Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 4178 No way, you can only poach Zhou Yu's corner

z, the fastest update of the mythical version of the Three Kingdoms!

How could Chen Xi let these people relax, these are important human resources, and more importantly, tomb robbers these days, they deserve to be caught and beaten to death, so give them food and let them take care of themselves Work, that is the performance of benevolence.

So as long as there is a need, let them work, and don't use them to death. They are just normal shifts, which is a benevolent and reasonable disposal plan.

Sanitation is a very troublesome thing no matter what. It is really difficult to build a new sewer in an existing urban area without sewers without these professionals, so these professionals are to some extent , can be regarded as being taken care of by the state.

Just like now, after the army stationed in Bala Yega, they quickly cleaned the entire city, eliminated all dead corners of hygiene, and then killed the cows that could eat meat and eat meat directly, and the local sacred cows that could not be killed. The zebu should be cleared out of the city for breeding in pastoral areas, wait for the opportunity to transfer and then deal with it. Anyway, it is not a problem not to kill the holy cow in front of the locals.

The zebu in later generations in India is still a sacred cow, but this does not prevent the export volume of beef from being the second largest in the world, so as long as it is not done in front of others, it will be fine. Most Indians do not eat it themselves, but it does not hinder others from eating it. It's pretty good.

After cleaning up the filth of the city, quicklime is sprinkled everywhere for disinfection, and then sanitation management is strengthened, sewers are built, etc. After all, how do you say things like demolition and reconstruction have to be considered, and some cities cannot be built after demolition .

And when Chen Xi came out from the government office, what he saw was the city of Balayaga, which had been basically disinfected. Only at this point, the soldiers of the Han army could live in this city normally. Although the local raw water had to be boiled for use, In general, there is already a class of Central Plains.

"The Taiwei is dealing with the compensation for the fallen soldiers, please go there together." Xu Chu didn't hide it, and it was normal to inform Chen Xi to go, after all, Chen Xi had to pay.

"Oh, that's all right, what about General Guan and the others?" Chen Xi nodded when he heard the words, and then asked casually. Guan Yu and the others had already arrived, but after Chen Xi met them, they couldn't find them. A little curious, he ran to where is it.

"Going to suppress the bandits." Xu Chu thought for a while and replied, originally he also needed to suppress the bandits, but Yu Jin asked him to stay and protect Liu Bei and Chen Xi, so Xu Chu didn't go.

"Suppression of bandits?" Chen Xi understood what was going on after hearing the words and thought for a while. To put it bluntly, wasn't it just the rebels who broke up in Balajaga?

"After General Yu defeated Brahe in a field battle, he didn't spend time capturing the prisoners. The 90,000 people withdrew to about 30,000 to 40,000, and we only captured about 10,000." Xu Chu thought that Chen Xi hadn't reacted, and said I explained it twice.

After Yu Jin defeated Blahe, the situation was already clear. The siege was sure to be won, but taking time to capture prisoners gave the opponent more time to prepare. Therefore, Yu Jin only captured some prisoners who surrendered on the spot, and brought The soldiers went to Balajaga.

It was fun at the time, and I had to make up lessons afterwards, just like now, Guan Yu has come, and Yu Jin's captives have not been captured yet, and Guan Yu is even needed to help capture the captives.

"It's just a matter of urgency, I understand." Chen Xi smiled and said, "Let's go."

When Chen Xi came to Liu Bei's side, Liu Bei had already dealt with the files in a hurry, and was thinking about going to visit the wounded soldiers next.

"How is your side? I heard from Yuan Zhi that you have been working hard recently." Liu Bei raised his hand to greet Chen Xi when he saw Chen Xi coming over, and then said something heart-warming.

The corners of Chen Xi's eyes twitched slightly. Even he felt that it was a little too much. Although he did fish a lot, but occasionally he did a good job. It was really outrageous for this group of people to ask one by one. Even Liu Bei couldn't bear it. I can't help but comment a few sentences, it's too much, too much.

