Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1993: About to be crowned

"Sakara, can you do it!" Gan Ning currently has no more than ten people who can really use him, and Sakala Sethi is the best captain in Gan Ning's hands, so Gan Ning relies heavily on it.

"I have tried my best. Although I have learned related things, after all, I was trained according to the captain of the navy. I can only say that I have been exposed to those things. I have tried my best to achieve this level." Sakala Said helplessly.

"Boss, do we really want to accept the battle?" Novika said with a frown. This is a decisive battle with all the pirate groups in the Indian Ocean except his own. The strength ratio of the two sides is about two to one, but it can also be seen that the recent For a while, Gan Ning's Bell Pirates swelled up so fast.

To be honest, if Gan Ning really has the idea of ​​becoming the Pirate King, it is not difficult to become the Pirate King in three to two years, but Gan Ning does not have the time. It's basically nonsense.

Without the time of the United States to waste, when Gan Ning received the letter of challenge, he immediately knew that although his side was full of conflicts, the other side was also forced by him to reveal its weaknesses.

The union of pirates is a joke, it's fine if they don't unite. Once they unite, they will also be full of contradictions.

More importantly, the command advantages that each large pirate group had when they fought independently were gone after all the pirates united.

A bandit is a bandit, and a thief is a thief. No matter how it is beautified, it cannot change the essence of garbage. The so-called union is just a way for the mob to keep warm and hope to reduce losses. Unfortunately, if you think so, who will do your best?

Since both sides in such a battle are full of internal conflicts, and the command and command are different, then what is so terrible about Gan Ning? As for the strength ratio of the two sides is two to one, hey, what is so great about it? Gan Ning has fought more exaggeratedly than this battle.

"This is the fastest opportunity for us to integrate the entire Indian Ocean pirates." Sakala said solemnly, "You should understand that the boss's goal is not to be a pirate. If the scattered Indian Ocean pirates can be integrated and twisted into a rope, we also have the threat to the country. the power of."

"It's just that there are three large pirate groups among our opponents, and none of them are inferior to Galava. Their strength is too strong. If we use sneak attacks, we may still be able to defeat them, but if we fight head-on, The opponent's strength is almost twice as strong as ours." Novika said with a depressed expression.

"If we don't have so many internal problems now, and the command is consistent, I also think this is the best time, but now, we have too many internal problems, so many that we haven't even cleared the undercover agents." Nuo Seeing other people looking at him, Vika explained helplessly.

"It's not a problem. I don't have that much time." Gan Ning said casually. The victory rate is less than 50%, but it's nothing. The biggest problem with pirates is that their discipline is extremely poor. Discipline sucks, and good armies need discipline!

Seeing that Gan Ning had made up his mind, the subordinates couldn't say anything. They belonged to the diehards who had been subdued by Gan Ning's repeated victories during this period of time, so once Gan Ning made up his mind, they would definitely implement it with all their strength.

"How about the elite pirates I asked you to select?" Gan Ning looked at Saqqara and asked.

"An elite team of about 3,000 people has been selected. It is not inferior to the elite navy I saw when I was in the navy, and it has more experience." Sakala nodded and replied, "It's just the backbone of the pirate group. The loss of our overall strength is not small."

"It's okay, you arm those 3,000 people." Gan Ning said calmly. In his opinion, it doesn't matter how much the other pirates lose. Anyway, as long as this battle is won, there will be as many pirates as there are. Never mind, the winner has it all.

In the eighth year of Weisudeva I, a large-scale pirate war broke out in the West Sea of ​​Guishuang. Since then, the first One Piece King of the Indian Ocean was born, integrating the pirates of the entire Indian Ocean, and a pirate group with the power to destroy small and medium-sized countries was born!

"Legion attack!" Gan Ning stood at the bow of the ship, exuding the faint blue talent of the legion, layer after layer of legion defense in full swing, and said with a sneer as he looked at the pirate ships lined up opposite him.

On the opposite side, the radiance of faith appeared. Legion defenses of different colors overlapped one after another, and hundreds of warships of different sizes collided with each other's legion attacks.

"Gaba!" The sound of the ship cracking, the Bell Pirates led by Gan Ning, the moment the two armies approached, they accelerated and slammed into the opposite warship with cloud speed, and many pirates standing on the warship, Being thrown away by such a violent attack method.

"Fight for me!" Gan Ning laughed and ordered his flagship to move forward. In this battle, he took out all the supplies he had collected so far. Rockets, kerosene, and crossbows collided on both sides. In an instant, Gan Ning launched a let-go counterattack.

