In addition, Zhao Shuang himself is not very good at being a man. Fortunately, Chen Xi also knew that he was a capable guy, so he pointed it out to Sun Qian. After all, Sun Qian was far away from the central government, and no one would go to Sun Qian to trouble Zhao Shuang.

As a result, when he came to Sun Qian's side, Zhao Shuang was like a duck to water, because Sun Qian always thought that the person Chen Xi got was impossible to be a parallel importer, so he used Zhao Shuang as a character.

Although Zhao Shuang doesn't know how to be a human being, his ability is still very strong. After arriving at Sun Qian's side, he quickly switched his mathematics to applied mathematics. Estimate the amount of work and estimate the loss caused by the use of materials.

A mathematician with nothing to do, forcibly disassembled every process and every detail in the civil engineering project into mathematical problems, and finally calculated the optimal solution that can be implemented at present.

With this trick, Zhao Shuang secured Sun Gan's position as chief bookkeeper, and he was also a chief bookkeeper who worked part-time on many jobs, which was considered to have won Sun Qian's trust.

There is no way that Zhao Shuang's move is too ruthless. The optimal solution obtained by pure mathematics is very different from the conclusions obtained by other people under Sun Qian's command based on feeling and experience. Except for the certain savings in the project period , There is also a certain saving in terms of engineering quantity and materials.

The last project can save 20 to 30 percent. God knows how many projects Sun Qian has started before. With such a single hand, even if Zhao Shuang doesn't do anything later, just living on his laurels is enough to secure his official position.

What's more, Zhao Shuang sometimes makes some other adjustments when he inspects the project. After all, the situation is different in different places, and mathematics is always very persuasive.

Every time he came out for a walk, Zhao Shuang was like doing a math problem, and the next day he could come up with a better solution for the current engineering staff assignment, so now Zhao Shuang is doing well.

After all, a good old man like Sun Gan also knows that this guy has such a personality, so he doesn't force it.

When Zhao Shuang goes to work to do math problems, Sun Gan always turns a blind eye to things like that. Anyway, you just finish the work I gave you. Other times, you can do math problems non-stop for five days and five nights. What's the matter with me.

Sun Qian's guard quickly ran to find Zhao Shuang, and when he came back, he brought the solution calculated by Zhao Shuang, which was an optimal solution in a purely mathematical way.

There is no nonsense in the whole article, not even a reply to Sun Qian, just a mathematical calculation, of course most of the calculations in it Sun Qian can't understand, but it's not important, Sun Qian only needs the optimal solution, it's been so long Sun Qian, a good old man, has long understood Zhao Shuang's character, that guy doesn't know how to behave at all.

The answer is very different from what Sun Qian had thought before. Zhao Shuang even calculated the construction period. The construction time was shorter than Sun Qian’s estimate, but the total construction period was longer than Sun Qian’s previous estimate. Decisively strangle your previous thoughts.

Zhao Shuang has proved for so long that you can insult me, but you can't insult my mathematics. The other party is really powerful in this respect.

"However, why is this guy getting faster and faster? It couldn't be done before." Sun Gan frowned while looking at Zhao Shuang's optimal solution, and muttered, he found that Zhao Shuang solved the problem now The speed is too exaggerated.

[Forget it, regardless of this guy, his ability in this area must be recognized. As for why he is doing faster and faster, probably practice makes perfect. 】Sun Qian didn't pursue Zhao Shuang's problems too much, and he didn't care at all about the talent's minor problems.

Not long after Sun Gan sent a letter to Chen Xi, Guo Jia, who had free time, brought Fazheng to the prisoner camp supervised by Yu Jin to teach.

Speaking of sectarianism, Guo Jia does have it, but it is not deep. In addition, he is really familiar with Fazheng, so he doesn't care too much. Now Guo Jia has reversely deduced a bunch of legion talents that can be used as an army, but he still has a lot of talents. There are many legion talents that cannot achieve military formation.

In fact, Guo Jia is even more curious about the effect of using such an army formation for the owner of the legion talent who already has the ability of the army formation.

Whether it strengthens the talent of the legion, or makes the use of the army formation less difficult to a certain extent, if it is the two cases, even if it is either one, Guo Jia feels that in the future, generals with the talent of the legion will inevitably learn the corresponding military skills. array.

"Oh, Wen Ze, what are you doing?" As soon as Guo Jia arrived, he found that Yu Jin was training the captives, and more importantly, he seemed to be training well.

"Practice and see if these 400,000 captives can be transformed into soldiers of the Han army." Yu Jin said casually, saying that Yu Jin belonged to the kind of sullen gossip man.

"Oh, this is indeed a question, how?" Guo Jia asked curiously.

