Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 3843 I'm going to blow it up!

"I can't do it anymore." Renato sighed, Qiangwei's battle is very common, but Qiangwei can guarantee to be besieged by many legions, but not killed.

Generally speaking, Thirteen Qiangwei doesn't need to beat anyone, they just need to stand still and get beaten, after a while their half-brothers, the tenth knight will kill those opponents who beat Thirteen Qiangwei Yang, and then beat Thirteen Qiangwei.

"Is that Filippo?" Tacito hesitated and asked as he looked at Filippo dangling outside the window. He was not very familiar with Filippo.

"Yes, it's Filippo. I don't know what he's been doing recently." Renato said casually while watching Filippo wandering outside the window, and then greeted him from a distance.

Filippo is looking for Zhang Ren. He has a feeling that ever since the so-called angels appeared in the Tianzhou God Kingdom, Filippo has a vague sense of opportunity. In addition, it is best to ask a professional about this crap. And now he's looking for professionals.

"Ah, Renato, Tacito, and Chao." Filippo said politely.

"Seeing you wandering outside, it seems like you're looking for someone." Renato found a chair for Filippo, poured a glass of wine, and added some sugar to it. He was really happy.

"Let's find General Zhang again. I'm going to ask General Zhang what's going on in the Tianzhou Divine Kingdom." Filippo, as a representative of demonization, has a vague awareness of certain things. Although it's not obvious, he found the right one. After all, Zhang Ren is a professional.

"Ah, General Zhang?" Ma Chao looked at Filippo puzzled, "Why are you looking for him? Does he know about the Divine Kingdom of Tianzhou? Why don't I know about this situation?"

"Probably because you guys are not familiar with him." Filippo thought for a while and said, "He is called the Vice-Prince of the Kingdom of Heaven. I was thinking that there should be some connection or something. I will go to him and ask him How to deal with the appearance of angels is better, don't you know that his legion also has many angels, and he himself can turn into a flashing gold archangel or something."

The three of them nodded, and some shook their heads, obviously not paying much attention.

"In short, this is the situation. I have been practicing demonization for the past few days. I feel that the more I practice, the more potential I feel, and this is especially true in Rome." Filippo thought about it, and he didn't think there was anything wrong with it. He said so, so he frankly told a few people about his situation.

"Demonized?" Renato scratched his head. It's not been a day or two since Rome was called a demon, but it's not a problem. They can still fight if they are not in heaven, so they must be demons.

"Yes, the road studied following General Zhang's angelic route." Filippo said seriously. He has worked hard to train and made great strides forward on this road, especially in Tianzhou God. After a large number of angels appeared in China, Filippo became more determined.

"So I guess General Zhang should have some kind of deal with Angel." Filippo naturally felt that Zhang Ren made some kind of deal with the god next door. Anyway, he is so strong that he is already qualified to make deals with all kinds of messy things. , No, you can also place the knife rest on the other party's neck for transactions. Generally speaking, such transactions are more favorable.

"So I'm going to find General Zhang and ask if there is any relevant information." Filippo's sense of Zhang Ren is not bad, and he doesn't think Zhang Ren believes in the so-called gods. This level is similar to the god on the opposite side, and there is basically no need to believe in the other side, so there is no betrayal.

"The problem is that if the other party has a deal with that person from Tianzhou Divine Kingdom, you may ask the other party, but the other party may not tell you." Tachito asked a little puzzled, maybe Zhang Ren still wants to continue this business. kind of power.

"I think it's better to annex the other party than to make a deal with the other party." Filippo said quietly, "And ask about the other party's situation. It is easier for us in Rome to defeat the Tianzhou God Kingdom. Isn't it good for the general to settle the debt easily? To be honest, I really don't think General Zhang is willing to pay it back, so let us kill the creditor."

There is nothing wrong with Filippo's way of thinking. If Zhang Ren's power really came from a deal with the gods, Zhang Ren might have to return it with his life, so the most correct way is to return it. The method is of course the creditor ascending to heaven!

Therefore, Filippo was not worried at all that Zhang Ren would not tell him about the angel.

"Oh, it does make sense. If that kind of power comes from a trade, I'm afraid you will have to risk your life, so the other party should have never thought of paying it back from the beginning. If we push it aside, the other party should and is indeed willing. Kill this creditor." Renato rubbed his chin and understood Filippo's thinking mode, which made sense.

"Why do you think that General Zhang's power is borrowed?" Ma Chao said faintly. Ma Chao has seen templates for the flashing gold archangel, the quotations of the strong talker, and the acting skills of the crew. This is not borrowed. The power of Zhang Ren, but the power that really belongs to Zhang Ren himself.

