This is not a joke. If Kousroin strengthens the organizational power of those fronts pierced by the Han army at this time, it can be done with the current combat method of the Han army, but the breakthrough efficiency of the Han army will be further improved.

Of course, the current damage of the Guishuang soldiers will be further reduced, but from a strategic point of view, this is definitely a failed strategy, because the Guishuang soldiers who rely on this method will be forced to attack after receiving the information from the center line. give up.

On the contrary, although the current loss is larger, relying on the size of the force to fight the loss and drag the pace of the Han army's assault, strategically speaking, it is indeed one of the best choices.

"Kusroin, if I lead the team to block the Han army, you will lose too much if you don't restore the organizational strength of the frontline soldiers and forcibly entangle the tail left by the Han army's breakthrough." Sha Rukh led Watching the situation in the middle camp where Kusroin was, he said with a dull look as the new army that was carefully selected from the battalion of dead soldiers and merged with the scimitar assaulters came.

Although this guy is of pure Dalit background, totally illiterate, and does not know the art of war, but after going through so many battles, even if Sha Rukh has not been trained by a professional class, he still knows how to fight on the battlefield. Facing the enemy correctly.

Obviously, in Sha Rukh's eyes, Kushroin's response method was incorrect. There is no way to use the split army to delay the enemy's advancing speed. Isn't this a mess?

"The combat thinking of the Han army is also wrong. The conventional combat thinking should be to destroy the enemy army on the largest scale after breaking the front line, but after the Han army breaks the front line, they quickly attack inward. This is not a normal combat thinking. "Kousroin answered directly.

After hearing this, Sha Rukh was stunned. He is a player who relies on experience and instinct to fight. He actually didn’t think about many things. After Kusroin explained it, Sha Rukh recalled it, yes, ordinarily After killing through the opponent's front line, it is time to enter the next stage, return to the cage to encircle and suppress, and strangle the enemy with the greatest efficiency.

"Yes, your consideration is correct. The Han army is indeed out of line." Sha Rukh changed sides on the spot, saying that what Kousroin said was right, and he supported Kushroin.

Nayin almost became stupid when he saw this scene. He brought Shah Rukh here because he felt that there was something wrong with Kushroin's command, and hoped that Shah Rukh would point it out instead. Sha Rukh fell directly to Kusroin.

At this time, Nayin could only ask, "Could it be that the Han army deliberately used this to lure us?"

"No, I am also calculating the losses. Although it is not very accurate, the losses of the Han army in such a battle are greater than the losses in a normal fight with us. The strength of the Han army is limited, so it is not necessary." Hui replied, continuing to command the collapsed Central Guard Army to entangle the tail left over from the Han army's strong breakthrough.

For Kusroin, it doesn't matter what kind of style of play, what kind of tactics and strategies are. What he considers is very realistic, which is to effectively kill the vital forces of the Han Dynasty and prevent any strategic and tactical goals that the Han army wants to achieve.

As for the long-term plan, Kushroin no longer has it. It used to be for Dalit, but now it is no longer needed, because no matter whether he wins or loses, as long as Kushroin tries his best to fight, there will be a very good result for Dalit.

He won by himself, and he devoted his allegiance to King Vesudeva I who was loyal to Rahul. In this era of turbulent reorganization of the Brahmin class, Dalits will naturally have a good end.

I lost, but as long as I show enough strength on the battlefield, the Dalits of Kunwu Kingdom will naturally be treated kindly. Of course, if I must fail, Kusroin actually hopes that I will die in the Dalits of Kunwu Kingdom. In Lite's hands, Dalit and Guishuang in Kunwu Kingdom will completely split up and solve the problem from the root.

Therefore, Kusroin does not make any long-term plans for the battle with the Han army, but only executes the orders issued by the higher-ups, and then combines reality to complete it. What a big dream, since I met Dalit- After the Chola Dynasty, it was broken.

"Under such circumstances, can you still count the losses of the Han army?" Nayin was immediately paralyzed, how could such a thing be done.

