Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms

Text Chapter Fifty-ninth: Taishan Bandit Raiders

Actually caught up with the second update, this is the legendary second update of Fury Explosion...

Hua Xiong chopped off Chang Xi's head with a knife, turned around and swung the knife to kill Chang Xi's so-called confidantes. When he came, Chen Xi told him that some of these Taishan leaders were local tyrants, and some were forced to fall into the grass. Among Kou's rangers, only Chang Xi, who bears the title of Taishan bandit, is actually the prefect of Xuzhou Donghai.

But Hua Xiong naturally didn't give this guy a chance to reveal his name. A third-rate guy who was approached by a master of internal energy and body separation, his head was chopped off without a last word.

Before Chang Xi's subordinates could figure out what was going on, Hua Xiong stabbed the ground with his sword, "Listen, I will be your boss from now on!"

"Report for the boss of Changxi..." A guy with big arms and a round waist and a beard seemed to have realized it at this moment. People are directly divided into two pieces.

"Who else wants revenge?" Hua Xiong said with a sullen smile.

"No one, that's fine. Listen to me. From now on, I will be your boss. My name is Hua Hu! Remember that Mount Tai will be our territory after that. If anyone dares to make a fuss, I will kill him!" Xiong roared fiercely, the person in front only felt a tinnitus, and there was a golden star in front of his eyes.

"Boss Hua! I have met Boss Hua!" According to Chen Xi's arrangement, Tuo, who inserted in advance according to Chen Xi's arrangement, after everyone was shocked, responded loudly as if they had reacted suddenly. People are blindly obedient. After seeing the first one, naturally the second one and the third one appeared, and then there were roars one after another on the hillside.

"Okay, Boss will take you to rob other bandits, tell me where are the other bandits?" Hua Xiong roared loudly.

Hua Xiong roughly understood the confusing answers before, so he said loudly, "Let's go back to the village and set up soldiers and horses. I will show you what a robber is!"

After Hua Xiong returned to the cottage, there was another round of slaughter. A group of bandits, with no one to direct them and only knew how to be foolish, could not have any influence on a master who had separated his internal energy. The group of trustees under him were placed in high positions, and then the rectification was basically complete.

Hua Xiong took out the kit written by Chen Xi from his bosom. There was no clever plan, just a kit that asked him to do whatever he wanted. After recovering a cottage, he should train according to the kit.

Hua Xiong looked at what was written on the white cloth with some confusion. There was no precise training method, only one goal and a reminder.

The goal is simple. Train the people in your cottage to be fools. What do you say? Their brains don’t respond, and their bodies have already done it. The reminder is, don’t treat them as human beings. There is no difficulty, but creation is difficult. , Training to death.

Of course, in the end, in order to show his compassion, Chen Xi still added a sentence, I did this to give the bandits a chance to change their ways, and also to make those kind-hearted people stop being bandits. Other princes only need to surrender, but here I must let the bandits understand their mistakes!

Hua Xiong hardly understands the whole piece of nonsense, but he still knows the target, and he also knows the hints. For training, since the military adviser said he was going to train to death, then train him. Anyway, they are not his soldiers, just some soldiers. Bandit, dead is dead.

Apparently Chen Xi was completely different. His training to die was just a mantra, but when he arrived at Hua Xiong's place, he really trained him to die. Since he was a bandit, he didn't treat him like a human being. He died a hundred times on the first day. many……

On the second day, there was a bit of a military look. On the third day, some people couldn't hold on anymore, and they were dragged out to be buried. On the fourth day, there was a mutiny, and three or four hundred people died. Hua Xiong arrested all the people and continued training. Train for a month, then pull out to clean up the Taishan thief once, and then rest for three days before training, and the cycle repeats for six months.

Well, after 20 days, Hua Xiong suddenly found that the bandits under his command played formations more smoothly than his men, but obviously these guys don't understand formations, but Hua Xiong only needs to talk about that area, and how about other places , all the bandits were instantly regulated as if they had been injected with chicken blood.

And he also found that these guys didn't seem to be the same as those days at the beginning. Some people ran away today, and some people ran away tomorrow, and no one was clamoring to kill Hua Xiong in a crowd. During training, Hua Xiong said what they were doing, no The slightest delay.

Since these guys are so obedient, Hua Xiong didn't deliberately continue his inhumane training, such as climbing a cliff with a 300-jin boulder on his back, and he didn't have anything to eat for a long time. Well, for this, all the bandits are extremely grateful to Hua Xiong, which made Hua Xiong feel extremely unnatural, and unaccustomed to it, he leaked some benefits to these bandits from his fingers, such as extra meals...

Chen Xi didn't see this scene. If he saw it, he would definitely twitch. This is simply a mass production of Stockholm Syndrome patients. If you do this in the 21st century, it will definitely be destroyed by humanity...

Hua Xiong continued to train like this. He has trained the bandits very well now. There was a pit in front of him. Reflexively, what Hua Xiong said did not go through the brain at all, the body would obey directly, and the shadow of death forced this group of people into elites.

It's an exaggeration to say it's elite, but if you want to say that orders and prohibitions are absolutely first-class, they are definitely not comparable to ordinary teams. Xiong's training was stupid, and because of some kind of mental illness that Hua Xiong unintentionally caused, this group of people actually instinctively supported Hua Xiong...

Naturally, Chen Xi didn't know that because of Hua Xiong's misunderstanding, he forcibly trained the bandits to become the most order-obedient army in the world.

But even if he knew, there was nothing he could do. Although he knew it was a mental illness and knew how to relieve it, but one he didn't have so much time and energy, and the other was that he was bored and had something wrong!

As long as Hua Xiong doesn't say anything, who knows how these soldiers who supported him were trained? Besides, if it is cured, isn't it self-destructive? In this day and age, whoever cares about such small things is considered a good person if he feeds them. At least Hua Xiong made these bandits change their ways. From the perspective of the common people and the bandits, what Hua Xiong did is a good thing, so there is no need to correct them.

"Yide went to Taishan to find Zijian, and asked him to bring Sun Guan back to me. He dared to rob food. I haven't dealt with them yet, but they still provoked me." Chen Xi said angrily. Thieves and bandits, just let them go down the mountain to be common people with the facts. I didn’t expect Sun Guan to be so ignorant, and dare to rob him of his grain and grass, 80,000 loads. up.

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