Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 4176 Inside and outside

"The only thing to worry about is that after the industry moves here, the accuracy of the products will definitely be a big problem within one or two years." Chen Xi said helplessly.

Without Qin Shihuang's India, there is no way to complete the unification of various details.

Even in the era of Chen Xi, in essence, it was also the dividend of Qin Shihuang, who had the same book, same language, and unified weights and measures.

The Han Dynasty was able to thoroughly develop Chen Xi's new weights and measures. In addition to the promotion of industrialization, which led to a large increase in the use of local people and officials, there is also a very important point that the weights and measures of the Han Dynasty were basically the same in the past.

Therefore, for the people of the Han Dynasty, Chen Xi's new weights and measures are just a change of size, not a change of rules, but for India, this is equivalent to a change of rules, so that industrialization can absorb Population, the early production is basically waste products.

In fact, Chen Xi was able to easily open up borders because he had benefited from the 400-year development of the Han Dynasty. Those countries that were close to him, even if they were not annexed by the Han Dynasty, were all interfered by the Han Dynasty in terms of culture and inheritance. , it is relatively easy to swallow and absorb.

The reason why Central Asia and the Ganges River are advancing slowly is that, to put it bluntly, the Tianwei of the Han Dynasty did not hit these places, and the culture did not expand to these places, so Chen Xi had to make up all the homework of the previous four hundred years. The reason why Chen Xi wants to build a large Han cultural circle.

The larger the circle, the larger the peripheral contact surface, the longer it lasts, the more prosperous the heyday, and the surrounding contact areas will be assimilated spontaneously by this culture. This is the case in the Han Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty. The vassals all have strong claims, but in fact they are all accumulated little by little.

This kind of assimilation accumulated over time, with the passage of time, when the Central Plains suddenly rises in a certain generation, these areas will naturally be included in the Wanghua. The so-called unification, for the Central Plains Dynasty, is not about regaining the old land, In fact, there is also the meaning of expanding the territory.

This is also the reason why the ancestors actively promoted their own sense of existence, put pressure on their surroundings, and made them admire the Chinese civilization. It is a pity that Chen Xi has already eaten up the accumulation of Qin and Han Dynasties. If it is changed to the Tang Dynasty, at least now in Central Asia, Chen Xi It's definitely settled, but it's a pity that I can only rely on myself now.

"But waste products are waste products." Chen Xi sighed, "Anyway, it's not for making money, the resources are also obtained from the local area, and there is no cost, so it's time to spend time and work to maintain stability. When it is completely changed later, those will be Think of it as training costs.”

Pang Tong kept silent, he didn't get involved in this kind of matter, and more importantly, he was not qualified to get involved, so only Chen Xi could make an evaluation so easily.

"Let's talk about Altay's problem. Is he training soldiers?" Pang Tong changed the subject and asked.

"Well, in military training, there are three to four million people in Beigui. According to the population composition of the national military service, there is no problem with a million young and strong who have undergone full military service." Chen Xi nodded, "But how many of the million people are qualified? How much is unqualified still needs to be tested.”

Pang Tong nodded, he could understand this, it was normal.

"According to our estimation, there should be five or six hundred thousand left over. The remaining young adults will bring other people into the city of Nangui, live together in groups, and strengthen their ability to manage Nangui." Chen Xi said casually. .

"Altay is training this group of people, is it training talent or training organization?" Pang Tong got to the point, "Three hundred thousand single talents, tens of thousands of pairs of talents, the rest are basically ordinary young and strong, it is not worth your caution .”

"Altay is training these people how to command the five Nangui soldiers." Chen Xi squinted his eyes and said, "It's not about training talent, in fact, even if it is trained, it doesn't make much sense. These days, only talent can be trained Come out, 300,000 individual talents and 500,000 individual talents, there is actually no difference, on the contrary, there is a big problem with organizational strength."

Beigui followed the conscription system, which was the standard national military service system in the Qin and Han Dynasties, so it was semi-militarized management and had sufficient self-management capabilities. As a soldier, it basically had the same organizational capabilities as the Han Dynasty Legion.

As for Nan Gui, needless to say, the organizational power is very strong with less than a hundred people relying on the visualization of gods and Buddhas. After a hundred people, the organizational power drops off a cliff.

