Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 3820 It's Much Scarier Than This

This has completely surpassed Perennis' cognition. At this moment, all the Roman elders looked at Perennis and Severus. Can the two hold the Fifth Skylark to this extent?

No, absolutely impossible, and Huangfusong himself can't do it, but Huangfusong's legion can achieve a linkage effect after nesting and cooperating. This is the experience accumulated by the big men of the Han Dynasty from generation to generation. It's unreasonable to come here.

But it doesn't matter, they are used to seeing Caesar capsize back and forth, but no matter how many times Caesar capsizes, Caesar wins in the end every time, so although the Roman senators were shocked by Huang Fusong's all-out counterattack, but After a while, it was less surprising.

On the contrary, Perennis noticed something after a while. Huangfusong's command line was a bit stiff, and the command line was very flexible, but it lacked a little bit of the smoothness of mercury pouring down the ground.

In addition, although Perennis is not as good as Huangfusong, the gap is not too big. Therefore, after some observations, it is confirmed that Huangfusong's command system is supplemented by other methods, which seems to be better than the operation. He is stronger than Fifth Skylark, but the operational flexibility of a single thread is still inferior to him.

However, this number is a bit too surprising. I don't know how Caesar's elders should deal with this terrible offensive.

Then the Roman Senator watched Caesar's battle line being smashed to pieces by Huangfu Song, with an expression of not knowing what to say, but the Roman Senator didn't think there was anything wrong. Isn't that what Caesar Senator is like? Every time I was hammered and ran around, but I always won in the end. Everyone is used to it, which is normal.

Caesar's front line relied on alternating cover and retreat in a mess, and managed to escape under Huangfusong's cover. Although the outer line of defense had been smashed, the loss was not very large, not even one-thirtieth of the loss. less than.

However, for Huangfusong, this is still a big victory, although he always felt that Caesar was a bit slippery like a loach. After encountering this type of person for the first time, Huangfusong was a little weird. Why did the opponent jump out of the encirclement circle inexplicably? It's a bit hellish. Sure enough, the opponent still has a few brushes, so you have to be more cautious.

Huangfusong once again entered the cautious and prudent mode. After all, a wave of combat power exploded, but he did not achieve the record he wanted. Although thousands of captures and prisoners are already quite good, Huangfusong is not here for this, so he still has to be careful .

"Why are you two here?" Caesar looked at Ma Chao and Tachito and asked, what's going on with these two dogs.

"Cough, cough, we just took another look, and then we ran in." Ma Chao forcefully argued, and then changed the topic, "But Senator Caesar, you have been hammered badly, and the battle line collapsed too quickly just now. Yes, the opponent directly killed me, and I was almost slaughtered by the opponent."

"It's normal, the opponent is very strong, and all the foundations are particularly strong. My men are all white boards, so of course I can't beat them. Fortunately, our army's mobility is faster than theirs, and I have a lot of experience in alternate cover." Kai Sarah said as a matter of course, "But it's good if you come, Virgilio, give them two whole legions and let them bring them."

Caesar just remembered at this time that he forgot to bring more juniors when he first came in, and strengthen them more. After all, this ceremony is almost immersive, and there is almost no difference from reality, so this thing can really improve the war. place of experience.

"Chao? Tacito?" Virgilio looked at Ma Chao and Tacito with a ferocious face and said, "I'll have a good conversation with them."

Unfortunately, being dissuaded by Caesar, Ma Chao and Tachito alone were able to lead a legion, but at this time the legion under Caesar's command was just an ordinary regular army. The direction of development is different from that of the opposite side, so that it looks a little bad, but in fact this guy is also a master of training.

To be precise, Caesar is very good at training troops, running the army, arresting fighter planes, and dispatching and commanding. Of course, this kind of excellence is a weak level at the level of gods, but Caesar is really good at military affairs. The obvious shortcomings, including water battles, Caesar can fight.

