The military formation Zhao Yun mentioned is actually a large-scale suppression of the military formation, and Sima Yi's Jedi Tiantong. The effect of the former is to add a certain weight to all objects in proportion, and the effect of the latter is to eliminate all objects formed by the essence of heaven and earth. special effects.

Both of these are very specific to the shield guards, not to mention Sima Yi. The shield guards' heavy armor, after eliminating the adaptive talent formed by the essence of heaven and earth, even very strong humans cannot May hold on for too long.

As for the latter, if you really want to say it, the effect is actually the same. It also breaks the limit that the soldiers can bear, making the soldiers lose their combat effectiveness quickly due to the limited armor weight.

By the way, Chen Xi was very excited when he suppressed the army formation which was a gravitational formation.

Because gravity can be controlled, many technologies can be transferred and used. The simplest point is that many materials that are difficult to obtain under gravity can be mass-produced without gravity. At least the problem of car beads is no longer a problem. , in the absence of gravity, the beads will be perfect circles.

This is just a very low-level way of use, and there are other things such as escape, acceleration, escape from the planet, outer space platform, etc. When this thing is released, it basically means that the cradle is out of the plan, so Chen Xi did not do any work at that time. specifically ran over.

It turned out that Chen Xi was thinking too much. This thing only increased the weight proportionally, not manipulating gravity.

So this army formation was left idle, but even so, this army formation is also one of the best ways to deal with the shield guards.

As Zhao Yun said, the load of the shield guard is indeed approaching the limit of the soldier, even if there is an overweight adaptation, for the sake of physical defense, the armor of the shield guard is basically rushed to the maximum load. Once the load is increased proportionally, The shield guards will soon lose their combat effectiveness due to too much physical burden. After all, the armor of the shield guards is too heavy.

However, after Chen Xi learned about this army formation and Sima Yi's Jedi Tiantong army formation, in order to avoid this situation, the heavy armor of the shield guards was specially made, and they were all equipped with inner armor.

Although this design reduces the ultimate defense to a certain extent, it also avoids the possibility of being crushed by its own weight.

"There are some effects, but it is unrealistic to completely solve the problem." Zhang Feiweng said in a low voice, "Zi Chuan's way of solving the problem is really beyond our estimation."

"Well, it's true. Shield guards are probably the future direction of development. I might not believe it before, but now I also have this feeling. Although shield guards still have many shortcomings compared with top legions, in terms of scale, After clustering, they have sufficient suppression capabilities against mainstream legions, especially after changing the crossbow." Zhao Yun nodded, acknowledging Zhang Fei's judgment.

"Fortunately, these things don't require us to have a headache, let Guishuang take care of it." Zhang Fei picked up a large bucket of juice and said very boldly.

Guishuang's top elite, even if there is a gap between the Han Dynasty in terms of equipment and strength, they can still withstand the Han Dynasty in local battles.

In fact, it is the legions that are the backbone of the Han and Guizhou battlefields that really affect the battle situation. Lian, it doesn't make much sense to face the shield guard board.

Without the blessing of special talent, even if the inner qi is separated from the body, it is difficult to break the shield of 180 shield guards under the high-intensity cloud of today, and the backbone of Guishuang's inner qi, facing the current shield guards, Probably can only be said to be barely parrying, unable to fight back.

"I originally wanted to use the armor of the shield guards to force Guishuang to develop a special attack mode. In the end, because the shield was too thick, Guishuang could only strengthen the defense and parry." Zhao Yun said dumbfounded, this is the most outrageous incident that has occurred so far one.

Even for this matter, Chen Xi asked Huangfusong and Zhu Jun if they agreed that our shields are thick enough and the armor is hard enough, so that they will force the Guishuang Legion to fully develop shock talent and will talent, which are of no benefit to themselves. Elite talent.

After Guishuang's talents are changed, we can use Changshuiying to blow them all to death. Why did they all click defense in the end, and they have no intention of developing in the direction of offense at all.

Huangfusong and Zhu Jun studied for a long time, and finally believed that Chen Xi made the armor too thick, which made it useless for Guishuang's first talent to develop attack, but only defense.

