Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms

Text Chapter 1635: A glimpse of the whole leopard

Guishuang's army advanced all the way, from the west of Zhuluoyega to the Sumo country and even the Wenjia area in one breath. Simply put, India of later generations was almost pushed almost.

Of course, the so-called Sumo Kingdom and the Wenjia region are actually part of the Baicheng Dynasty, but as I said before, the so-called Baicheng Dynasty is basically a mixture of a lot of small countries, at most it can be regarded as a loose alliance.

Therefore, under the will of Weisudeva I, the entire South Asian subcontinent has basically been pushed to almost nothing. Under the leadership of Brahe, the 100,000 elite cavalry have won consecutive battles, and the entire South Asian subcontinent has basically no resistance at all.

Even when the envoys of the Baicheng Dynasty came to the Han Dynasty to ask for help, Brahe had almost wiped out most of India, and had already pointed his sword at the Navardanna area. This place can almost be regarded as the last place of the Han Empire in the Southwestern Yi radiation range.

Going further to the east, you will basically enter the Yelang Kingdom area recorded in the history books. However, as early as the Western Han Dynasty, Yelang Kingdom was slaughtered by the Han army because of too much dancing.

There is no way to say that the combat effectiveness is high. The Han army in the Western Han Dynasty often appeared in some strange places. There were many places that could not be controlled in the territory of the Eastern Han Dynasty. In the Western Han Dynasty, they were actually in their hands. What is it like in northern Myanmar? , In fact, there were garrisons there in the Western Han Dynasty.

In short, the situation is almost the same that Guishuang has officially entered the radiating range of the Han Empire. Although the majesty of the Han Empire in the Benavadanna area is basically not much, the upper echelon there still knows that there is a powerful empire called the Han Dynasty next to it.

So soon Liu Zhang's civil and military officials received a message of help from the natives in that area. By the way, because the Han army really came to the south of Yongchang County, they danced happily there, even far away. The natives, who were about to become the emperor of the earth, decisively expressed their submission after confirming the strength of the Han Dynasty.

At the same time, there was no military disaster yet, but the Pyu, Bamar, and Shan tribes who were frightened to death because the Baicheng Dynasty was basically over, rushed to ask for help from the Han army, as if they suddenly realized that they were vassals of the Han Dynasty.

In short, out of nowhere, Zhang Su received a large number of documents proclaiming his vassal status, and after Qin Mi's explanation, this group of people realized that these countries, tribes, and reasonableness were actually their vassals of the Han Dynasty.

After sorting out Zhang Su and others, they realized that if we really want to talk about history, since ancient times, well, starting from Emperor Cheng of the Han Dynasty, these places are considered the territory of their Han Dynasty, but the sky is high and the emperor is far away, and these bastards even pay tribute Do neither!

"Bastard!" Zhang Su angrily smashed a roll of bamboo slips on several cases, "Mon city-state alliance, Shan nationality Chengxiang country, Khmer tribe, Zichi, are you sure that these bastards are all vassal states of our Han Dynasty?" , and vassal tribes?"

"Hey, if you don't ask, you won't know. If you ask, you'll be shocked." Qin Mi also had a gloomy face, but there was a sneer on his face.

"The Mon city-state alliance was the Meng Dynasty before, and then it just split up. Shan nationality Chengxiang Kingdom, don't you remember how it was recorded in the Taishigong Shiji? As for the Khmer tribe, I don't have much impression of this, but It's true that this area is our vassal state." Qin Mi sneered and repeated all the information in his impression.

Zhang Su's complexion is extremely dark, these bastards are really his own vassal state, what about the tribute, what about the annual tribute, I don't ask you to send anything, what about you? It's really like the death of the Han Dynasty, without giving a single reason, well done!

At this moment, Zhang Su was extremely angry. None of these vassal states regarded their Han Dynasty as their suzerain. They really thought that the emperor was far away from the mountains and couldn’t manage it. I will liquidate you all.

"Go, inform Wu Tugu, let him go to the Burmese Ministry, and ask them to give me an explanation, and if they don't give an explanation, let me settle down one by one. They have entered the tribute system of our Han Dynasty, and they want us to protect them even if they don't pay tribute. ?" Zhang Su didn't know where to spread his anger, this group of people really dare to do it, and they will all be killed sooner or later.

"I think we should defeat the Guishuang Dynasty first, and then talk about this. If we do it now, we will be unstable inside and outside. If they fall to Guishuang, it will be troublesome for us." Huang Quan interjected, but he was also angry.

