Wu Ban looked coldly at the scene where Guishuang was mobilized again, and while commanding the soldiers to fill the crossbow spears, he mobilized the standard shield guards. As for Labrilly, Meng Huo was naturally there to deal with it, two hundred paces away. After using the armor-piercing spear to pierce through, the power will drop, okay, let's hit it closer!

"Prepare the crossbow spear." Wu Ban commanded the soldiers with a calm expression, and watched as the Guishuang soldiers approached a hundred steps under the inexplicable blessing of Yan Lipu. Originally, this distance should be the distance of the last wave of strikes by the crossbow machine shield guards. , but Wu Ban gave up shooting at the current distance.

"Fifty steps, thirty steps..." Wu Ban adjusted his mentality, and Guishuang's 60,000 to 70,000 infantry rushed over on a large scale. Even in Wu Ban's position, he could feel the feeling of the earthquake, But even so, Wu Ban suppressed the urgency in his heart.

To be honest, thanks to the fact that Wu Ban led the shield guards, if they were replaced by other arms, even the elite dual talents, or even the imperial guards, might have some control over such a large army charging forward with vigor. Can't stop the adrenaline rush.

But the shield guards are different, although Chen Xi often complains that the basic units he created are used by this group of generals every day to do some jobs that normal legions can't take over.

What are the three talents of encircling and annihilating, to withstand the opponent's main force to bombard and kill, in short, the shield guards have endured countless weights that should not have been borne by them in Chen Xi's impression.

But think carefully about Chen Xi's positioning of the shield guards to fight against large-scale, ultra-large-scale opponents' regular army's blocking front, this is not a job that normal arms can take over.

Therefore, no matter what kind of usage it is, the shield guards are really used to rushing in such a large-scale enemy charge. Anyway, they can’t kill Dad when they rush over. I am now 160 catties, and the total armor weight is 180, which is 140 catties more than before. It's more resistant to beating when I'm young, I'm afraid of a fart!

Muscle-enhancing acupuncture plus normal nutritional supplements allowed the soldiers of the Han army to successfully grow to a relatively standard height and weight for later generations, that is, about 140 catties and a height of about 1.75 meters.

Afterwards, based on this height and weight, selection was made, so that the shield guards in the main battle basically kept a weight of 160, and the use of 180-jin armor was not a big problem.

This level of armor, for most dual-talent legions, is not too fatal as long as they don't get hit in the neck.

As for hitting the neck, Chen Xi has no good solution.

The neck guard Chen Xi is equipped, but no matter how good the neck guard is, it can't withstand the bone hit, but other positions are hit by heavy weapons. As long as the shield guards know how to parry, at most it will be miserable, with rough skin and thick flesh. Fight back if there is nothing wrong with it, but if you hit the neck, there is really nothing you can do.

In fact, for most opponents who can hit the opponent's neck with a shot in the chaotic battlefield, the defensive significance of the neck guard is really not great, but this requires a huge gap between the two sides in all aspects. Don't even think about the same level, at least dual talents Normal people among the soldiers absolutely cannot guarantee that they can achieve this level when facing ordinary soldiers.

You must know that the main attack range of battlefield killing skills is the abdominal cavity, and the spine of the neck can easily dull the blade. On the contrary, the abdomen is easier to strike, and the attack surface is larger, which is more suitable for strikes.

However, the shield guards have shields, and it is actually quite easy to parry, even if they are afraid of being besieged with long-handled weapons, but that is the case of scattered shield guards facing several Guishuang soldiers. They are very confident.

Especially the kind of solid dual-talented shield guards, with a scale of one thousand, they are basically not afraid of the opponent's large-scale siege of themselves. Anyway, they will definitely be able to hold on. If you hit too much, you will develop resistance, so I'm afraid of a fart!

Therefore, in the face of the aggressive momentum of 60,000 to 70,000 people, the shield guards did not blink. There is nothing to be afraid of. We have seen larger-scale ones back then, and that's it!

"Fire the arrow!" As the soldiers of Guishuang stepped into the thirty-step boundary, the colorful flag used by Wu Ban's command fell directly to the ground. This was the last shot, and the order to throw away the crossbow after shooting.

