Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1985: Liu Zhang's Ambition for Hegemony

"Why, is there something wrong with this name?" Li You glanced at Chen Xi and asked.

"It's pretty good." Chen Xi nodded silently, well, no matter whether it's the Yang Hu in the official history or not, there should be no problem in the current growth environment.

But thinking about Zhengshi Yanghu's living environment, Chen Xi silently wiped off a cold sweat. It must be difficult. His mother is Miss Cai Er, his aunt is Miss Cai, his aunt is Xin Xianying, and his sister is Yang Huiyu. Listed characters...

Speaking of it, the Yang family is miserable. The male is not very famous, but the female is very famous. The whole family is seriously overweight and negative, and the females are also crushed in terms of IQ.

To put it simply, if converted into this world, Yang Hu's aunt, mother, aunt, and sister are all spiritually endowed, and I deeply feel that living in such a family as a man should be quite tangled.

But this is not important, Chen Xi doesn't have much interest in Yang Hu's miserable life in the future, Chen Xi is only interested in Yang Hu, this is a character, but now the history has been messed up, God knows if Yang Hu can grow up To the level of a famous general.

Thinking of Yang Hu, Chen Xi looked sideways at Lu Xun silently. Lu Xun was studying government affairs hard. Chen Xi didn't want him to go deep into it, but more to let him understand how to deal with these things, and then he would send him to treat military.

"Bo Yan, when will you get married!" Chen Xi patted Lu Xun on the shoulder, sighed and said, "Look, Yang Hu is about to be born."

Lu Xun was stupefied. He really wanted to get married, but the promise he had made to Mi Zhen hadn't been fulfilled. By the way, Mi Zhen had already paid taxes for several years.

"Looking at you like this, you really need to exercise." Chen Xi said with a sigh.

"But speaking of it, it seems that Zhenji's spiritual talent has really disappeared." Li You thought for a while and said, he went to see the second lady before, and found that Cai Zhenji's spiritual talent that was about to be awakened was really undetectable.

"The brain can't take it anymore, it will be fine after the child is born." Chen Xi pouted and said, during the process of giving birth to an heir, the mother's brain will really shrink partly, because the part that makes the brain is used to make the brain for the child , It is normal without spiritual talent.

"Probably." Li Youyou nodded.

"Bo Yan, you have to work hard." Seeing that Li You stopped talking, Chen Xi ran to Lu Xun and patted Lu Xun on the shoulder and said.

"Uh, okay." Lu Xun said with a sigh. He didn't know what his master was talking about at all, but if he wanted to answer that way, there would be no problem.

While Chen Xi was teasing Lu Xun, Mi Zhen, Zhen Mi and Wu Yuan appeared together in the government affairs hall.

"It seems that my business is coming. What's the matter with the three of you?" Chen Xi saw the arrival of the three of them, and immediately changed his expression of hippie smiles before, and said solemnly.

"Sichuan and Shu want to build a road to open up the Southwest Silk Road from Chengdu to Shendu." Wu Yuan stepped forward and said.

Before this matter, Zhang Su and others made a decision. After reporting it to Liu Zhang, Liu Zhang also thought it was a good idea. Wei is also good.

Anyway, Liu Zhang understood it this time. It is easy to brag when he has solid achievements in his hands, and he has enough confidence. Seeing that he was like a dog in the past few years, this time he came back to Hanzhong on purpose. , Zhang Lu wished to kill him, which made him very happy.

Liu Zhang is also guilty of cheapness. In fact, he doesn't need to go to Hanzhong at all. The Jingxiang waterway is close and convenient, but Liu Zhang has a good time in Chang'an and is not afraid of things at all.

In addition, there were dozens of countries in Naxi and Southwest who had made great achievements. Even Cao Cao, who had heard of Liu Zhang's cowardice and incompetence before, deeply doubted whether Liu Zhang, who was only 30 years old, was pretending to be a high-spirited and accomplished man. Even Cao Cao did not dare to underestimate him.

In this way, Liu Zhang became a little swollen. After accepting the title of Marquis of Yangcheng County, Liu Zhang already had the air of a five-point prince and king dominating one side.

Due to many reasons, Liu Zhang carried the coffin through Hanzhong. Although Zhang Lu said that his lungs were exploding, he did not dare to make a move. If Zhang Lu made a move in the current situation, Liu Zhang would not die, and Zhang Lu would definitely die. Not dead yet! The momentum of ZTE is obvious!

After passing Hanzhong like this, Zhang Lu couldn't even come out to meet him. Liu Zhang suddenly felt that he was ashamed to make gestures with this kind of person before. Thinking about it, his family killed Zhang Lu's old mother and brother, and the other party couldn't even kill him. How, what is the point of strangling the other party before!

Thinking of it this way, Liu Zhang's mood improved a bit. As for Zhang Lu not obeying his command, Liu Zhang didn't take it seriously anymore. Now he doesn't want to cause more troubles. Hanzhong, let's see if Zhang Lu refuses to accept him!

