Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms

Text Chapter 1666: Thinking as a Whole

In fact, when Cheng Lian started to shoot and kill the cattle pulling the cart with a crossbow, Yi Zhong felt that something was wrong, but a chariot is easy to gallop, but you have to make him stop. Nose ring control, depending on the level of the cowherd, is very difficult, at least it can't be done in a short time by light deceleration.

Therefore, when he discovered that the Han army had a super-powerful crossbow, and the winding speed was beyond imagination, Yi Chong felt the desire to retreat. After all, he had successfully destroyed half of the Han army's front battalion, and going back was enough to brag about. .

It's a pity that the galloping chariot can't be stopped by just saying stop, so Yi Zhong can only order to slow down slowly, while making preparations to charge out from the side after slowing down.

Anyway, the front battalion of the Han army has been destroyed, and the results of the battle are already very good. There is no need to spend any more troops. As for the dozens of damaged chariots, in Yi Zhong's opinion, it is not a big loss, and it can deal a severe blow to the Han army. If the morale of them is high enough to show their strength, he has already completed the task.

However, when Yizhong gradually slowed down the speed of the chariot and was about to turn around and evacuate, it was the tung oil jars thrown by the Han army that really caused fatal damage to the chariot.

The oiliness of the wood becomes higher the further north you go. Zhuge Liang’s reaction when he saw these chariots at the first sight was to set them on fire. This kind of wood that looks like either pine or fir is the best material for fire. Not good to extinguish.

As for why Zhuge Liang could recognize what kind of wood it was at a glance, the reason is actually too simple. Huang Yueying scraped the wood there from time to time. Cheng Liang, Zhuge Liang can recognize who made his fiancee a professional.

Under Zhuge Liang's gentle and elegant appearance, there is a burning heart, but any problem that can be solved with fire is not a problem in Zhuge Liang's view. Naturally, Zhuge Liang's first reaction when seeing pine wood is to burn!

At the moment when the kerosene tank was thrown at the chariot and shattered all around, the kerosene gave off a pungent smell, which made Yi Zhong feel like dying.

"Withdraw!" The tragic scream rose with the flames and passed out. However, if things like chariots can be withdrawn by shouting and withdrawing, I am afraid that they will not be eliminated from the battlefield, so more The chariot couldn't stop the brakes and rushed directly into the fire.

As more kerosene tanks fell, the chariot made of dry pine wood was ignited by kerosene almost instantly, and the soldiers on the chariot could not resist this horrible burning at all.

The flames constantly rising on the battlefield caused the mighty chariots to burn quickly. The special kerosene was extremely difficult to extinguish, and it was attached to the pine frame. The usual methods almost lost their effect. As the oil tank fell, the burning became more violent.

Nearly half of the chariots were ignited by the oil tanks falling from the sky, and the bulls and horses that were burned by the flames screamed and raged towards the surroundings. The front battalion was almost destroyed, but at this time the personnel had already evacuated , the only thing left on the field is the collision of chariots with chariots.

The burning chariot frame was dragged by the bulls and horses, frantically bringing destruction to everything in front of it. In this case, even Yi Zhong's legion talent to maintain the balance of the chariot lost all meaning.

What he can do now, and the only thing he can do, is to order the brakes to be pressed down and lock the wheels directly.

Anyone who has driven a car knows that the current car has a function called anti-lock braking, because once the wheels of a high-speed Mercedes-Benz vehicle are locked, the strong inertia is enough to make the car roll over, and even the speed is exaggerated, making idling three times. One hundred and sixty degrees or anything is fine.

Yi Zhong, who had no choice at the moment, could only forcibly brake suddenly. A few seconds after the flames rose, many chariots that forcibly braked were thrown out, and even Chen Gong saw that some of the chariots directly He was thrown into the air, and then even the horse and the bull were dragged into the air, and then fell hard to the ground.

Chen Gong looked at the situation with trepidation. With that level of impact, even if the inner qi was separated from the body and suppressed by the cloud qi, it would be smashed into pieces if it hit it head-on.

Although the situation was bad, and there were not a few people who turned over, after all, this crazy charge was successfully curbed, and the chariot behind was also successfully slowed down.