"It's okay." Chen Xi paused for a while before replying.

"That is to say, it's over?" Liu Bei's understanding of Chen Xi's "is it okay" is that the work is over, I can fish again, and no one should stop me from fishing.

"It can be regarded as finished, and it's a bit difficult to deal with. Duke Xuande came to the Ganges, and he should have realized the crux of the problem here." Chen Xi threw the words to Liu Bei and asked with a smile.

"The Ganges River is very different from our mainland and other occupied areas. Its culture is completely different from that of the Central Plains. It is really difficult to drive it like the native land or northern Xinjiang, Funan, and South Vietnam." Liu Bei also saw a lot Knowledgeable, gave a direct answer.

"That's right, the problem is here, so it's very troublesome to solve the problem from the root." Chen Xi said with a bit of a sigh, "At that time, some industrial managers will need to migrate from the Central Plains to reshape the problem here. A local industry in the Central Plains."

After all, Liu Bei experienced the situation in Jiaozhou where the clan elders coerced the local people to plead with Liu Bei. Of course, he later realized that those people were not against Liu Bei and Chen Xi, but were asking for more and better. It's hard to deal with.

It was precisely because of this difficulty that Liu Bei paid special attention to the local clans in Jiaozhou later on, and finally watched helplessly how these local clans were gradually disintegrated by Chen Xi. The most important thing was that the process was reasonable and did not cause any turmoil.

It can be said that it is almost waiting for the natural decline of the local clan elders, and the local clans formed in the Jiaozhou area for thousands of years will naturally disintegrate.

Therefore, Chen Xi proposed to relocate industrial managers from the Central Plains to restructure the industry here, and Liu Bei knew what Chen Xi wanted to do. Although he didn't know how to do it, at least Liu Bei knew the result of doing so.

But after listening to Chen Xi's complaints, Liu Bei frowned slightly.

"Separate some of the industrial managers from Jizhou and Yuzhou?" Liu Bei frowned and looked at Chen Xi cautiously, "There's no need to do this, you and I have been working for many years, and you also know that what I rely on is not the emperor's mind and balance, but It depends on these."

Speaking of which, Liu Bei picked up a thick file and shook it. This is Liu Bei's foundation. What balance and imperial mind, to put it bluntly, is not confident in his own strength, so he needs to play like this. The strength is enough to solve the problem, so many The solution to the matter became very clear.

"Eh?" Chen Xi was stunned for a moment, "I know your foundation is in the military, and I want to recruit people from Jizhou and Yuzhou, because there are really not enough manpower."

"Did the previous accident disrupt your plan, or" Liu Bei said.

"It's the latter, planning this. In fact, I said earlier that some things are inevitable. The Yanzhou and Jizhou cases are actually inevitable. Without this, there will be other things. I have prepared myself. "Chen Xi said with a bit of sigh, "But our foundation can't stand such use, not enough manpower is inevitable."

"Is there no other backup method?" Liu Bei sat down directly, pointed to the side to indicate that he would not go to the wounded barracks, and first understand the situation on Chen Xi's side. The wounded barracks was half an hour earlier and half an hour later. The hour actually doesn't matter, whether you go or not is the most important thing.

"It's not that there are no back-up means, but the back-up means have to deal with the next stage of the plan." Chen Xi pointed out the gap in the post personnel required for the construction of rural enterprises involved in the second five-year plan, and pointed out the five-year education The number of substitutes is also described.

"The number and quality of these personnel we have cultivated during the Taishan years are absolutely qualified, and if they are only used as technical posts for internal assistance and guidance, the number is absolutely sufficient, but it is impossible to let all of them go. Do this." Chen Xi's mind is very clear, he himself is doing these things step by step.

