Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2053 Let the world witness our glory

"But in reality, don't we have no money? Without the four billion yuan that Chen Zichuan lent us, shouldn't we be out of money now?" Cao Hong is a deadbeat, he doesn't know what it means In terms of balance of payments, he only knows if he has money or not. Generally speaking, this guy is an iron cock who can only get in and out. .

"On the contrary, this state is actually the maximization of profits. The meaning of saving money is at most to guard against some unexpected situations. The meaning of balance of payments is to continue to use money to make money, and then create greater benefits. , the stall will also get bigger and bigger.” Liu Ba glanced at Cao Hong and said, “If you don’t have any money, you can just make money, and there is no future for Cao Hong’s stubbornness.

"In that case, without this money, wouldn't we be able to do nothing but watch?" Zhang Xiu also looked nervous, and he was still waiting for the expansion to pull up his Xiliang cavalry. Seeing that Hua Xiong didn't train his 200 people to train a group of dual talents, Zhang Xiu was still waiting for money to expand his army.

"That's not true. At the beginning of the year, I had already calculated every item of expenditure. I still know when and what should be allocated." Liu Ba smiled and said, "This time there is no money just because, I happen to have a loan, so I just use it to spend."

Afterwards, Liu Ba explained the entire process to everyone as simply and straightforwardly as possible. Of course, after the explanation, most people on the field were at a loss. Ren clearly knew how quickly the country's strength would recover under such circumstances, and he was obviously convinced by Liu Ba.

After all, there is no point in saving money. Instead, it is more valuable to turn it into a real thing, and a real thing that can continue to bring benefits.

"Speaking of which, at this speed, do we have any hope of catching up with Taiwei Liu?" Chen Qun asked curiously. Although his intuition was that it was unlikely, he was still interested in asking, after all, what professionals are willing to answer , to clear up some doubts.

"Impossible at all." Liu Ba shuddered and said, "Not to mention that Chen Hou's method is similar to the one I use now, but it is better than mine. In terms of time alone, the other party implemented it long before us. And back then, the situation of Marquis Chen was equivalent to someone always lending money for construction, and now it is even more incomprehensible."

Because Liu Ba has learned a lot, he also knows what is going on with Chen Xi's current state. Chen Xi himself has become the principal of credit. Mortgage, as long as the current system doesn't break down, money is just numbers to this guy.

In addition, compared to Cao Cao who is still working hard to improve the upstream and downstream industries, Liu Bei has basically completed the construction. In this case, even if Chen Xi does not make a fuss about his own credit system, the risk resistance ability of his own complete industrial chain , It is also enough for Chen Xi to draw funds from it to use in other places.

This is also why for a while Liu Ba always wanted to hang his own property under Chen Xi's industrial chain, but unfortunately every time he was kicked out by Chen Xi, Liu Ba was also very irritable, leaning against a big tree to enjoy the shade, and as a result Always get kicked by big trees.

"Okay, Zichu, you are still in charge of appropriating funds. According to the decision of all of us at that time, we will start to build the infrastructure under the rule." Although Cao Cao roughly understood what was going on, he also knew that Chen Xi was basically the same in this respect. He didn't have to fight for the front, but Cao Cao was still very entangled when he heard Liu Ba say it with his own ears.

"The cement factory arranged by Chen Hou has already started operation. The cement produced every day is enough for us, and we are still a little rich. At the same time, I have already got the raw materials, but if we want to replicate it, it will probably take until next year. "Liu Ba said helplessly.

The first is a material problem, which has been solved. The material ratio is still a problem, and the last one is the firing problem. Whether it is temperature or other special requirements, it needs multiple verifications. In short, this is a problem. Very headache.

As far as Liu Ba estimates, based on the time it takes to fire a furnace, it is already a miracle that it can be replicated in the next few months. If you are lucky, it may take until next year to appear. If you are unlucky If so, it will take more time.

Speaking of which, Chen Xi only knew the material at the beginning, and then asked people to burn it according to this material. In short, after a long time of burning, the finished product appeared. If Cao Cao could reproduce it within a year, Chen Xi was not surprised, but at that time the world was unified. Liu Bei will directly provide this kind of thing to Cao Cao.

"Can it be replicated next year?" Cao Cao was silent for a while, then he said, "Mobilize a group of craftsmen to start research and see if we can succeed in a short time. As for the kiln for firing, one is not enough to build two, and two are not enough. Build three."

Liu Ba nodded. In his opinion, there is no need to invest in this aspect, but since Cao Cao wants to increase investment in this, Liu Ba doesn't mind, just spend some money.