However, the northern nobles alone cannot defeat the Han Dynasty in any case, because the population of the northern nobles is too small, and the southern nobles alone cannot defeat the Han Dynasty, because the organizational strength of the southern nobles is very problematic when the large armies are fighting, but If the advantages of the two are combined, then there are some hits.

In fact, Rahul took this path back then, and the conditions proposed to Ghachari were actually to strengthen his own organizational strength so that he could exert stronger combat effectiveness.

It can be said that the entry of Beigui soldiers into the bottom command system can indeed strengthen the overall organizational strength, even if it is not as good as the original Beigui elite in comparison, it can give full play to the strength of the Nangui soldiers.

It is indeed reasonable to sacrifice part of the organizational strength and give full play to the overall strength of the army. From the overall perspective, it is indeed reasonable.

"This is even more troublesome. Altay has been training for a year." Pang Tong was very helpless.

Pang Tong also understands why he didn't receive the news until now. The news of Beigui's migration was released very early, and the migration is also being carried out in an orderly manner. Who will pay attention to the young and strong who migrated to conduct military service training and eliminate some unqualified soldiers? No one will pay attention, because everyone knows that this group of young men entered to fight against the Han Dynasty.

"Probably not a year, because Altay's way to restore youth was not there from the beginning, it was prepared by Humi for Sailian." Chen Xi replied casually, and Pang Tong's face twitched involuntarily when he heard the words, Fortunately, Zhou Yu killed Serian quickly, otherwise it would be a big trouble.

"To what extent is this restoration of youth? If the inner qi is separated from the body, will it prolong life to a certain extent, restore a certain state, or completely rejuvenate?" It has become a fait accompli, and Pang Tong does not struggle. up.

"Theoretically speaking, it should be completely rejuvenated, but because it is not a self-promotion, it is only a certain degree of life extension, which prolongs the length of life and looks younger. In fact, Altay should have returned to about 60 years old, not really regaining youth. It's gone." Chen Xi couldn't joke anymore at this time.

"Last question." Pang Tong raised his index finger and looked at Chen Xi and said.

"A question about Wei Sudepo I?" Chen Xi asked without thinking, Pang Tong nodded, and Chen Xi knew that would be the best.

"Wesudeva I's monarch talent must have become stronger. After all, monarch talent is based on recognition, and Weisudeva I who won the princess, among other things, has a high degree of recognition from Beigui, and those big nobles will be fine. The lower level will definitely greatly increase the recognition." Chen Xi didn't even ask Pang Tong's question, and answered it directly.

Pang Tong lamented in his heart, this time is really a big trouble, Weisudeva I's monarch talent has become stronger, the soldiers under his command have become stronger, and the commander of the army, all these combined, it will be very difficult to deal with, and what Chen Xi said was true. It's lightweight, but it's not so easy to solve.

"You don't need to worry about these things, you just need to forward the news to Zhou Gongjin." Chen Xi waved his hand indifferently and said, "We will take care of other things ourselves."

Pang Tong's expression was deep. Even so, it was really difficult to deal with. Zhou Yuqiang was really strong, but this situation was not what they thought before.

After sending Pang Tong away, Chen Xi took all the information compiled by Dong Zhao, read it carefully, and had a relatively clear understanding of Altay. The foundation of Guishuang, as long as you are not greedy, is actually very difficult to deal with.

[Too old, although relying on the secret method to separate the inner qi from the body, prolong life, and even return to the age of sixty, but the vigor is lost, there is more than enough persistence, and the lack of aggressiveness, so in the end, you still need to rely on Kusroy? 】Chen Xi bowed his head in thought, sticking to his fundamentals, Chen Xi is very professional.

On the other hand, Liu Bei came to the core of Balajega City, which is the core of the secret method of the supermodel cloud gas. This thing is the ultimate product of Guishuang's cloud gas technology over the years. Needless to say, the effect is really outrageous.

Even if this kind of cloud can suppress both the enemy and us, but relying on the characteristics of the cloud, it can still be seen that the main suppression of the supermodel cloud is actually the talent strength. There is no doubt that the talent strength of the Han army is actually far superior to that of Guishuang Yes, and this kind of suppression is a year-on-year decrease, and the decline in talent strength is more beneficial to Guishuang.

