Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms

Text Chapter 1649: Zhang Xiu's Choice

If Sun Ce's own talent is divided into two parts, it can actually be considered to be composed of two parts: the talent of the legion and the talent of the monarch, but these two parts are independent of each other, and are mainly released by Sun Ce's own feelings, but there is a prerequisite that the talent of the legion must be Open first.

As long as Sun Ce activates the legion talent, he can stimulate his monarch talent at any time, and then all our troops and allies recognized by Sun Ce within the battlefield will receive a 30% enhancement of the legion talent, a very strong and terrifying effect.

However, this talent is different from the five-fold mirror image that Wei Yan created when Zhuge Liang cheated him. This talent does not consume Sun Ce's own energy and physical strength, but directly consumes the energy and physical strength of the person being blessed.

Theoretically speaking, legion talent does not have a superimposed effect. It is essentially the result of soldiers' imitation, recognition and worship of generals, and the birth of the general's own cognition. That is to say, it is impossible to superimpose legion talents.

Zhou Yu's and Chen Xi's legion talents are essentially a way of cheating. Although their methods are different, they can both bypass the absolute barrier that legion talents cannot be superimposed. This is the origin of the three elite talents.

Although Chen Xi and Zhou Yu's legion talents do not have obvious special effects, they are essentially equivalent to half the effect, and the advantage is that their legion talents have no obvious limit on the number of people, so Chen Xi and Zhou Yu can both activate them. The elite of the legion talent and then put on their legion talent.

This is also an important reason why Danyang elites have blessed the talents of Zhou Yu and Chen Xi after Li Yan's incomparably matched army talent, and entered the ultimate state.

Both Zhou Yu and Chen Xi are not blind. The Danyang elite in extreme condition is really a thin line away from the Army Soul Corps. They have the same ability to see life and death with the Army Soul Corps as the elites from the Xiliang Headquarters. Although they are restrained enough, their combat effectiveness cannot be denied.

Under the premise that there is only a thin line left, what Zhou Yu said before is that if one talent is not enough, two or three are possible, and Sun Ce's monarch talent increase seems to Chen Xi and Zhou Yu. It is possible to break through this limit.

After Sun Ce used his talent as a monarch, both Chen Xi and Zhou Yu naturally blessed Danyang's elite, but in the end, both Chen Xi and Zhou Yu wanted to cry.

It’s not that Zhou Yu has never played cooperative combat with Sun Ce, but it was always Sun Ce and Zhou Yu who cooperated in the past. Zhou Yu blessed Sun Ce’s personal guards with legion talents, and Sun Ce also blessed them. I really didn’t find that the consumption of soldiers would increase after the monarch’s talents were activated.

However, this time they were blessed together on the Danyang elite led by Li Yan. At that moment, Chen Xi and Zhou Yu really felt the aura of the Army Soul Legion, but the expressions of the two of them became very ugly in the next moment. Strictly speaking, the physical and energy consumption of the soldiers under his command is about 1.2 times of the original.

This level is not high at all. It is very worthwhile to spend 20% more physical strength and energy to obtain 30% improvement of the best attribute, no matter where it is, but after Zhou Yu and Chen Xi's legion talents are blessed, the physical and energy consumption will go away. Two rolls.

It goes up exponentially at the same speed as Wei Yan's own loss at the beginning, but the difference is that Wei Yan only loses himself, which is very cost-effective.

Zhou Yu's kind is naturally not worth it. If it is said that with the blessing of Li Yan, Chen Xi, Zhou Yu's Danyang elite can reach the Army Soul Corps in a real sense like the Xiliang Cavalry, five times the physical and energy consumption is a ghost.

One of the basic attributes of the Army Soul Corps is that the will surpasses the body, which means that for the Army Soul Corps, physical strength is actually the locked full value.

This is also the reason why Hua Xiong's running speed is directly the charging speed, and his physical strength will not be lost at all, so it doesn't matter whether his physical strength is consumed or not.

Under these conditions, if the false three talents are increased by 30%, it will be no different from the real three talents, and they are the three talents that are most suitable for Danyang elites. Army Soul Legion, then it doesn't matter whether it is attrition or not, and Zhou Yu will definitely choose to fight here.

It's a pity that at that moment, Danyang's elite momentum has been achieved, and the basic combat power may have also been achieved, but there is no will to surpass the body, resist death, infinite physical strength, legion integration, etc. The basic attributes of the army soul legion, etc., also hang a five times the loss of physical strength Negative, such a Danyang elite can't fight at all.