At this time, Yi Zhong didn't care about other things. Although the impact force of the bull-drawn cart is much better than that of the war horse, its handling is too poor. Therefore, if it continues to be consumed, once it is fired by the opponent's crossbow machine and kerosene, I'm afraid Even he has only one way to die.

Therefore, after forcibly controlling the speed, Yi Zhong immediately avoided the fire scene and the kerosene ejection site, turned the frame and rushed out towards the flank.

The coordinating cavalry and chariots behind Yi Zhong rushed out towards the flanks, and Zhuge Liang did not let anyone intercept them on the flanks, so Yi Zhong led half of the chariots and Ding Lingqi to destroy the Han Dynasty. The record of the front battalion of the army was successfully rushed out.

"Hey, there's black smoke there." Chen Xi talked about him, but he didn't answer Xun Yu's question directly. At this time, Chen Xi accidentally saw black smoke rising in the distance.

"Someone probably burned something with kerosene. I'm afraid the camp was attacked." Cheng Yu was very good at murder and arson, and he knew what was burning just by seeing the black smoke.

"Well, it is true that the camp is on fire, but the color is so pure, and there is no blue or gray mixed in. I am afraid that the main things burned are kerosene and wood. It should be Kong Ming who used flames to defend against the enemy." Xu Shuyi He said with an unconvinced face, I can analyze the color of the smoke more thoroughly, and I can still see what is burning.

Jia Xu glanced at Xu Shu and Cheng Yu expressionlessly, how many things you two had burned before, how could you even see what was burned by looking at the smoke.

Lu Xun, who had been following Jia Xu and Chen Xi, sneaked up behind Xu Shu at this time, and looked at Xu Shu with admiration.

"Brother Yuanzhi, why do you know what is burning just by looking at the cigarette?" Lu Xun said with a look of admiration.

"Let me tell you, if you burn more things, you will understand. You can see that the smoke from straw and other things is gray and white, while the grain and so on are blue and white, and the ash from burning is very fluffy. These oils are burned with black smoke, hehe, it's the same when you throw someone in and burn them..." Xu Shu said to Lu Xun with a threatening face.

As a result, Lu Xun didn't feel any fear, but instead had a sense of excitement. Xu Shu couldn't help but pursed his lips. This guy was hopeless, and he might be an arsonist in the future.

"It looks like a fight broke out in the front camp. The Northern Huns are very fierce. Although there are not many generals left in the camp, it is not easy to get in. This seems to be giving us a bad blow." Chen Xi He turned his head and said to Xun Yu.

"You lost so much face in front of us, aren't you going to fight back?" Xun Yu said peacefully.

"Now we are divided between you and us? We are both the Han army. Besides, our purpose is not to fight back. Our purpose is to kill the opponent. Besides, in things like war, the momentary victory or defeat is not important. I will not go to fight for a momentary mood. I did it." Chen Xi said with hands spread out.

"Sun Tzu's Art of War has already said that the Lord should not raise troops in anger, and the general should not attack in anger, so let's forget it and make preparations before we start. The lives of soldiers are not controlled by us at will. Every plan is burdened. Countless lives and deaths." Chen Xi suddenly changed his style of painting, and said solemnly.

"Taught." Xun Yu was still gentle, but there was a hint of solemnity on his face.

"However, the Northern Huns are really good. Our camp defense is actually very good, but even so, they still attacked in. From this aspect, the strength of the opponent is indeed worthy of our consideration." Chen Xi's face faded. With a cynical smile, he stared at the place where the black smoke rose and said.

"If it weren't for this, we wouldn't have gone north. Although this is only one of the reasons, it can be used as a reason, which already shows that they have entered a certain range." Xun Yu also said, looking at the black smoke in the sky.

"Luckily, we were able to put aside the conflict between the two parties, and it didn't happen. Let's fight first, and then talk to the outside world." Chen Xi smiled and said, "And if there is no accident, we can all do our best unanimously external."

"We can use a lot of means internally, but externally, especially for this kind of blood feud, no one will be unclear." Xun Yu said calmly, "We are not so despicable as to attract foreign enemies to hurt our clan." fundamental level."

"Enmity is divided into three, six, and nine ranks. We are fighting for life and death. In the end, it is just a conquest of will. To be honest, if you lose, as long as you don't seek death yourself, we will hardly pursue it. "Chen Xi looked at Xun Yu and said.

