"That is to say, this aspect has basically been revealed. We should settle the ledger. Zichuan, you didn't notify us of such a big thing. At least let us have a mental preparation!" Li You took a deep breath. In one breath, the original drowsiness was all subdued, and what happened yesterday really made Li You very angry. .

"Uh, I was also playing casual chess at the time, and it turned out to be beyond my expectation." Chen Xi said helplessly, "I never thought that Ji Xiang would change so much."

"You'd better record this kind of thing. This is not a joke. If it weren't for your tight precautions, our first priority in the next step will be to turn from unification and getting out of the Central Plains to cracking down on cults." Guo Jia Said solemnly.

"This kind of thing won't happen again in the future." Chen Xi admitted his mistake solemnly.

"The next step is to solve the problem of this group of captives. By the way, we may need to communicate with Cao Sikong. After all, some of this wave of captives will be built by Sikong from Chang'an to Hanzhong, and from Chang'an to the Western Regions to Congling." Li said. Nodding, he didn't continue to entangle this aspect, but started to solve substantive problems.

"Well, that's right, there are quite a few people in that group, but do you think they will pay attention to the miscellaneous captives? I'm afraid they will be distributed directly to the local personnel to start construction." Chen Xi asked back, but Li You was silent He has also considered this aspect, but he is more worried about whether Cao Cao will covet this aspect of power after he discovers it through other channels or accidentally.

"I think it's better not to tell this matter." Guo Jia and Chen Xi's judgments are somewhat similar. Although it is a bit risky, on the one hand, Cao Cao himself may not know about this matter, and on the other hand, even if Cao Cao knows, there is no way start.

"I'll think about it again." Li You thought for a while, and decided to think about it again, after all, this is not a trivial matter.

"General Zhang and others suggested that after the summer harvest, all the militiamen, field soldiers, and veterans from all over the country should be called together for a big military training." Chen Xi said slowly.

"You agree?" Guo Jia asked curiously.

"I don't agree with them. They will do it. At most, they don't have soldiers in the fields. This kind of thing is actually just a routine notification. Do you really think that if we don't agree, they won't train soldiers? What's more, in my opinion, this matter is quite Not bad." Chen Xi said speechlessly.

Under Liu Bei's rule, the separation of military and government has not been strictly completed, and it seems that civil servants have more power.

In fact, many things can only be said that those generals saw their own military advisers, and their own civil servants were strong enough to routinely inform them.

More than 90% of the purpose of reporting this matter is to see if the other party can give some good suggestions, lend a hand, etc. In fact, except for Chen Xi, other people actually can't control these things when there is no war generals.

"Are you preparing for the war? Are you planning to shake off the family wealth accumulated over the years? This is not a routine notification." Guo Jia said with a smile when he heard the words.

"Well, that's what it means. I'm going to pull the army out for a walk, let Cao Mengde and Sun Bofu feel our strength in advance, and be prepared to admit defeat obediently. Well, maybe it can arouse their fighting spirit. But it doesn't matter." Chen Xi smiled and said, "This is a money-burning campaign."

"Soldiers registered in the book must be counted. I plan to pull out the so-called 600,000 army. The 600,000 soldiers are fully armed, all armored, and have experienced the battlefield to reach the elite level of a day. Pull out the army. Yoyo should be very interesting." Chen Xi said with a light smile.

"Are there so many?" Li You and Guo Jia gasped.

Although Guo Jia knew clearly that his family had 600,000 troops including the garrison soldiers, it was not an exaggeration to say that the standing troops with a population of nearly 30 million were only 200,000, but the 400,000 garrison soldiers had indeed always existed.

But now you tell me that all the 400,000 field soldiers are elites with one-day talent, and none of our main battle corps has reached this level. You are joking!

"Yes, you think I haven't done anything for so many years?" Chen Xi said with a smile.

"I mean, the 400,000 field soldiers have reached the elite standard?" Guo Jia said in disbelief.

"Of course... it's a joke." Chen Xi scolded with a smile, how could there be an elite army of 600,000, you are completely overthinking.

"I just said, how is this possible." Guo Jia muttered.

"I'm afraid most of the 600,000 troops are already veterans. Zichuan's military system eliminated many veterans who were under centurions to the field soldiers to serve as centurion commanders. Besides the core legions, all other legions They are constantly drawn from the troops stationed in the fields." Li You said slowly.