Just like nuclear bombs, in the original way of war, you click attack, and I click defense to carry it. However, the attack of nuclear bombs is too high, so point defense has lost its meaning. Even if the opponent directly bombs himself, he can take you to death , so in the end everyone clicked on the attack.

The situation of the shield guard is similar to this, the point attack has lost its meaning, and it can't penetrate at all, so it's better to point the fart attack, or point defense, at least it can resist the shield guard for a while longer.

This is why Guishuang soldiers have gradually changed from no armor to cloth armor, rattan armor, bamboo armor, wooden armor, leather armor, etc., and the slightly high-end arms have basically been replaced by scale armor.

Not because of the benevolence of the generals of the Guishuang Empire, but because of the persecution of the Han Dynasty, but they are all defensive, and Guishuang can't solve the problem. Judging from the current situation, all types of defensive talents can be used on the premise of the same level of talent Can't do 180 shield guards.

After the 180 shield guard is refitted, it is almost the ceiling of the defensive arms of the same level. The real plate armor does not suffer any weakening. With a single talent level, any restraint is nonsense for the 180 shield guard.

Concussion strikes, heavy weapon strikes, penetration strikes, and will penetration are all crazy free for 180 shield guards at the single talent level.

In Zhou Yu's words, an adaptive shield guard of 140 is the normal level of talent. With the same level of talent, there are advantages and disadvantages, which belong to the normal level.

After the 160 adaptive shield guard is changed, it is basically among the most advantageous talents at the same talent level, except for a few talents such as Hidden God Sword, Super Speed, Intentional Movement, Infinite Change, etc. This talent has no advantage against other opponents.

As for the 180 shield guards, it is equivalent to a talent level, but to be honest, if the Tibetan god hits it with a sword, it will definitely be broken. How much damage, among the talents that can be transformed by infinite change, I am afraid that only the will piercing can cause damage, but I want to kill...

However, in the current version of 180 shield guards, the 200+ level shield guards born because of the muscle-enhancing needles, this kind of beast does not need any talent smelting, and its own survivability and defense power have reached the vast majority The level of the Janissaries.

But the problem is that 200+ shield guards are also a talent, what does Guishuang think? Guishuang wanted to die.

Let’s just talk about the top group of legions, the elite under the command of Oswin, Brahe, and Kusroy gathered to fight a few battles with the most core legion of the Han army. These people have nothing to fear.

The Battle of the Empire has been fought for so many years, Guishuang still has some real skills, the top is tough, and it is definitely not a problem to rely on the advantages of local combat to block it. Layers of despair.

Zhang Fei and Zhao Yun said a few words with emotion, and then took out the juice and started working again, but at this moment, there was a noisy sound from outside the tent.

"General, the Taiwei has come to order you to attack first and suppress Oswin." Meng Dang sneaked in from outside the tent, bowed when he saw Zhang Fei, and then bowed to Zhao Yun.

"Did that guy Oswin take the initiative?" Zhang Fei rubbed his fingers, made a series of noises, and then said with a little surprise.

Although Zhang Fei is reckless, he can be rough and meticulous, and he has dealt with Oswin many times, so it is clear that Liu Bei asked Zhang Fei to suppress Oswin at this time, which means that Oswin is definitely taking the initiative. It was a bit unexpected.

"You take someone to investigate first." Zhang Fei thought for a moment, and quickly gave Meng Dang an order.

Originally, Zhang Fei, as the front line, should be the first to receive the news that Oswin took the initiative to attack, but Liu Bei sent a group of immortal investigators, and this group of people even went to the vicinity of Balayaga to investigate, so The news is more sensitive than that of Zhang Fei.

However, before Meng Dang could reply, Gao Xiang, Zhao Yun's deputy, had rushed over.

"General, there has been a change in the battle line on Blahe's side. Sima Wei of our army risked his life to cross the river to confirm the opponent's battle line layout. The soldiers under Blahe's command are trying to seize the river beach, and they are suspected of being nailed." Gao Xiang quickly got his scouts desperately to get The information is reported.

"Pile driving? Is it Guishuang's shocking secret technique?" Zhao Yun didn't have much panic about this, and asked with a calm expression, "Wei Ke has ever investigated the location and distribution of the piles?"