In this era, the distinction between Hua and Barbarians is actually very clear. You can use or attract foreigners to kill your enemies in your own tribe, but the premise is that you have the ability to control foreign tribes, and if you do not have the ability to control foreign tribes, If you continue to do this, you are ready to be nailed to the pillar of shame.

"..." Xun Yu didn't pick up the words, and Chen Xi was a little depressed. This guy is also a master who doesn't like oil and salt, which makes people very headache.

"Actually, we can abandon the contradictions between the two sides. Just like now, you can feel how strong our three parties are combined. Dozens of internal qi are separated from the body, with various legion talents, spiritual talents, and a large number of civil and military groups. In the past three hundred years, there has been no era stronger than ours at this moment!" Chen Xi scolded in a low voice.

Xun Yu was still a little silent, but even he had to admit that in the past three hundred years, there was absolutely no era stronger than this era, not only civil and military officials, but also the population base.

Even in any era from the Three Emperors and Five Emperors to the present, Xun Yu is confident that with the concerted efforts of the three parties, they can defeat them one by one.

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the sages were the most holy, the Emperor Qin was unified, the Han Dynasty was founded, and the Emperor Wu expanded the territory. But compared with the current era, those eras are definitely not enough.

Just the war potential represented by the current 44 million population, four shi per mu, and close to five shi, is enough to kill any previous era, not to mention that the civil and military officials who are constantly awakening and becoming stronger in this era are enough to defeat the previous era. any era.

"In our era, we shouldn't let internal conflicts be in the hands of our own people. We should use the strength of the seven heroes of the Warring States to merge into one family. Bai Qi, Wang Jian, Wu Qi, Sun Bin, Le Yi, Tian Ji, Lian Po, Zhao She and others commanded their troops. How powerful it is It is absolutely impossible to control them with the power of the Seven Kingdoms of Qin Dynasty, and now is such an era!" Chen Xi stared at Xun Yu and scolded in a low voice.

It's not that Chen Xi has any desire to collect, but just think about it, the forces of the Spring and Autumn Five Hegemons are unified into one family, the economy and the military are unified into one family, and they expand the territory together.

In the same way, the seven heroes of the Warring States Period took the heroes of the seven countries as their generals, listed the capable ministers of the seven countries as their advisers, and united them as one family. Can the Donghu, Xiongnu, and Qiang invade?

In the same era, the three families work together to hold the banner of the Han Dynasty and expand the territory and open the territory. It is not difficult at all. How difficult is it for the Central Plains to give up and rebuild the prosperity?

"We are divided into two, and the overall strength has dropped by more than half. Duke Xuande has no shortage of food and grass, and although Duke Cao has fertile soil, the Yongliang where he is based is suitable for farming. The range can raise up to 200,000 soldiers. No matter how many there are, there will be suspicion of military aggression, and Yongliang is suitable for horse herding, especially Liangzhou." Chen Xi looked at Xun Yu and said.

"You may never have thought about how a country manipulates, but I have thought about, thought about where to grow the most suitable things, to support the most suitable things, where to raise horses, where to grow special plants At this moment, Chen Xi was extremely calm, "I consider the country as a whole."

"So I'm paving the way for the whole country bit by bit, connecting every place, revitalizing the economy of the whole country, making it easier for one region to rely on another region, and let each region do what is most suitable for them." Chen Xi He looked at Xun Yu very proudly.

Of course, Chen Xi's approach is not to make each region lose its economic independence, but to add a higher level of manipulation to it. They still have independence, but if they are not merged into the empire's economic system, they will The middle and upper classes cannot get better things from other regions cheaper, and can only use what is produced in their economic system.

This is the significance of national regulation and control. While protecting each region, it also allows each region to be connected as a whole, greatly stabilizing the general situation of each region.

But to achieve this level, Liu Bei must unify the entire world, and then conduct research in various aspects, and build the required system batch after batch.

From this point of view, the advantage of the imperial system lies in its tyrannical execution, there is nothing to shirk, batch after batch of construction in the past, even if the money is messed up, as long as you can still control the empire, you can do it again , Whoever dares to talk about it, will kill whose execution ability!

Only with this level of executive power can Chen Xi have the guts to reform the economic system. Without this dictatorship, ten Chen Xis would all die! (To be continued.)

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