Seeing that the biggest trump card failed, Chen Xi resolutely gave up the previous proposal. The original plan was that with Sun Ce's monarch talent, Chen Xi and Zhou Yu would do their best to assist the others, activate the three talent effects for all soldiers, and forcefully eat the Xiongnu army.

It's a pity that there was such a result in the end. Zhou Yu and Chen Xi didn't have any good solutions. Since it was meaningless to fight like this, they could only retreat first.

Chen Xi and the others evacuated very quickly, especially after two miles away from Kunwan, all the generals with legion talents in the group activated their legion talents, rushed towards the southwest quickly, and quickly disappeared on the horizon.

Then before Kunwan could clean up the battlefield, a group of fine cavalry came from the south, and the leader was Qiu Linbei. Seeing the three thousand real elites of the headquarters and more than a thousand Xiongnu guards behind Qiu Linbei, Kunwan only Feeling a mouthful of reversed blood, his eyes darkened, and he fell off the horse.

On the other side, Zhang Xiu looked at Hua Xiong with a tangled face. To be honest, he didn't really want to recognize this uncle anymore. He had never seen such a cheat on his nephew.

"Uncle Hua, you also showed me the ultimate mystery of the Xiliang iron cavalry, should you return the more than 1,500 soldiers to me?" Zhang Xiu said expressionlessly.

Hua Xiong was a little embarrassed, but he still had the cheek to say that he would give back double to Zhang Xiu when he went back. Originally, the Xiliang iron cavalry who were the backup of Fei Xiong was estimated to be only about 1,400 of Zhang Xiu's current people and Li Jue, Guo Si and others. Three thousand people came.

It's just that the elites of the headquarters are gone, which doesn't mean that the Xiliang iron cavalry is gone. Li You, Hua Xiong, Li Jue, and Fan Chou can't train the Xiliang iron cavalry. After dozens of fights, no one can produce a quasi-military soul-level super elite.

So Hua Xiong can only return three thousand Xiliang iron cavalry to Zhang Xiu first, but these elites can only be those that Jia Xu brought to Zhang Fei and Huang Zhong before. The northern Xiongnu elite cavalry led by the leader are much stronger than the group of northern Xiongnu elite cavalry that Kun Wan is forcibly conscripting now.

After all, everyone is rich now. It is impossible to give you a wooden gun with an iron tip and let you fight like when you were in Xiliang before, and let you remember to bring the weapon back before you die. After all, Dong Zhuo At that time, the poor couldn't afford equipment, and the rich could buy food, so it was not easy enough to feed their subordinates.

The kind of wooden gun with only one gun head covered with iron can at most be wrapped with a piece of sheepskin snatched from the Qiang people. This is already considered a good armor. Hua Xiong, Guo Si, and Fan Chou came from that era. .

That kind of battlefield survived, and survived to the name of the world's three elite cavalry, and even won the title of invincible in the end, promoted to the Army Soul Corps, and the soldiers trained in this environment, although they are all called Xiliang Cavalry, but Ferocity and murder are not on the same level as before.

There are really two levels of fighting training with real swords and guns, and the current practice of wooden spears and wooden knives.

In Hua Xiong's words, you don't dare to use real swords and guns to see blood in training, and you still tell me that you are elite, do you maintain your combat effectiveness in this way?

So to be reasonable, the elite of Hua Xiong and others' headquarters stripped off their current armor and replaced the steel spear with a wooden spear covered with iron. They would not be at a disadvantage in a fight with the Xiongnu elite cavalry, so after changing their equipment Ten to fifteen or even more is not a big problem.

At this time, Hu Feng, who had been by Hua Xiong's side all the time, held his sunken ribs and laughed at Zhang Xiu, "Yeah, Boyuan, we are all brothers, what are we doing so clearly, let alone become the Army Soul Legion , Isn’t it everyone’s will all along?”

Zhang Xiu said that he had a mouthful of blood in his heart by Hu Feng, and before Zhang Xiu could reply, Wang Fang on the side also said, "Bo Yuan, let me tell you, why don't you come here too, after General Hua, We definitely don't have the qualifications to command the Army Soul Corps, but you have!"

After all, Wang Fang, Hu Feng and others are of the same generation, especially Hu Feng is Li Jue's nephew, and they have met each other. They also worked together in Xiliang back then, so after the battle, they teased Zhang Xiu. People are stress free.