"It's not very accurate, but there are indeed statistics. Since I can command the soldiers to strangle certain positions, I will naturally judge the situation of those positions, and estimate the loss of the Han army according to the changes in the front line." Ku Siluoyin He said calmly, "Although our losses have already exceeded a reorganized army, the losses of the Han army are not small."

This is a fact. Guishuang’s casualties have exceeded 5,000 in this short period of time, and most of them have already died in battle by default, but the casualties of the Han army also exceeded 2,500. is a failure.

Although fighting Guishuang is not as easy as fighting other barbarians, the overall battle loss ratio on the battlefield is actually at the level of one to three.

This is also the reason why the Han army must prepare a servant army. Without the servant army, the battle loss ratio of one to three is really unsustainable.

Of course, this one-to-three level includes the strangulation between the conventional dual talents and the Guishuang dual talents in the Han army before Tianchang. At that time, there were no shield guards. Even if the Han army was strong at the level of dual talents, Not so ridiculously strong.

Now that there are shield guards, and Guishuang's dual talents have dropped to single talents on a large scale after the change of heaven, the Han army's main battlefield advantage is much more obvious than before.

Therefore, in this case, the one-to-two loss of the Han army and Guishuang can basically be regarded as a failed war. Even if half of the Han army's loss can be rescued, only a part of Guishuang can be rescued. The death ratio returned to about one to three, which was also the result of failure for Guan Yu.

However, under the result of this failure, Guan Yu continued to strangle without any hesitation, so Kusroin couldn't help thinking about Guan Yu's real purpose.

"Sha Rukh, you lead the team to block the Han army breaking through from the right battalion for a period of time, don't get entangled, fight and retreat, I will command the archers to provide you with cover." Kusi Luoyin shrinks the front of the middle battalion again, The positions of the front battalion and the central guard army were increased to penetrate the legion's entanglement with the Han army, and then commanded Sha Rukh to stop Liao Hua, who was leading the team from the right battalion.

"Then I go to Zuoying?" Nayin asked after Sha Rukh left.

"No, in case there is an accident later, you and Sha Rukh need to perform cross-covering. The bad feeling in my heart is getting more and more serious." The army broke through the front battalion, the right battalion, and the left battalion regardless of casualties, and the bad feeling in Kusroin's heart aggravated a lot.

"Abandon the left battalion, let the soldiers of the left battalion retreat to the rear battalion and the middle battalion respectively, and concentrate their forces." Kusi Luoyin looked at the left battalion torn apart by the elite headquarters led by Liao Hua, and after hesitating for a while, he still ordered to abandon the left battalion .

It's not that there are no extra legions to rescue, but Kusroin began to think about whether there was a problem that made the Han army so urgent.

"Order Gals to guard the sidelines of the rear camp, and strengthen the protection of the joint between the middle camp and the rear camp." After Kusroin abandoned the left camp, he thought about ordering his own orderly to notify Gals who was guarding the rear camp, "Nare Shi retreated to the back camp, let the secret arts room adjust the secret arts, prepare the final line of defense, and let Miranda get ready to attack."

Just when Kousroin gave the order, Miranda, who was deployed at the back of the center camp, had already killed himself. After the left camp was abandoned, Miranda's department near the left had already encountered the attack of Liao Hua's headquarters. Da started to fight back on the spot.

Relying on the powerful assault force brought by the concentration of forces, Miranda covered the soldiers of the left battalion to retreat quickly when he had the advantage of troops, and he himself also retreated directly to the core of the middle battalion, and handed over the flank front to the lieutenant general. He had something to say Ask Kushroin.

"General, why did the left battalion suddenly give up? Our soldiers can still fight. The quick abandonment of the left battalion caused me to arrange the center battalion near the flank, which has not been completed yet. This is completely inconsistent with our previous plan. "Although Miranda said he was angry, he generally showed respect for Kousroin because he recognized Kushroin's ability.

"The tactic of the Han army is to pierce the front line internally, but it does not carry out follow-up strangulation. It is not a conventional tactic. Our army has encountered such attacks except for the middle camp and the rear camp. The opponent is breaking through regardless of losses. I don’t understand the opponent’s tactical thinking.” Kusroin said bluntly, “Empty the left battalion and counterattack in the middle battalion to reduce the contact surface.”

