Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 4376 The final stage

The changes in the Nordic shadow world were quickly noticed by Perenis, Huangfusong and others. Changes of this level were not only reflected in the celestial phenomena, but also produced changes in many aspects.

It’s just that at this time, both of them had other things to do. As for Opolis’s voice in the upper reaches of the timeline, it was actually obviously a little too late. With a time span of more than 1:10,000, even Opolis discovered the first It’s time to notify, but it’s already too late.

Every second represents a time error of nearly three hours. When Opolis discovered it, the Nordic shadow world was actually a foregone conclusion.

"What happened in the northwest?" Li Jue asked with some curiosity.

"I don't know, but it's definitely not a good thing." Zhang Ren said with a sneer, but he didn't care. Unlike the situation where he had to rely on others, now he can solve almost all problems by himself, so what, for Zhang Ren It doesn't matter, he just needs to go up and kill the opponent.

"Hong Gang, what's wrong with you?" When Zhang Ren set off, he noticed Wang Lei's expression and asked somewhat strangely.

"I don't know much about the secrets of the space system, but I'm not blind." Wang Lei was silent for a while and said, then pointed at the cracks that appeared in the sky, "The Nordic shadow world may be broken, such a big hole , didn’t you see?”

After all, Odin is the founder of the Nordic shadow world. He relied on the back door to drain out the Nordic shadow world in one go. This method is like demolishing a load-bearing wall. After demolishing it, although the house has not collapsed, it is only a few steps away from collapse. One step away.

The same goes for the Nordic Shadow World. After the last foundation was taken away, the fragmentation was already close at hand. Such a powerful world was about to end.

"It seems to be a huge hole." Zhang Ren looked up at the hole and pondered for a moment. Even if he didn't understand the secrets of space, seeing this kind of break in space, he somewhat realized what Wang Lei said. It does make sense.

But hasn’t it collapsed yet? Besides, even if it collapses, with his current ability, he can still fight out, not to mention such a big gap. Isn't this a warning to him that Zhang Ren will take advantage of this last moment to kill other disobedient Nordic aliens and capture them? Live the last chance?

"Let's go over there and see who is responsible. I guess it's the Odin Camillo that Opolis told me about." Zhang Ren rode away, looking completely devoid of awe.

"General, from the northwest, a large number of Nordic aliens have just descended, and it is not the previous model of one legion after another, and then merged with each other to form a group army, but an entire group army has descended directly. The scale is very large, and War Eagle cannot According to accurate estimates, the scale should exceed 500,000." Zhang Yong rushed over to report immediately.

Wu Xi used sonic vibration detection and also determined that a special arrival had occurred in the northwest. This kind of arrival was already very incredible at this stage. After all, this kind of arrival had occurred a few months ago in the Nordic Shadow World. There are fewer and fewer, and slower and slower. After the arrival of Odin, the collective arrival of this large-scale Nordic alien army has stopped.

However, now there is such a special large-scale arrival suddenly. As long as you are not a fool, most people can guess that it is Odin's fault.

"How dare you use our reserves to do such a thing!" Zhang Ren said with a ferocious expression. He was still waiting to kill all the Nordic strangers, and then use the remaining information of the Nordic shadow world to resurrect Yan Yan, Zhang Su and others. Well, it turns out that this guy Odin! court death!

At the same time, Odin uses special secret techniques to consult the new generation of divine guards created based on the information collected from the Nordic shadow world.

The more I understand, the more I feel the greatness of human beings in this era. The talent system and various types of structures that have never appeared before push human cooperation and wisdom to the limit.

"Humans are indeed an incredible creature." Odin said with some admiration, and then found suitable members from these millions of divine guards, shared his military command knowledge with them, and then formed a complete army structure .

It can be said that at this time, the strongest force in the Nordic shadow world is definitely the divine guards led by Odin. Other forces may have command capabilities that surpass Odin, but they do not have such an exaggerated force size as Odin. More importantly, It is also difficult to match Odin's military strength and command structure.

When Zhang Ren rushed towards Odin, Huangfu Song, who had already tested most of Pertinax's combat power, was about to take out his trump card and fight to the death with his opponent, but was directly grabbed by Xu You.