Although Zhang Xiu revealed at the beginning that his fighting power had indeed alienated these peers a lot, but after the real separation, many things became much lighter, just like Hua Xiong, Li Jue and others, if they could see each other again, they would definitely be brothers, and they would not Because of their alienation.

Sometimes time can't wear away the friendship between the two parties, but it can make both parties forget the unhappiness at the beginning. Looking back at the prime minister and smiling, the former relationship becomes more and more mellow like old wine.

This time Zhang Xiu almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, but when he looked up at Hua Xiong, he found that Hua Xiong was looking at him very solemnly and sincerely.

Hua Xiong himself really couldn't speak like this, but what the others said behind him really meant what Hua Xiong meant. After all, Zhang Xiu was Zhang Ji's nephew, and he was now qualified to protect Zhang Xiu after he was so mixed up. .

Reasonably speaking, the veterans of the four major military generals all have independent corps. Although Hua Xiong has repeatedly declined, he still has an establishment of six or seven thousand people.

It can be said that Zhang Xiu will never be treated badly when he comes to Liu Bei's side. Although the Army Soul Legion cannot be directly awarded to Zhang Xiu, with Hua Xiong on the sidelines, the possibility of finally falling into Zhang Xiu's hands is basically one.

After all, the hereditary transformation of the army can’t be solved even by future generations. Although civilians are not without a complete promotion path, when they meet Guan Ping, Zhang Xiu’s natural talent is better than yours, and he works very hard. Fathers, uncles, and brothers are all elite generals in the world. Tell me how to fight?

People who work harder than you are not scary, people who are better than you are not scary, and people who are older than you are not scary. The scary thing is that people who are older than you, better than you, and work harder than you. How should we fight?

Just like Guan Yu told Guan Ping that as a father, he will not help him a little, but with Guan Ping's talent and hard work, as long as he gets all the merits he has received, one day he will be qualified to stand by Guan Yu's side.

The education you received is better than yours, and the direction of your efforts is more correct than yours. Even if the people behind you don't reach out, the other party's promotion methods within the rules are enough to make you speechless. Sometimes, it is best to think about yourself.

And Zhang Xiu's situation is very suitable now. He has the talent of the army, the extreme combat power of internal energy separation, and the experience of independent combat. It can be said that he has everything a good general needs. In this case, Hua Xiong In fact, the promises can be fulfilled.

Although there may be criticisms, but as long as Zhang Xiu has enough qualifications, Hua Xiong promises that if he retires, Zhang Xiu will definitely take over his army.

At that time, as long as Hua Xiong let out the wind, with Zhang Xiu's strength, ability, and Hua Xiong's own face, Jia Xu and Li You don't even need to take care of it, and this matter will proceed smoothly. As for the following The nonsense criticism, in fact, really does not affect the decision-making level.

Although Hua Xiong is stupid enough, he still understands the simplest things. Hua Xiong can't guarantee whether his unborn child has the potential to be promoted to the body, but Zhang Xiu is enough, even if his own son is not good enough, As long as it's not a serious act of death, having such an elder brother and his affection are enough.

Zhang Xiu understood Hua Xiong's eyes, and even at this moment he was a little ready to move, this is truly the world's leading elite, even after Zhang Xiu heard about the cavalry's military spirit ability from the soldiers, Zhang Xiu understood that he If you inherit the iron cavalry, the iron cavalry will become stronger.

Because Zhang Xiu still has the talent of the legion, and Hua Xiong's talent of the legion has been smelted, whether it is Xiliang iron cavalry itself has the ability to inherit the talent of the main general, or it can only smelt Huaxiong's talent of the legion, it means that the latecomers inherit Xiliang Iron cavalry will be stronger!

"I..." Zhang Xiu was really moved at this moment, but after hesitating for a long time, he still said, "Uncle Hua, I'm sorry, I'm not going to betray Mr. Cao, he treats me very well, I can't do such a thing .”

Hua Xiong looked at Zhang Xiu. Since this is the case, the only promise he can give is that one day they will meet on the battlefield, or Zhang Xiu will be defeated. He guarantees that Zhang Xiu will be safe and sound. We can only wait for him to give birth to an excellent son to inherit.

"You think clearly?" Hua Xiong moved his mouth a few times, as if he wanted to say a lot, but in the end he only spit out four words.

Zhang Xiu nodded silently. Seeing that Hu Feng, Wang Fang, Duan Yan and others were all looking at him expectantly, silently avoiding their sight, Mr. Cao treated him very kindly. It was such a simple reason. Any harsh criticism, and I really trust him, so I can't bear to betray him. (To be continued.)

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