Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 4177 Plans Can't Keep Up With Changes

It is a question of whether the Han Dynasty can gather three people like Zhong Yao who don't do anything but come here to run operations. To be honest, if it weren't for Zhong Yao's own problems and his lack of attention to government affairs, Zhong Yao The most suitable position for this kind of giant is fishing in Chang'an with Chen Xi.

Don't look at Zhong Yao who is like a two-dimensional middle-aged man who is addicted to the paper world every day, but his ability is really strong. The reason why he ran away from Chang'an back then was that Chang'an was too bulky, which prevented him from copying and learning copybooks. Change to a place where the work pressure is lower.

After coming to the Ganges, I really want to say that I can't go all out to work, but after Huangge was hanged, the level of operation of Samama and Zha was enough to create a template in the Ganges state.

There is no shortage of water in the Ganges River Basin, and there is no problem with the light and climate, but the reason why it is difficult for the local people to do three crops a year is that they die from drought and die from waterlogging.

In the dry season, except for the fields near the river, it is a normal phenomenon to be dry and cracked by the sun. In the rainy season, it is normal for the water depth to be three feet on the flat land. But if you think about it comprehensively, there is actually no shortage of water in the Ganges River Basin, but there are some problems with the distribution. .

Therefore, the easiest way to solve this problem is to transform the water network, arrange various hydraulic projects, reservoirs, etc., reserve drainage in the rainy season, and use it in the dry season.

It was easy for Zhong Yao to do this, because when he was in Yongzhou, Li Jue rebuilt the Zhengguo Canal and opened Chang'an Bashui. Reshaping the waterway was Zhong Yao's job.

No one would think that this is something that Li Jue is capable of, right? Three idiots are only suitable to be supervisors and listen to Zhong Yao's command. In the Central Plains, they were ruthless and handed over the northwest Qianghu regardless of the loss, so they were able to go ashore in half black and half white.

Of course, the most important point here is that Zhong Yao keeps a low profile and all the glory is given to Li Jue. In fact, whether it is planning, scheduling, project arrangement, material distribution planning, etc., it is basically done by Zhong Yao.

Therefore, for Zhong Yao, the reconstruction of the Ganges water network can only be done if he is willing to do it, and there is really nothing he can't do.

"Now we need to find a way to turn this population of nearly ten million into a labor force and become our own strength." Chen Xi said with a bit of a sigh.

"In a short period of time, this is impossible at all." Fazheng said rather depressedly, "All the servants I have recruited have been sent to the localities to strengthen the rule. In my conscience, Master Li's torture of human nature against the Brahmins , In fact, drinking poison to quench thirst.”

Chen Xi nodded when he heard the words, but Li You really had no other choice at that time. The Han Dynasty rushed forward too quickly and took down the lower reaches of the Ganges River. In fact, the follow-up preparations were not done well.

"What's your plan now?" Fazheng asked curiously.

"Agriculture and large-scale workshops are promoted at the same time, absorbing the population, and gradually advancing during work." Chen Xi pursed his lips. In fact, their management personnel are not enough, so they can only use other methods. "Although the people here Brainwashed by religion, but self-interest or self-harm, you can always tell the difference."

Fazheng nodded. Animals have instincts, so we can definitely tell the difference.

"At present, the best way is to mobilize the local people to carry out construction in the dry season. With the foundation left by the scholars before, we can still provide food." Chen Xi said with narrowed eyes, "Build the flood control facilities first. After the dry season comes the rainy season.”

Fazheng nodded. He only felt that Chen Xi's plan was too simple, and it was very different from the previous ones. It's not that they hadn't thought about doing it. There were no riots, and at other times, armed uprisings are not a joke.

The biggest disturbance was in Fahrenheit City. Fazheng was also planning to build a water network and organized 20,000 to 30,000 local people. The situation was good at the beginning, but the project has not yet completed one-third. These people don’t know what The reason for the uprising.

Although it was suppressed by Wang Ping's team without causing too much turmoil, this kind of turmoil made Fazheng extremely afraid, not to mention that this was not the first time such a thing had happened.