As for the ability to really let Caesar ascend to the position of the God of War, there is actually no way to show it in Rome, at least it was impossible to show it before, but this time after all-round simulation, Caesar can actually show it. It is the biggest advantage of one of the four great war gods in Europe.

"Is this considered a foul?" Dion, who was more serious, stood outside the world and observed Caesar's adjustment of the army's arrangement, and suddenly asked.

"Forget it, Tachito and Chao just went the wrong way, and they didn't bring their own headquarters, they just went in empty." Perennis explained a few words, and the others nodded, and then Severu managed to send a message to Huangfusong inside the world.

"What? You said that two of your legion commanders ran in without any troops?" Huangfusong didn't care too much after receiving Severus' news. He absolutely believed that Rome would not do such a shameful thing, especially After Severu said it belonged to Chao and Tachito, Huangfusong understood what was going on with these two guys.

"No problem, no problem. Accidents are normal. I also brought a lot of generals in. It's okay for Caesar to bring two more." Huangfusong said indifferently, and Severus said that he would ask Huangfusong to drink Wine, this time their Roman oversight.

After all, it was a sparring session, but two brats from their family got into it. It's nothing.

After verifying the identities of Ma Chao and Tachito, Severus continued to watch Huangfusong beat Caesar across the board from outside the world.

That's right, Huangfusong was really beating Caesar. During this period of time, Huangfusong's soldiers were stronger than Caesar's, and the threads of command and dispatch were no less than Caesar's. The cooperation between the legions was also excellent. Ordinary elites with a side of water all rely on cover.

It can be said that each of Caesar's legions was ravaged by Huangfusong's elite to the greatest extent, and then fortunately retreated under alternate cover with relatively small losses.

This made Huangfusong inexplicably agitated, he launched three full-scale counterattacks, and even on the third time, Huangfusong did not even leave a reserve army behind, and counterattacked across the board, but it was a pity that he counterattacked three times, no matter what means Huangfusong used, They failed to retain Caesar's main force.

Every time Caesar successfully jumped out of the encirclement, although some losses were left each time, but this loss was too far from defeating the opponent.

Huangfusong is not a fool, he can still say that the other party is luck the first time, and the second time he can also say that the other party is luck, but the third time the other party is still inexplicably successful, if Huangfusong still does not understand the other party's strength, then see Ghost.

But at this time, Huangfusong was already a little bit hard to ride a tiger. It was very difficult to win or not to be arrogant. Even if Huangfusong tried his best to restrain himself, it would be difficult to control the hearts of hundreds of thousands of people. The fighting spirit and confidence of the whole army Not bad, but Huangfusong was inexplicably worried.

"Hey, hey, why are we being chased and beaten!" Ma Chao chased Caesar and asked, Virgilio couldn't hold back, and was rushed into the camp by Ma Chao, "Aren't you supposed to be much stronger than the other side? Is it a god-like existence?"

Ma Chao's perception of strength is very simple, if he can win, he is strong, but Huangfusong's fight is very smooth, and Caesar's side seems to be at a loss.

"Are you an idiot?" Virgilio stared at Ma Chao with a livid face. He really couldn't bear it anymore. How dare you speak to Caesar's dictator like that.

"Okay, okay, I don't blame Chao." Caesar said with a smile, "The opponent is really strong, you should be lucky to meet such an opponent, Chao, haven't you found that the capture of fighters and flaws is more powerful? Have you become more sensitive? And Tachito, haven't you noticed that you already have the ability to judge the situation in the chaos?"

Caesar was very gentle, not angry at all, and motioned for Ma Chao and Tacito, who rushed in but did not speak, to sit down.

"In that situation, if I can't learn, I'm dead!" Ma Chao scolded angrily.

"But you are not dead." Caesar said with a smile. Ma Chao was taken aback when he heard the words, and then looked at Caesar. Every time I pushed myself to the limit dangerously, why did I get out of it every time with luck.

