Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms

Text Chapter 44: Yuxi, Yuxi...


Liu Bei led Chen Xi and others back with satisfied faces, just in time to see Cao Cao leaving with an angry face.

"Hello, Public Security Cao." Liu Bei got off his horse and saluted Cao Cao. Liu Bei had a good impression of Cao Cao who risked his life to pursue Dong Zhuo. After all, he still remained loyal to the Han Dynasty.

"Mr. Xuande, alas, I think that I, Cao Mengde, have ended up like this in the end." Cao Cao said with emotion, "Everyone in the tent is now very lively with singing, dancing, drinking and feasting. Who else remembers the previous covenant!"

"Cao Gong, why don't you call me Biao, you and I have a lot of exchanges, as for the account, to be honest, if Zi Chuan didn't force me to watch a good show, I would have returned to Taishan County now .” Liu Bei looked very graceful.

"That's fine, but this is not a place to talk. You and I will go to the back camp and we'll make a fuss." Cao Cao said with a wry smile. He was ridiculed and ridiculed for chasing Dong Zhuo alone before, and turned his head away in a fit of anger. Now that I met Liu Bei, I calmed down after some rhetoric, and I was naturally happy to see the excitement Liu Bei said.

Chen Xi knelt and sat behind Liu Bei on the left side helplessly, listening to the conversation between Cao Cao and Liu Bei. The two guys had the idea of ​​seeing each other and begging for help when they stood up. I have to say that they have not yet The two who have become heroes have similarities in many aspects. Of course, after becoming heroes, the two people's aspirations still have similarities...

"I don't want Xuande's men to have such a capable person, but they actually gathered the Xiliang iron cavalry brought by Lu Bu." Cao Cao was slightly envious when he heard that Liu Bei quickly cleaned up the Xiliang iron cavalry that had put him in a mess after he left.

"Hahaha, Mengde thinks highly of me. It's not my strength, but Zichuan's ability." Liu Bei laughed. Unexpectedly, he was also considered to be a powerful soldier, and then he smiled and explained to Cao Cao. Chen Xi's plan.

The more Cao Cao listened, the more pleasantly surprised he became. In the end, he couldn't help applauding. The plan was extremely simple, but he steadfastly suppressed the suspicion between Lv Bu, Dong Zhuo and Li Ru.

"But I underestimated Zichuan." Cao Cao smiled, but his face was a bit bitter. He remembered Chen Xi's behavior at the beginning of the alliance, and the situation when Chen Xi wandered around the princes' camp later, it was obvious. At that time, Chen Xi seemed to him to be looking for a next family.

"I can't be Mr. Cao like this." Chen Xi said calmly, he was a little curious about the current weird scene, maybe the two of them will fight each other next time they meet, and I don't know if they can leave some affection, Chen Xi I still admire Cao Cao very much. If it wasn't for him not being sure that Cao Cao would not be suspicious of him, it would be the best choice to invest in Cao Cao.

"Brother!" At this moment, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei rushed in and said loudly, "Brother, go to the main account, something serious has happened!"

"Why are you two in such a panic?" Liu Bei asked a little depressed.

Just now Liu Bei wanted to squeak twice, but now Guan Yu and Zhang Fei rushed in. Isn't this a clear indication of laxity? However, Liu Bei is completely dissatisfied with Guan Zhang because he has a stuttering brother, so Liu Bei is not dissatisfied at all, but a little depressed.

"Brother is not well. It is rumored in the camp that Sun Jian has obtained the Jade Seal of Chuanguo, and now he is hiding it privately. The leader is sending someone to inform Sun Jian to go to the tent. Brother, hurry up too!" Zhang Fei said in a panic.

"What?" Liu Bei was startled, and stood up straight away. Then he remembered that Cao Cao was beside him. He turned to look at Cao Cao, and found that he also stood up in shock and anger. Well, it's 90% that the big brother doesn't say anything Brother, everyone forgive me, no one is rude.

"Meng De, you must also want to know the truth of the matter, let's go to Daying to see what's going on!" Liu Bei took a deep breath to calm his anger and said.

"Okay, but please wait a moment for Xuande, I'll come as soon as I go!" After Cao Cao finished speaking, he bowed his hands and left quickly.

"Don't be annoyed, Duke Xuande." Chen Xi said with a smile, "It must be true that there is such a thing as passing on the jade seal of the country. The reason for not informing Duke Xuande is because Duke Xuande is the only Han family clan member among the people. Not in front of you."

"Zichuan, you can still laugh! What are they trying to do! To steal the jade seal! Do they still care about the Han Dynasty and the emperor?" Liu Bei said angrily, "The jade seal is an important weapon of the country, how can it be left outside Human hands! It must be handed over to the country and returned to the hands of the Son of Heaven!"

"Return to the hand of the emperor? The emperor is still in the hands of Dong Zhuo? Even if you go back, the jade seal will not be in the hands of the emperor. Xuande Gong should calm down a little bit. The jade seal is just Li Ru's second bait. If Luoyang is to let the coalition forces If you complete the agreement in the previous alliance oath and let it stay still, then the Yuxi will be divided into pieces, and the coalition forces will be divided, and they will have to swing their knives at each other! And tear off the fig leaf of the Han Dynasty!" Chen Xi said without hesitation.

Liu Bei was stunned for a moment, and then he seemed to be stiff, sitting on the couch, turned his head to Chen Xi after a long time and asked, "Zi Chuan, is it possible for me to get the jade seal?" Then he seemed to think of something, and quickly explained, "I mean, can I keep the jade seal? Until one day the emperor is rescued?"

"Impossible, at least not now." Chen Xi shook his head and said, "Sun Jian will definitely not hand it over, and Sun Jian is likely to die because of it. Yuxi is a bait, a seemingly sweet bait."

"Li Ru sees farther than everyone in the main camp, because he knows that the jade seal is just a seal. If one day he can push the Guandong princes like the Qin Emperor sweeping Liuhe, then the jade seal is just a pendulum in Xian Gong's hand. Jing Zhibi is nothing more, it will come back sooner or later, if it is flattened by others, this thing will also be taken by others, it is better to throw it away now and squeeze out every trace of value. Similarly, if the jade seal is destroyed, he who will wipe out the world by then will Someone will present a new Wall of Heshi, and the jade seal will be rebuilt!" Seeing Liu Bei still struggling, Chen Xi explained helplessly, but he couldn't figure out, is a broken stone really worth fighting for?

Are jade seals really important? Chen Xi didn't feel it at all, at most he felt that it was a pity that the wall of the He family in the legendary land of Phoenix Falling was carved into a seal, and the beautiful jade should be properly stored, and it would be a waste to turn it into a seal.

It is said that Qin Shihuang really lacked such a seal? What a joke, sweeping Liuheping, Yingzheng, who is called the first emperor, needs a seal to prove his achievements and identity, what a joke, he just carved a seal with bricks that everyone must recognize.

If it is true that the one who wins the jade seal wins the world, then Dong Zhuo still needs to make such a fuss? Similarly, how could Qin II, the owner of the jade seal, be let go by Zhao Gao? The jade seal can't represent the world, it's at most a token, when your identity doesn't need any prefix, it doesn't matter whether you want that thing or not, just throw it away and remake it, why bother to be so hard for a vain, Chen Xi is very puzzled.

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