Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms

Text Chapter 1679: Benefits on the Prairie

No one can get around things related to basic necessities of life, food, housing, and transportation. Holding such a thing in hand, everyone can feel at ease. However, the current group of northern aristocratic families holding wool in their hands have been unable to promote wool to be used all over the world because there is not enough wool!

This reason is the reason? Of course, the Hu people on the prairie only stocked sheep like that. With so many people in the Central Plains, it’s no wonder that the wool produced by two to three million sheep is constantly in stock. That’s why later aristocratic families scolded the Hu people for not even knowing how to raise sheep. Give up the grassland, we have to raise sheep!

Therefore, the northern grasslands have not yet been laid down, and the grasslands that used to be considered completely useless and meaningless to occupy have now been marked by a large group of aristocratic families as raising sheep, producing wool, and eating mutton.

In addition, Jia Xu organized a large group of people to prepare for the horse administration. Reasonably, the situation at the end of the Han Dynasty was better than that at the beginning of the Tang Dynasty. At least the horse administration on Chen Xi's side didn't have to worry about random people from the grassland. The Turks in the early Tang Dynasty were really cruel .

But even so, during the Zhenguan period, the Ma Zheng of the Tang Dynasty had 400,000 war horses and more than a million pack horses. Chen Xi roughly made a charter for Jia Xu to play. It is estimated that the current situation has completely occupied the grassland. There is no problem with tens of thousands of war horses and millions of pack horses.

Of course, when talking about the horse politics of the Han and Tang Dynasties, one has to mention a dynasty that played itself to death. This dynasty is called the Song Dynasty, and he also followed the Tang Dynasty to play horse politics. There are sixteen states in Yanyun, but there are many places where the Central Plains can play horse politics.

Although the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun are the best choice, it doesn’t matter if they are gone. You can play in other places. After all, Fusang can play cavalry with a horse with a shoulder height of one meter.

The Hequ horses, Datong horses, and Kazakh horses in the Central Plains are native horses, even if they are stocked, the shoulder height will not be less than 1.3 meters. As a result, the Song Dynasty imitated the Tang Dynasty's horse administration, and it is unbearable to play. Of course, it is said that this At one o'clock, one must admit that the Song Dynasty was really rich!

There is a famous record in the history of the Song Dynasty, "There are five hundred and sixty-two mares in Raozhou, five out of three hundred and ten are dead, and seven out of twenty are successful."

What does this mean? It's actually very simple. Five hundred and sixty-two high-quality stallions were raised, and three hundred and fifteen were killed. The remaining two hundred and forty-seven stallions can breed ponies There are twenty-seven horses, well, the breeding rate is less than five percent...

However, even with such a low breeding rate, the Song Dynasty’s horse administration continued until the Song Dynasty’s demise. By the way, 5% was considered high before. It’s not uncommon for horses to die of epidemics in such and such areas, so it is said that there were no cavalry in the Song Dynasty. This really is the Song Dynasty's own problem.

In short, before the northern Huns and Hu people were killed, Chen Xi had already taken a map of the prairie to study, how many horses, how many sheep, and how many cows to raise. Give it to the barbarian.

Of course, Chen Xi would not deliberately enclose the land in West Siberia that was frozen nine months a year, or even permafrost, leaving at most a legend from ancient times.

As for the occupation, come on, God has the virtue of living well, if you Hu people can survive there, Chen Xi doesn't mind you living in those places forever.

Anyway, not to mention this era, even later generations, there are not many humans who can live in the lowest temperature of minus 70 degrees all the year round, not to mention that there are nine months of winter in that place, or even longer, if the barbarians have the ability to live There, Chen Xi can guarantee that as long as they don't make trouble, the Han Dynasty will never beat them.

Of course, although Chen Xi already had enough detailed plans for these things, some of them still needed to be inspected on the spot. For example, the limit of the number of cattle grazing on the grassland determined by later generations would definitely need to be inspected now.

By the way, Chen Xi has always felt that it is completely unreliable to purely raise cattle and sheep, and live by water and grass. Planting grass, green fodder and captivity is the kingly way. As for the lack of exercise of cattle and sheep, and the meat is not delicious, let's talk nonsense!

In this era of 200 A.D., people who can eat meat have a very good life. Who cares about these things, but war horses cannot lack exercise. After all, in the era of cold weapons, the national strength of any country can directly and elite The number of cavalry draws an equal sign.