"No, there is a very serious problem here. Although they look strict, they don't have the fighting spirit. No matter how good the training is, they are just a strong body." Yu Jin said hesitantly. Prisoner Hu was very obedient by Ji Xiangzheng.

"This is a bit strange. I think these prisoners have been trained to be very obedient? Isn't it just a matter of your order to have a fighting spirit? If you participate in the war more, the ones who survive will be elite soldiers." Guo Jia Rao said with interest.

"No, they have been abolished. Although I can't tell what's wrong with them, as far as I feel now, they have been abolished from the root." Yu Jin said with a serious face, and Guo Jia also suppressed the smile on his face.

"Abolished from the root, what do you mean?" Fazheng has been listening to the conversation between the two, but he is more interested in verifying his own military formation, so he doesn't intend to get too deep into it.

It's just that Yu Jin's words have some hidden meanings, so Fazheng will ask.

"It gives me the feeling, how should I say, they are not human anymore, as if they have lost their souls, and their every move is more like being manipulated by someone." Yu Jin scratched his head and said, he has been in the prisoner camp recently, and he hadn't noticed this before. Questions, but until now he was obviously a little chilled when facing these captives. These people seemed to be forcibly manipulated by some kind of external force.

After having such a feeling, Yu Jin suddenly remembered that when he was in Chang'an, Ji Xiang didn't enter the prisoner camp, and after entering the prisoner camp, the captured Hussars changed a lot. Inexplicably, Yu Jin felt that Ji Xiang was a bit evil up.

Guo Jia and Fazheng are a little embarrassed, what do you mean by these nagging words.

"Wen Ze, what's going on with these prisoners!" Li You walked out of the prisoner camp with a very solemn expression, and said to Yu Jin after saluting Guo Jiafazheng.

After Li You was busy with a wave of household registration, he came here to make slave registration. At first, he sent someone else to do it. Later, the slaves seemed to be frightened by something, fell ill, and dared not come. Li You was surprised by the appearance What a moth, so I came in person.

This time, Li You finally understood why the master secretary who was sent over to be a slave almost had a mental breakdown. Even though Li You was determined, his scalp was numb after checking them one by one. Li You felt that this group of captives It's like being forcibly changed.

"You've noticed it too." Yu Jin said with a twitch. He only found out after running here every day for the past two days. If he didn't go deep into the prisoners, he couldn't find this situation at all.

As for going deep into the captives, no normal person would care about the life and death of these captives, as long as the captives don't riot.

"I'm not blind. I became a part of slavery. My scalp is numb now." Li You said coldly, all these miscellaneous captives are abnormal, although they all fanatically identify with the Han Dynasty and fanatically believe that they are guilty , and is willing to repay his own guilt, but this state itself is a situation that violates human rationality.

To put it simply, based on the facts Li You saw, someone distorted the will of these captives and distorted the hearts of the people.

"Yoyo, Gongyou actually sent us a letter." Chen Xi smiled and took the letter from Sun Qian from the guard.

Lu Su glanced at the playful Chen Xi, opened the letter Sun Gan sent to him, read it, and put it aside.

Chen Xi looked at the letter Sun Qian wrote to him with a smile on his face, but the more he looked at it, the more solemn his face became, and finally he stood up with a gloomy expression.

"Order Man Bo Ning, let him lead the 20 teams of city management teams to gather at the gate, and follow me to arrest people!" Chen Xi threw the letter on the table after reading it, and said frantically, Ji Xiang is a lunatic, Lou Zi stabbed him. It's so big that it must be identified before others find out.

"Ji's daughter?" Li You raised an eyebrow and asked again.

"Yes, Dean Ji came here with an apprentice at that time, and he had Chen Hou's instructions, saying that he was here for research and needed a lot of materials!" Yu Jin probably knew that something was wrong, so he immediately opened his mouth. The before and after things are explained again.

"It turns out that's the case. No wonder Zi Chuan said that she was dangerous. It turns out that the danger is here." Li You laughed back angrily. He finally understood what it meant when Chen Xi wanted to ask Ji Xiang what to teach. Ji Xiang's school can distort Heart!

Li You was so angry that he almost beat up Chen Xi together. It's dangerous, is it dangerous? This is called breeding tigers, and in Li You's view, Ji Xiang was completely indulged by Chen Xi.

"Well, Marquis Chen probably didn't know it would turn out like this." Feeling the murderous aura coming from Li You, Yu Jin understood for the first time how terrifying this seemingly easy-going secretary-general was. Still going to finish talking.

"What happened at that time?" Li You glanced at Yu Jin coldly when he heard the words, and at that moment Yu Jin felt his hair explode. That cold and stern gaze almost made Yu Jin feel chills all over his body. Even if Yu Jin didn't understand, he understood This kind of power should definitely not be possessed by a secretary-general like Li You.

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