Zhao Yun and Kailash have fought against each other, so it is very clear that the Great Ashura Jingqi is actually very similar to the Red Blood Cavalry, the core is killing and absorbing, but the Great Asura Jingqi is filtered by gods and Buddhas, and loses the ability of shadow soldiers. Greatly strengthened itself.

As Zhao Yun, who has experienced more wars, he is more aware of the positioning of Yuyang Tuqi to pursue, intersperse, and harass. Unfortunately, the hilly terrain here is relatively restrictive, and Yuyang Tuqi has no way to use super high speed like Baima Yicong. Maneuvering, in the midst of frequent interspersed harassment, it is inevitable that the opponent will seize the opportunity to block it.

Switching to plain terrain, Yuyang Tuqi relies on short-to-medium range suppression and high mobility, which is enough to make Kailash sick, but this environment is not necessarily the case now.

"Li Tiao, I'll leave it to you to roam around and investigate." Zhao Yun greeted Li Tiao.

Then without waiting for Li Tiao's reply, Zhao Yun rushed towards Guishuang's cavalry. Zhang Zhu and Gao Xiang behind him led the headquarters to naturally split into two cavalry teams, like two extended wings or a trident. He rushed straight towards Guishuang.

The two wings spread out seemed to encircle Kailash and Urdu's headquarters collectively. Urdu's eyes turned cold at this. He acknowledged Zhao Yun's individual strength, but he was only a red blood cavalry. Hitting Kailash is okay, hitting him Urdu, what a joke!

However, before Urdu's thoughts became clear, he saw wisps of blue-white internal energy emerging from the leader of the opposite side, Zhao Yun, relying on Zhao Yun's legion talent, penetrating into the bodies of all soldiers. But he made his previous delusion come true.

I, Zhao Yun, have an internal energy equivalent to thirty qi-breaking boundaries, and at least two hundred qi-cultivation internal qi separate from the body. The horror background of praise only needs one chance to realize it, and it can be surpassed.

For example, now, under the special structure of the army formation, Zhao Yun's internal energy and the internal energy of the soldiers have been connected, and the internal energy of the soldiers is basically soaring, even if the battle under the cloud cannot show the cultivation of internal energy, but The temporarily boosted internal energy greatly increased the multiplier of the basic quality.

I, Zhao Yun, will show you today that an entire legion has five times as many internal qi condensed soldiers, even if they don't have the talent to smelt, they can kill you!

The red blood cavalry under Zhao Yun's command did not show blood, and when the blue and silver colors began to appear, Urdu felt that the situation was not good. When the whole army was penetrated by the army formation and received the blessing of Zhao Yun's inner energy, the basic quality was forcibly pulled up At that time, Urdu's expression became much gloomy.

Zhao Yun's method is very simple, but it is because of its simplicity that it is even more shocking.

Mankind will be amazed at the sublimeness of your technique if it is too sublime.

For example, nuclear fusion technology, whether it is magnetic confinement or inertial confinement, is not as shocking as hand rubbing. The former is a technical idea, while the latter is a powerful flying brick. If you really want to say it is terrible, of course the latter is even more terrifying!

Urdu is also facing the same situation. Zhao Yun’s method is too simple and too rough, just like how to stuff an elephant into a refrigerator. Zhao Yun really managed to open the door, stuff it in, and close the door. I just have a lot of internal energy, I am the source of energy...

Such a frenzied behavior made Ur's scalp tingle, who knew what it meant. What's worse, the way to crack this kind of military formation is very simple, but it is precisely because he can see through it at a glance that it makes people desperate and crushes Zhao Yun. The energy source disappears, and the legion is useless!

But the problem is, that's Zhao Yun!

"Can human beings really reach this level?" Urdu looked at Zhao Yun, who took the lead and stood out very clearly among tens of thousands of people, and had doubts from the bottom of his heart.

Similarly, Kailash, who was still a little unconvinced, immediately suppressed the idea of ​​having a chance to steal Zhao Yun's hand when he saw this scene. Although everyone is Qi Breaker, it is obviously not a creature. Is it such a thing to use one's own internal energy to increase the basic quality ratio of Yaqian headquarters? Don't say you've seen it, you haven't heard it.

"This is going to be troublesome, an unprecedented new road." Urdu was obviously smiling, but his expression was extremely ferocious.

