Faced with Caesar's disgusting look, Virgilio not only did not feel ashamed, but also felt a little proud. What is this called, this is called his ancestors, which is a good thing.

"However, most people's qualifications are limited. To become someone like you, it's not just a matter of talent and hard work." Caesar looked Huangfusong up and down. a little bit.

Huangfusong nodded, without any excuse. He could also see that Virgilio was following a crooked path, but the crooked path does not mean that it is wrong. The path that can kill the opponent is always the correct path in war. As long as the evil path is strong enough, it will be fine. up.

"Your aptitude seems to be able to reach my level. Did something bad happen?" Caesar looked at Huangfusong and asked with some doubts.

After all, as far as Caesar knew, Huangfusong was almost seventy years old, and his thinking had declined to a certain extent. Under such circumstances, Huangfusong still maintained a level close to Pompey's level, which belonged to the pinnacle of human beings. The generals who have not exceeded this limit can still maintain this level at the age of seventy, basically they are all talented.

That is to say, it is possible to reach the theoretical upper limit, but it has not been developed. Therefore, when it is declining, the upper limit is cut first, and the current level has not seen a significant decline.

Huangfusong was stunned for a moment, and looked at Caesar, who was not joking.

"Are you sure I can become you?" Huangfusong moved his mouth after being silent for a long time. Caesar is definitely a figure of the Four Saints. Huangfusong, who lost miserably, finally became convinced that what he could win was all an illusion. The other party was basically using him to polish Virgilio, but what Caesar is talking about now is no joke!

"Yeah, you're almost seventy." Caesar looked at Huangfusong, "Besides, you were injured when you were young, and your vitality and blood were weak, and you can still maintain your current level. After the age of fifty, you can only rely on experience, and at the age of sixty, your thinking begins to decline, and at your age, it is impossible to maintain this level."

Huangfusong fell into silence, just looking at Caesar. At this time, all the Roman elders on the opposite side also looked at Huangfusong who was a little tired. Indeed, this man was almost seventy, and when his thinking level had dropped significantly, he still maintained At this level, the peak period should not be human.

"It seems that everyone has a past that is hard to describe." Seeing that Huangfusong didn't answer, Caesar thought that the other party remembered the reason, so he stopped asking.

In fact, Huangfusong has already remembered what happened. This is actually his peak posture. Hua Tuo made a custom-made injection for him to keep his thinking active in his fifties, not aging to seventy. years old, still at the peak of humanity.

"Virgilio, come here." Caesar greeted Virgilio. At this time, Ma Chao locked Virgilio's throat, Tacito locked Virgilio's upper body, and the three of them had already started The joint technique of competitive wrestling.

Coming out of Virgilio, Ma Chao and Tacito are very angry. We two brothers’ benefits have been cheated by you. Fuck him. Ma Chao was the first to get started. Tacito and Ma Chao hang out too much. Today He was also very angry, and finally made a passive fighter decision for nothing, and planned to do more for nothing, but was sent away by Virgilio.

Watching Virgilio fight all the way to the command of the Grand Army from the outside of the world, even though Caesar looked disgusted and said he was far behind, but Ma Chao and Tacito were very angry, I also want to If you want to become the commander of a large army, you can add some passives to me.

So Virgilio only said the first sentence when he came back, and then Ma Chao and Tacito choked his throat. When Caesar turned his head, he saw three guys forming a swastika on the ground.

"What are you doing?" Caesar is used to Ma Chao, Virgilio, and Tacito making trouble. Normally, Tacito is considered an individual, but after Ma Chao and Tacito meet, it is like an infection. , with Virgilio is almost endless.

Perennis and the others didn't bother to care about them before. Severus purely regarded these guys as living treasures and didn't bother to deal with them. But when Caesar asked questions, Perennis, Su, Letas and others rushed to deal with them. The three live treasures pulled apart.

"You guys are just jealous!" Virgilio said immediately after being pulled away, and then gave Julio and Benito a hard look, you two must be out of your minds! The two bastards, Chao and Tachito, are attacking me. If you don’t stop it, it’s fine, but you even use the suppression and silence barriers, as if you are afraid of disturbing others.

