Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 3836 Nothing to do in August

At the end of August in the Julian calendar, nothing happened, as Dion, a historian, recorded the truth in this way.

No way, this historian's way of writing is not so much a history book, but a diary, basically what happened today, and then write a comment or something.

As a result, during the whole of August, apart from group fights and fighting with weapons, there was no other interesting fun in Rome, and Dion had no motivation to write.

After all, it would be too boring to write about one thing every day, so Dion didn't bother to write about who the tenth knight beat today in the annals of history.

Even now, when Dion sees Wenqin Leo carrying his bag and leading people away, Dion has already finished writing today's diary ahead of time. Today is calm and nothing happened.

"It's right here." Palmiro leaned on his crutches and pointed to the area near the arena. The gladiators have stopped recently, and this area has been emptied, leaving a large area waiting for this group of people. Let's fight, and today Ma Chao and others have finally recharged their batteries to the peak.

"Yes, you are here to make a picture. We will attract the tenth knight. When the time comes, Renato, you will block it. Tachito and Paulus, you two are on the left and the right." Ma Chao looked at the arrival on time The three comrades in arms said very seriously.

Marche didn't come, he said that he was too old to participate in this kind of activity, so he sent his default legion commander, Julius Cornelius Paulus, Marche's far away Nephew, heir of Cornelius.

In this regard, Ma Chao has nothing to do. After all, Marche seems to be a bit old. Let the other party participate in such an overly intense activity. After saying hello, Galen and Hua Tuo are also waiting for the arrival of the wounded, but if they are too old, it is easy to ascend to heaven on the road.

So Ma Chao didn't force Marche to participate in this kind of event. Anyway, Paulus brought the Twelfth Eagle Banner Corps, so it was very reliable.

"Afrikanas, you and I, and Benito who is hiding somewhere to block Virgilio who came to the rescue in the later stage, we must not let them join forces, we must defeat them this time !" Ma Chao looked at Africa's ferocious expression.

"Okay!" Afrikanas said succinctly. He didn't want to participate in this kind of sand sculpture activity at first, but when Ma Chao limped to the camp of the third Eagle Banner with a bruised nose and face, he looked at the moaning soldiers and said They are going to be paired with the tenth knight, do you have the guts to go together.

At that moment, Africa said that he saw his father's ridicule, and then got up and said that he could go to be the tenth knight with Ma Chao, but after that Ma Chao needed to wrestle with his father.

Ma Chao patted his chest to make sure that there was no problem. He fought with Perennis more than once, and he was beaten very ugly. Now Afrikanas said that after finishing the tenth knight, he would wrestle with Perennis. Ma Chao refused at all. nothing.

What is there to be afraid of, without you Africa, I, Ma Chao, would have to wrestle with your father, if there is, then don't be afraid, wrestling will wrestle!

"Julio didn't come, did he?" Ma Chao looked around and said, he really didn't understand politics, but after going back and forth for so long, Ma Chao also figured out a little bit of meaning, but it doesn't matter anymore, the important thing is Win the Tenth Knight!

"Victory is in front of us! Everyone, please continue to fight!" Ma Chao shouted loudly, and then flew back to the camp without saying anything, and led the seventh loyalist to prepare for battle.

"It's started." Perennis stood at the window of the Pantheon, looking in the direction of Ma Chao and the others. It would be hell to say that he was not interested in such a large-scale fighting.

"Who do you think will win?" Pompianus climbed up the stairs. He originally wanted to go to the Roman Theater to watch it, but considering that a group of young people would probably go crazy, it was very likely that he would be beaten as well. Don, his arms and legs can't withstand such a disaster.

"The market is open, the market is open. The Ma Chao Group wins 1.50, and the tenth knight wins 0.85. The dynamic market can be adjusted at any time." Pomponi held a sign under the Pantheon and began to greet him. At that time, the Roman elders who were a little more informed knew the news.

"Beat the tenth knight, two thousand silver coins." When Herodian passed by, he looked at the handicap. Although the tenth knight's handicap was not profitable, it was not a loss.

Afterwards, a group of veterans appeared one after another, and when they saw the handicap, they began to adjust their bets. During this time, the veterans with keen information had already made bets on Pomponi's side in advance.

But the shameless thing about Pomponi is that his handicap is dynamic, that is, the kind of odds that are constantly changing. More importantly, it is uncertain how many people Ma Chao can attract, so this handicap has been changed. Many times, Ma Chao's odds were as high as 1 to 25 at the beginning, but no one dared to bet on this handicap, except for some betting dogs.

