Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms

Text Chapter 1669: Still going this way

"How do you know?" Chen Xi said in amazement, "But there is one thing you said is wrong. I am indeed observing people's livelihood. Only the common people can find the most suitable way of development.”

Even Xun Yu nodded silently at Chen Xi's words, and Cao Cao and Liu Bei, who were listening on the side, also believed that this was indeed the case, and only in this way could the system be more suitable for the people's livelihood. By the way, Liu Bei was very satisfied with Chen Xi's answer. To be able to pass ah.

"I'm engaged in horse politics, and Wenru is engaged in household registration. We often go to observe people's livelihood together, so we often meet you." Jia Xu said what he wanted to say with a deadpan expression.

Chen Xi almost vomited blood. Isn't that just blatantly saying that they were being lazy? No, it wasn't laziness. They were observing people's livelihood. How could Chen Xi be lazy?

Now even Xun Yu understood that Chen Xi was being lazy, and he just said it nicely, so he couldn't help but sigh.

"Well, I plan to go back to work hard this time. The previous phased development plan has been completed. I plan to make a five-year development plan as the development outline of the Han Empire in the next few years, involving all aspects of the Han Empire. Policy adjustments." Chen Xi saw the speechless eyes of a group of people, and immediately resorted to a big killer.

"This should really be done." Jia Xu heard a satisfactory answer, and didn't pursue Chen Xi's laziness. He just took this opportunity to ask Chen Xi to make a statement.

Laziness is the problem, and with Chen Xi's character, Jia Xu doesn't think he can control it, and Chen Xi's internal affairs ability is indeed too strong, so strong that even Jia Xu thinks, maybe they can't be tied together Can surpass Chen Xi alone.

The so-called five-year unshakable foundation to rise up Mount Tai and kill the Yuan family, and the plan to set the cauldron in the Central Plains was done by Chen Xi alone, but the actual situation is basically not much different from the plan.

This is the strategic vision, and the difficulty of implementing this strategy, normal people will basically despair, but Jia Xu and others basically watched Chen Xi complete it with ease. But when it comes to Liu Bei's rise, half of the credit is due to Chen Xi alone.

The other party has solidified Liu Bei's foundation alone, Jia Xu will not believe that Chen Xi can't do the details, without Lu Zijing, Jia Xu can guarantee that Chen Xi will do it first, and he will not be worse than Lu Su. Didn't Chen Xi have a good time without Lu Su, and he didn't hear of overtime.

To be precise, in Jia Xu's impression, Chen Xi has never worked overtime, no matter how busy he is, Chen Xi can definitely finish the work before leaving get off work, and then hand it over to Lu Su to fill in the details.

This can already explain a lot of problems, and Jia Xu now feels that Liu Bei's development has slowed down, not as fast as before. Of course, the previous changes are very unscientific if they are reasonable. But seeing that kind of development speed, Jia Xu is not satisfied with the current speed of development.

There is still a big enemy outside, and we have to fight against the empire. The speed of development can't be raised now. What is this trying to do? Looking back, everyone is actually working no less than a few years ago. The only difference seems to be That is, the previous plan has basically been implemented.

At first, Jia Xu thought that Chen Xi would continue to work on the second phase of the plan after the implementation of the plan, but after waiting for more than half a year, Chen Xi seemed to have forgotten about it.

As for saying that it can't be done, Jia Xu doesn't believe it at all. Liu Bei once mentioned that when Chen Xi left Hulao and went back to Taishan, he finished the entire development plan by himself on the way. After half a year, he didn't come out, and there was only one person. It's possible, Chen Xi forgot.

This point is not possible for other wise men, but it is very possible for Chen Xi. Chen Xi's memory has certain problems. This is the consensus of Li Youjiaxu and others.

Regarding this aspect, Xun Yue once warned Chen Xi, because in the eyes of these people, Chen Xi seemed to be using his brain too much, but in their opinion, it was reasonable for Chen Xi to pay a certain price for reaching this level.