"Are you worried that after there are too many people, there will be riots among the locals who got the construction tools?" Chen Xi knew what was going on when he saw Fazheng's expression.

"Yes." Fazheng didn't hide his thoughts.

Chen Xi nodded. He also knew that the reason for the Yuan Dynasty capsized was not because of the construction of the Yellow River. There were too many poor people gathered together. When everyone complained to each other, there was nowhere to vent their anger, so they directly revolted. Others followed blindly. Yuan Dynasty did not up.

"Actually, the local people will not revolt on a large scale because of our oppression." Chen Xi said with a smile, "Their turmoil is only because of the caste system."

In fact, in later generations, ethnic turmoil in India is basically due to religion and caste, oppression by foreign enemies, etc., which may lead to large-scale turmoil in other places. As long as you collude with the local high caste in this place, you will not would cause too much of a problem.

Fa Zheng squinted his eyes and looked at Chen Xi. If so, what happened to the previous turmoil.

"We still need to cooperate with the local high caste." Chen Xi said with a restrained smile, "At least these projects require the cooperation of the local high caste."

"I hate Brahmins." Fazheng said unhappily.

"I hate it too, but we don't have enough managers now." Chen Xi explained.

"Can't you find another way?" Fazheng looked at Chen Xi with some dissatisfaction.

"There are other ways, but people haven't migrated here yet, don't you think that the manpower of factories and mines can be transferred in an instant? It will take at least a year. The easiest and most effective way now is to win over middle and high school employees. Construction, this is laying the foundation." Chen Xi didn't want to, but things like this in reality inevitably require compromise.

"Didn't you act after making a decision?" Fazheng looked at Chen Xi and said, "And don't think I don't know, your factories and mines in Jizhou, Qingzhou, Yanzhou, and Xuzhou are all equipped with double backbones, and those four The state's industries cover almost all mainstream industries."

After all, Fazheng came out of Mount Tai together with Chen Xi, and experienced the earliest era when there were few people, so Fazheng knew Chen Xi's early layout even better than Zhuge Liang.

"I cut off part of it and transplanted it to a more suitable place. After all, when I made these layouts, I hadn't won the whole world yet, so it wasn't the optimal solution. During the east tour, I just went to conduct field surveys and reconstruct them." Chen Xi There is no concealment. When these were established, they were ready for proliferation and self-replication.

"What about the other part?" Fazheng asked directly. At his level, there is nothing he can't say. The plan to open the Central Plains was decided by Chen Xi, so Chen Xi must have made preparations, and it is impossible to proceed in a hurry now. follow-up planning.

If that's the case, it's justified to find a way to digest the places that have been fought before. The nearly tens of millions of people with traces of other civilizations are not talking about assimilation. Just let them be under the management of the Han army. Everything is going to die.

"Jizhou and Yuzhou have changed bureaucrats." Chen Xi said twitchingly.

As Fazheng estimated, Chen Xi did leave enough manpower for the Ganges River Basin to completely copy the mainstream factories and mines in the four prefectures of Qingxu, Yanji and Hebei.

Originally, after Chen Xi left in the second half of this year, these people would be able to arrive on time, and then absorb local residents to build new state-owned industries.

On the premise that he has enough management experience, all the industries that have been ordered to be copied have been inspected by Chen Xi in person. They are all human batteries.

When the industry starts to advance on a large scale and starts to run crazily, it is actually impossible for the population of the Ganges to quit if they want to quit.

The most brutal part of industrial advancement is that the original social environment has been completely destroyed. It is impossible for people to return to the pastoral society where men farm and women weave. They can only be forced to follow this fast-paced social life and consume crazily.

Chen Xi's original idea was to try the super-high-paced operation on the Ganges River. In the local area, he needs to pay attention to some human nature and combine work and rest, so that the people have the time and leisure to enjoy the benefits of social operation after working hard. , you can try a new way here.

After all, we have to accumulate experience for the next development. Besides, the fast-paced operation is also conducive to the benefits of factories and mines. Only with high enough benefits can the Han Dynasty invest a larger-scale force in the Ganges River. The current force of this scale can completely Not the limit of the Han Dynasty, but the limit of logistics.