"We cultivated them so that they can be used when the country needs them. Why can't we invest in them?" Liu Bei frowned, vaguely dissatisfied. In some behaviors, Liu Bei did have some thoughts of putting himself in the shoes of others. The problem is that many people have reached the level of Liu Bei's morality. less than.

Chen Xi scratched his head, "Just because you can measure up doesn't mean everyone can. Some of them already have families, and they can do their best locally. Going to other places is equivalent to starting all over again. Even if there is an official endorsement, other things need to be considered. Things, these are unavoidable things, it is right to fight for the country, but if there is still room, it is better to select suitable personnel.”

Liu Bei nodded, because he has not experienced so many ups and downs in this life. Liu Bei is still a little reckless when he was young, but he has worked with Chen Xi for many years, and knows that some things cannot be forced. Of course, these things that cannot be forced can be turned around. , Liu Bei still firmly believes that certain things cannot be compromised.

"What about your shortage of personnel?" Liu Bei asked with a frown, "Combining villages, increasing local anti-risk capabilities, strengthening management, improving the popularity of local public facilities to the people, and ensuring the rights and interests of the people are the first five years. plan, and the second five-year plan is an extension of the first plan to support village enterprises and improve people’s living standards, but this”

Because of the continuity of Chen Xi's policies, Liu Bei has gradually figured out why Chen Xi's policies were arranged over time. That's a big problem.

By the way, in fact, in the early days, Liu Bei had objections to the integration of villages and villages. After all, the larger the village, the farther the people need to travel for farming, and the more time and energy they spend. Although it is easier to manage, it increases the burden on the people. Time costs.

However, with the promotion of Chen Xiji's village merger, Liu Bei realized that the so-called time cost should be considered comprehensively. For villages with insufficient population, the cost of water network reconstruction, road reconstruction, logistics integration, education layout, and personnel management will all be high. A substantial increase.

In particular, water network reconstruction and road redistribution are the two most important things for local people. Ordinary local villages cannot undertake these two tasks by themselves, but the state does this for villages with more than 100 people and for 2,000 people. It is two different things to do this in a village in the village, whether it is from the perspective of cost or profit, so Liu Bei quickly agreed with Chen Xi's unified thinking.

However, Liu Bei still prefers a village with 1,000 people, because in a village of this size, if the people are farming, it takes less than an hour and a half to walk to the field after the road is connected, and after the population rises to 2,000, It takes two hours for some people to enter the field, which is a bit fatal.

Chen Xi didn't have a problem with this. He just built a small house with mud bricks at the head of the field, and the problem was basically solved. Anyway, farmers used to live in the fields when the farming was busy. Farmers will not feel far away from cooking or cooking for themselves.

Besides, the core point is that a village of 1,000 people cannot support the second phase of the plan. Although the village enterprises are small, they are mainly labor-intensive industries. A dozen to dozens of people, hundreds of people are needed when busy, and a village of 1,000 people can't support this kind of operation at all.

Of course, Liu Bei also understood this in the later period. Chen Xi is advancing little by little in the way of building the future. It may not be the best solution for the current situation, but in the long run, it is indeed the best answer, so Liu Bei and others will not. How did you express your opinion in this regard.

But now, Liu Bei feels that it is necessary to talk about it. In his opinion, the promotion of village enterprises is very important. This is related to whether the people's bowls are pure dry rice or whether they can be covered with a layer of meat. It is up to Liu Bei It seems that some can't accept it.

If we say that in the early stage of the First Five-Year Plan, we solved the problem of eating the last meal and not having another meal, and in the later stage, we replaced the porridge with clear soup and little water with dry rice, then the expansion of township enterprises in the Second Five-Year Plan will not only get money for the country, but also Let the people eat meat, so Liu Bei is very concerned.

Therefore, Liu Bei couldn't accept the technical personnel prepared by local villages and towns when he heard that there was a move. I worked hard to expand the territory to leave a broader future for future generations. better, and now there is a compromise between the two?

