated at any time!

Unfortunately, splitting is splitting, no matter how much you restrain yourself, you can't change this fact, so when you saw the endless fleet, Gan Ning shamefully gave up the water village and ran away.

However, the opponent has already rushed more than ten miles away. When Gan Ning activated from the water stronghold and pulled out all the navy fleets, the opponent's fleet was almost ten miles away. This distance basically means that it is impossible to escape. .

If you can’t run away, you have to run. Gan Ning activated all the acceleration devices and ran forward desperately. Unfortunately, the biggest advantage of the fourth-generation and fifth-generation ships is that they are small and light, and they run extremely fast. Even if Gan Ning’s ships are equipped with There are many accelerators, and it is difficult to get rid of the Guishuang fleet.

As for the Guishuang Fleet, they did not take the water fortress in Malacca seriously. Although they thought it was their own at first, they found out that there were a long list of warships that were not their own. .

As for being destroyed, the commander-in-chief of the Guishuang Empire never thought about it, but the Guishuang Empire would naturally stop Gan Ning from running, not to mention the destruction of Gan Ning, at least ask about the situation of the previous Guishuang fleet, so I just caught up. (To be continued.)

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