Seeing this, Zhang Ren didn't say that Caesar should have said such things, and instead let Bai Qi continue to play, and Tianlei was on the outside of the world, showing off his power crazily.

However, there is no ghost use, Bai Qi is not very attractive, not to mention that Bai Qi is still a whistleblower, a tainted witness, and the thunder and lightning of world consciousness are more of a sense of existence.

"Is it just my illusion? How do I feel that the combat power of the Angel Legion is rising at a visible speed? It's not the way of the military array to flow power to a certain position, but a more effective and subtle way." Zhang Ren Some looked curiously at the Angel Legion, whose fighting power was gradually rising as the formation continued to be pruned. This growth rate was too fast.

"I am constantly climbing. I am not very proficient in military formations. To be precise, the definition of Xuanxiang in our era has only just appeared. I have not mastered too many military formations. Although I know the principles inside, I can also Creating the Xuanxiang Army Formation doesn't mean much." Bai Qi explained casually while commanding the elite backbone army to attack Nigel's flaws.

"Our era had a better and more suitable way of fighting for this kind of soldiers." Bai Qi said with a bit of conceit, "Although your angel legions are a bit stupid, they are very efficient in executing orders, and as long as they are dispatched Correct, they will hardly waver, this is the natural law soldier seed, but the time is too short."

If the time can be extended, according to Bai Qi, he can be regarded as a link between the past and the future, and the boss of the new era will definitely be able to pull the Angel Legion to the level of the double talents of the entire army and the backbone of the Imperial Guard. If the legion has one, it can be promoted.

Isn't the biggest shortcoming of the Angel Legion now that when facing certain legions in Rome, they can only be defeated by flaws, limited by the number and size, and it is difficult to have the means to kill, but if they reach the top dual talents, even the imperial guards With the level of the army, these are no longer a problem.

"However, the speed at which this kind of combat power has increased is too outrageous. Now they have obviously climbed from ordinary civilians to regular soldiers, and are even developing in the direction of gathering talent." Zhang Ren still finds it difficult to understand the improvement of the Angel Legion.

"What do you think the Law Soldiers are?" Bai Qi's three Archangel Legions launched an attack from the front and side of the Sixth Eagle Banner at the same time. The trident's offensive made Yakino even start to burn the essence of the world and enter a state of rage , It is inevitable that some lose sight of the other.

"I don't know about this. I only heard people say that it is a very powerful elite, and it is a rare elite that becomes stronger the more people there are. It collapsed with the collapse of the laws of the Great Qin." Zhang Ren recalled and The contents of other people's chats were given with reference to their own understanding.

"It's not wrong, but it's not entirely correct. Law soldiers are actually closer to Danyang's elite, but they rely on different foundations. Law soldiers focus on playing and cooperating, and develop their own potential as much as possible. " Bai Qi said with an indifferent smile, "So you have only heard of legal soldiers with double talents, but you have never heard of legal soldiers who exceed this limit."

"Is it a restriction?" Zhang Ren asked in a daze.

"It's the limit of being a human being, and the enhancement rate of talent is very high. The result is that after individual soldiers reach a certain level, ordinary soldiers have fallen behind in an all-round way." Bai Qi said with some sighs, "Before the limit of dual talents, ordinary soldiers Soldiers on the battlefield rely on mutual cooperation to kill their opponents."

"Is the limit of dual talents actually the critical point?" Zhang Ren already roughly understood the situation of the Law Soldiers at this time.

"Yes, once you enter the Imperial Guard, part of your talents will turn into skills and even instincts, and your individual quality will far exceed that of ordinary people. However, the normal dual talents will not increase your physical fitness very much." Bai Bai Qi Qi said quietly, "So the Law Soldiers are just a rigid army that obeys commands and exerts the limit of strength that humans should have."

"So, the increasing fighting power of the Angel Legion you see now is not because I have made them stronger, but because my command has allowed them to display part of their fighting power as normal soldiers." Bai Qi said rather indifferently. Said, Zhang Ren was silent, forget it, I have no hands!

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"Of course, the most practical point is that during the Warring States period, the spirit of heaven and earth was not manifested, and it was very difficult to surpass this limit and become an iron eagle warrior, so I took this simple path." Bai Qi said casually, while While commanding the front line, try to let the 800,000 army exert the fighting power that humans should have.

"They are getting stronger, and the speed of getting stronger is too exaggerated!" Severu was laughing, but the smile was very ugly. Every bit of enhancement, on a scale of hundreds of thousands, is a horrifying data. What was even more frightening was that the opponent was weakly but continuously getting stronger.

