Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 3845: Form of Decisive Battle

"This thing is very difficult to do. Ordinary legions can't drag them to death. They will also make them stronger and stronger, defeating opponents, sacrificing opponents, recovering themselves, and short-range strengthening. It is very troublesome." Huangfusong's gaze has been on Luciano On the body, the look is quite displeased.

The early sacrificial legions had no obvious talent and were too weak to grow up. Therefore, there had never been a sacrificial legion of this level in the Han Dynasty, but now we can see the real eleven loyal Claudius , to this extent...

It was difficult for Huangfusong to find a way to kill the opponent, because if you severely injured other legions, even if the opponent had a backup, it would take a lot of time to recover.

But if they were replaced by eleven loyal Claudius, even if they were severely injured, as long as the inherited power was taken away, a new eleven loyal Claudius would appear again.

Possessing power and then controlling it is much easier than digging out power without power. The former has at least one treasure mountain in hand, while the latter really depends on oneself.

Therefore, it has developed to such an extent that Eleven Loyalty Claudius has become a legion that has to do everything possible to solve it as long as it matches up, but it can't be solved in reality, which makes this a very troublesome Case.

As for whether the talent is obvious or not, to be honest, at this level, it is not so important anymore, anyone who can be killed can be killed anyway.

"Why don't we try to build one too." Chun Yuqiong suggested, Eleven Loyalty Claudius's tyrannical combat power, explosive survivability, and its own inheritance ability are very suitable for the current Yuan family. To be precise , the current Yuan family lacks everything.

"You can try it. Anyway, when you were in the Eighth School of Xiyuan, you also read the royal family's classics." Huangfusong said indifferently. It's not that he can't create a sacrificial type of legion, he has no way to promote this talent at all. to this extent.

Just like the first supporter, Huangfusong can develop the power of his core talent and the remaining two restraint talents. The problem is how to develop it to that hellish level.

"Try and try." Chunyu Qiong knows how to train soldiers anyway, if he can't make it to the top, he can get a foundation, just grind it slowly, he can be the best, and he can't lose if he doesn't.

"Twelve thunderbolts." Huangfusong looked at the twelve thunderbolts passing through the Arc de Triomphe in the distance with a telescope. He had already seen this legion before. How should I put it? Deadly, the strength is substantial, it is definitely a fatal blow to ordinary shield guards.

"This thing is normally regarded as an ordinary defense and containment of the army, but after the eagle flag is opened, the main front line breakthrough ability is very strong." Huangfusong said while watching, and his eyes fell on Marche. Marche is not weak. .

The few people present nodded indifferently, Twelve Thunderbolts, several people present have a plan to deal with it, there is nothing to be afraid of at all. Among the legions, it is definitely the last one.

"Thirteen Roses are here." Li Jue said with an uncertain smile as he watched Renato slowly advance.

"There's nothing to say, it's durable, has strong survivability, and is a standard city wall unit. I suggest you find a way to optimize your super-heavy steps." Huangfusong looked at Thirteen Qiangwei and said casually. As of now, super-heavy steps are basically no match for Thirteen Qiangwei There is no suppression ability.

Qiangwei's quality and defense are somewhat higher than that of the super-heavy step, but the resurrection of the super-heavy step really has no solution for Qiangwei, so even if she is better than the super-heavy step, it can't solve any problems.

"The super-heavy step may really be due to the resurrection, and there is a certain lack of will." Chun Yuqiong was also extremely helpless about this.

If the super-heavy step is stronger, strong enough to resist the tenth knight's engraved continuous blow, and it will not consume more than one life after being killed, or even be killed directly, the super-heavy step can even face the tenth knight directly. knight.

Of course, this kind of confrontation refers to fighting against the Tenth Knight Legion under the cloud of the group. Under the cloud of the non-group, the super-heavy step to fight the tenth knight is really a delivery, but it can be replaced with the group cloud. Killed with one blow, relying on resurrection and stamina, there is a high probability that he will be able to hold tenth.

It's a pity that the super-heavy step has developed to the present, and there are indeed some problems. The ability to resurrect is good, but it does curb the development of the super-heavy step.

When Huangfusong and the others heard the words, they didn't say anything, they just nodded. After all, they didn't have any good solution for this matter. Gao Lan tried every means, but in the end he could only procrastinate.

Now I have even given up on the orthodox way to improve my combat power, but instead use evil ways to fight with tricks that hurt others and myself, and make reasonable use of my own advantages...