"Withdraw?" Huangfusong frowned and looked at Xu You and asked. He finally calculated the upper limit of Pertinax's command and prepared to launch a forceful attack to see if he could kill Pertinax. As a result, you tell me now that you want to retreat?

"The Nordic Shadow World is going to hell!" Xu You said with a serious look on his face.

After Odin extracted the final details of the Nordic shadow world, the special secret method set up on Xu You notified Xu You that the situation had changed. At that time, Xu You did not understand what had happened, but soon, as the sky cracked, Breaking the gap, Xu You instantly realized the current situation.

Huangfusong looked at the cracks in the sky and fell into silence.

At the same time, Pertinax also stopped chasing. He just pretended to be offline, and he was not really fused by Huang Tian. Well, even if he was fused by Huang Tian, ​​with Pertinax's Hierarchy, who is the subject or the two theories?

It was the collective will of Huang Tian and Pertinax to defeat Huangfu Song and the Han army, but in this situation, Pertinax looked bad.

"Xia Zhao said yes. Pertinax left with the yellow scarf and headed north. It seems that there is really a big problem." After Huangfu Song received the news from Xia Zhao, his face was calm and there was no trace of panic. , then lowered his head and thought for a moment, and immediately ordered all the armies to march north.

Although I don’t know what happened in the north, I can roughly think about it with my feet. It’s either Odin’s Yao Mozi or Zhang Ren’s Yao Mozi. If they come together in the past, they will know.

Perennis had a hard time annihilating the Steel Body Adaptive Group Army. Before he could clean up, he noticed the changes in the world and did not dare to delay. After killing those who deserved to be killed, Perenis also rushed towards the northeast. Go, as for the crack in the sky, the relationship between Perennis and Laitas is okay, and it is clear that this is the trace that appeared after the space was broken.

Zhang Ren was the first to arrive. After all, he was the closest. As soon as he arrived, he saw the densely packed and uniform Divine Guard Army on the horizon.

The chilling momentum and dense formation made Zhang Ren think of the serious palace guards he saw at Weiyang Palace for the first time, but they were just likenesses, not exactly the same. Besides, things are different now. In the past, even if it was the same, he would still die!

"This scale is a bit ridiculous!" Zhang Ren looked at the terrifying scale on the opposite side, his face was slightly cold, but he didn't have any fear at all. With his strength reaching Zhang Ren's level, unless the opponent could really come up with something, To crush his strength, otherwise, there would be no awe at all.

"I don't know why, but I have a feeling that this is our last wave of resistance." Zhang Ren took out his broadsword, wiped it twice, and said calmly.

"What else is there to say? Crush them." Li Jue smiled wildly and reined in his horse. As for the large number of people on the opposite side, they didn't care at all.

"Yes, crush them!" As Zhang Ren said this, his body was already burning with golden radiance, and this golden radiance gradually gave off a flow of liquid metal, allowing all the soldiers who could see it to easily detect this. kind of texture.

The Xiliang Iron Cavalry roared and rushed forward. With the blessing of the Xiliang Iron Cavalry, the powerful bloom under the guidance of destiny, and the stimulation of Xuan Xiang in idiot mode, several special effects fully bloomed on the group of Xiliang Iron Cavalry rushing in front. The iron cavalry then slammed into the divine guards on the opposite side with the charging attitude of a dump truck. At that moment, many of the divine guards flew backwards.

One thing to say is that compared to other messy blessings, the rigid collision effect brought by the special Xuanxiang from Yizhou brings not only a blessing of combat power to the Xiliang Iron Cavalry, but also a blessing of morale. At the same time, the terrifying special effects of directly knocking the opponent away are really good at boosting morale. However, the situation this time is completely different from facing the 18th Route Overlord!

The divine guards who were knocked out did not directly lose their combat effectiveness due to the secondary impact damage. After being knocked to the ground, they got up not long after and continued to besiege the Xiliang Iron Cavalry as heavy infantry. Such a brutal scene was incredible. Zhang Ren's expression darkened.