Sometimes Chen Xi is shrewd and sometimes stupid, in Jia Xu's opinion, it's not a big deal, after all, when Chen Xi is stupid, it's about small things, but when it's big things, he's very shrewd.

As for forgetting to do certain things, it did happen, but given Chen Xi's processing speed, even if he forgot to do it, it would not be impossible to finish the work on time after being reminded.

It's just that the situation is a little different this time. The follow-up plan was only thought about by Jia Xu. No one reminded Chen Xi at all, and the possibility of forgetting it was very high.

"Oh, then hurry up and do it, and I'll take a look when it's done." Jia Xu said blankly, this matter is fine, since Chen Xi said it, then he will do it.

"Hmph, this kind of thing can be made in a month!" Chen Xi said proudly.

[This means that it only takes a few days to get it done, right? Although my political strategy is not very good, I always feel that Zijing's mood will be even worse if he knows. ] Jia Xu thought helplessly.

Among the group of people like Liu Bei, Lu Su is really hardworking, and in terms of ability, he is definitely the top in the world. He is treated with respect wherever he goes, and his work attitude is extremely serious. One person can do the work of three people. , but Chen Xi's fighting power is too exaggerated!

Chen Xi worked alone and deserted at the same time. He was much faster than Lu Su in doing those very formal things that required careful planning. The important thing was that Chen Xi didn't work overtime.

"But having said that, after a while, after I'm done, Wen Ruo, you guys can also take a look, because if you want to make a five-year development plan, it's just that we can't do it here." Chen Xi turned to look at Xun Yu and said, Jia Xu His complexion turned black.

"If Duke Xuande doesn't mind, I'd be more than happy to help." Xun Yu said with a smile. Chen Xi once made a plan for Liu Bei's rise. All channels have been confirmed, and there are basically no omissions in Chen Xi's plan.

Naturally, Xun Yu is also willing to see what the next five-year plan is, and maybe he can refer to Cao Cao to make a similar plan after learning from each other's strengths. The benefits of development are still great.

To be honest, Xun Yu thought that Cao Cao would lose, but he really never thought that with his own assistance, Cao Cao would be defeated by Liu Bei in a short period of time, not to mention that Cao Sun had put aside the conflict. It's not that easy for them either.

"I won't interfere in politics, Zi Chuan can do whatever he wants." Liu Bei said without looking back, don't ask him for this kind of thing, he only manages the army, Chen Xi only manages government affairs, the less cross-management between the two sides, the better .

"Then I will be disrespectful." Xun Yu said with a smile, he was happy to take advantage of Chen Xi.

"Zi Chuan, what are you doing?" Jia Xu's sullen voice came over.

"It's not that you are too slow. The next five-year plan is a comprehensive plan. Even if I build it up under the rule of Duke Xuande, I still need to dismantle it later. It's better to do it in one step. Let me see if I can pull Xun Wenruo Come to our front line." Chen Xi said to Jia Xu via voice transmission depressed.

"Overall plan?" Jia Xu frowned slightly, and sent a voice transmission to Chen Xi.

"Yeah, the current development model has reached a bottleneck. Although it has not reached its limit, even if it is me, it is impossible for me to improve too much under the current situation." .

Lu Su learned too fast, Li You had a good vision, and together with a group of supporting resourceful people, under Liu Bei's current rule, everything that can be developed has already been developed. accumulated for the next stage.

In this case, although it is still improving every year, how can the speed of improvement be compared with the period when it was impossible to smash the jar together. At that time, people with bare feet were not afraid of wearing shoes, and they would not lose too much if they smashed it.

Now, it hurts too much to use a knife in some places, and even Chen Xi needs to take care of it, not to mention that with Chen Xi's character, he will try his best not to use violence in a way that can be solved by gentle means, which leads to many The problem persisted.

Just like before the battle between Yuan and Liu, Liu Bei and Chen Xi could promote civil servants and generals arbitrarily, as long as they looked pleasing to the eye, they could be promoted exceptionally. Now even Chen Xi needs to think about it when promoting someone, because they created rules , also don't want to break the rules.