This kind of inquiry would be too difficult for normal scouts. This is not something that can be determined by simple investigation. If it is not done, it will have to go deep into the enemy's line.

However, Zhao Yun is still very clear about Wei Jun's strength as the army Sima appointed by Zhao Yun, so that guy is going to be a scout? The way that guy collected information clearly was to forcibly lead people in for on-the-spot investigations, so it was normal behavior to go deep into the enemy's line to obtain information.

"He pulled out a stake and brought it back." Gao Xiang said with a faint twitch in the corner of his eyes.

Unlike most veterans who have limited command ability, Wei Jun is a veteran who fought with Gongsun Zan in the Yellow Turban War, and now he has some command ability to some extent, and combined with his own hard power, he seized a flaw and fought a wave The cavalry raid is still very good.

Therefore, after Wei Jun found out that Brahe's men had finished grabbing the beach and started piling, although he didn't understand what the other party was doing, he took advantage of Brahe's men to divide their troops to go to other places to pierce, and directly took the Guishuang soldiers who were piling away. Give it a chug.

The number of kills is not high, but when Wei Jun charged on horseback and used a vacuum gun, he was very bluffing.

Although there is a problem with the flexibility of this talent, it is difficult to charge up and change directions. In addition, the purely violent vacuum gun does not talk about skills and requires a lot of effort. Without changing his moves, he just went straight, but put aside these shortcomings, and only talk about fighting on the battlefield, Wei Jun is definitely a ruthless person.

To put it bluntly, the vacuum gun is actually a supersonic vacuum shock wave. It has a large attack range, its own vibration and crushing, and its basic quality is not to a certain level. Let alone fighting Wei Jun desperately, it is not even qualified for close quarters.

Throwing a vacuum gun, the physical fitness is not up to standard, as long as it is within the range of the air shock, even if it does not hit directly, the incidental shock will make the opponent dizzy and unstable.

As for being directly hit by a vacuum gun, to be honest, few veterans of the Han army can directly catch this kind of thing with their physical fitness. This is a real killing technique, so Wei Jun doesn't compete with others.

Because without a vacuum gun, Wei Jun belongs to the kind of veterans who only have physical strengthening talent, and the level is not very high, but with a vacuum gun, he will be gone if he can't hide from people. This is also a move. The kind who kneel there and beg people not to die.

But now that the national war is on, Wei Jun naturally has no such scruples. When he rushed over, he used a vacuum gun, and the special effect was like a shot from the body suppressed by the cloudless air. The leading Kshatriya gathered his guards He carried a move with his strength, and then there was a hole the size of a bowl in his chest, and several guards who were close were either blown away or stunned.

The talent of the vacuum gun can be regarded by Huangfusong as the ultimate expression of a certain type of talent, which is enough to show how terrifying this thing is.

With one move, Wei Jun rushed over and swept away two thousand troops in a row. The pale air wave directly stunned a group of people, and then led his men to take advantage of the other direction. Run, there is a large area of ​​Guishuang shooting arrows behind, but it has no effect at all in the face of such a large-scale shock wave.

Just like that, Wei Jun grabbed a Guishuang stake and ran back.

"I'll go back and look at the piles first, to see if Guishuang is doing something wrong again. Brahe moved, and Oswin also moved. It is very likely that it is setting up the battlefield. Guishuang is on the battlefield. The Great Secret Art is indeed very powerful." Zhao Yun got up and said to Zhang Fei.

Since there was a problem on the front line, Zhao Yun thought that he had to go to his defense zone as soon as possible, and Zhang Fei didn't stop him after hearing the words, they all knew which was more important.

However, when Zhao Yun returned, Jia Xu and Fazheng had already taken over the piles that Wei Jun had brought. The Xuanxiang army formation also needs the support of ground piles.

After all, borrowing the mighty power of nature is a correct choice anyway.

"What are you guys doing?" Chen Xi looked at the 30-centimeter-thick, three-meter-long stake carried by Erxiong, which was carved with strange patterns. There are traces of gas etching, and a lot of mud, what?"

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