Chen Xi nodded, "If the battle between Yuan and Liu had been later, my hand would have been better, and the training time before the final battle would have been longer, you might have seen 400,000 elite talents who had gone through the war one day, Now it can only be said that there are 600,000 veterans, of which 200,000 are standing troops, and there are 300,000 soldiers who can really bless elite talents."

"Hiss!" Guo Jia gasped. How did the 300,000 veterans with elite talents come together? To be reasonable, the commonly used legions all the time didn't add up to 200,000 troops.

"This is too scary." Li You was also surprised, while Chen Xi smiled.

Although Chen Xi's military system seems to be criticized, after all, a soldier who has served as a soldier at the age of thirty has not died in battle. Veterans who have not yet reached Centurion are discharged.

Although a centurion is only the captain of a hundred people, being a soldier is a lifelong soldier for 99% of the soldiers who are born at the bottom. So in reality, the mobility of Liu Bei's soldiers is actually Far above normal levels.

However, in reality, these big soldiers were retired without any disabilities, and most of them were in their early thirties. In fact, they were still very capable of fighting. In addition, they had experienced wars, and even reached the standard quality of a talented elite at that time. Putting them back into the soldiers in the field, in fact, they did not neglect their drills.

Even the vast majority of them were promoted to a higher level, as the bottom of the Tuntian soldiers, the generals at the grassroots level and even the middle level.

These soldiers who have experienced the war, not to mention other things, are far more experienced than the field soldiers who have not been on the battlefield. A large number of high-quality and experienced veterans have retired. Much better to sweat than to bleed.

This is also the reason why the overall quality of Liu Bei's garrison soldiers is not bad. In addition, Chen Xi retired veterans year by year, and then incorporated them into the backbone from the garrison soldiers. Increase the proportion of core veterans with combat experience among the field soldiers.

Up to now, relying on this method of mutual secondment and adjustment, all the Tuntian soldiers under Liu Bei’s rule have actually been on the battlefield except for the newly recruited ones this year, and even some of them are called Tuntian soldiers. They are already pure elite veterans who are 30 years old and experienced.

If life was hard back then, thirty years old might have meant going to the ground, but now, regardless of how good the food is, Chen Xi can guarantee that these soldiers are well fed, and it doesn't matter if they see meat once or twice a month In the case of what kind of meat, the thirty-year-old veteran is basically in the most balanced state of experience and physical strength.

Just like in the battle between Yuan and Liu, when Wei Yan was recruited, there was no time to catch the recruits for training. When Liu Bei directly ordered veterans aged 30 to 35 to report, Mount Tai directly gathered more than 20,000 elite veterans.

If these veterans belonged according to their affiliation, half of them were at the level of elite talents, so Wei Yan was able to create a fairly capable army on the spot.

This is only in Mount Tai. Although Taishan was the political center under the rule of Liu Bei at that time, and when the war was about to start, it was normal to have more old soldiers, but the number definitely did not reach 30%. It can be seen how many hands Chen Xi already had at that time.

As for now, Chen Xi has secretly deducted about 12,000 double-talented ultra-elite infantry, about 170,000 elite legions, and about 200,000 veterans who have gone through the war.

Knowing that Liu Bei's regular army strength is only 200,000, of which the real dual-talent super elite is only 20,000, the elite army is only 110,000, and the remaining 70,000 to 80,000 are veterans for Chen Xi's rotation.

That is to say, Liu Bei's ability to suppress Sun Ce and Cao Cao on the surface is not even half of his own real strength. This is the reason why Chen Xi is not afraid of Sun Ce and Cao Cao at all, if it is not for Chen Xi. The army only knows how to build ships, how can it be Zhou Yu's turn to jump.

"We actually have such strength, why don't I know?" Although Li You had some guesses, when Chen Xi told the truth, he still looked at Chen Xi with a dull face. Chen Xi played with these things under his nose, He was really surprised very much.

"Don't you know that General Guan and the others once found fault?" Chen Xi said with a smile, "But at that time, I suppressed this matter by relying on my own prestige, but in reality, I was not really discharged from the army. I just Incorporate them into the Tuntian soldiers as the backbone of the recruits, try to improve the survival rate of the recruits on the battlefield as much as possible, and then gradually snowball."

Can Chen Xi say that his snowball was almost smashed by Yuan Shao? In Yuan Shao's wave, Liu Bei hastily summoned a wave of about 60,000 veterans. Although it greatly increased his own strength, and even after crossing the Yellow River, the logistics supply line was more than twice Yuan Shao's and he was able to stabilize Yuan Shao. It almost destroyed Chen Xi's entire military service system.

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