In fact, most of the Roman elders are not sure how many people Ma Chao has pulled, so there are many elders who are optimistic about the tenth knight. After all, the tenth knight's record is too fierce. Years ago it has remained until now, and Huo Qubing is still alive, so the Roman elders are very confident in the Tenth Knight.

One wears seven, it's not that the tenth knight has never done it, how many can Ma Chao pull?

"Undertake insurance business." The patriarch of the Valerius family drilled out from the side, holding a sign and said, this family belongs to a strange family, although it is not as powerful as the Claudius family, this family has created many strange things thing.

For example, accepting the annuity paid by the soldiers, and then their family made the association bear the funeral expenses for the soldiers, as well as disability subsidies and other things. The business is very extensive, and now Pomponi is engaged in gambling. The Valerius family thinks this The child made a large amount of money, and there is a possibility of making a fortune, and of course, the possibility of capsizing, so he held up a sign and started selling insurance on the spot.

Pomponi collected a huge amount of gambling money for a period of time. He looked at his father standing on the upper floor, thinking that his father would definitely not pay him if the game went wrong, so he hesitated for a while, calculated the profit and Loss, spent about 20% of the proceeds to buy an insurance from the young man who sells insurance next door.

In this way, if the plate explodes, the insurance seller next door will pay a large part of the compensation, so that the loss will not be too tragic, so the two parties began to trade in front of a group of people.

"Is there any other handicap, I want to make a hedge." Valerius, who collected the money, began to observe whether there was any handicap, and finally found a new handicap in the Senate next door, and did some calculations After the profit and loss, part of the money obtained is allocated to the new market.

On the other side, when a large number of veterans disappeared and the atmosphere in the city became deserted, Vincent Leo, who was going out to beat Thirteen Roses, felt something was wrong, but with the large-scale light and shadow produced by Palmiro relying on the city of Rome, even Vincent Leo Oh can't find the problem either.

Until Wenqin Leo stepped into a position close to the Roman Theater, his super intuition suddenly made him feel something was wrong.

Instead of yelling, he slashed straight ahead with a knife, and then closed his eyes. His vision was already unreliable. Afterwards, Vincent Leo let out his aura wantonly, and the rest was up to Virgilio. up.

Virgilio, who was sitting and waiting in the senate, slowly stood up as Vincentio unleashed his aura.

"My lord, I'm going out for a while." Virgilio got up and said very respectfully.

"Let me see if you win." Caesar said with a smile. Virgilio was taken aback when he heard this, and then laughed wildly, "As before, I will dedicate the victory to you!"

After speaking, Virgilio led the remaining 2,000 people out of the Senate, and walked towards the position where Vincent Leo's aura came from.

"It's really not easy to win." Caesar sighed. He knew exactly how many opponents the tenth knight would have. It was impossible to win. After all, the tenth knight was no longer the invincible who crushed the whole of Rome. And the other legions have not fallen behind in the past two hundred years.

All the legions are becoming stronger. Although the tenth knight is also becoming stronger, the difficulty of going from one hundred to one thousand is far less than that of going from one thousand to ten thousand, although it is also ten times.

Feeling the breath in the wind, Virgilio stepped out of the Senate with big strides, while Ma Chao had already appeared on the road with his regular army.

"You guys really have the guts." Virgilio looked at Ma Chao and said with a smile.

"This way is not going to work." Ma Chao put away his smile. Even with so many people prepared, Ma Chao was still a lot more cautious when he saw the tenth knight approaching.

"It doesn't make sense, it doesn't matter what you say." Virgilio shook his head, and then rushed directly in the direction of Ma Chao. Two huge clouds collided together, and then the entire city of Rome was covered in thick clouds. Next, the battle begins.

"Winchen Leo, if you want to go there, beat me first!" Renato yelled and ran towards Wenqin Leo. The soldiers of the tenth knight met the thirteen roses with ease, and the two sides were just a match. The dull sound of the collision made Huang Fusong, who was standing outside the Kang Ke Palace, a lot more dignified. The basic quality of the Roman Legion was really trained by the dead Anxi.

"Is that the only way?" Against the pressure of the cloud, Wenqin Leo punched Renato with a slight twist in his hand, knocking Renato to the ground with the guards behind him, "The savings rebounded." We are more skilled than you in this kind of thing."

However, such ferocious attacks did not make Qiangwei's soldiers fall to the ground. They already had the physical fitness to withstand such terrifying attacks.

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