"Open your jaw, attack with all your strength, and tear a hole for me on the opposite side." Due to the one-click integration of the Immortal Hand of Soldiers, Zhang Ren has been able to use a lot of knowledge from Huangfu Song and Han Xin effectively, which he might have used before. It takes many guesses to determine the opponent's talent structure, but now it is just a wave of testing, and Zhang Ren is enough to determine the core of the opponent's talent structure.

It's terrible. The situation is worse than Zhang Ren thought. The talents used by the Odin Divine Guard are still those released by Huangfu Song to the Nordic shadow world, but they are not only those that have been screened and verified, but also some of the current Han Dynasty and Rome is using the core architecture that has gone through many trials.

[Has the information about Super Heavy Step been leaked? 】Zhang Ren looked solemnly at the divine guard who was knocked away, killed, and even torn apart by the dragon spear, but still stood up and launched an attack.

Zhang Ren has long known that the Nordic aliens are human beings, so all the actions of the Nordic aliens will show the limit of power in line with the limits of human beings. Therefore, after encountering such heavy losses, they can still be alive and kicking and continue to attack. That's really There was only one possibility, the super-heavy-stepping Phoenix had nine deaths.

The Xiliang Iron Cavalry is very strong, very strong. Even the so-called heavy infantry restraint is just a joke to the Xiliang Iron Cavalry. The double-talented heavy infantry with adaptive base, under the special effect of Phoenix Nine Deaths, He was also the target of being crushed by the Xiliang cavalry.

An opponent that only needs to be killed several times will be extremely troublesome for the Xiliang cavalry, especially after the dragon spear stabbed to death a spearman, and the spearman climbed up again after a while. After getting up, Zhang Ren realized what the core of the opponent's talent structure was.

"Odin, is this all you can do?" Zhang Ren used his secret technique to taunt the divine guards rushing towards him. He completely ignored the more than 100,000 divine guards with more than 100,000 military units extending from the left and right wings to outflank him, and directly ordered The entire army launched a frontal assault.

Odin himself has regained his faith. As one of the very few gods in the mythical world who identifies with human heroes, he returned from the ancient mythological era and saw human civilization. What he wanted was not destruction, but a test to test whether human beings can Qualified to stand on top of the world.

Therefore, Odin, who originally did not need to answer, faced Zhang Ren's rhetorical question and directly responded by calling on the world's heritage, "Every time you kill a divine guard, the guardian who is connected to the world will absorb the world's heritage and be resurrected. When the world is shattered, this mechanism will be embedded in your world, and the immortal heroic guardians will roam your world!"

Hearing this, Zhang Ren's forward movement was so immediate that he almost threw himself out. He never thought that Odin would answer, but Odin's answer had a greater impact on Zhang Ren than if he didn't answer.

"I am the God King Odin, so what should you do now, human being?" Odin's somewhat teasing voice fell in Zhang Ren's ears, and Zhang Ren looked gloomy.

If you fight, you may not be able to win.

What's worse is that if you win, the Nordic shadow world may be broken. After the fragmentation, the Nordic shadow world will be absorbed by reality. This mechanism will also be absorbed. In the future, these divine guards can directly absorb the details of the real world. It will continue to exist and will come back to life.

Odin said no more. This was his test for human beings. Compared to doing other things, he preferred brave men among humans, weak humans. In the age of mythology, only courage was worthy of praise. Of course, this is no longer the case. The Age of Mythology, but Odin's arrogance still remains in the Age of Mythology, and he still looks at today's human beings with the same eyes as before.

Zhang Ren's face was extremely gloomy, and the momentum of the charge was even somewhat contained. More than a million divine guards who could resurrect from the dead entered the real Nordic world. Even with Rome on their side, Zhang Ren could not afford the consequences. Such pressure, for For Zhang Ren, it was too heavy.

"I am indeed a waste." Zhang Ren sighed, and then the great secret technique was activated, completely erasing all morality and shadows in his heart, and the glorious Nordic divinity emanated from Zhang Ren's body.

No hesitation, no fear, just determination.

"Guided by destiny, the God of Death comes to the world!" Zhang Ren, who has lost his humanity, directly activates the destiny and is resurrected?

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