"Ha, do you think humans can grow wings?" Filippo asked back, Ma Chao choked for a moment, and then Filippo, as if presenting the facts, turned Guangyu, the gate of heaven, the disciples into angels, and the seven Ma Chao shut up after listing out what the ancient angels guarded one by one.

Compared with the self-contained crew, military acting skills, and quotations from the strong talker that I learned from the Han Dynasty before, Filippo's personal statement is more convincing, at least it sounds more reliable than what I learned before. There are many spectrums.

Coupled with the fact that the core of soldier acting skills is in Han Xin's explanation, which itself is fake and sometimes true, Ma Chao couldn't help thinking whether what he saw was real or not. Maybe what Zhang Ren described was just It's just what he wants people to see.

It is more essential and core, for example, the transaction with the gods, but it has not been revealed in front of people. Thinking about it this way, it seems that it is not impossible.

"In short, this is the situation. I plan to ask General Zhang, and then we in Rome will help him get rid of the creditors. If we cooperate, we will benefit both. Say yes." Filippo admired his wisdom very much. pass by.

After all, Cyprien had arranged everything, so he waited for Zhang Ren to become a god, and Zhang Ren didn't find any problems, so he waited for him to become a god, and drove away his own boat. It's all for the other party's good smile, pushing a cup and changing a cup, it's a joy.

"Hey, General Zhang!" Renato greeted Zhang Ren from a distance. Zhang Ren looked around, then walked over with a strange expression on his face. He was not familiar with this group of people, including Ma Chao.

"Take a seat, we have something to ask you." Filippo pulled the chair to let Zhang Ren take a seat, and then served Zhang Renman a glass of wine. Zhang Ren nodded and did not refuse.

"That's right, a group of angels appeared in the Heavenly Boat God Kingdom, and we are going to kill those things when the time comes. Brother, you are also the vice-lord of the Kingdom of Heaven, so you should know a lot about these things." Filippo asked for advice. look.

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Zhang Ren, who was drinking, almost sprayed directly. You are asking about the strategy and asking the boss. Okay, no problem, let me scare you off.

"Ah, I still know a little bit about this." Zhang Ren had a reminiscing expression, "I had a good relationship with the leader in the Land of Abundance, and I miss it."

Zhang Ren recalled that Liu Zhang began to describe the shape of the kingdom of heaven. After all, only in this way can the social structure be improved so that no one can hear the loopholes.

Filippo felt wrong when he heard this, you are really the Viceroy of the Kingdom of Heaven! I thought you got it through a trade, but you said you were genuine, which is a bit embarrassing. I'm going to fuck your immediate boss, and I'm here to ask you, it's not good.

"Let's stop talking nonsense and ask a question. We want to do Tianzhou. How simple is it and what is the strength inside." Filippo was stuck, but Ma Chao didn't care about Zhang Ren's beeps and went straight to the point. His face turned blue, the relationship between the two of them is very good, so you can't ask such a question.

"Ah, Gan Tianzhou, okay, I'm waiting to receive the inheritance." Zhang Ren didn't hide his expression at all, but before Philippo's face changed, Zhang Ren changed the subject, "But that guy is not easy to deal with, I I remember that he seems to have more than 400,000 angels, and the seven angels under his command all have special combat power, and he is also very good at commanding, at the level of a military god, it is not easy to fight."

Filippo took a deep breath, this is a bit ruthless, four hundred thousand angels are not afraid, and the seven archangels are not afraid if they have special abilities, but the command of the military god level is very scary, the military god cooperates with hundreds of thousands of The army, that is not something that can be defeated if you want to.

"That's all. You don't know how powerful that guy is, and his ability to command troops is unrivaled. Hundreds of thousands of troops are like arms, and marching is a masterpiece." Zhang Ren followed Han Xin's template and began to brag. Anyway, he has already decided to bring Han Xin over by then.

Relying on Zhang Ren, even if the Angel Legion is immortal, it will not be able to withstand the Romans, but it is different if it is replaced by Han Xin. The invincible Uncle Han Xin will not lose at all.

The expressions of the few people present became serious, which was a bit scary, and they still had to be eliminated preventively, without saying anything, this news must be told to His Majesty Severus.

"Actually, if you don't kill the body inside, the angels are immortal, plus there are some other things, I don't know too much." Zhang Ren fiercely blew a wave of the fighting power of the Tianzhou Divine Kingdom , and then said with some unsatisfactory meaning, "In short, it is very strong, and it is not easy to fight."

"It's so scary?" Ma Chao frowned, and then laughed again, "But that's it if you think about it, we will be immortal when we go in, there is nothing to be afraid of, just do it!"

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