"Probably a long, long time ago, the other party knew about it. If they are categorized, the route they are heading is definitely the most correct route. The disadvantage is probably that there is no reference in front of them." Huangfusong said quietly, the first assistant did not Undoubtedly a cruel man.

"I didn't say that, let's try." Li Jue, Guo Si, and Fan Chou looked at each other and smiled. There is nothing to be afraid of. If the first assistant can move forward on this road, then they can too. Besides, they are now It can also open the shackles of the world, and with a little improvement, it should be able to beat the first support, hehehe, press it in the soil? See if I don't call back!

"Can I ask a question?" Chunyu Qiong, who had been listening and overlooking from afar, looked at Huangfusong and asked hesitantly.

"Go ahead." Huangfusong said casually without even taking down the binoculars.

"Then what did the former imperial guards prepare for?" Chunyu Qiong asked after being silent for a while, this is a blind spot!

"How can the dual talents kill the army soul?" Huangfusong said with a light smile, "In a situation where he is inferior to the army soul in all aspects, and his physical strength bar is still restricted, how can he kill the army soul?"

"Increase the strength of talent, and increase the talent explosively, so as to break the shackles of the upper limit and enter into a miracle." Zhang Ren said dumbfoundingly, he already understood why the legend in the market is that double talents can become a miracle, without a doubt ,that's right.

Because Army Soul is really better than dual talents in all aspects, so that there is only one way for dual talents to win, and that is the talent multiplier explosion. Unfortunately, due to the upper limit of the world's talent strength, the multiplier explosion can only be forced. Go up, into a miraculous state.

"The Imperial Guards probably prepared for this, because the Imperial Guards have refined their skills, and after the explosion of talent strength, the rapidly rising combat power requires a high enough control ability." Huangfusong said quietly, "From the beginning, the Imperial Guards The accumulation of skills is for the accumulation of quality, waiting for the moment when the strength of talent explodes, only enough inheritance can sustain the talent."

Everyone at the scene nodded silently when they heard the words. Sure enough, at the end, everything has returned to the core basic quality.

"So the early imperial guards were more likely to acquire the qualities of the three-talented army as much as possible in the dual-talent stage, waiting for a tragic battle, stimulating their own talent strength, directly reaching the top three talents, and even advancing to the same height as the sky? " Li Jue asked curiously.

"This statement is not wrong." Huangfusong nodded, the accumulated quality of the imperial guards is already very high, but the strength of talent is stuck, but the peaks and troughs of talent strength are very large, which is why the double talent is strong When they are weak, they can kill one by one. When they are weak, no one can beat them. Even ordinary regular troops can defeat them.

Because the category of double talent is too big, the so-called double talent often refers to the strength of talent reaching a certain line, so it is called double talent.

The essence of talent is the multiplier imposed by the outside world on individuals and legions. In the double talent stage, this multiplier can reach two or three times. Fall into the wind.

But the basic quality is very rubbish, the mentality is also broken, and the talent multiplier cannot be displayed, so it is basically the target of being mowed.

"After all, the basic quality is capital preservation, while talent is multiplier. The latter is important, but the former is more important. The former guarantees that you will not have any accidents." Huangfusong squinted his eyes and looked at the legion passing by the Arc de Triomphe with a telescope. He said. We are analyzing how to deal with these legions one by one.

The configuration of the Roman legion is not as close as that of the Sanhe and Five Schools of the Han Dynasty, but after the Roman legion is assembled, the coordination is also very good, so even if Huangfusong finds a way to crack it, it is still a question of whether it can be used on the battlefield. .

Of course, this current behavior can only be said to be a habit of Huangfusong. When he saw a powerful army, he naturally thought about how to deal with and defeat this army. It may not be useful on the battlefield, but I will think about it.

"Second Parthia, this legion is really rough-skinned and very capable of fighting." Chun Yuqiong looked at the Second Parthian Legion passing through the Arc de Triomphe with some resentment. There were really too many people. Yes, and very capable.

The Second Parthian Legion, a huge team, heavy pressure, after all, has not yet decided who is the real Severus Guard with Eleven Loyal Claudius, so Anulinus behaved at this moment Very tough, menacing through the Arc de Triomphe.

"Indeed, the scale is huge, the survivability is super strong, and the attack power is taken into account. It is very difficult to defeat." Huangfusong nodded, agreeing with Chunyuqiong's statement. I have seen this thing in Eastern Europe before, and I also As for that matter, let the shield guard go up and let the two sides grind.

Even if the opponent is better than the shield guard, but the size of the shield guard is unsolvable compared to the top legion, it is impossible for the second Parthia to penetrate it.