After having this idea, Liu Zhang's whole person has undergone some changes. He has never seen the world before, but this time he has opened up the world. After his vision has been broadened, although his mind is still as weak as before, he has let go a lot. If the Han Dynasty does not fall, so will Liu Zhang!

Holding the merits of more than ten countries in the southwestern part of the country, as the clan of the Liu surname, as long as he does not rebel, he does not need to look at anyone at all. This is his confidence!

With this confidence, Liu Zhang is very interested in anything that can strengthen his camouflage shell. Jewelry and jade are useless to him. Immediately go.

Standing between the three of Liu, Cao and Sun, Liu Zhang deeply felt his own shortcomings. As a prince along the way, he also hoped that he could do the same one day.

Of course Liu Zhang is more aware of his shortcomings than anyone else, he is a scumbag who can't do anything, but he has conquered dozens of countries in the Southwest, all because he has these scumbags. men.

Passing through Hanzhong let Liu Zhang understand that the Han Dynasty is not dead, and he would not die if he did not commit suicide, and Ao Li made him understand how his achievements were obtained. Combining the two, he immediately made the best choose.

I, Liu Zhang, can't do anything, but I can delegate power! I know that my subordinates Yan Yan and Zhang Ren are very powerful in commanding troops. I know that my subordinates Zhang Su, Zhang Song, Huang Quan and others are extremely resourceful.

Like most emperors who are not strong in themselves and have a soft personality, Liu Zhang doesn't mind at all if others share power, he only minds that others will still mess with him.

As far as the current situation is concerned, even if power is divided, others dare not mess with him. The old Liu family clan behind him is not dead yet, and he has not made any mistakes. If that is the case, he has nothing to be afraid of!

To build a road from Chengdu to Ailao, and then to the southwest, okay, no problem, isn’t it just money, isn’t this thing earned for spending? The money left by his father Liu Yan is enough for him to build this road, so let’s build it, since you say it’s good for the rule, and it can expand the territory, no problem, repair, as long as it can expand the territory, the money is not question!

If you want to open up the Southwest Silk Road and do business with Guishuang people, well, no problem, this matter is not difficult. If you think this matter is good for Yizhou and even the entire Han Dynasty, then open it up, you people It's my brain, my hands and feet!

Zhang Su, Zhang Song, Huang Quan and others never expected that Liu Zhang would agree to this matter so generously, as if you let go and do it, Lao Tzu is right behind you, with your backing, don't be afraid!

Therefore, this matter did not need to be deceived at all as Zhang Su originally estimated. Even Liu Zhang said viciously that my uncle not only wanted to build a road from Chengdu to the southwest, but also a road from Chengdu to Hanzhong, and then The road from Hanzhong to Chang'an.

As for Liu Zhang's planning map, it is simple and rude, a straight line, directly from Chengdu to Hanzhong, and then from Hanzhong to Chang'an. In Liu Zhang's words, the legion attacks, encounters mountains and opens mountains, encounters water and cuts off water, look at the road of Chang'an, and then look at us The plank road in Sichuan and Shu, I lost face to my grandma's house.

Doesn’t it just pass through thousands of mountains? When an army of 10,000 attacks, the top of the mountain can be completely toppled in about ten blows, and then smashed to pieces, and the road begins to be paved. The mountains that pass along the way are cut down directly. !

After Zhang Song listened to such a frenzied way of building roads, Zhang Song nodded silently and said that there is really nothing wrong with it. If it is about building roads, this way of repairing is actually no problem, but it takes too much time and energy, and it consumes a lot.

Liu Zhang waved his hand and said, I only ask if I can do this. As for the time and energy, I don't care at all. If I get to Hanzhong like this, I don't believe that guy Zhang Lu can stop my army.

Zhang Song said silently that you think it is possible to do this, so let’s do it, and then decisively searched for geomancy and geomantic omen and began to follow the map to determine how many hills to cut down.

Although Zhang Song also knew that it would be impossible to fix it without ten years of hard work, but this kind of thing seemed to be as beneficial as Dujiangyan in the middle of Sichuan, so he didn't stop Liu Zhang, but even mentioned a lot Suggestion, asked a lot of people to help, and deeply let Liu Zhang feel that Zhang Song is not only a little ugly, but also has a good brain and execution ability.

It is precisely because of such a big incident that Zhen Mi, Mi Zhen, and Wu Yuan came here, because the next thing is related to the Southwest Silk Road, Yizhou wants to attract people, and the chamber of commerce knows better interests, that's why the three of them appeared together.

After all, if you really want to say it, the areas and responsibilities of these three people are different.

In the current situation, whether Yizhou is building roads or developing the Southwest Silk Road, in fact, these three guys can't get around, and this time the involvement is too big, so they came to Chen Xi. After all, Chen Xi said before, he In charge of business, medical care, transportation, urban planning, etc...

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