The same is true for Wen Chen's side now, there are still some hidden rules that Chen Xi can indeed trample on, but to be honest, sometimes it is good for everyone to abide by the rules of the game.

So after encountering the current bottleneck, Chen Xi has only three methods in front of him. One is to continue the previous development method, relying on Li You and Lu Su to make minor repairs, and gradually complete the entire system. In this process, the development speed can be achieved Guaranteed, but it is absolutely impossible to compare with the terrible development speed of the previous few years.

As for the second option, Chen Xi is determined to attack the crux of the entire system. However, given that the current rules have been formulated and the system has stabilized, Chen Xi's approach is tantamount to directly confronting the entire system.

Back then, Taizu was already close to a god, and in the end he was still defeated by the entire bureaucratic system. Although Chen Xi's opponent was far less exaggerated than Taizu's opponent, Chen Xi himself was far inferior to Taizu, and both sides were weakened countless times.

What's more, with Chen Xi's personality, he basically doesn't do the kind of thing that one person fights against the group. He is better at integrating into the group and then manipulating the group's power to do certain things together so that everyone can benefit and at the same time achieve his own goals. the goal of.

Only in this way, the collective will be more willing to cooperate with him. Even if his ability can really suppress the entire era, Chen Xi still can't do it if he plays himself like a **** to the extent that he doesn't even have a target for nonsense in the end. of.

So the second way, although it can clearly achieve the goal, Chen Xi will only write it down and tell the person who will succeed him later, but he will not do it. Chen Xi has nothing to do.

As for the third method, it is the five-year plan that Chen Xi mentioned. Since this system can no longer allow Liu Bei to maintain a high-speed development, then find another method that is compatible with the current system, and then you can continue to play.

As for the problems in the original system, they are nothing serious at all. As long as the government develops rapidly, many problems will not be problems. Anyway, it is the same thing. As long as the social environment is good, some dregs can be covered up.

As for the five-year plan, it won’t work after playing it three or four times. Chen Xi reckoned that he would no longer be the prime minister at that time. I don’t know if it’s Zhuge Liang or someone else who is in power. Anyway, it’s not his fault. You can also play Harvest.

After a few rounds of harvesting, Chen Xi felt that he should have made soil, and even if he hadn't, he should not care about things at that time. When the social development stagnates, someone will naturally stand up to create and deal with internal conflicts.

As for how to deal with it at that time, it has nothing to do with Chen Xi. The times are developing, and the ways of dealing with it are different from generation to generation. That's a lot to think about.

Although when that day really comes, if Chen Xi is still alive, he will admit that part of the root of the disaster is indeed planted by him, but the so-called Tao changes at any time. What was good in the past does not mean it has always been good. Just do it well now, children and grandchildren I have my own children and grandchildren.

At present, Chen Xi can vaguely see the scourges that can be suppressed, and those that can be easily dealt with will be dealt with. If it is difficult to solve, Chen Xi will at most suppress it and leave it to future generations to solve. Anyway, the predecessors can't finish things. If you have work, you will have political achievements, right?

As for who the butcher knife will swing at, as long as it is not his own, Chen Xi will not care. The development of the times always needs some people to be eliminated, but thinking about it this way, Chen Xi feels that it seems that it is time to build a special prison.

Well, this should indeed be put on the agenda. It should be mentioned in the five-year plan. After all, the wheels of the times are indeed rolling forward.

The third method has many advantages, but also has many disadvantages, but the third method is safer for Chen Xi, and he can still unite all his comrades with this method.

As for the biggest disadvantage, using the third method, the problems that existed before will be hidden deeper and may be more difficult to deal with later.

However, if there is no accident, Chen Xi will still choose the third method in the end, because the third method is very effective when the entire Central Plains needs to be united. If you want to get out of the Central Plains, it is not a good thing to cause turmoil in all levels of the Central Plains.

As for the trouble, let the future generations solve it. Anyway, after a few generations, when the development gradually tends to slow down, it is estimated that the high-level officials will be mentally prepared. Solve these problems, instead of plowing forward as before, continue to develop. (To be continued.)

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