"Idiots, without the command of Caesar's dictator, you would have died a long time ago." Virgilio said very dissatisfied. He originally came in to let Caesar command himself and hone himself. The commander of the Grand Legion ended up getting mixed up by two bastards. Caesar had to take care of the progress of Ma Chao and Tacito first, and Virgilio didn't beat anyone.

"If it wasn't for polishing you, I would have taken command a long time ago." Virgilio said with a dark face, "Every legion on our front will be pushed to the limit, and every general will be polished to the limit by Caesar's dictator. Life and death The only commander who guarantees that you will never die is the Caesar dictator!"

"If you slip your hands, you will die." Caesar felt that what Virgilio said was too absolute.

"Dead, it means that their luck is bad." Virgilio said angrily.

Caesar was very strong, and among all the war gods, he was the one most likely to be defeated, but all opponents who had this idea lost in the hands of Caesar in the end.

Because Caesar’s school of thought polished the legions and generals in his hands to the extreme, Mark Antony, Octavian, Lepidus, Publius, Varus, etc., these famous ancient Roman generals, all It was forced out by Caesar's style of play that was about to die.

Human beings are always the most able to break through the limit between life and death, can't they make progress? What a joke, in Caesar's hands, there is no such thing as being unable to break through. He is often pressed and beaten by his opponents, and he himself is pushed up by Caesar's command. If he doesn't want to die, of course he has to explode.

Even if everyone in Rome thinks that Caesar will win in the end, they all also think that it is reasonable for Caesar to lose any battle except the last one. As for which one is the last one, sorry, who do not know either.

Therefore, under Caesar, all the soldiers, legion commanders, and commanders believed that they could win the final victory, but each of them had to fight desperately, because none of them could guarantee whether they would fail because of their own struggle. When it is in place, it will be cold.

Therefore, the biggest problem in beating Caesar is not to kill Caesar, but Caesar's ability to cultivate even Huangfusong's level. His own command ability is weak among the military gods, Han Xin even He is better than Caesar in military command, but Caesar who is in command of three or five Huangfusong-level generals is also numb!

This is the biggest problem. Caesar’s strength lies here. Other military gods, even Sun Wu in the East, Hannibal in the West, and Scipio, do not have this ability, but Caesar’s evil ways It is this kind of energy that can be greatly stimulated, and even break through the upper limit of qualifications.

Ma Chao had never been able to command the cavalry to break through the flaws of the chaotic front in a chaotic battle before, but in this absolutely real battlefield, he was caught by Caesar and thrown to his death several times, and was back and forth by Li Jue, Gao Shun, and Zhang Ren It's so cruel, can't you see it? I can't see why you came back!

"Idiot!" Virgilio said with a sneer, "If it wasn't for paving the way for the two of you, you still have to make such a fuss, you really have a bad temper."

Caesar kicked Virgilio away, and he was determined not to be polite to the tenth knight. If he was polite, he would not know what the hell would happen in two days.

"What else do you two want to learn?" Caesar looked at Ma Chao and Tachito and asked.

"Uh, I also want to be the commander of the Grand Army." Ma Chao signed up shamelessly, Virgilio's face turned blue, and he frantically threw eye darts at Ma Chao, but it had no effect.

Tachito also had an eager look on his face. If he could become the commander-in-chief of the great army, his future career as a duke would be stable. Human beings have no ideals, so aren't they just salted fish?

"The foundations of both of you are too poor, and although this thing is realistic, you can bring out any knowledge, but it puts too much pressure on you. I used to try my best to pick the direction you need most to train. As far as this reality If you lie down for a few days, you will be able to absorb what you have learned so that you can use it in reality.” Caesar waved his hand, he likes being ambitious, but he also needs to consider reality.

"It's my turn, it's my turn, I don't ask too much." Virgilio said excitedly.

"Okay, let's start with the simple ones first, and then you go to the front line, and I will remotely control in the rear, with a dual command system, and the one on the opposite side will definitely kill you first." Caesar chose the method of nurturing Anthony back then without hesitation.

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