The 14,000 rounds of spears shot out straight. This time, the shield of the chariot had lost its defensive ability. Some of Wu Yi's custom-made etched crossbow spears directly hit the shield of the chariot on the spot. Exploding, while the ordinary armor-piercing spear easily tore through the thick shield of the car.

Thousands of soldiers pushing the chariot were directly hit by the armor-piercing spears. At such a distance, even if the shield was pierced, the remaining power was enough to instantly tear the armor of the Guishuang soldiers, and then beat the Guishuang soldiers on the spot. This is the crossbow machine. At the current distance, it is a terrifying weapon that is enough to smash the opponent into pieces.

Guishuang's morale plummeted. Even though there were less than 20 steps left at this time, the Guishuang soldiers who charged at the front watched helplessly as their comrade-in-arms who was pushing the strongest defensive weapon in front of him was blown to pieces, and then the Han Dynasty shot The spears that came out pierced their feet, and the blood splashed over made their steps countless times heavier in an instant.

"Kill!" Yan Han's banner was raised high, Wu Ban had dropped the crossbow machine, picked up the shield from the ground, and the shield guards with crossbow spears launched an attack towards the front. If you don't want to fight, we still want to fight. Fighting, who is afraid of whom! The title promotion is today!

However, the situation this time reminded Wu Ban that there is still room for improvement in the shields used by the shield guards of the Han army. The shield can be inserted directly into the ground.

Although the shield used in this way cannot block the blow of the crossbow, but in the face of ordinary arrows, it is not a problem for the crossbow shield guard used on the top of the shield to make a guest appearance as a fortress. This is not to survive Strength has survivability, but is lethality have lethality?

The only problem is that the steel consumption is high, but this is not a big problem. Zhou Yu dumped high-grade iron ore at a low price. All the big families know, so the real difficulty is only the blast furnace construction, which mainly depends on metaphysics ah! The more you do, the more you will succeed...

As for how much this is, it depends on the mentality of each company.

After throwing away the crossbow, the shield guard picked up his shield from the ground, and instantly felt like a shield guard. Compared with using the crossbow, most shield guards still feel that the shield is more comfortable to use. It's been a long time, and I'm used to it.

After picking up the shields, the shield guards in the front row rushed towards the Guishuang soldiers opposite with shields in one hand and crossbow spears in the other. Yan Lipu tried his best to awaken the soldiers' faith at this time, pulling the soldiers away in the form of a centurion. Blockade against Shield Guard pawns.

As for Brahe, he looked at the shield guards who dropped the crossbow directly and rushed over with their shields, especially some crossbow shield guards really didn't like to use crossbows, they were just caught to make up for it , When throwing the crossbow, there is no bending at all, just like throwing garbage.

This kind of behavior made Brahe extremely angry. The weapons they tried their best to manufacture were easily thrown away like garbage in the Han room. However, this anger only lasted for a moment, and Brahe commanded Guishuang's army to try to block the shield guard's front.

Although counting the last wave of armor-piercing spear strikes, Guishuang did not mention the wounded, the loss may be around 4,000, but this level of loss is still affordable for Brahe, let alone Yan Lipu's mental image was clear, and the soldiers on the front line were not directly defeated.

But the front line has not yet been defeated, and the soldiers in the middle and rear waves will naturally continue to charge forward, and then they only need to contain the offensive of the Han soldiers.

It's just that the Han army's practice of throwing away the crossbow and replacing it with a shield is completely beyond Brahe's estimation. Although they also saw the behavior of the Han army's shield guards parrying before, Brahe and others did not equip the crossbow and shield guards with shields at all. On the one hand, after thinking about it, it turned out that when the crossbow machine shield guard picked up the shield, Brahe's pressure increased sharply.

After all, Brahe's plan before was to rush to the shield guards of the Han army holding crossbows at the cost of losses, and use Guduo to knock the group of guys without shields to death. No shields, only the Han army with crossbows?

As a result, the group of shield guards dropped the crossbow machine, picked up the shield, picked up the crossbow spear and directly transformed into a standard shield guard. Good containment of Shield Guard pawns is a problem.