"What's the current situation on the westbound road?" Cao Cao continued to ask.

"This matter was supervised by me. The more than 100,000 prisoners of Zhahu may be extremely humble because the north has been completely wiped out by us, and their work is much harder than normal prisoners. According to this speed, we will be able to repair to the Western Regions by the end of the year." Du Xi He glanced at the construction period he had calculated and said.

"That's good. We need to build another road from Chang'an to Hanzhong. If Liu Jiyu can cut mountains into a road, we can do the same." Cao Cao didn't take it to heart as Guo Jia guessed at the time. There are many things, who cares about those captives.

As for Du Xi, he divided the Zahu captives into more than 40 teams, each with 300 people, and used it as a sign while also checking the road conditions. He divided them into 40 sections while exploring and building them. The road in the middle of the road was directly built into a national road with twelve drivers traveling together.

"Alright." Du Xi nodded. This kind of thing is not difficult, but in their minds, cutting off mountains will have an impact on geomantic omen, so they need to discuss with Liu Zhang before doing this. The same thing as before, find a group of masters who understand geomancy and feng shui, study carefully, which mountains can be cut down, and which mountains cannot be cut down.

"Changwen, how is the investigation of the things I told you going?" Cao Cao turned his head and asked Chen Qun, "What is our West?"

"I already have some clues. There are countries in the west of the Western Regions, and there are many countries. I have read a lot of classics and basically confirmed that there are countries in the west of the Western Regions that are comparable to our Han Dynasty." Chen Qun said slowly. .

"Zixu, after the road from Chang'an to Dawan and then to Congling is completed, how long will it take us to get from Chang'an to Congling?" Cao Cao said slowly, he had already guessed.

"After the road is built, although it is thousands of miles from Chang'an to Congling, if you march with cavalry, you can reach it in less than a month." Du Xi replied after being silent for a while, and he also understood the situation.

"Isn't it less than a month? If the food and supplies are to be transported, will the time required be within a month?" Cao Cao smiled bitterly in his heart. He has basically determined what Chen Xi wants to do. Is it to fight the Central Plains and compete with the big powers?

"In fact, if we really want to talk about distance, because we don't build roads around, unless it's a natural desert, we can't build roads there. If we really talk about distance, I'm afraid it's only eight thousand miles. And our current cavalry, The speed is far faster than before." Du Xi sighed incomparably at this time.

The others nodded silently when they heard Du Xi's words. If it is said that the urgent report with a fast horse can travel 800 miles a day, and the cavalry regiment with one man and three horses can travel 300 miles a day, then now the urgent report with a fast horse can travel 800 miles a day. It might be able to travel four to five thousand miles a day, and more than two hundred miles an hour.

As for the cavalry regiment with one man and three horses, at present, after all, it can't be compared with Jibao's kind of day and night, but there is absolutely no problem in traveling thousands of miles a day.

Counting the urgent report and the dispatch of troops, the army can be dispatched to Congling within 20 days. According to the standard of the empire, the urgent report plus the time required for dispatching troops, and it takes more than three months for the enlarged army to arrive at the accident site before reaching the extreme wall of the empire. By standards, it's not even close.

Of course, it would be nonsense to ask everyone to have three horses per person, but even if it is an ordinary pack horse, according to the current situation, there is no problem in traveling two hundred miles a day. According to this calculation, it will only take one and a half months to reach Congling. There's still half the time.

"That's how it is. No wonder Chen Zichuan wants to build a pasture in the north. Is his goal to fight it out?" Cao Cao said with a sigh, "Adding the road to the number of animals, and adding good breeds, it turns out that we have already hit it out now." capital."

Whether it was the Western Han Dynasty or the Eastern Han Dynasty, both stopped at Congling. The biggest problem was the difficulty of deploying troops. For the Han Dynasty, the opponents there were not impossible to defeat, but the loss caused by deploying troops there was too great. unbearable.

Therefore, unless it is a last resort, no emperor is willing to fight a war of little significance in such a remote place.

For example, Chen Xi's current method is to forcibly narrow the distance between the two sides, and the difficulty of deploying troops has dropped to such a level. Not to mention that the animal power has been greatly improved in all aspects, even if there is no such a terrible increase. Xinxing will also take the Western Regions by force.

This is the will that flowed in the bones and blood of the Han Dynasty to expand the territory, so at the moment when this line loomed, Cao Cao understood that Chen Xi's goal was not to continue playing the game of the dynasty's birth and death in this small domestic pond, Instead, they want to get out and let the world witness their brilliance.

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