The fierce and powerful attack broke through the enemy's battle line almost instantly, countless walking boats were released from the big ship led by Gan Ning, and a large number of bell pirates jumped towards the big ship led by their respective captains. go.

The army of the pirate alliance didn't seem to see the central battle line with Gan Ning, but just let the warships on both sides spin inwards to encircle Gan Ning's army.

"Don't worry about the two wings, success or failure depends on one action, set fire to the center, and fight with them in close combat! Target the center battleship!" Gan Ning roared and ordered his navy army to collectively release the army attack and release the fire boat, and now the entanglement has reached For the two parties together, this kind of large-scale attack can easily affect themselves, but this is nothing to Gan Ning!

Gan Ning's order was quickly carried out, but this method is almost like killing one thousand enemies and destroying eight hundred. When the central front of the pirate alliance is on fire, some ships on Gan Ning's side will inevitably be affected, but in the end it is Relying on a strong assault to break through the center!

"Sakara, you command the army to block my flanks, and I will attack the opponent's army commander!" Completely ignoring the burning flames beside him, Gan Ning stared at the three retreating warships opposite him, The estimates are exactly the same, the heads of the three large pirate groups don't trust others, so their command ships are together, and now it's time to get rid of them in one go!

"Come on!" After Gan Ning handed over the command to Saqqara, he immediately led 3,000 carefully selected elite pirates, and six warships comparable to sixth-generation warships that had already been prepared, with the flagship as the core Activate the technique taught to him by Professor Moncombe!

At that moment, Gan Ning's flagship and six warships comparable to the sixth-generation warships all had all the energy, including the energy of heaven and earth consumed when warming the warships, all of them were stimulated. In the next instant, the seven warships It was like an arrow from the string that forcibly broke through the central front of the pirates.

The central battle line of the pirates was forcibly torn, and all seven warships suffered heavy losses. This high-speed movement had no way to avoid frontal blocking. As a result, the only seven top-level warships of the Bell Pirates appeared. damaged.

However, this is not important. The important thing is that Gan Ning did not intend to keep these seven warships at the moment of starting. In Gan Ning's view, these seven ships are all consumables, and if they are lost, they are lost.

Therefore, after piercing through the central front line of the pirate alliance, Gan Ning laughed wildly and fully aroused the clouds of the seven warships. The already exaggerated speed became even crazier, and even because of the current terrifying speed, it weighed dozens of tons. At this terrible speed, the first half of the flagship and six sixth-generation ships have already lifted out of the sea!

"Go to hell!" The warship weighing tens of tons rode directly on the bow of the opponent's warship before the opponent had time to avoid it.

In the next instant, Gan Ning's collision angle easily pierced the opponent's ship's side like piercing paper, and then the bow of the entire battleship directly collided with the opponent. When both sides collapsed, Gan Ning's flagship He flew upside down with the opponent for nearly a hundred meters.

At the moment of the violent collision, countless seawater was directly smashed into fine powder, and tons of seawater swept down abruptly turned into mist.

When the seven warships on Gan Ning's side stopped, most of the warships that collided with each other were destroyed. Even the specially strengthened flagships like Gan Ning's had already lost the first half of the collision. Of the three bosses of the pirate group on the opposite side, two of them are dead or dead.

"Surrender or die!" Gan Ning placed his broadsword on the neck of the only remaining pirate leader, and looked at him coldly. The strongest pirate in the Indian Ocean before Gan Ning, the man known as the uncrowned king, is now in Gan Ning. Ning's knife.

"I don't accept it!" The other party stared at Gan Ning and scolded angrily.

"Oh, then go to hell!" Gan Ning waved the knife casually, and under the horrified eyes of the other party, the head flew out spinning, and it was just a piece of internal energy. What Gan Ning needed was obedient subordinates. There is no need to show grandeur.

"As long as we kill all those who are not convinced, the Indian Ocean will be ours from now on!" Gan Ning reached out to pick up a sail, hung it on his shoulder, and said with a sneer.

The huge roar, the moment the three flagships of the United Pirates sank, already doomed the failure of the United Pirates. Since then, there is only one pirate in the Indian Ocean, the Bell Pirates, and their leader is called the Bell King!

At this level, no amount of dissatisfaction is meaningful, no amount of ideas are worthwhile, and there is no possibility of internal problems that were previously full of contradictions.

Wang Dao Tang Tang, domineering and brilliant, those who establish their careers in the way of kings and domineers, their people will not die, their careers will not be destroyed, and the crown will be crowned by themselves.

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