"I think it's better to ignore these small countries and deal with Guishuang first." Wang Lei, who has always been an imperial Han, said such words, which surprised everyone.

"Don't look at me that way, I just think that if we go to fight with Guishuang, these small countries may have some reactions, such as the support they should have, such as the auxiliary soldiers that should be provided according to the suzerain-vassal relationship." Wang Lei squinted Eyes said, everyone's heart was chilled.

"Hmph, we have given them so many chances, even after the army came under pressure, we still gave them a chance to repent, but they haven't seized it yet, so don't blame our Han Dynasty for using thunderous means." Wang Lei said coldly He said, and everyone nodded when they heard it.

"Just follow Hong Gang's suggestion." Zhang Song rubbed his chin and felt that it was reasonable. As a powerful and benevolent dynasty, there must be sufficient reasons at certain times.

"Zi Chi, later you sort out the crimes of these kingdoms and tribes. When the time comes, we will free up our hands and occupy the righteousness to clean up these guys together." Zhang Su ordered to Qin Mi, and he also approved the proposal.

"Leave it to me." Qin Mi nodded and said it was easy, "However, how is the preparation for the battle? I think Da Yuezhi will have to contact us soon."

Just as Yizhou Civil and Military Forces were actively preparing for the war, the Guishuang army stopped in eastern India and met the envoys of the Han Dynasty.

"Who are you?" Guishuang's army did not know how many envoys they killed along the way, so that in the later period, all the kingdoms in India did not dare to send overly formal envoys.

"Han envoy Li Xin!" Li Xin, holding the talisman in his hand, said neither humble nor overbearing.

All the military officers in Guishuang Commander's Tent laughed when they heard this. They all relied on external objects to understand most languages, so they could hear Li Xin's words very clearly.

However, most of them don't understand the concept of Han envoys. It's just that they have killed many Chinese envoys along the way. In their view, they are just sending them to death.

Only Brahe, who was sitting high on the coach's seat, and the leaders on the left and right sides couldn't help but stare, looking at Li Xin with a touch of dignity, the Han Empire, Guishuang's high-level officials have never forgotten.

"Sit down for the Han envoy!" Brahe said.

Because of his orthodox telepathic ability, Li Xin also understood this sentence clearly, so he saluted solemnly, while the group of Guishuang generals, who were laughing and waiting to see Li Xin being dragged away by the sword and axe, looked frightened. Shi couldn't help restraining his smile, and began to whisper.

Li Xin was overjoyed when he heard this, but his face remained calm. Speaking of which, before he came, the tribes of the Baicheng Dynasty had told him that the other party was simply an executioner, and almost none of the envoys could complete it. Leave a note Life is considered a fluke.

Therefore, when Li Xin came, she was already prepared, and since she was no longer afraid of death, her mentality was relaxed, at least she had more courage in scanning.

Soon, under Brahe's order, a chair was brought in, and Li Xin sat on the chair without refusing, "Thank you."

Brahe nodded slightly, and signaled that all the ignorant people should go out, leaving only five or six senior generals in the tent, and then ordered to find several senior civil servants who did not come to the banquet, and only then did they inquire. everything.

Li Xin's heart stabilized after seeing this scene. It can be seen from the current posture that Guishuang attaches great importance to this matter, and this is good news for him.

After all the important officials from the army arrived and Brahe introduced them one by one, the two sides got to the point. The new civil servants, after realizing that they were Chinese envoys, all frivolous faces were swept away, and they sat down solemnly. Waiting for Brahe to speak.

"What's the matter with the Han envoy here?" Brahe got to the point after everyone sat upright.

"This is just to stop fighting. It's time for the Guishuang Dynasty to stop." Li Xin looked at the crowd calmly and said. Hearing this, the faces of the six senior military generals darkened, but it was Blahe and the three civil servants who showed their faces. The color of deep thought.

After all, the supply line along the way is almost seven or eight thousand miles away. If it weren't for the scattered sand of the Baicheng Dynasty, and the land is fertile, there is no shortage of food and grass, and the enemy will eat all the way, Guishuang would not be able to fight. Yes, the logistics supply is completely a pit.

It can be said that until now, Guishuang has been able to continue to fight only by absorbing nutrients from the Baicheng Dynasty. If it continues to fight east, it will be troublesome.

