Zhujiayebo, who had gained the movement speed for the second time, approached Gan Ning's fleet in a very short time. After the distance between the two sides was reduced to the attackable range, Zhujiayebo directly used the world saved in the ship's defensive style. Essence, launched a legion attack.

Different from the group of ordinary generals before, Zhu Jiayebo's army attack is more magnificent, and because the control power is far superior to those guys, the same army attack is obviously much more solidified, and it is aimed at Gan Ning's flagship with all its strength. Cut off below.

Seeing that Biyou's army attacked and slashed, Tai Shici, who didn't want to do anything at first, immediately held Fang Tian's painting halberd without fear, drawing endless inner energy from the army, and slashed out in a hurry, which was not inferior The opponent's legion attacks.

The two huge attacks collided head-on, and the violent air waves directly drove away the sea water directly below. When the huge waves met the two fleets, the defensive Guishuang fleet shared evenly with the entire fleet. This huge force was then introduced into the sea again. From the perspective of the entire fleet, it hardly retreated much.

However, Gan Ning's fleet did not let the impact suffered by the fleet be directed into the sea this time, but relied on the strength of the ship itself to resist the huge wave, allowing the entire fleet to advance suddenly against the big wave for a section, successfully The distance between the two sides is shortened.

The broken waves formed a huge mist between the two fleets, so that Zhujiayepo couldn't clearly see what happened, but when he was about to charge forward again, he suddenly rushed to the center The mist suddenly rolled up.

Then before he could make preparations, a golden army attack that was a circle smaller than before suddenly rushed out of the water mist. Fortunately, Zhujiayebo narrowed the defensive area and defensive angle with rich experience, relying on the collective defensive style Withstood this wave of attacks.

But the attack of the legion that exploded next to the ship at close range, even if the defensive style successfully defended, would still make Zhu Jiayepo very embarrassed.

"Be careful, Kasyapa!" Just as Zhu Kasyapa was trying to disperse the water mist created by the explosion of the second army attack in front of him, the roar of Ghazni suddenly came from behind his ears, and he immediately felt Yi Lin!

"Ship attack!" Although the mist in front of him blocked his vision, but relying on the experience accumulated in the sea battles all the year round, Zhu Jiayebo issued the correct order at the first time.

Under the order of Zhujiayebo, more than 20 ships in the front immediately showed the power of the legion attack. Nearly 20 not too weak legion attacks formed a retracted fan shape and cut towards the middle of the water mist. The next moment, a huge cloud burst out of the mist, the city cloud!

"Boom!" There were all kinds of muffled loud noises, and even the sound of breaking ship materials. Almost without looking, Zhu Jiayebo knew that at least half of the attacks of these legions had been cut.

But even so, Zhujiayebo's caution was not careless, and as expected, several huge shadows rushed out of the water mist in the next moment, and then a large number of warships came towards them.

Seeing that the side string of the enemy warship was cut by the legion attack, Zhu Jiayebo squinted his eyes, which was completely different from the attributes of their Guishuang ship.

"Frigate!" Seeing that he rushed out of the water mist and was still rushing towards him with a huge hideous gap, Zhu Jiayebo already understood the other party's plan.

Even without Zhujiayebo's order, the frigate with a very shallow draft suddenly exploded at an astonishing speed, and even used the cloud and air formation to accelerate the ship's high-speed movement, and then suddenly lay across Gan Ning directly in front of the flagship.

"Crack!" With a dull bang, Gan Ning's flagship rammed the right side of the frigate fiercely, but it did not directly crush Guishuang's fragile ship as before. lost speed.

As for the frigate of the Guishuang flagship, a huge gap was opened by the collision angle, and the sea water kept pouring in. The whole battleship had already started to tilt to one side due to the constant water inflow, but Gan Ning's strategic goal had completely failed, and There was no longer any distance for him to make another such dash.

"Attack!" Seeing that the frigate had tilted, Zhu Jiayebo was not too angry, but calmly issued his order, and immediately the two sides rained arrows.

And when the distance between the two sides was compressed again, hand-to-hand combat started directly on the warships of both sides, and after the flanking auxiliary ships suppressed the ships on both sides with a moment of courage, Gan Ning, Tai Shici, and Guan Hai immediately led the headquarters He rushed to Zhujiayepo's flagship.

It is very necessary to capture the thief first and capture the king at any time. As the three of them approached Zhujiayebo's flagship, the core battle of the entire battlefield will be launched directly here, and the big Han ships blocking the periphery immediately feel the pressure. The pressure doubled.

The Guishuang battleship, which had been forcibly squeezed out before, also started to attack frantically after Gan Ning and others attacked the flagship strongly, and the death rate of both sides quickly piled up.

"Suppression by the rain of arrows!" Zhu Jiayebo's heart sank when he saw the three internal qili, and immediately mobilized the guards to suppress them from a distance, and transferred the originally blessed legion talent to the flagship's guards. He was very grateful The three people opposite seemed to have other ideas.

Zhu Jiayebo felt the power of Tai Shi Ci faintly stronger than him, while Gan Ning was almost on par with him in the front. Although Guan Hai's power was not as good as the two, the essence of inner energy was definitely not inferior to them. That is to say, the destructive power is almost the same when they are actually fought.

Under such circumstances, Zhujiayebo did not dare to act rashly. A large number of guards and accompanying infantry continued to pour out of the ship. Under Gang Dianfeng's siege, the three of Gan Ning had a powerful force, but it was difficult to defeat the soldiers in front.

"The situation is not good!" Tai Shici said with a gloomy expression as he knocked out Cheng Gang, who shared his internal energy, with one blow, and then retreated back to Gan Ning.

"Forget it, let's fight, activate the talent of the legion, directly force the kill, don't care about whether you will escape or not, first completely defeat the two fleets!" Gan Ning roared, and directly activated the talent of the legion, and Tai Shici immediately activated it again Legion talents that were previously turned off.

After the three of them took out the strength at the bottom of the ballast, the soldiers who had blocked Guishuang's rescue on both sides were determined. With the blessing of the army's talent, they crazily vented their attacks on the frontal enemy.

After many soldiers took advantage of the situation and beheaded their opponents, they rushed directly to the opponent's warships, beheading the Guishuang sailor guards who were desperately squeezing the fleet's room for movement, which greatly depleted the opponent's continuous combat capability.

As for the three Gan Ning who were stuck on the flagship, they had already taken advantage of the storm in the headquarters, and suddenly made trouble, rushing directly in front of Zhu Jiayebo. (To be continued.)

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