"Benito's fourteen combinations..." Chunyu Qiong narrowed his eyes and looked at Benito who walked by holding the eagle emblem. The fourteen combinations are almost the hematopoietic organs of Rome. As long as this legion is not finished, the backup system of the Roman legion If it doesn't collapse, it will continue to cultivate a large-scale elite.

"This thing is really difficult to do. Unless it is marked in advance and the opponent does not run away, there is really no good way. It is possible for Baima Yicong to catch up and kill them. The problem is that this matter is not so It's easy." Li Jue looked at Benito's direction and said slowly, after all, they also encountered fourteen groups during the scuffle between the two rivers.

In terms of combat effectiveness, the 14th combination is also a Janissary. Even if it has the ability to suppress most legions due to changeability and restraint, this kind of suppression is just the same thing

There are not many opponents in the world who can defeat the Fourteen Eagle Banner. Even if Fourteen has an almost endless combination of talents, which is enough to restrain any type of legion, but among the current three major empires, there are many who can defeat them with restraint The opponent of the Fourteen Eagle Flag.

However, the problem is that it is difficult for the legion that can defeat the Fourteen Eagle Banner to kill Fourteen. Mobility, survivability, defense, etc., these aspects have never been the shortcomings of the Fourteen combination.

"The tenth knight, we still have something to do. If this is the case..." Li Jue scratched his head. The tenth knight can at least be head-on. As long as he can beat it, he can be killed with a high probability, but the Fourteenth Eagle Banner Legion can really win. But it can't be killed.

"From the current point of view, the only possibility that can kill Fourteen is Baima Yicong." Chunyuqiong said with a curl of his lips. Kill the fighting power of the Fourteen Eagle Banner.

As for other times, there is a high probability that Baima Yi will not be able to defeat him, or even if he is defeated, he will not be able to kill him. Only in this kind of great plain with a size of millions of square kilometers, Baima Yi can fight with Esautu's fighting style. Kill the fourteen combination.

As for the other legions, the out-of-control rapidity of the fourteenth group obtained from Baima Yicong's body, even if it can't exert half of the effect, it is definitely an existence of an unsolvable level.

"Ask a question, if Baima Yicong carries a Xiliang iron cavalry soldier, will it be compatible with the advantages of both sides? The Xiliang iron cavalry is considered infantry." Gao Shun may have really let go of himself after riding Chiron, The angle of thinking is a bit strange.

Li Jue was stunned at first when he heard the words, then he was angry, and then he was suddenly happy. This is really a groundbreaking idea, something that Xiliang people have never thought about.

"I don't know. We just fought Baima Yicong. I don't know what the core is. It belongs to the category that we can't get at all. We have a blood feud with Gongsun." Chun Yuqiong withdrew from the sand sculpture very politely. comminicate.

"Ber Schulen's horses are pure white." Gao Shun began to fight. For some reason, Gao Shun had basically determined that the Xiliang iron cavalry was simply fake cavalry. These bastards were actually a group of mounted infantry, so they didn't really need it. The adaptability of the horse.

To put it simply, the Xiliang iron cavalry can ride any type of horse, as long as it is a war horse. What they provide to the war horse is not the speed and explosive attributes provided by conventional cavalry, but defense and strength...

In other words, the horses of normal cavalry are vehicles, while the horses of Xiliang iron cavalry can be regarded as weapons by default, or armor at worst.

So according to Gao Shun's theory, for the Xiliang iron cavalry, the horses with people are more embossed and painted weapons. If you think about it this way, the logic is not a problem.

"Don't think about it, Baima Yicong is very heavy. The weapons and equipment they carry are all fixed." Huangfusong knew something about these messy legions, so when he saw Li Jue's shining eyes, he immediately opened his mouth. explained.

"That's actually because of the horse's problem. The top Mongolian horse is only one-third of the Belschlon's horse, and the latter's explosive power, endurance, and load far exceed the former. Such a load is definitely not a problem." Gao Shun said. Said slowly.

At this moment, the eyes of the three of Li Jue burst out with astonishing flashes. Needless to say, the next step is to have a good talk with others to see if they can find a white horse Yicong as a mount.

"By the way, ordinary Mongolian horses can't ride two people, but Berschulon's horses are huge and stronger." Gao Shun might really want to see Xiliang iron cavalry defending armored horses, and then charging at super speed situation.

The three idiots collectively looked at Huangfusong, Huangfusong fell into silence, and after a while he said slowly, "Logically speaking, the talent of Baima Yicong and the talent of Xiliang cavalry will not interfere at all, Baima Yicong The iron cavalry can be used as a load, and the soldiers of the iron cavalry can use Baima Yicong as a weapon with relief..."

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