"That is to say, either move people to the Ganges River, strengthen the management of the Ganges River, lay a solid foundation for subsequent development, ensure that there will be no turmoil here, and realize the potential of Xinna land? Or continue to promote the construction of village enterprises and make this Squeeze it?" Liu Bei concluded.

"I didn't say that." Chen Xi said angrily, "I just said that some technical backbones who were originally used to promote village enterprises need to be transferred to the Ganges to promote the industry."

"Isn't that the same meaning?" Liu Bei frowned and said, "If you take away those people, there will be a shortage of people in the rear village enterprises, no, no, this won't work, we have to protect ourselves first, here first Just make do with it.”

Liu Bei's moral level is very high, but the distinction between barbarians and summers is actually very clear. For Liu Bei, internationalism is nonsense, and closeness is still very clear. Of course, at this time, it is to protect one's own people, let the local people first The brethren should eat the meat, and let the rest do not.

If you solve other people's problems before you even solve your own problems, wouldn't that be putting the cart before the horse?

So without even thinking about it, Liu Bei decided to throw away the burden of the Ganges River and go into battle lightly. He ran it like this first, and it didn’t blow up anyway. Zhong Yao’s work is not bad, so let him continue to do it. As long as there is no blowup, in a few years Chen Xi slowed down, he could still do it, so he was not in a hurry.

"Uh..." The corners of Chen Xi's mouth twitched twice, Liu Bei's answer was really in line with the thinking of this era.

"In short, of course it is to engage in domestic affairs. That is our foundation. When we drink water, we cannot forget our roots." Liu Bei said very sincerely, "If we have spare energy, we will engage in this side. Anyway, there will be no bombing."

"It's not that serious. In fact, there are some other people who are available. At any rate, there are some back-ups. They are just thinking about whether to live without money." Chen Xi raised his head and said with a bit of regret.

How could it be possible to finish playing all the cards? Chen Xi himself was playing cards while printing cards. If he really wanted to say that he still had some other cards in his hand, it was just that it would be better if this card could not be moved or not, but it was useless. Yes, you can also use it.

"Ah, there's more, it's all right." Liu Bei was silent for a while, and made a sound that he didn't know whether he was feeling emotional or taking it for granted.

Chen Xi scratched his head, thought for a while, but still did not explain, the rest were all engaged in machinery and mortise and tenon joints, and quick processing personnel. As for where these people are, of course they are on Zhou Yu's boat!

The reason why crew members are regarded as technical arms by default is because all crew members will inevitably be forced to learn machining and quick repairs because they are on board. Zhou Yu puts on those people, nothing else, they will definitely repair large machinery, and they all basically know these The principle of large machinery.

To be honest, this is all forced, because it is inevitable that a boat of people will go to sea, and there will be a small accident, what should I do if I don’t know how to repair it? Learn it!

In the vast sea, they are the only ones on the boat, and there is a fart way. If there is a problem, of course, they can only repair it by themselves. After a long time, as long as they are standard crew members, they can basically do machinery, and these people disembark to start a business. At the very least, they can understand the principle of mechanical maintenance and process. With a technical post, maintenance personnel and administrators can directly work part-time.

In addition to being a soldier, the rules and regulations and the management of the middle and lower levels can actually be understood very clearly. The only disadvantage is that Zhou Yu needs to be poached. After all, the crew who can do these things are basically veteran crew members who have followed Zhou Yu and Sun Ce for many years. .

Ordinary crew members are barely competent even though they have been on the ship for a year or two, but only these veteran crew members can clearly understand the internal process principles, and can basically repair all large machinery

"Let's eat more food first, it's really not good, I will find a way at that time." Chen Xi explained to Liu Bei helplessly.

If Zhou Yu could not dig the corner, Chen Xi would not want to touch it, but if he had no choice, he should dig it. Anyway, it was just being chased and scolded by Zhou Yu. value.

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This is the second watch

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