Generally, it can be added to the extreme at the level of the imperial guards, and the combat effectiveness will be very against the sky. Therefore, the Han Dynasty was divided according to the legions in the early years.

On the other hand, Rome and Anxi are due to the precise division of talents of the fourteen combinations and the clear talent structure of the seven nobles, which lead to the precise talent of the legion, and then rely on the concept of double talent and three talents to directly distinguish the strength of the legion.

Of course, later on, the Han Dynasty could accept this kind of analysis, more because with the recovery of the essence of heaven and earth, the talent of the Han Dynasty gradually became more precise, and it was no longer as vague as it used to be.

Although the three of Li Jue did not experience that era, the talent structure of Xiliang Iron Cavalry is close to the tree structure, which is the so-called defensive talent. Under this defensive talent, it has differentiated such as heavy armor defense, muscle defense, eggshell defense, etc. defense, rigid defense and more.

But in essence, because the Xiliang iron cavalry is a purely wild way, it still takes the route of the talent tree, which is why the Xiliang iron cavalry can only be said to be the base of defense talent, but it is necessary to accurately describe what type of defense talent it is , they are actually different.

Therefore, the three idiots combined reality and felt that Wan Zhen's words were outrageous and outrageous, and there was still a reason.

"According to our strength, we should be able to draw..." Guo Si touched his chin, "As long as we draw enough heaven and earth essence, it should be enough to cooperate with other things to form an ideal defense for the battleship, but I just don't know. How long will it take."

"When you extract the essence of heaven and earth, you will also consume your own will and blood." Wan Zhen reminded him that he was very interested in watching the troubles.

"Never mind, let's try it first." Fan Chou said indifferently.

"I think you have overlooked something." Wang Fang scratched his head and looked at Guo Bang and the others who were already excitedly starting their actions, thinking that they had seen enough fun, and it was time to speak.

"What did you overlook?" Fan Chou turned his head and asked.

"Any thing that can be regarded as a mount must at least be alive." Wang Fang gloated, but Sansha was dumbfounded when he heard that.

That's right, no matter what kind of mount it is, at least it must be alive!

You can't ride a rocking car, add idealistic defense to the rocking car.

Well, it’s not impossible, adding idealistic defense to the rocking car, the three idiots can still do it, after all, the three brothers’ idealism is strong enough, and they can add it to the rocking car at will. , but replacing the rocking car with a whole warship, this is too nonsense.

To be precise, the limit of normal talents is only that big. If they are strong enough, they can be added even bigger. But the coverage of normal people’s talents also has a limit. To be precise, normal cavalry shares talents with war horses. Rely on the cavalry themselves.

Take Xiliang iron cavalry's newly acquired Shire horse as an example. It can share the spiritual defense, and some of them rely on the iron cavalry to import talents, so that the talent resonates, activates the biological instinct of the mount, and transforms the power of the war horse into ideal defense. This is also after changing horses. The reason for grinding.

By the way, the higher the talent strength a soldier can provide, the faster they can adapt after changing horses. The thing that makes the Xiliang iron cavalry go against the sky is that after covering themselves, the ideal defense of this group of people can also cover half a horse. Sharma.

In fact, when the first assistant is used as a mount, the ideal defense obtained by the first assistant is the overflowing spiritual defense that the iron cavalry can attach to any thing, which is basically equivalent to the ideal defense for armor and self blessing.

It's just that the will of the first assistant and the iron cavalry cannot be unified, and it is not a dead thing. The effect of the ideal defense on the first assistant is only half. Defense is enough.

As for the ideal defense obtained by the rhinoceros, it is even less. To put it bluntly, the ideal defense provided by the Xiliang Iron Cavalry is not enough to cover the rhino. You can only choose to use the mount normally, and import your own ideal defense into the rhino to form a resonance. Forcibly arousing a part, combined with the overflowing idealistic defense, provided the rhinoceros with a certain degree of talent.

In fact, the normal way for a mount to acquire talent is almost always to rely on the rider to import talent to obtain the resonance of the mount, activate the biological instinct of the mount, and manifest the talent.

