Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms

Text Chapter 1682 The coffin can't be held down anymore!

"As long as you are prepared in your heart." Lu Su nodded and said no more. Although the four kings of paddling do not work hard, they are still very reliable in their work.

"Hey, isn't this Mr. Xiang?" Li accidentally spotted a sixteen-seven-year-old girl walking slowly towards the government affairs hall from the corner of his head when he turned his head, so he asked a little strangely.

"Master Li, Doctor Hua, please provide a frame that can reach the north within two days." Ji Xiang leaned over and said to Li You, with a calm and natural expression, but Li You did not underestimate this girl at all. The director of Wubu Medical Institute.

The surname of Ji was born in the Qin family. He is not considered a wealthy family, nor can he be said to be in decline. His first-hand medical skills cannot be regarded as stunning, but even Hua Tuo pays attention to him when he plays psychotherapy, so this person has always been dressed in simple witch costumes to prove it. own identity.

"Are they going to the north? Didn't they study well in Yecheng before, why are they suddenly going to the north?" Li You asked in puzzlement, and ordered someone to bring a chair for Ji Xiang.

On the other hand, Lu Su bowed his head and silently processed the official documents, completely ignoring Ji Xiang, because Ji Xiang had another identity, she was Lu Su's full-time physician, Lu Su's problem was cured by Hua Tuo, and the rest was psychological problems So it's time to transfer to Ji Xiang's side.

It’s okay to be a full-time doctor, but Ji Xiang is actually Xu Ning’s cousin. Both of them are from Jiangdong. Ji Xiang came to the north to play and visit Xu Ning by the way. This prostitute has a very high status in the Ji family.

But at that time, Hua Tuo was recruiting doctors who understood psychology, so Ji Xiang also went to play, and then she became the head of the hospital. After all, a new hospital needs a guy with real talents to sit in charge, and age doesn't matter.

After becoming the head of the court, Ji Xiang reported to the family and didn't go back. Unlike most families, the Ji Xiang family was very lenient towards the prostitute.

Other women may use it for marriage. The daughter of the Ji family's main family is not married because she wants to worship Xuanyuan Huangdi, the first ancestor of the humanities. very powerful.

Ji Xiang himself was originally trained as the officiant of this generation, but when he was fifteen years old, the previous officiant of the Ji family, that is, Ji Xiang's aunt, who had been in poor health for a long time, was getting better day by day. He could live another fifty years, so Ji Xiang was liberated, and by the way, Ji Xiang's elder brother's daughter was also basically liberated.

After that, there was nothing to talk about. Ji Xiang, who had learned witchcraft skills and medical skills, slipped out to find his cousin, and ended up becoming a part-time doctor of Lu Su in the hospital.

Xu Ning is basically going to become Lu Su's wife. At least Lu Su's grandmother thinks that Xu Ning is very pleasing to the eye. Lu Su himself has no opinion on this aspect, so what his grandmother says is what, no accident Lu Su I guess I will marry Xu Ning next year.

As for Lu Su's former wife, Xu Ning had already met her. Ji Xiang secretly told Xu Ning about Lu Su's problem, so Xu Ning also knew what was going on.

This is also the most embarrassing thing about Lu Su. It’s okay to treat a woman, and it’s okay to be beautiful, but it’s too embarrassing for the other party to be his sister-in-law, but the diagnosis and treatment effect is quite good...

"Mr. Xuande, Mr. Cao, and the eldest cousin have all gone to the north. The civil and military officials gathered together. Dr. Hua and Dr. Zhang both intend to go and have a look." Ji Xiang's ethereal voice came to the ears of the two.

"I'm afraid it's not because of these reasons." Li You said casually, what are you interested in, those two experimental madmen are only interested in the experimental materials, and it is likely that something happened.

Ji Xiang smiled and said nothing, can she say that Zhou Tai's coffin can't be held down? Uh, Zhou Tai's tranquilizer couldn't keep him down!

By the way, Ji Xiang also wants to go to the north. She hasn’t seen her big cousin Sun Ce for a long time. Although the relationship between Ji Xiang and Sun Ce is farther away than Xu Ning, just think about it. Sun Jian’s younger sister is Xu Ning’s mother. , the relationship between Ji Xiang and Sun Ce is far enough to make five clothes?

Seeing that Ji Xiang smiled and said nothing, Li You didn't ask any more questions, and ordered people to go to prepare the frame while ordering people to investigate, but the news made Li You's face twitch a little.

Besides, Zhao Yun was so angry that day, and under the induction of breath, even the strong sensed Zhao Yun's strength, and Zhou Tai, who was naturally sleeping, was also activated by this power.

To be honest, Zhou Tai is studied by Hua Tuo and Zhang Ji every day, and his spiritual will returns every once in a while. As a strong man who has completely melted his inner energy into his body, Zhou Tai, who has consumed all his inner energy and strengthened his body, has become so strong that degree.

After being fully activated by Zhao Yun that time, Zhou Tai's will successfully returned. Although Hua Tuo and Zhang Ji suppressed it with drugs, the top-level internal energy separation body is not so easy to deal with.

Although he lost all his inner qi, the body strengthened by incorporating all his inner qi and the divine stone has reached the limit below the boundary-breaking level, which is the level before Dian Wei broke through.

Of course, Zhou Tai couldn't do the current Dian Wei's situation of directly stepping on the air as if it were the ground, but he could still do it if he stepped on a few feet with all his strength, but he didn't have the chance to fly, and the inner air was burned at the beginning, and the inner air was burned out. The will in the qi died again, and Zhou Tai's body basically did not produce internal qi.

The essence of heaven and earth can still be used barely, but without the core inner energy, it is a question of how much Zhou Tai can exert. Similarly, without the inner energy with his own will, there is no possibility of strengthening the body.

Basically, for Zhou Tai, this life is considered finalized. Of course, if he can find the divine stone, he can continue to strengthen his body. However, such things as divine stones are really hard to come by. Otherwise, Guan Yu can get a divine stone to strengthen his body and internal energy. , he can be super god.

In short, the situation was like this, Zhou Tai's consciousness was activated, although he was drugged and fell into a deep sleep, but after being studied by Hua Tuo and Zhang Ji for such a long time, his super strong body's undead attributes were greatly activated.

To put it simply, when Zhou Tai's instinct hadn't awakened, Hua Tuo and Zhang Ji's medicine effects were okay, but after Zhou Tai's instinct returned, Hua Tuo's and Zhang Ji's medicine effects dropped dramatically!

It can be called the third strongest body in human history. After gaining consciousness, it spontaneously resisted the inhibitors injected by Hua Tuo and Zhang Ji. The first commonly used inhibitor was anti-restraint after a few hours.

At that time, Zhou Tai's coffin board was about to be overturned, so Zhang Ji hurriedly replaced the inhibitor, but unfortunately the effect was much worse by then, Zhang Ji informed Hua Tuo of this situation, and the two immediately seized the time to test it.

In those few days, Hua Tuo and Zhang Ji basically spent their time suppressing Zhou Tai, and all the data on Zhou Tai's research before were maxed out.

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