Therefore, the future plan of the grassland that Chen Xi roughly worked out basically became the government's grassland. Anyway, the enemy can't farm the land, so we should use it to raise livestock.

By the way, Chen Xi also made up his mind. Looking back, he was very happy to dance in the chamber of commerce during this period of time. He raised tens of millions of dollars and over 100 million dollars to raise donations. He picked out all the families who begged to kill the barbarians. Well, the representative Cookie donated He has recently been cheated of a huge amount of money and food.

Although their motives were bad, what Chen Xi looked at was their behavior, whether they were good people or not, Chen Xi had always seen the signs but not the heart.

So even if the motivation is bad, for the sake of this group of people working so hard, turn around and turn this piece of grassland that no one wanted before into a state-run ranch, and some places can be allocated to these aristocratic families, and then take this group of people Family play with oversized ranch.

Although the recovery of all output countries is definitely lower than the market price, there can be other policy support, or financial support in case of accidents.

Anyway, Chen Xi will definitely not give others a chance to destroy prices. He has seized the cattle and sheep production area of ​​the northern grassland. Uniform regulation.

At the current level, Chen Xi also had to try some new ways of playing, such as turning some aristocratic families into units under the government. Of course, if there is no accident in this kind of unit, it is his own, and if something happens, he will be kicked out directly. temporary department.

In short, after the battle between Yuan and Liu opened the curtain of the whole world, Chen Xi settled down for a while and found a lot of ways to play.

Administrative intervention, policy support subsidies, monopoly, access threshold, regional separation protection, price protection, closed loans, etc. Chen Xi went back and went through a lot of things he had learned but had no chance to use, and found that there were actually too many things to play with. .

There are so many things that can be played, and there is a supporting dynasty that can be called the largest empire on the earth. It’s a pity not to play all the things that can be played. Anyway, the root of natural economy grows here, even if it collapses , and there can be no trouble.

After roughly confirming the cards in his hand, Chen Xi has basically determined what he will do in the next few years, such as social change, take his time. When Chen Xi figured out this kind of thing, he knew that he should not rush , Anyway, the steps can't be too big.

"Sweater? I have 80,000 sets here." Xun Yu raised his eyebrows and said, he has touched this thing before, it is very warm, and it is very light, but the tricky thing is that even Cao Cao can't buy it here. to tens of thousands.

It's not that tens of thousands of sweaters can't be produced every year, it's just that Cao Cao was short of money before, and sweaters are easy to sell now, and you can get cash instantly when you send them back to the chamber of commerce. Why do you sell them on credit? .

"Uh, this is a bit too much. I'll just send you some cotton clothes." Chen Xi scratched his head. Xun Yu was really blunt. I have brought winter clothes for the north, so Xun Yu will not forget.

"If you don't charge money, I want 50,000 pieces." Zhou Yu looked at Chen Xi and said.

"Hey hey hey, don't go too far, charge your cost price, forget it, I won't bother with you for the sake of serving the country." Chen Xi said angrily, "Kong Ming, the official sent to you When will the supplies from Shanggu, Zhouzhou arrive?"

"The lord came here one step ahead, and now the batch of supplies has arrived." Zhuge Liang thought for a while and said, "It should be delivered in about a day. After all, there is no official way after leaving the Great Wall. Mi Changshi also needs to come. It takes a lot of time."

"Hey, you didn't refuse this kind of thing that we are obviously blackmailing you. There must be some pitfalls for us to jump into." Zhou Yu's words were nonsense in themselves, but Chen Xi didn't expect that he really didn't refuse.

"Would you like love?" Chen Xi said angrily, "I saw that everyone was on the same front, so I just gave a little support." Then he turned his head and asked Guo Jia, who ran out and brought Lu Xun back before, "What do you eat for breakfast? Fish tofu soup?"

Chen Xi's words were so fast that Zhou Yu and Xun Yu didn't know how to answer the conversation. How could they talk about the business with the front foot, and the back foot was talking about eating.

"Sweet sweet-scented osmanthus bean curd." Guo Jia gave Lu Xun a look, and Lu Xun immediately said that Lu Xun was sent by Liu Bei to make breakfast for the group of counselors who played the battle flag deduction all night.

"Eat so early?" Cheng Yu asked in confusion. As Cheng Yu, who eats two meals during the day and snacks at night, he can't understand eating at dawn in the morning.

"Here's everything here, what's for lunch?" Chen Xi asked again.

"Salted fish meat soup and steamed buns with fish and beef." Lu Xun replied.