Dead objects cannot resonate, and can only be provided by the legion. Therefore, the larger the dead object, the greater the consumption of talent strength. As long as the living object can resonate, it can rely on its own strength to show part of the elite talent. The difference is only In strength.

But this also has a premise. The clearer the will, the harder it is to form a resonance. Simply put, don't think that someone has learned the ideal talent and then resonates with another person. The gap in will will directly block this resonance.

Of course, the will is clear, but the degree of unity between the two is very high, and the resonance will become very easy. In fact, this is the reason why the elite army with a complete system can reproduce itself.

But resonance is not all a good thing, there is no disadvantage for mounts, but for people, this is knowing it but not knowing why, relying on the convergence of will to obtain this talent from the legion, without strengthening their own understanding and mastery, Without this convergence, elite talent is lost, so taking shortcuts is not only beneficial.

By the way, this is also why Eleven Loyalty Claude's face was covered in blood when the sky changed. His recruits all took the route of resonance, and their foundations were vain.

Therefore, the elite talent and talent resonance are basically used on their own mounts, which can improve the combat effectiveness of the mounts and prolong the combat time of the riders.

This is why the better the horse, the stronger the cavalry, because although a high-quality horse requires more power from the soldiers, but a high-quality horse relies on the talent introduced by the rider to gain resonance, and after stimulating biological instinct, the upper limit of the blessing it can exert is also higher.

Of course, on the other hand, the higher the quality of the war horse, the more talent strength is required. Ordinary war horses can be replaced directly when they reach the level of the Xiliang Cavalry. Make Bel Schulum's horse produce ideal defense.

After all, the talent of the mount is not just the talent directly provided by the soldiers, but also the biological instinct of the mount activated by the talent, which spontaneously drives the essence of the world and the cloud, and then forms the talent.

Of course, this kind of resonance requires that the strength of the rider is much greater than that of the mount, and the compatibility between the two sides is better. From the current point of view, the compatibility of the war horse is the best. It is not impossible to jump out of the barrier of the war horse. The premise is that you are strong enough.

Of course, there is another outrageous situation, that is, the Xiliang iron cavalry does not directly share talents with war horses below medium size, and uses war horses as equipment to provide ideal defense for both sides.

This kind of thing can only be done by freaks like the Xiliang Iron Cavalry and the Tenth Knight. Their talent strength is outrageous enough, so they can do this kind of thing. The essence of this method is to use the mount that can share their own responsibilities as a board. Armor, a weapon to use, provides all talents by itself.

In fact, all dead things, the way to get talent is like this.

But on the other hand, dead things can't bring any bonuses in terms of talent. To make dead things get talents, they can only fully invest their own talent strength.

What Li Jue has to do now is to provide a full amount of talent strength to a ship. Without the resonance of biological instinct, it is all on its own, and the Xiliang iron cavalry adds up. It is a question of whether it is enough to provide such a layer of blessing to the deck.

Obviously, the three idiots regard the ship as a living thing like a war horse, without considering how much power they have to invest in the case that the ship itself does not provide natural resonance.

"All of our talent strength is fully invested, is it enough to cover the deck?" Guo Si looked at Li Jue as if he was mentally retarded. After realizing the problem, Guo Si quickly drew a clear line with Li Jue, his eyes showed obvious The color of disgust.

"It shouldn't be a problem to cover the deck. It's a big deal to make it thinner, but this ship!" Fan Chou sang and followed Guo Bang. The previous iron-blood brotherhood is gone at this time. Stupid, resolutely not three people together.

Li Jue's face was pale, and he was also negligent. He forgot that the ship is a dead thing, and there is no way to provide will resonance. If there is no will resonance, then they have to provide all ideal defenses in full, and this is even for the Xiliang iron cavalry. , are impossible.

"Wait, who said that boats are not life?" At this moment, Song Guo, who had been listening silently, suddenly said.

Unlike Wang Fang, Zhang Long, and Wu Xi, Song Guo is not only a captain of the Xiliang Iron Cavalry, but also a celebrity. If this person really wants to say something, he doesn't really want to mix with Li Jue and the others. The rare royalist in Liang cavalry.