It doesn't mean anything else. Before today, there were only a few ways to improve the legion, either to strengthen the quality of the soldiers, or to strengthen the will of the soldiers, or to strengthen the ability of the soldiers to control the outside world. The core is a spirit Three improvements.

However, Zhao Yun's approach this time broke the conventional rule that the general should strengthen the strength of his soldiers.

While Urdu was still carefully observing to determine how much improvement this change would have, and whether it could be counted as an addition to the dual talents, Kailash had already rushed forward.

When I become stronger, I become stronger. It seems that I have not become stronger. I, Kailash, am the great Asura!

Facing the big Ashura Jingqi rushing over, Zhao Yun didn't even change his expression, and continued to release his own power. The legion's talent unfolded, and the whole army entered a calm state. The soldiers under his command naturally recalled the various marksmanship simplified from Zhao Yun. , and various fighting techniques.

Even with the blessing of Zhao Yun's talent, he could memorize these things, but it is difficult to use the skills that are too high-end based on the foundation of ordinary soldiers.

However, the situation this time is completely different. Through Xu Shu's special army formation, they have achieved the condensing of internal energy, and have the foundation to carry Zhao Yun's internal energy. These low-level skills can finally play their due effect.

Smelting? With just that much time, can Zhao Yun's Red Blood Cavalry be able to smelt fury, or can it smelt killing absorption? Is it true that all the soldiers under his command are the same as Jiang Guang and Zhao Ying?

So from the first day of Tianchang, Zhao Yun realized that the road of the imperial guards is very long, but there is no place to carry himself on this road.

Spend five years building a Red Blood Cavalry Imperial Guard? Not to mention whether it can be achieved, even if it can be achieved, it will be a loss for Zhao Yun, not to mention that as long as the war continues, the Imperial Guard will inevitably lose. In the end, it is basically impossible for the entire army of Red Blood Cavalry to maintain the Imperial Guard.

Since the entire army cannot maintain the Imperial Guard, it is not a fool's job to try every means and spend a lot of time on smelting? It's not that Zhao Yun can't do it, but that it's not worth it.

It was also on the day when the sky changed that Zhao Yun finally understood what Huangfusong said, when you really reach that point, you will naturally understand what the road ahead is not what the seniors told you, but your own way.

That's right, isn't the so-called Imperial Guard that Zhao Yun has explored his own way to strengthen the basic quality, master the talent thoroughly, and turn it into instinct?

Then I will directly provide the inner qi to the red blood cavalry under my command, and use the inner qi to pry the quality foundation to bring a multiplier bonus, and use the legion talent to simulate my skills.

Even if these skills are not as good as innate instincts, they actually draw the essence of the world, just like talents. Isn't the so-called skills that stop at Tao and various secret techniques just like this?

Of course, it can also be concluded from this that almost all talents, secret techniques, and military formations that use the essence of heaven and earth are similar in nature, only the difference in depth and breadth of participation.

Zhao Yun confirmed this from Han Xin, and Jiang Qin has proved that the inheritance of internal energy separation experience, combat skills, and instinct can indeed greatly increase the strength of soldiers, even if soldiers cannot fully inherit, as long as they are matched, they can Greatly enhance the combat effectiveness of soldiers.

Although it is indeed a tragedy to be torn apart by Arvinde's headquarters, in any case, Jiang Qin's personal guards have indeed proved that this road is comparable to smelting, as long as it can solve the problem of will, and Zhao Yun's red blood Cavalry itself is an elite soldier in a hundred battles, and there is no problem of will.

Therefore, you only need to reflect your own combat skills and pass them on to the soldiers. This is very difficult, but Zhao Yun's army talent is calm, enough for the soldiers to record with a stable mind, and the efficiency is very high. The transfer of skills only took a few months It's finished.

However, the transmission of combat skills did not reach the level Zhao Yun expected. Without the corresponding experience and instincts, this skill could not be used to the level it should be with the strength of soldiers, resulting in half a year of hard work becoming a bit of a failure. Yes, but it didn't work.

So Zhao Yun began to explain the experience of passing on, and finally found that his experience at the level of inner qi condensing was completely useless to the soldiers. How to say the experience, the soldiers do not understand at all.

This is also why in the Central Plains, the coaches of the counties and states are all at the level of people who can barely be regarded as people, not those guys who are completely detached from people.

Zhao Yun felt helpless about this, and finally confirmed through exchanges with Jia Xu, Fazheng and others that his experience, for ordinary soldiers, needs to be at least five times stronger at the same level to be useful.