"This is really a terrifying military god that I have never witnessed before." Caesar smiled reluctantly. The enemy's entire army is getting stronger, and there is no upper limit to this strengthening, or what is it based on, Caesar totally no idea.

But Caesar is clear that such a large-scale and visible group strengthening mode on the battlefield is definitely enough to be the core ability of the God of War, at least with this one hand alone. Equipped with the command ability that a military god has, it is enough to make most opponents despair.

At this time, Huangfusong had already begun to shrink the battle line. After rescuing Sansha, he decisively found a way to join him, and then Huangfusong also quickly discovered the fact that the angel army was getting stronger, although he didn't understand what kind of ability it was. , but this trick is already desperate enough.

"This is really a desperate trick. It really looks like it." Huangfusong grinned, his smile was extremely ugly. Before that, he thought it was Han Xin, but later he thought it might be Bai Qi against Han Xin, but now Huangfu Song was not sure.

Because this method of attracting hundreds of thousands of enemy troops on the battlefield to continuously strengthen in a way that he can't even understand is definitely the operation of the Four Saints, and none of the Four Saints he knows relies on this method. fighting.

Well, Bai Qi normally doesn’t rely on this to fight. The Law Soldiers are just a general combat method, but because of the strong obedience of the Angel Legion, they have played their due combat effectiveness under Bai Qi’s command, so that it seems that they are fighting Just keep getting stronger.

In fact, I really want to say that it just functions normally.

"Unfortunately, there are not many powerful legions. If there are a few aggressive mowing legions, it will be easier to fight now." Bai Qi sighed, and directly pressed the Angel Legion, which had adjusted its front line in the rear, to the main front of the Roman Legion. For the first time, there was an established eagle flag collapse.

"Although it is estimated that there is such a possible operation before, the opponent's offensive is indeed too strong." Caesar grinned. It's really hard to beat.

"Let Nigel retreat." Caesar sighed, "Let the opponent attack where we are, mobilize the thirteen roses to block frontally, and buy time for the tenth knight."

Severus also felt the terrible pressure at this time. Ordinary people's wave of flow is called pig suddenness, and Bai Qi's wave of flow is called flood attack, and Bai Qi's murderous intention gradually increased, and the Roman legion also felt that something was wrong. It is no problem to support it now, but if it is dismantled like this, the morale will be turbulent and the legion will be defeated.

At that time, even the first assistant, which is completely impenetrable to the opponent, will only be defeated by the crowd. Most of the super-large-scale decisive battles will not be directly defeated on the battlefield, but because the command and dispatch network is destroyed. Cut off, and then the collapse of a certain place spread to the entire army, and when the general was unable to command calmly, the entire army collapsed.

Obviously, the Angel Legion on the opposite side also had the same idea, forcibly defeating the Roman Eagle Flag. This is something that the Angel Legion is absolutely unable to do at present, but failing to do this does not mean that Bai Qi will continue to pinch the command line of the Roman Eagle Flag .

In fact, as of now, many legions of the Roman legion have been forced to disconnect. Severus can almost guarantee that except for a few of these legions, there is basically no possibility of being defeated and annihilated, but this situation lasts for a long time. If it continues, the morale of the besieged legion will be turbulent sooner or later, which will lead to the collapse of organizational power.

At that time, there is really no way to return to heaven, which is why Caesar must have the tenth knight break through the front first and insert the eagle emblem on the throne. Only in this way can people's hearts be stabilized, so that the Roman Eagle Banner Legion will not Self-doubt arises because the lines of command are broken.

After Nigel received the order, he retreated decisively, but Bai Qi thought for a moment, and did not pursue. Instead, he chose to continue to attack the Roman center, and then directly hit the thirteen roses that had withdrawn from the front. This is Caesar The most reliable line of defense.

"Contact Alessandro and ask him to retreat first." Caesar had actually judged that something was wrong with the situation at this time, but he never thought that Bai Qi was fighting with the idea of ​​announcing the Roman Legion in one go. .

After all, in the history of Europe, there has never been a military god who fought all wars as wars of annihilation, so although Caesar saw some bad things, he really didn't consider that the angel legion on the opposite side had such a big heart.

To be precise, Caesar and even Severus, Perennis, Nigel and others never thought that someone would fight in a way that accomplishes all in one battle. This way does not conform to their knowledge category, let alone, a Annihilating all the eagle flags in one breath, this situation is beyond the imagination of all of them.

Even Hannibal, after crossing the Alps, never had such ambitions!

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