Although it sounds outrageous, it is true, but now that Liu Xie is gone, Song Guo has been with Li Jue and others for more than ten years, and it is impossible to get off the ship, so he is habitual in this circle Continue to mess around inside, actually Song Guo doesn't need to wash black materials, he just got used to this atmosphere.

Of course, because Song Guo's ability is mainly knowledge and wisdom, when Song Guo speaks occasionally, Li Jue and others are still willing to give face, especially like Song Guo's rhetorical question now, and Li Jue who is regarded as mentally retarded Provided a way out, of course Li Jue was willing to save face.

Even if Song Guo made a fool of himself and said the wrong thing, it was good news for Li Jue. It was better to have two unlucky children standing in place than to be alone.

"The boat is a dead thing." Wang Fang looked at Song Guo incomprehensibly and said, his expression was almost filled with the words "Why did you go to this muddy water?"

"It doesn't matter whether you die or not. The only thing that matters is talent resonance and talent sharing for mounts." Song Guo waved his hand indifferently and said. Unlike Li Jue and others, as a celebrity, he still has other information channels .

"The problem is that it is impossible for a dead thing to resonate with talent. To resonate with talent, at least it must be able to guide the talent into the opponent's will based on will." Wu Xi frowned and explained. He didn't think Song Guo didn't understand these things, he just It's strange what the other party is thinking.

"This boat is not short of cloud energy, and there is the essence of heaven and earth around it. We can provide energy and blood, so what does this boat lack?" Song Guo looked at Li Jue and the three of them with disdain.

"Lack of will, in fact, this is the biggest difference between living things and dead things, such things as will, belief, and spirit," Guo Bang said casually, but everyone present understood it as he spoke.

"Secret Magic Spirit!" Li Jue and Fan Chou said in unison.

"That's right, this ship has cloud energy, which can absorb the essence of heaven and earth, and we provide energy and blood as a component of it. What is missing is the spirit that integrates these things, and with the spirit, there is a basis for innate resonance " Song Guo said with three points of confidence.

"The secret magic spirit is not a problem for the brothers at all." Li Jue said confidently, slapping his chest.

"Mystic spirits can't withstand our innate resonance of this intensity. The fragile mystical spirits may only be able to withstand the innate resonance of us alone. No, they may not be able to withstand it." Wan Zhen shook his head and said, "Then The thing is too fragile."

"One can't do ten, ten can't do a hundred, and if you can't add it to every corner of this ship." Song Guo said with a pair of powerful confidence. They Xiliang cavalry can't do anything else. , Li Dazhuanfei is definitely a professional.

"No, if it is a whole, there can only be one motivating point." Li Jue shook his head and said, "Superposition can be done, but the secret magic spirit cannot be combined into a large will body, and all of us gather resonance of the will"

It’s not that Li Jue is bragging, the will resonance of their group of people needs to be exchanged for Lu Bu’s Fang Tian Painting Halberd, or Guan Yu’s Qinglong Yanyue Saber. The other spirits have been rectified like this once, and it’s good luck not to be broken. Zhao Yun's two spirits probably couldn't stand it.

"Depressed, I'm stuck at the last step." Guo Si gave up resolutely. He was just looking for fun and didn't like to use his brain. into Guo Si's brain.

"It's gone, it's gone, there's no hope for this matter." Guo Bang said directly, and Li Jue wanted to keep everyone to continue the discussion, but Guo Bang suddenly spoke in such a tone, and Li Jue had nothing to do, he could only do whatever he wanted. Guo Bang drove the others away.

"Aduo, why did you disperse them all of a sudden? What's the matter?" Li Jue said a little unhappily. After so many years of brothers, it's time to understand. Naturally, Guo Si suddenly opened his mouth to drive them away. There must be something wrong. So, but unhappy or unhappy.

"It can be solved by turning the boat into a living thing." Guo Si stunned Li Jue as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Huh?" Fan Chou was also stunned.

"Have you forgotten how Virgilio and the others summoned Nightmare in Rome?" Guo Si looked at Li Jue and asked with a smile.

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