Anyhow, Anaus is also the descendant of the Antony family, and his father is a pretty good general, so apart from anything else, he still has a bit of vision, but after watching the fight between Guan Yu and Han Xin, Anaus fell into deep thought. What the hell is the monster.

In addition, at the last moment of the Great Court Meeting, the big families sold blood for aid, which shocked Anaus even more. Even though he turned his mind later and realized that there were huge benefits in it, that scene still shocked Annaus endlessly.

Anaeus felt that it was necessary to report these things to Severus and the Senate to ensure the smooth flow of information between Rome and the Han Dynasty, so he rushed all the way and finally arrived in Rome before the Roman military parade.

Arriving here, Anaus didn’t have to worry any more. On the contrary, Odennatus was more flustered. His family was a big nobleman in Syria. Although he hadn’t reached its peak these days, that is, he hadn’t won the title of lord. But there are also countless local emperors.

When I was in Han Shilang before, the sky was high and the emperor was far away, so of course I wasn't afraid, and it didn't matter when I ran away from home, the impulsive impulse of young people was completely irresistible.

But now that people are here, Odenatus is a little panicked. He doesn’t believe that he followed Annaeus to the port of Rome. His father didn’t receive any news. I look down on the power of their family.

Therefore, ever since Odenatus arrived here, he has been urging Annaeus to leave quickly. Unfortunately, after arriving here, Annaeus is no longer in a hurry, and the governor of the Jewish province said that he has already arranged everything. At that time, Annaus and Huangfusong will go to Italy by boat together.

Naturally, Anaus would not refuse this kind of thing, so Odenatus finally had a tragedy on the ninth day after arriving at the Jewish port. His father brought people from the Syrian province to kill him.

"What happened?" Huangfusong asked strangely looking at the commotion nearby. He was quite satisfied with the journey. Rome treated him very well, so he was a little strange when he saw the commotion.

"Odennatus' son was caught by his father." Zhang Ren said blankly. He also stayed in Chang'an for a while. At that time, Odenatus had already integrated into the Central Plains, and a group of Liu Chana The group of people played very well, so Zhang Ren also knew this child.

Then Zhang Ren thought about it and said everything he knew, because Bai Qi had commented on Odenatus's talent, so Zhang Ren knew about it on purpose, and Huangfusong, who didn't care much before, heard Zhang Ren's talent. With this sentence, Bai Qi said that this child is very talented, and he became interested in it instantly.

No way, Huangfusong knows very well that Han Xin and Bai Qi's way of evaluating people, what they call good, means that there will be no major problems, and if they are well cultivated, it is quite possible to reach it in the peak period, or even surpass the current one. Huang Fu Song.

Don't look at Huangfusong laughing at himself all day long that he is only at a personal level, being abused back and forth by the Marquis of Huaiyin, but in fact Huangfusong's heart is like a mirror. , basically not as good as him.

"It's okay anyway, go and have a look." Huangfusong said with a smile, reached out and grabbed a handful from the large plate of pistachio on the side and stuffed it into his sleeve. Huangfusong likes to eat this stuff, to be precise Five years ago, Huang Fusong had never seen this thing. Recently, due to the trade between the Han Dynasty and Rome, a large amount of this stuff flowed into the Han Dynasty as dry goods.

Zhang Ren nodded, and followed Huangfusong to protect him like a guard, and then went out to another courtyard to watch, and then saw a bearded man about forty years old beating Ao denatus.

This is the father of Odenatus. Ten days ago, after the manpower stationed in Zagros reported that the young master had returned, Odenatus's father hurriedly took care of the official affairs in Syria. After finishing the main work and arranging the personnel, the Syrian nobles rushed over from Syria in a chariot with elite personnel, and it took seven or eight days to arrive successfully.

Of course, there was also arriving in Judea Province, to settle the governor of Judea Province, and let the other party realize that he brought troops here not to cause trouble, but to capture his son back. After a lot of hard work, Auden's own father, Appeared beside Odenatus.

After I came, I didn't ask any questions, just beat me up, ran away from home, went to the Han Dynasty, how old are you? Do you not want to live anymore, beat me up, beat me up hard.

[My father doesn't seem to be as strong as Sun Shangxiang? 】Oden was panicked when he saw his father, and when he was pressed to the ground by a blacksmith, he was very yellow, but after being hit a few times, Oden suddenly felt that it was the same thing, he seemed to be worse than his father Strong, and much stronger.