"Oh, it's okay, give me a copy here, maybe we need to talk, and send someone to the rear to make an appointment, and send 80,000 sweaters and 50,000 cotton clothes." Chen Xi patted Lu Xun on the head. Said, "This is my apprentice, how is it not bad?"

Lu Xun was taught by Chen Xi to be a bit out of character, but he was smart and thoughtful, so after Chen Xi opened his mouth, he formally saluted everyone.

"That's right, I already have fluctuations in my spiritual talent, but it's not there yet." Zhou Yu was the first to speak.

"It is indeed a beautiful jade." Xun Yu stared at it for a long time before saying.

"Bo Yan, you go first." Chen Xi was very satisfied with Zhou Yu and Xun Yu's evaluation, while Pang Tong and Zhuge Liang looked solemn, and Lu Xun had come to this point. If there is no accident, Lu Xun might take the initiative at the age of fifteen or sixteen. Awaken your talents.

After sending Lu Xun away, Chen Xi brought up the original topic again, "If you don't want it, forget it, it's worth millions anyway."

"Zi Chuan, do you really want to give it to the two of them?" Liu Ye said to Chen Xi through voice transmission. There are more than 100,000 winter clothes, but dozens of cars. Liu Ye felt a little distressed just to give it to the other party. Tens of millions of dollars are gone.

"If you don't give it to them, how can you let them know that this thing is better than linen. In the past two years, this thing has been scarce. After two years, it won't take two years. Next year, wool and cotton will be supplied to some places." Chen Xi sent a voice transmission to Liu Ye. Said, "Prepare in advance, say it costs several million dollars, but the real cost is less than one million dollars, so it should be an investment when opening the market in advance."

"The problem is, if you open up the market like this, we won't do business. It will still be cheaper for the people in the chamber of commerce." Liu Ye continued to transmit to Chen Xi.

"Oh, let's reclaim the tax. Those people in Jiangdong will definitely come to buy it later. Besides, the tax will be higher if the transaction volume is large. I can let them flow if they have money, and it will be easier for the government to build. In the future, it will be built. There are too many places, so I'd better prepare early." Chen Xi was also helpless, he was too good to die, but when it comes to infrastructure construction, the money will be gone.

"Forget it, it's useless to tell you these things. It's not bad to let Xun Yu raise sheep and Zhou Yu raise horses in South China. You think so." Chen Xi said to Liu Ye jokingly.

Cao Cao is short of money. Although he has a rich mansion, even if Cao Cao is stupid, he will not make money. Therefore, after confirming that wool is profitable, Cao Cao, who has no shortage of war horses, will definitely raise sheep on the grassland. Chen Xi will collect wool and sell it later. Yarn, let Cao Cao weave and knit.

In this way, after the Battle of Saibei, no matter what, there will be a stage of dividing the spoils. Although the three parties will have a battle sooner or later, at least at this time, Chen Xi is not ready to take over the entire Central Plains.

Well, in fact, until now, Chen Xi has not yet made preparations for the balanced development of all regions after fully occupying the thirteen prefectures of the Han Dynasty. Although it can be said that getting rich first will lead to richness later, the southeast has reached the level of a developed country, and the central part has reached the level of a developing country. Standard, the west is just underdeveloped or something really bad.

To be honest, this is also one of the biggest disadvantages of a country with a vast territory. If it really becomes like that, I am afraid that Chen Xi will not be able to step down.

So in this regard, Chen Xi would rather seek stability than seek quickness. Anyway, there is a solution now. Although it is impossible to even it out, it can be relatively fair.

Since Chen Xi is not going to do anything next year, it is absolutely impossible to turn his face after defeating the Xiongnu. Further speaking, it means that the spoils of war must be divided.

Chen Xi can guarantee that Liu Bei can get the biggest part by relying on his strength, but Sun Ce, who is located in the southeast, will not contribute too much in this battle, but if he really gets nothing, then it is absolutely impossible.

So Chen Xi thought about this aspect when he saw Zhou Yu, and finally thought about it and got a plan for raising horses in the south.

By the way, this plan is not nonsense, but a plan with real execution ability. In fact, the Jianghuai and the lower reaches of the Yangtze River can raise horses. Wuling County in the southwest of Jingzhou can also raise horses, and there are quite records in history.

For example, in the Spring and Autumn Period, Chu State and Wu State have done this, and they have been raised well, but Chen Xi can be sure that Zhou Yu absolutely does not have this ability.

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