But when things got to this point, it was impossible for Brahe to give up. If he dared to come, he was mentally prepared. Although the Han army was ridiculously strong, he was not a vegetarian.

"Helilach, activate the secret technique of Tianyin!" Brahe greeted Helilach while commanding Carano to rush towards the right wing of the Han army.

Different from the secret technique estimated by Chen Xi and others to take the time to warm up, the secret technique used by Brahe's Guishuang soldiers surprised the entire Han army.

There is no special light and shadow effect, nor any special suppression effect, just a pleasant music, and the battle line of Guishuang soldiers suddenly changed.

The most obvious of these is the change of the clouds. The scattered clouds of the Guishuang Legion have become much more regular with the sound of this song, which has brought about a more powerful suppressing ability, and this cloud suppressing ability, It is the effect of the legion's organizational strength, which belongs to the ability to target the enemy, rather than a universal and comprehensive suppression.

This is the result of Helilach's research over the years.

Rahul defeated Yan Yan and others, and captured Xu Jing. Although Xu Jing only gave a part of the analysis of the epic ballads, there is a big gap between yes and no. Without this thing, Guishuang would not be able to study it if he wanted to. And with this thing, Guishuang will be able to produce results sooner or later.

Helilah was also under Rahul's command at the time, so he naturally had the opportunity to come into contact with this thing. Compared with others who can only analyze it from the rhythm, Helilah went a step further. His glory in the world, in essence , itself is eclectic, normalized and so on.

The way Slavic epic ballads endow the Slavs with organizational power is actually to use music to constrain the behavior of the Slavs, so that their behavior tends to be as consistent as possible.

In fact, whether it is the splendor of Helilach or the Slavic epic ballads, they are essentially the same in terms of consistency. At most, Helilach did not have this cognition before, and he never thought that he could use it in this way. His own glory.

After all, there is still a considerable distance between possessing the Avatar and using the Avatar. The Slavic epic ballads gave Helilach a direction, and as a manifestation of the spiritual talent (Avatar) of converging into one , one direction is enough.

Miaoyin Tiannv, the god of Indian music, the confluence added by the glory of the world, the connection between gods and Buddhas from the same source, driven by this specific music, the Guishuang soldiers under different visualizations of gods and Buddhas Synergy is finally back to normal levels.

This is the secret technique prepared by Helilach. Compared with other secret techniques that weaken the ability in the same direction, the Han Dynasty who cannot understand the emotions and thoughts in this song cannot enjoy this kind of blessing. The feelings and thoughts of the song, not to mention whether the Han Dynasty can do it, even if it can be done, it will not bring blessings. The organizational strength of the Han army is at a normal level.

"Sure enough, even if I knew about such a day long ago, I didn't expect this day to come so soon." Xu Shu looked at the increasingly dense cloud structure in the sky, and his expression became more serious. "Guishuang has completed the analysis of the Slavic epic ballad, Created their own military songs to restrain the legion and improve organizational power."

"After so many years, if we still can't complete it, then so many people will be blinded for nothing." Yu Jin said calmly, "We have already estimated this situation. It's not that we and Rome can't analyze the Slavic epic ballads, but the meaning is different. Big, this thing only has practical significance for legions with low organizational strength."

"To be honest, thanks to Guishuang's lack of chariots, if they can use a large number of chariots at this time, the first-line shield guards may not be able to withstand it. This secret technique is much better than those fancy things." Xu Shu heard Yu Jin's words , silent for a while and nodded.

"Let Meng Huo chase him out and strangle Lebrile." Yu Banqi commanded, and then said to Xu Shu, "A chariot without cattle can't run wildly, and the live cattle on Guishuang's side are all dead." It's a holy object, Rahul may be able to do it with his status, Brah, hmph!"

At this time, Guishuang's front-line commander has become Yan Lipu, relying on the strengthening of belief brought by the mental image, he bites the shield guard tightly.

Helan, who was originally the first-line commander, had already been carried down. He encountered the same situation as Wu Yi. Although Helan was stronger in terms of strength, what Helan encountered was an armor-piercing spear that pierced through the shield of the chariot. After that, Helan was still pierced.

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