What does it mean to be five times stronger than inner qi? Under the cloudless atmosphere, neither side has smelting, and on the premise that the physical fitness is exactly the same, the cultivation of qi to become gangster is only about ten times that of inner qi condensing, five times this level, for normal people, it exceeds the peak level of inner qi condensing up.

In other words, it is impossible for ordinary soldiers to reach this level. Only by practicing Qi Chenggang can they reluctantly accept Zhao Yun's simplified skills and experience.

This left Zhao Yun with nothing to say, let's find a way to strengthen the basic quality. The plan of sharing one's inner energy with the soldiers that he had fantasized about was once again put on the table.

With the help of Jia Xu, the plan to share Zhao Yun's mighty internal energy with the soldiers was completed relying on the solidified army formation, but a new problem emerged. These internal energy are foreign objects, and soldiers without internal energy have a very limited carrying capacity It cannot be used as a consumable to enhance one's own combat effectiveness.

Before completing the rendering of the body by the essence of heaven and earth, the physical fitness of warriors at all levels has not changed too much. The physical fitness of practicing Qi Chenggang is several times stronger than that of inner Qi. That is because of the blessing of inner Qi , Practicing Qi Chenggang under the cloud still has a quality that greatly surpasses the quality of inner qi condensation. To put it bluntly, it is also because of the strengthening of inner qi.

Although it is impossible to use the gang qi further, and the flow of inner qi in the body is also suppressed, the blessing at the cellular level still exists, and this is also the meaning of inner qi cultivation.

This is also the reason why when the physical fitness is exactly the same, the higher the internal qi cultivation level, the stronger the physical fitness will be, and this is the basis for Zhao Yun to improve the physical fitness of the entire army.

It's a pity that at least half of the red blood cavalry at that time were miscellaneous fish that induced qi into their bodies. Soldiers of this level endured ten times as much external and internal qi as their own body under the cloud qi. As long as Zhao Yun let go of the restraint, let alone those soldiers If it is used, I am afraid that even fighting the enemy will be a problem.

After all, all internal qi contains individual will. How can a soldier who has not even entered the threshold of internal qi condense use this internal qi.

So Zhao Yun's legion strengthening plan was stuck at this step. It wasn't until Xu Shu broke the concept of the gods and Buddhas, and Zhao Yun had the ability to reverse-manufacture and train qi into gangs, that the road became clearer day by day. When Xu Shu started pumping the gods and Buddhas When the original inner energy was produced and condensed on a large scale, Zhao Yun really walked on the broad road.

With the inner qi condensed soldiers who can carry their own inner qi, and the soldiers have a strong enough foundation to use the skills taught by Zhao Yun, so what if they are not the imperial guards!

The only flaw is that after Zhao Yun left, these soldiers were immediately beaten back to their original shape, but is this a problem? It's not a problem at all, the Han Dynasty Legion has never been like this.

If you really want to talk about the problem, it is probably that there is no smelting, and the soldiers are not cool enough to return home after retiring from the army. However, the inner energy blessing brought by Zhao Yun's road can make the soldiers understand higher-level martial arts in advance, which is good for the improvement of individual strength. In short, there are advantages and disadvantages. Anyway, the soldiers of the Red Blood Cavalry feel very comfortable. What kind of Imperial Guard is not important at all.

The violent talent was pushed to the limit. Facing the oncoming Great Asura Jingqi, Zhao Yun's soldiers shook their spears indifferently, and brought the sonic hammer to the opposite side.

This hand-shaking gun should have been practiced for ten years in the hands of soldiers with insufficient talent and basic quality, but Zhao Yun's experience transmission and quality bonus are fully displayed at this moment.

Kailash dodged the gun head, but was hit by the gun barrel, and even the armor was dented. The great Asura Jingqi who fell off the horse, his heart sank. What kind of talent is this? Bash? The crit talent isn't quite as flexible.

[Could it be that in addition to sharing internal energy, the soldiers even shared Zhao Yun's combat experience and skills, this is too nonsense. ] Kailash stabbed straight, and the red blood cavalry on the opposite side actually tried to parry. The action was very standard. If Kailash did not break the boundary, but cultivated Qi into a gang, he would definitely succeed in parrying. This scene made Kailash scalp Numb.

He, Kailash, made a breakthrough, and he was able to parry with a straight blow to the opposite side. Even if the parry failed, the standard of this action was like he had been immersed in marksmanship for more than ten years, which was too evil.

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