In fact, Chen Dao failed the double standard, and being held down by Carano actually explained the problem.

But this doesn't mean that the Han Dynasty can't use the supermodel cloud gas. If you understand the suppression principle of this thing, the Han Dynasty can also use it.

More importantly, the idea of ​​supermodel Yunqi is worth exploring deeply in the Han Dynasty.

The only shortcoming is probably that this great secret technique is not easy to operate, and it is really not something that the Han Dynasty can easily crack. If Guishuang hadn't expected the Han Dynasty to break into Bala Yega so quickly, this thing would definitely be destroyed at the last moment. Guishuang was destroyed.

"This is Guishuang's supermodel cloud core?" Liu Bei took Yu Jin to watch the complex etching of the Shulak family's maintenance of the supermodel cloud core.

"Yes, Marquis of Jin." The young man of the Shulak family who stayed in Bala Yega said respectfully, and after thinking for a while, he said in stuttering Chinese, "We have come into contact with this thing before, but the real We have not mastered the secret, so we can barely maintain it."

"It's okay, as long as it can be maintained, professionals from the rear will come to study and crack it soon. You just need to maintain the operation." Liu Bei said with satisfaction, not only to win Bala Yega, but also to get This thing is also a great achievement.

The young man of the Shulak family thought for a while and said, "Marquis Jin, in fact, the supermodel Yunqi is not used to suppress the Han army, it is actually for the activation energy accumulated by a certain big secret technique. I’ve said it, but I don’t know what secret technique it is.”

As soon as these words came out, Liu Bei and Yu Jin became more cautious. This is not a joke. If such a large-scale cloud gas is used as energy, the power of the secret technique to be activated may be very amazing.

"Leave this matter to us to investigate. You just need to continue to maintain this great secret technique." Liu Bei nodded cautiously, indicating that they will investigate when they return.

Chen Xi also received related news afterwards, but he had his own guesses, and even more outrageous guesses, so when Liu Bei told him that this thing might be used to activate some secret techniques, Chen Xi didn't even move his eyebrows , he knew it well.

"Zi Chuan, don't you know something?" Fazheng looked at Chen Xi's expression and asked curiously. He also came just now and saw Chen Xi working hard.

"Guishuang just wants to quickly activate the will of the empire." Chen Xi said casually.

It is difficult for others to think of this, but Chen Xi's spiritual talent and the will of the empire stay together almost every day. After a long time, it is inevitable that he will understand the essence of the will of the empire. To put it bluntly, isn't it the tendency of the human heart?

Fazheng was stunned when he heard the words, "Activate the will of the empire? How is this possible? No, no, it is possible. Guishuang itself has enough power. It was just that the north and south confronted each other and were in a state of division. Now stop the division and merge into two." After one, you are indeed qualified."

Seeing that Fazheng was quite incoherent after hearing the news, Chen Xi put aside the materials in his hand, and then looked at Fazheng, "Xiaozhi, what is the nature of clouds."

"The qi and blood emanating from oneself, the essence flowing from oneself, produced by the combination of a certain will of the individual and the essence of heaven and earth..." Fazheng had already come to his senses as he spoke.

"Guishuang can't collect free spiritual will, but their achievements in cloud gas allow them to collect cloud gas, and there must be spiritual will in cloud gas, and it is the will of the people." Chen Xi said calmly.

"Even compared to the composition principles of the clouds you mentioned, in my opinion, the clouds should be a manifestation of the collective will of all living beings to protect themselves and interfere with reality." Chen Xi gave his judgment calmly.

Fazheng lowered his head and thought. Although it was a bit unusual, this conclusion was actually closer to reality than the previous cloud and gas theories when combined with reality.

"All talents are the manifestation of the interference of will in reality." Chen Xi briefly concluded, "The same is true for clouds, but pure clouds are equivalent to the self-protection of human subconsciousness."

"Then the essence of Huaiyin Hou's cloud and gas system is to release the restrained power of human beings to protect himself?" Pang Tong said with great interest.

Chen Xi nodded indifferently when he heard the words, there is a possibility.

"But what you said, I have other ideas." A look of complacency flashed in Fazheng's eyes, imperial will, hey!

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