It's a pity that the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. Chen Xi's preparations were disrupted because of the situation in Jizhou and Yuzhou. Although Li You suggested that it was Yuzhou and let Yuan Shu carry the bag, Li You was inhumane, and Chen Xi couldn't be inhumane, so I gave it to him. After Jizhou arranged the personnel, Chen Xi also arranged a group of personnel for Yuzhou.

Under the current premise that such excellent backbones are in short supply, Jizhou and Yuzhou fluctuated, directly absorbing half of Chen Xi's reserves. The combined population of these two places is similar to that of the middle and lower reaches of the Ganges River, so it is just a change. After a crop of people, it became what it is now.

"You actually missed some times." Fazheng twitched a few times, and he understood what had happened. Even though Chen Xi did a good job of making up the hole at that time, it used all the human resources that should have been given to Fazheng. , Fazheng wanted to hit someone.

"It's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice, and there's nothing I can do about it." Chen Xi was helpless, "According to my previous habits, for such a big event, I had to have at least one preparation for three, but in our current situation, why should I have one preparation for three?"

"Then what should we do?" Fazheng looked at Chen Xi with burning eyes, "At least let us build all those factories and mines. After they are built, we won't talk about the problem of supplies ahead. At least the local young people have gone to work. No one is bothering you."

The highest state of maintaining stability is that everyone goes to work. Not only does no one sneak out in the street, reducing social hidden dangers, but also produces more supplies, which is the best of both worlds.

More importantly, if all go to work and rely on the inertia of the system to manage, after a long time, people will get used to it, and the management cost will directly drop to fully rely on the people's self-management ability. This kind of thing is really normal.

Fazheng had thought about setting up factories and mines before, but this kind of thing, if you look at Chen Xi’s work, it’s okay, but if you look at yourself, it’s just a grassroots team. It’s blown up before it’s started. There are more Han people, and factories and mines that absorb local residents can continue to operate. .

But there are more Han people, and factories and mines with fewer local people have a fart operating value. Isn't that just unnecessary? So Fazheng gave up early, unexpectedly Chen Xi was already prepared.

"I'm trying to figure out a way." Chen Xi waved his hand, "If you want to reduce operating costs, solve social hidden dangers, and increase output, the most reliable way is to get these people to go to work as soon as possible. There are other ways, but none. This is useful."

"Then it's up to you. I can't help you in this regard. I'm going to give advice to the nobleman of Bei!" Seeing Chen Xi's expression, Fazheng knew that Chen Xi probably had a solution in his mind, but he was still evaluating whether it was worth it, so Fazheng didn't ask Chen Xi any more, and just ran away, leaving Chen Xi free time.

Chen Xi watched Fazheng leave, and then pressed his temples involuntarily. To be honest, he hadn't worked hard for a while, but this time he had to work hard. He didn't want to solve the problem of the Ganges River. The cost of ruling lies in There, sooner or later, there is no way to continue.

In the Japanese war of aggression against China, the reason for the loss in the Pacific was not mentioned in the later stage. In fact, the cost of ruling the North China region has caused Japan to give up the vast wilderness and only garrison the city. After all, everything needs to be discussed. Cost.

[Sure enough, no matter what the problem is, it will still fall on population and education in the end. The former determines the number of population and the number of geniuses, and the latter determines the ratio of population quality to the backbone. Are the students cultivated? 】Chen Xi bowed his head and began to evaluate whether it was worth it.

The popularization of education has been going on for several years, but not all the educated students have entered the state-owned industry to work. Most of the students failed to enter the technical posts of the state-owned industry during the graduation season, but took Chen Xi to work. The micro-loans issued by students can be used to apply what they have learned.

After so many years, among these people, Chen Xi has a list of those who have completed the repayment, and the industry that these people are currently entering is entered. It can be said that these are backups.

The Chen Xi-structured education had technical training before the Yuanfeng six-year dynasty meeting proposed division of subjects, and most of the common people’s heirs would choose one or two commonly used technologies, as well as special technical posts for factories and mines. The former was chosen, and the latter It is necessary to learn.

After so many years, those young students have basically mastered the skills in life and turned them into a means of making a living.

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