Accompanied by the cheers of the Roman citizens, the Second Parthia passed through the Arc de Triomphe and advanced towards the city of Rome, and then Africa led the Third Giant Legion to pass. The soldier quickly transformed into a silver-gray hunk over three meters tall, and the armor buttons on his body were naturally pulled open to cover the vital points.

"This one is very fierce." Li Jue said quite seriously. He is really strong and strong. Such a tall and strong warrior, wearing armor and holding a weapon, even the Xiliang cavalry would not dare to underestimate him. Huangfu Song is also very optimistic. Third Eagle Banner Corps.

"It's okay." Zhang Ren said weakly. He didn't know how he did it, but he was indeed chasing the opponent to fight, but everyone felt that this was quite strong, and the opponent did show it. Zhang Ren was also a little puzzled by the strong combat effectiveness.

"Attack, defense, strength, flexibility, and almost no shortcomings." Huangfusong looked at Africa who was waving his weapon and shouting with emotion. This figure itself is a big advantage on the battlefield. Against the opponent's armor and the defense of its own muscles, ordinary arrow strikes have no effect at all.

Most of the arrows are not even chopsticks for the third Eagle Banner soldier of this size, so it is only necessary to not be shot at the deadly spot, and to resist.

"The Fourth Eagle Banner Corps is here. There is nothing to say. Normal performance can counter the three talents, but how can we perform normally?" Huangfusong said with a smile. The Fourth Eagle Banner is really strong, but it is always in some inexplicable places. deflated.

When the fifth lark appeared after the fourth eagle flag passed, the cheers of the Roman citizens reached its peak. It is obvious that the lark is very famous in Rome.

"Palmiro is not the main body, is it?" Li Jue said with a smile after observing for a long time.

"I'm still in the ICU, and the person who came here is not an entity. In fact, even though Lark has replenished a wave of backup, he still hasn't recovered." Zhang Ren nodded, and his news was very well-informed.

"Hey hey, let me just say, I heard that I have to lie down for a long time?" Guo Bang looked satisfied.

"It's been a year or two, and there is no way to treat it now. It is said that Virgilio was so angry that he crawled out of the intensive care unit, but he can't go back now." Zhang Ren said with twitching corners of his mouth, Virgilio really It is a talent.

"Their talent strength damage is very serious, and about half of it has been lost. They used to be able to monitor the entire city of Rome, but now they can't." Zhang Ren told others the news he got from Cyprian, and it was inevitable for the few people present. A smile appeared, after all, one counts as one, and Huangfusong was tricked by Fifth Yunque.

"Keep lying down, it's good." Fan Chou chuckled, but he didn't know how much of a blow to Palmiro who ran out of the main body after what happened later, it was a real dark blow. Shattered the light of faith, completely rolled back to the intensive care unit to lie dead.

"A half-replenishment newcomer? Lost half of his talent?" Huangfusong looked at Zhang Ren curiously. Although he didn't know how the other party got the information, he was very interested.

"Well, we have added newcomers, but the strength of talent has dropped sharply. I heard people say that it seems that the talent of the fifth skylark itself has some problems." Zhang Ren recalled Cyprian's words, and told Huangfu Song explained.

Huangfusong nodded. There is no doubt about this point. There is a problem with the talent of the fifth skylark. As we all know, after all, it can deceive the three talents of miraculous transformation, sky-high, military soul, etc., and can be used at will Wait, it's enough to show that this talent is not on the same route as the normal talent, and it's not surprising that it can't be put together after it's broken.

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"The Sixth Triumph, this should be the weakest of the Roman Eagle Banners right now." Li Jue asked casually as he watched the Sixth Eagle Banner Corps appear after Palmiro passed.

"The seventh loyalist should be weaker." Chunyu Qiong thought for a while and said.

"No, you underestimated that guy. The Seventh Loyalist is very strong. He has never flown the eagle flag in front of you, so you think he is weak. He is just weaker now." Li Jue shook his head and said, Ma Chao is still very strong in fighting. The strong ones just love the blessing of the eagle flag. Without the eagle flag, there is no fighting power, which is very helpless.

"Actually, it's normal and not weak. It can only be said that it's because of this era." Huangfusong shook his head and said, Ma Chao was forced to follow the orthodox route, and Yingqi has permanently fixed the strength of his talent, so it won't overflow for you at all, no If you have to deny, you can only practice. After Ma Chao's dual talents are perfect, he has trained his super speed reaction into an ability.

From this point of view, Ma Chao is already very good, and his level was once enough to be a captain of the Sanhe Cavalry.

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