"How daring!" Yan Lipu, the general sitting first on Brahe's left, yelled angrily, and Brahe, who was looking thoughtful, also watched this scene with great interest.

Seeing that the other party stood up angrily, Li Xin looked at Brahe who was sitting on the main seat calmly, and his almost ignoring behavior made Yan Lipu furious and almost drew his sword.

"Sit down." Seeing Yan Lipu's fury, Brahe yelled softly. Yan Lipu's left hand that drew the sword stopped suddenly, and then he slammed the sword back. The sound of cutting the blade and scabbard made Li Xin clearly Understand the other party's anger.

"The Great Han Dynasty, are you going to be a lobbyist for the Baicheng Dynasty?" Brahe said calmly, "I don't know if the Baicheng Dynasty has anything to offer now?"

"I'm not anyone's lobbyist. I'm just here to inform you that you should stop. As our former allies, and there hasn't been any major conflicts in the past century, that's why we came to inform you." Li Xin shook his head, The extremely calm expression made Brahe understand that the other party was not joking.

"Oh, that's interesting. Could it be that the Duke of the Han Empire is so selfless that he doesn't ask for anything, but only comes for justice?" Brahe, who knew the empire's hegemony well, couldn't help but sneer.

"No, it's not being selfless, but not needing, what we need, we will get it ourselves, no one on this continent can stop us from getting something, as for the Baicheng Dynasty you mentioned, it really goes to us We asked for help, but we refused." Li Xin looked at Brahe with the undefeated confidence of the Han Empire.

Brahe and the others could not help but chuckle when they heard the last sentence. The Han Empire would also be afraid of their power. This is really an exciting thing, but the next words made Brahe and the others Chill from the inside.

"We need thousands of miles of fertile land, but we don't need their ridiculous deal. What we need, what we can get, so the commander of our army, General Yan, ordered me to come here, submit the letter of war, and Guishuang will hunt in Baicheng Dynasty, our army wins, Guishuang stops, if our army loses, from the east of the Baicheng Dynasty, Guishuang can be included as a vassal by force!" Li Xin proudly took out the letter of war from his arms and got up and handed it to the guards next to him.

Everyone in Guishuang was taken aback when they heard the words, so that when Brahe submitted the gauntlet, he didn't realize that he should accept it.

"Why did your country take such a step?" Helilah immediately got up and asked, the Han Empire is a behemoth, it is better not to provoke it or not to provoke it.

"It's nothing. Countries believe in interests and power. We haven't seen each other for more than a hundred years, and we don't know each other's strength. So we have a fight and then decide the master and slave! To eliminate the barrier, don't stay behind from the beginning. Hidden danger!" Li Xin looked at the crowd and said calmly.

"Okay." Brahe took the gauntlet immediately, "Since your country is betting with the vassals, then I, Guishuang, will also show my sincerity. If we lose, half of the land of the Baicheng Dynasty under our feet will be handed over to the Han Dynasty. Renew the covenant!"

Li Xin couldn't help showing a strange look on his face, and was surprised by Brahe's atmosphere. Although the combat power of the Baicheng Dynasty is parallel imports, the country's land is not parallel imports. It is actually thousands of miles of fertile soil, and everything can grow well. Throw it away With a handful of seeds, you can receive several times the rations that year.

But that strange look was just an instant. After Li Xin regained his composure, he immediately said, "Okay, if our army loses, Guishuang will fight over in one go!"

The generals of Guishuang also understood what Li Xin meant when they heard the words. Naturally, when you lose, we will fight in one go. We are indeed an empire that only believes in our own strength.

"Okay, let's draw up the time and place here, and I'll hand it over to you when the time comes!" Brahe nodded, not feeling anything wrong.

To be honest, part of the Baicheng dynasty thrown to the Han Dynasty is actually mainly because Guishuang is now struggling. Although it can conquer such a large area, it does not mean that it can control so many areas, and Brahe can also feel it from Li Xin. That kind of boldness.

What's more, the Han Empire didn't hide it. If they lose, the opponent will fight over and get back what they want. In this case, it's better to be generous and give them directly if they lose. Take advantage of the righteousness.

Although it is not in line with the habit of the empire to count defeat before winning, but if the opponent is the Han Empire, Brahe just looks at Li Xin's momentum on the opposite side and is a little jealous. An ordinary envoy has the courage to despise a big country. This country is either a lunatic or a monster, and unfortunately the Han Empire is not a lunatic. (To be continued.)

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