In fact, this is not a wrong feeling. Auden’s father is actually just practicing Qi Chenggang, and because he has to manage Syria, he is a little neglected to exercise. When Auden was in the Han Dynasty, when he left, he had already played Invincible all over the peers.

At the level of Qi Cheng Gang, Odennatus, relying on his silver-gray steel skin, is not only one of the best, but at least facing the vast majority of Odennatus, who is only thirteen or fourteen now, Already able to occupy a certain advantage, after all, after activating the cytoskeleton, Oden's physical defense is nearly 30% stronger than that of normal people.

It can be said that in the current stage of Qi Cheng Gang, except for those who have been at the peak of Qi Cheng Gang for many years, and some who are already regarded as strong outside the theory, such as Li Tiao, Odenatus can already be regarded as is a character.

By the way, Odennatus knew Li Tiao. Li Tiao was also in Chang'an during the court meeting. As the only one who could fly, Odennatus once went to ask Li Tiao how to fly. Tiao thought for a long time, but he couldn't answer this question.

To be honest, Li Tiao himself doesn’t know why he can fly. In his impression, the secret method Zhao Yun gave is only to let the limit of practicing Qi Chenggang have the characteristics of part of the internal energy to separate the body. Others can’t fly if they use it. Use it, use it, and I don’t know why it can fly.

Therefore, when he couldn't figure out the reason, Li Tiao found a few brothers from the Yellow Turban Army's inner qi, and covered it up for Odenatus, saying that as long as you are strong enough, you can fly if you practice qi. What does it mean to be strong enough? If you are strong enough, you can hit two internal Qi separation bodies.

That's right, Li Tiao is currently the most capable fighter among the Yellow Turbans, and because this guy has participated in too many wars, more handsome than most of the Yellow Turbans. Fall, all join the battle.

He has rich combat experience, and the actual combat is particularly terrifying. He was caught and hammered more than once by breaking the boundary. Although he was under the cloud, he can still survive until now, which is enough to explain the problem. Relying on his left arm and left chest has reached a short-term At the boundary-breaking level, Li Tiao is still very fierce.

So Auden was stunned after watching it. He didn't understand at all why he could practice Qi Chenggang so strong that he could fight with one inner Qi and complete the body, but he could still fight against two. The main reason was that it was not a fake match. , this is terrible.

However, this level of combat power can be regarded as an explanation of why Li Tiao can fly. Is flying a problem after this? Not being able to fly is the big problem!

Auden's own father beat Auden up hard, until finally his anger subsided, Zhongyuan felt his hands hurt so much, and seeing his son's nonchalant expression, he was so angry.

"Governor, why don't you stop fighting, Oden is actually stronger than me." Annaus said a little embarrassedly, seeing that the other party calmed down, he quickly said, it is useless to fight Odenatus, the other party is now Really rough skin and thick flesh.

"Annaeus? I brought Oden back to Syria, no problem." Imesaus looked at Anaus and said with some depression.

"That's really not good. The military god of the Han Dynasty left a gift for the elder Caesar on Auden. I need to take him to Italy, and Governor, you see that Auden has not been wasted in the past two years. He went out There are also those who study hard." Anaus began to save the country with curves.

Imesaus glared at his son who was still lying on the ground, "Get up."

I looked up and down, and recalled the feeling when I beat my son before. I was a little upset. I was a 40-year-old macho, but why did my teenage son surpass him? However, this most obvious change made Yi Mesaus is still a little dark. After all, it is a good thing for enlightened people that children surpass their parents.

"Why did the military god of the Han Dynasty leave a gift on this kid for the elder Caesar?" Imesaus asked casually after Auden got up, and he didn't want to fight anymore, his hands were tired.

"Hehehe, I'm a god..." Auden said proudly. He felt that the most correct choice in his life was to sneak away to the Central Plains back then. In terms of qualifications, nothing to say, the young master is a genius.

Imesaus endured the pain in his hand, and hit his son on the back of the head again, while Oden stood very straight as if guarding against his father, so that his father's hand hurt even more, and his face became more angry. This kid is getting worse and worse.

Anaus pulled Imesaus away, went to the side and explained what happened in Chang'an to the other party, which can be regarded as a witness for Auden, proving that this guy also studied hard in the Han Dynasty, and let Imesaus Put out the fire.

After all, Auden was pretty good in other aspects except for being a bit of a prostitute, and Imesaus's expression of displeasure improved a lot when he heard that his son might be sent to study with Caesar.

Caesar is the God of War sung in this part of Europe, and his son has such an opportunity, of course he cannot stop it.

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