"I'm just jealous. You sent me to death just as I was trying to climb another level. It's too much, Virgilio!" Ma Chao said frankly. He was really jealous. Virgilio, a dog, actually He also wanted to become the commander-in-chief of the Grand Army.

"Also, Zhang Zhennan, what are you doing so hard? Wouldn't it be good to let me live for a while?" After Ma Chao scolded Virgilio, he turned around and turned to Zhang Ren. Does it make sense for you to raise me?

I was chatted to death today, there is no way, Ma Chao is so straightforward.

"Okay, okay, go back and read more books, don't you feel dizzy?" Caesar comforted Ma Chao, "The Kingdom of Heaven is still there, read more books, learn more, are you a savage? Jillio, read those books in your family to Chao, don't you have never learned it at all!"

Ma Chao really has never learned it. Ma Chao is a beast. He can’t learn it. His temper is such a temper. , ha, what is that!

Caesar didn't think so before, but after practicing with Ma Chao himself this time, he found that Ma Chao is a savage. There is still no problem in the development direction of catching fighters and interspersing with flaws.

"Don't get dizzy, don't get dizzy, you must take me to fly next time." Ma Chao said shamelessly, and Caesar was speechless.

"Go back and read the book carefully, and add some basic knowledge, do you understand the basics?" Caesar's head grew three times, he was really a wild way, right?

"Tachito, you also read to me." Caesar said with a dark face, these two guys don't like to study, how did you become the commander of the legion, and why didn't you get killed.

"Sorry, the younger generation is really a little too loose, and they haven't learned anything fundamentally." Caesar said to Huangfusong with some depression, "The talents are all good, and they all have the value of cultivation, but they all don't study hard. , You have to rely on talent."

"It's all the same, the younger generation doesn't really read military books very well." Huangfusong said with a little dizziness, "Seeing that you are in a good mood, I will give you some advice."

"If you don't mind, I can give you some advice. I remember that the Han Dynasty also had war gods, and I even sent them a gift." Caesar said with a smile, then looked at Li Jue and the others, and gave them one by one. After giving pointers, in fact, in Caesar's view, these people didn't study hard!

"You don't mind if I ask a question, Elder Caesar." Huangfusong paused for a while, still in a daze, but it was no problem to smooth out his memory.

"Ask." Caesar said very generously.

"General Virgilio can only be regarded as having completed one category among the thirteen categories, and in the subcategories of that category, he has only mastered three or four subcategories, right?" Huangfusong looked at Caesar and asked. The time is almost over.

"Thirteen categories?" Caesar didn't realize it. His impression was still eleven categories, but he roughly understood what Huangfusong meant, and nodded, "That's true."

"In this case, in essence, is it really the commander of the great army?" Huangfusong looked at Caesar and asked seriously. The core point of the commander of the Han Dynasty's great army is to be independent, and the current Virgil O let him go alone...

It's not that Huangfusong looked down on him. Although Huangfusong had nothing to do when he finally killed him, but if he faced him head-on, Huangfusong could easily win the opponent. He didn't even need Huangfusong's level. Blocking the opponent's head-on head-on can push him away.

"It's just teaching students according to their aptitude. I want him to become a talent like Antony or even Octavian, but he is only suitable for this, so he can only be cultivated in this way." Caesar did not deny this fact, and let Virgilio take charge of it alone. If you break up, you will die.

"To become an all-round military commander like Perennis and you, aptitude is also very important. All I can do is let them show their aptitude to the limit." Caesar looked quite Gentle, "As for becoming someone like Anthony or even Octavian, to be honest, it's not just a matter of cultivation."

Caesar knew very well that it was true that he could cultivate a person of Huangfusong's level, but the premise was that he needed to have such aptitude. Others needed ten years to make Huangfusong reach the peak, but he might only need one or two years.

Take Mark Antony, Octavian, Agrippa, Lepidus, Varus, etc. who were trained by Caesar. Now everyone in Rome lets Caesar choose, and Caesar can’t bring out the first one. The second Octavian, the Roman god Octavian, is better known as Augustus.

This is a god, only different from Caesar's war god.

It is also very slim for Caesar to train another Anthony. This is a man who would open up a new dynasty with a high probability if he hadn't faced Augustus for a woman.

Similarly, whether Agrippa can be cultivated depends on his face. The other levels are about the same as Perennis, so it is not a big problem.

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