"Okay!" Miranda listened to Kusroin's explanation. Although she still had a lot of doubts, she could understand the situation in general. She decisively took her bodyguards and rushed to the right.

"Miranda, don't go deep into the enemy's line, don't counterattack, it's not good to fight, you can trade the front line for time, don't give the Han army a chance to pierce the front line." Kusi Luoyin ordered Miranda, Miranda only replied Okay, let's quickly lead the team to the left side of the central army.

"Nayin, go cover the retreat of the remnants of Pasa and Vikas." Kusroin ordered Nayin, "Be prepared for a frontal battle, the Han army is very strong, although your Nemesis visualization is very strong , but be mentally prepared for the effects to be far less than normal."

"I've been mentally prepared for a long time. It's never the visualization, but myself." After Nayin finished speaking, he rushed forward with the elite of his headquarters.

"What's the problem? The Han army's way of fighting is completely wrong." Kusroin looked at the elite Han army who tried their best to strangle Vikas, Pasa, and Uriel, with an unusually dignified expression. , don't look at him being very calm, but falling into this incomprehensible situation is not as easy as he said before.

"What?" Gals from the back camp looked at Yan Lipu, who didn't even have time to wipe off the blood stains, and was stunned, "How is that possible!"

"I also want to ask how it's possible!" Yan Lipu said in a desperate tone. When he took over the Boluoyejia defense line, he was mentally prepared to take responsibility and even die in battle. However, he still If there is no time to take responsibility, the city will be gone.

"Sure enough, did the Han army even receive the information earlier than we did?" Gals said with a bit of a breakdown. Now if he doesn't understand why the Han army suddenly made a big move, then he is a fool. Gals is also experienced in many battles. Veteran general, how could he not understand after everything is like this.

"They may have notified the North-South Line when they were forbidden to win the field battle." Yan Lipu said with a bit of sigh, "I did it at the fastest speed after I left the city after Boluoyega was captured. I ran here only because of the cloud cover, this is already my fastest speed."

"I asked someone to notify Kusroin. Before, I thought Kusroin's command was a bit strange. Now it seems that he may have some bad predictions, but even so..." Gals looked at the man who had been captured by the Han army. The front battalion and the right battalion were separated, and the left battalion had already collapsed. If they choose to retreat, 90% of these people will be forced to give up.

This is because Kusroin had a feeling in his heart before, and he has been working hard to entangle the sluggish Han army. He did not fight against the Han army, and heaped losses. To such an extent, if Kusroin wanted to retreat, he was afraid that he would lose more than 70% of the troops on the entire northern front, and the loss would be too great.

The Han army killed three or four thousand people in battle, and the number of kills and prisoners could reach about 70,000.

It is basically impossible to have the opportunity to kill Guishuang's young and strong like Zhang Liao mowed the grass back then. In the battle between the Han army and Guishuang, the conventional battle loss ratio is difficult to reproduce even with shield guards. More than one to five.

Regardless of the fact that there are many veterans in the Han army, Guishuang has been fighting for so many years, and the backbone is not dead. Tian Ji's horse racing incidents continue to happen on the battlefield.

To put it too bluntly, the elite backbone infiltration plan implemented by Brahe at that time, despite the fact that the immortal veterans made a lot of achievements, but when Li Jue and others touched the camp of the Han army, those veterans reflexively thought it was the elite of Guishuang Scouts, what does this mean, it goes without saying, if you really don't have any problems, would you think so?

In fact, at the beginning Liu Bei mobilized the elite backbone among the veterans to carry out scouting battles. Wasn’t it because the early scouting battles were defeated by the Han army, and dozens of people were killed in one day? .

If we really want to continue, after Brahe has counted the losses of the elite scouts, it is time to go to the secret team that specializes in hunting and killing individual elites. In scout battles, it is difficult for scouts who do not wear heavy armor to beat them. This is an elite team that specializes in hunting and killing individuals.

Therefore, if Guan Yu makes it like this, then the loss of personnel on the northern line may be more than that on the central line, but the question is how much the Han army lost on the central line and how much was lost on the northern line?

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